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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. I think Nintendo is going uphill and also I've heard Gamcubes successor might be done and ready by 2005 a full year before X-box 2 and PS3. i'm not sure if it can play gamecube and gamecube 2 ( I'll call it that until theres an actual name for it and if it's actually coming out in 2005) yet but it sounds great. Back on topic. My library for GCN is huge and I mean huge in quality I may only have about 13 games but there all great.
  2. Uh this easy enough. for red+blue/yellow and gold+silver/crystal and Ruby and Sapphire name all the beginning pokemon and their evolutions?
  3. Name: Yami Race: Hedgehog Description: Much like sonic but he's silver with blue eyes. Bio: Yami: Was born on angel Island he didn't know many people becuase he was abandoned when he saw what looked like a falling star (shadow) he made a wish to have a great adventure and he set off to do just that. Specialty: Super spin attack, glide, homing jump, (A jump and then fly into your opponent but you follow them until there hit or you stop.) and spike attack. (Shoots spikes from your hair.)
  4. For some other matches in my opinion. Undertaker and Nathan Jones will win obviously Nathan Jones needs a big win and none other than wrestlemania will give him that and the Undertaker will most likely keep his unbeatable streak for wrestlemania streak. Rey Mysterio Vs. Matt Hardy: Rey Mysterio because he's been doing a good job since his his tag team titles with Edge I guess he deserves a win. Then again Shannon could interfere so this ones iffy. I believe that Rhyno and Beniot will win. So far Rhyno's done well and Benoit as well but again another iffy. Hoagn beats Vince because he's gonna most likley retire after this. Austin will beat the rock mostly because I think he's going to finish The Rocks behind before Rock goes back to Hollywood. This is also an iffy. Kane and RVD beat Morley and Storm unless Dudleyz interfere I think that Morely has no chance and Storm will being doing most of the work. So RVD and Kane are my pick. Raw was good last night.
  5. [i] The three agumons appeared[/i] Agumons: We have come for you. Guilmon: Me want tamer. Agumon1: Not if our master allows it. Guilmon: Oh yeah Pyhro sphere!! [i] He sends a big fire ball at one of the agumons. Meanwhile a kid was watching the whole thing in amazement.[/i] Kid: What are those things [i]looking at guilmon renamon and Foamon[/i] Kid: And what about those. [i] Then looks at agumons.[/i] Agumon1: Have to do better than that.
  6. [i] Yami and Demiveemon went to sleep again after eating alot of food.[/i] Yami: I wonder if Leigh really meant that the others (the goths) aren't really evil. Demiveemon: Well it's possible. Yami: well I'm to tired so I'll talk to you in the morning goodnight. Demiveemon: Goodnight hamburger I mean Yami. Yami: Fine extra pancakes for you tomorrow but no more calling me hamburger.
  7. Yami: Yugi I'll be back Valkyrimon lets go. [i] Yami jumped on valkyrimon as Gallantmon came next to him on Grani.[/i] Yami: Took you long enough. Gallantmon: can't I guy eat before he goes to battle where he will most likely be killed. Yami: I'm hungry. [i] Valkyrimon and gallantmon began charging the gigantic digimon.[/i] Yami: I think puppetmon has an idea just keep stunning that thing until puppetmon gets ready to finish him. Gallantmon and Valkyrimon: Alright. [i] Gallantmon began attack while valkyrimon with Yami on his back was slashing but was being carful not to hurt Yami. [/i] Yami: Joey send all forces in my coordinates. [i] Then he contacted star.[/i] Yami: Joey call every force you know and hurry over here with your force. Yami: Where going to need a miracle to beat this guy.
  8. And the best debut match Nathan Jones and Undertaker.Vs. big show albert. I'm hoping Rey Mysterio makes things interesting also. The triple tag team match gonna be da bomb.
  9. [i] Foamon and D. Renamon eventually get Guilmon to come to....school[/i] Guilmon: Are you my partner. Kid: AHHHHHH! Kid2: AHHHH Guilmon: How about you. Kid 3 and 4: AHHHHGERREEWREWR!! Foamon: Well this is working well.
  10. Thanks a bunch GoS *wonders if Kurt has a deathwish*
  11. for BC's question Chansey and Blissy?
  12. MUST WATCH RAW FOR GOLDBERG!!! Anyway anyone have a review for last weeks smackdown I missed it because of that darn " Block up almost every channel news report of war"
  13. My firend got time wizard as well. And I'm planning to get pegasus deck ASAP.
  14. Valkyrimon: There it is one of the digimon. Yami throught radio: All forces begin attacking grani make a force field for them. [i] Grani's eyes began glowing as a gigantice yeloow bubble covered all the digimon in the area[/i] Yami: Won't last long compared to that think one attack that is powerful enough will blow the whole shield up. Yugi: So. Yami: We strike quickly. Valkyrimon: Masters I suggest you two should take cover there are two other masters of digimon over there the Repitles and Magicinans. [i] Vlakyrimon dropped off Yami and Yugi. by Ryouka and Mina[/i] Yugi; So Yami which digimon of the trinity project is that. Yami: Beats me.
  15. Yami: Lets try it Veemon. Digiegg of courage time. [i] His d-tector glowed as veemon began to glow too the digiegg of courage flew at veemon.[/i] Veemon: VEMMON ARMOR DIGIVOLVE TO!!!!!!!!!! Flamedramon: Flamedramon! Yami: Duskmon's very strong so be careful. Flamedramon: I kinda already figured that out.
  16. ooc: It's ok with me. -------------------- Yami: But you ate 10 minutes ago. And how come you don't gain weight from all the food your eating. Veemon: I don't know. My stomach growls that means I'm hungry. Yami: Oh all right you can have my sandwich. Veemon: Yay [i] Yami hands him the sandwich after taking a bite himself.[/i] Veemon: YUMMY!! Yami: So what do we do now...............Leigh.
  17. [i] Yami was snoozing away while demiveemon wandered around the house. [/i] Demiveemon: I wonder whats in Yami's house. [i] after an hour he went back to Yami's room[/i] Demiveemon: Yami has a nice home and family I'm glad to be his digimon. [i] Yami's mom came in.[/i] Yami's mom: How come your not Veemon now. [i] Yami woke up.[/i] Yami: Hecan't stay as Veemon very long on Earth mum. Yami's Mom: Anybody want snacks. Demiveemon: ME!!!!
  18. When bee's or wasps come into our bus because people leave the windows open and people scream like there being tourtured mainly those in the front do it. although all our bus driver does is stop the bus and smack it with her shoe. likw what happened this morning Otherwise warm weather or a robin is the first sign for me.
  19. oOC: I just signed up. ------------- Ic: Travis: Darn I couldn't wait to have gotten out of there. Guilmon: Those kids at the foster home driving you nuts again Travismon. Travis: Yup and stop calling me a travismon Guilmon: Ok ok. [i] They begin walking when travis's d-ark goes off. Travis: Good news digimon Guilmon: yay new friends. Travis: Whatever. [i] They begin walking towards the direction that the d-arck was beeping[/i]
  20. Name: Travis Parents: None D-arc color: black Cards: Ultimate digivolution ( in the actual card game it evolves your digimon to the next level regardless of anything.) Metal Attack ( raises power) Digimon Partner: Guilmon Digivolutions: Rookie: Guilmon Champion: Growlmon Ultimate: Wargrowlmon Mega/Biomerge: Gallantmon
  21. *Reads one last time what lalith posted that had the strong content.* That's sick and wrong. If I was in jail for assasination I'd take a shot to kill Saddam anyday. Anyway I asked half the people I know who are against this war if they knew or were paying attention of the things some people like here ( because I showed most of them this thread) have said Suddam has done 99.9% said no. *Finishes useless sarcasm.* So pretty much sooner Saddam is gone the better I will feel. * Goes back to praying in his corner*
  22. oOC: Okay okay no need to yell at me to death. Who said I was going to attack right away. *coughs* ---------- [i] Yami Was at home when veemon armor digivolved[/i] Yami: So it does work. Flamedramon: FLAMEDRAMON!! Flamedramon: Yup Yami: Please try not to burn my house down. Flamedramon: okay but I think I an do a shield with fire. Yami: Great but not here. Flamedramon: Ok [i] He dedigivolved while Yami went to sleep and the demiveemon goes to sleep as well.[/i] Yami: I wonder what the others are up to.
  23. [i] Yami and Yugi were closing in on the cloud when they jumped off.[/i] Yami: Thanks for the right Grani. [i] All the digimon began walk over to them[/i] Yami: Be prepared for anything. Yugi: Uh-huh. Yami: Ninajmon: [i] Ninjamon walked up to him.[/i] Ninjamon: Yes ! Yami: I want you to protect master of insects if a digimon begins attacking. Ninjamon: Yes sir. Yami: Blackrapidmon. Blackrapidmons: Yeah Yami: Quickly go check whats cominhg from that cloud and uickly hurry back. Blackrapidmon's: Ok [i] They quickly fly up and off.[/i]
  24. I also agree Maven needs a match and I also agree the TE3 guys need a match not for wrestlemania but for Raw for the Last time I saw them they had a Singopour cane ( SP?) whacked on their heads.
  25. THEY HAVE GT HOW DARE THEY or should I say how dare US take that long to get it here. That's one of the reason's I'm convincing my parents to take me to Japan this summer. More anime more video games more fun for me and my sisters.
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