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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. Poke1 1. Two Heads???? 2.Part White 3.evolved Poke2 1.Shell 2.Red 3.Yellow head Poke3 1. Yellow 2.Non-evolver 3.Four feet Try mine sorry if I got in the middle of one but there have been no posts for hours
  2. all i can emember is TyphlosinLv 99 Charizard Lv99 Entei Lv90 LugiaLv99 TyranitarLv99 VenasaurLv78
  3. can anyone tell any too I went to the old one but I was tired of restoring can anyone name any others
  4. First, of all I wouldn't buy the hat and secondly wouldn't it be prejudice if people get the Crap beaten out of them just because they like something and the other half of people don't. It's people descision what to be a fanatic about and lastly i stick to the video games and shows not clothing of pokemon, or other anime because like many people say I'd be dissed at school. (even though i already am for playing the video games):worried:
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]Different people have different opinions and are entitled to it. This topic focuses on both Pokemon and Digimon so why can't the Digimon fans voice their opinion? The forum may be Pokemon, but this topic asked ppl which one is better. I don't care much for either, but some facts are bottom line: -Digimon did not copy Pokemon. Anyone who thinks that is just pure dubbie. -Digimon came out in 1991, Pokemon copied and came out thereafter. -In the TV shows there is no comparison. Digimon at least has a real storyline going from season to season. All Pokemon is about, is ppl who never age, going around throwing Pikachu's T-Bolt against TRocket every episode. Its pretty pointless. -The video games are kind of a stalemate. The first Pokemon games were ok, but the new games are just copies off old ones. -Anyway, I say Digimon has a better show. But in the game world Pokemon is more dominant...not to say Pokemon is a decent game or anything. [/B][/QUOTE] Fine and dandy but my poketeam dosent stink
  6. I wouldn't consider Thunder flamethrower Fire Blast and Hydro Pump bad and dumb attacks
  7. MY TEAM DOSEN'T SUCK FOR GOD SAKES except Sunflora:angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :cussing: :cussing: :angry2: :angry2: :cussing: : :cussing: : and I've been playing pretty god darn hard players
  8. Dogs rule even though there hard to catch there worth it afterward Fire Blast Hydro Pump and Thunder would woop Articuno and Moltreses *** but Zapdos rocks
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pastbyer [/i] [B] [color=green]What do you mean by that?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] When it evolves into Wigglytuff it learns some good moves
  10. I have six sisters to live with three older three younger so evryday I fight for survival with them
  11. D.Dark buu saga kick A** because theres all these people fusing and goku goes ssj3 but majin buu is really bad evil power:devil: :devil: :demon: :demon: :naughty: :demon: :flaming: :angry3:
  12. Well since you got everyone right guess so. So come on down saiyaman:wave:
  13. I have uncut pictures from the show but i'm trying to bring them up
  14. 3 seconds flat:therock: come on I havent lost a match yet and as soon as I find my crsytal I'll probably get a better team.And i just got an Alakazam that knows thunder Psychic Fire Blast and Hypnossis(SP) and it's my gold that I'm playing
  15. Saiyaman i was in a hurry when i posted them. So you got eight points
  16. Hey DBZ Final Bout dosen't suck but maybe the other DBZ games final bout is the greatest out of them all
  17. Good team we would probably have a good match because I've got a pretty good team to. They are Lv100:Charizard Item Charcoal Flamethrower Fire Blast Fire Spin Fly Lv74:Mewtwo Psybeam Psychic Flash ???Forgot Lv55:Skarmory Metal Claw Fury Attack Toxic Fly Lv88:Lugia Fly Hydro Pump Gust Drill Peck Lv66:Tyhplosion Charcoal Flame Wheel Flamethrower Thunderpunch Dig Lv88:Sunflora Solarbeam Razor Leaf Mega Drain Giga Drain
  18. Yes I am 1.What level does Tyhplosion learn flamethrower? 2.Whats Ho-oh's last move? 3.How tall is Pinsir? 4.If you put a Mewtwo,Moltres,and Dratini on a scale how much the combined weight be? If I'm not on when five people post someone pm by today or tomorrow and I'll pm you the answers because I've got exams (weird I'm getting them this early.):wow:
  19. ok fine with me You want to go ahead and start the quiz for tomorrow Squashed Snail
  20. I feel sorry for you people even though cartoon Network I'm gonna kick there a** ,but I have a cousin who lives in japan who sends me all the episodes in english. :babble::flaming:
  21. My Gamecube PS2 and with my bro's help this laptop +GBC+GBA and my cross neckless my most valuble (to me)outta them all.
  22. I just had the weirdest dream of my life last night ok here it goes. I was asleep in my bed and when i awoke in my dream I saw Digimon ,Tamers, Pokemon,And Trainers and then i saw the Z fighters (DBZ) and I was in a ref suit my hands were in the air by magic then they dropped then after a split second the Digimon where shooting fire and alot of other stuff at everyone while Tien ripped Ash limp from limp while Charizard was burning up Impmon,then there was a huge earspliting KA-ME-HA-ME-HAAAAAAAAAAa at everyone. and after 5 hours of:eek: wow: :wow: :worried: :nervous: :eek: It was blood all over and one person was standing i could barely see it ,it was....................My couch!!!??? I woke up and I was sweating with confusion who was standing and who ever it was what side was he or she on I walked upstairs and I hit the grandfather clock but it didn't hurt I was still asleep then I saw a shadow figure which was the same figure that was standing in the fight but then I really woke up. And for the past day or so I was thinking who in the fresh H*** was that person. But I've learned war is stupid unless it's cartoon anime characters
  23. Buu saga because of the characters and the upgrade to ssj3
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