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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. Nope they arn't from whta I've been hearing
  2. My favorite would be either SNES or PS2
  3. I might as well post a quiz 1.Whats lugias last move? 2.What level does Typhlosion learn Flamethrower? 3.What type is Steelix? 4.How do you get a Slowking? 5.What level does Ho-oh learn Future sight? First 15-19(depends on how long I'll be on) posts get the points
  4. 1.26 2.trade onix with metal coat 3.True 4.Suicune,Raikou, Entei 5.pidgey, pidgeotto, pidgeot, spearow, fearow, farfetch'd, doduo, dodrio, articuno, zapdos, moltres, hoothoot, noctowl, togepi, togetic, natu, xatu, delibird, skarmory, porygon2, lugia, ho-oh,Hop-ip, Skiploom,jumppluff(sp/)( Hop-ip, Skiploom,jumppluff are part flying and part grass) 6.Jolteon
  5. Sorry guys the site I got the kiss picture from is shut down
  6. What are the questions in the first place:confused: :confused:
  7. What kind of person would but N64 as bad it's a good system virtual boy i've played and don't like it
  8. I like the Washington Redskins (laugh if you want) and team U.S.A. for soccer:rotflmao:
  9. How do you go from newbie to young member to the next level etc.
  10. Misty as always and the same reason to make ash look stupid but I got some shocking news Sometime in the Johto episode Misty Kisses Ash ( I'm not lieing but I wish I had that picture of it)
  11. Kizu I hope you get Pikmon it's a great game once you get used to the way of the game:wave: :) :)
  12. O.K i said undecided because Um it's hard to decide without other people and I don't hate any of them
  13. o.k due to last thread of mine I'm doing the opposite whats your least favorite Nintendo System and why.
  14. Orinagally posted by Saiya man [/QUOTE] [B]Vejita : He has a big ego 'cause he is a Prince. He was a ruler of the most powerful race in the universe. His pride was the only thing he had. Even tho he expressed his pride to much in an evil way he still was a good guy. [/B] Like saiyaman said plus he was raised to rule other worlds because he was a saiyan prince also his father dying was the straw that broke the camels back (in other words he became totally ego with evil):devil: :devil: :devil: :naughty: :demon: :naughty:
  15. i said my friend to go to ****:devil:(i also called him some other stuff but It would take to long to mention it all) for breaking my mountain bike but it really was my enemy who snuck up and broke and left the evidence to my friend,(who I will keep nameless) and after I apologized he still never talked to me and after a month he moved away:bawl: :bawl: :( :ball:
  16. Ok people don't laugh at this it's kinda funny but it's really sick in my weridest dream I saw little kids and teenagers humping barney and he took over the world I woke up after that I:cussing: all night and then I ripped apart my sisters stuffed Barney doll
  17. I'm going to NY getting Super smash Brothers Melee. and visiting my cousins and:alcohol: but other wise watch my cousins:devil: :flaming: :therock: :shifty: :cussing:
  18. I don't care who copied off who but pokemons my favorite and everyone that voted for pokemon you rule:) :D ;)
  19. Who thinks I should change the poll to another thread. (even though you should keep one of it).(and I mention sorry for forgeting old school Virtual boy classifies as old school
  20. Now laqnce I'm not saying this might not work it has for me but sometimes it messed up(for my friends).:ball: This is a good cheat this cheat is how you get Celiba. First you need a female Alakazam and a male Megainium. Breed them.(if they ignore each other just keep going)WARNING: they will disppear after you breed them so double them. then after a while you will get Celiba. Note; it may not work.:ball:
  21. I don't blame you my sisters don't even know how he started
  22. First of all shyguy I'm not 8 seconed of all I'm sorry I forgot NES(cuz Mario series rocks)and Game Boy, and um the only reason I didn't old school systems (except SNES) is because my friends typed up the choices. While I was doing something.
  23. GameCubes the best plus all the good games it has.
  24. First of all N64 rocks cuz you don't have to wait for it to load. Game Cube rocks because of the series of other games are in it THPS3, SSB.Melee,etc. but Xbox (which I have) is like playing a computer game PS2 rocks also but my favorites are N64 andGame Cube. Plain and simple Game cube rules N64 rules it dosen't suck:therock: :therock: :freak:
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