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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. Thats awesome yeah it would kinda suck to leave family behind and come back to welcome to hellzone/warzone US. Your trip sounds awesome. And if we survive through nuclear war by summer. Were going to either Japan ( I thought of this because my aunts there.) or South Carolina. ( More US war fun but it has a nice beach!)
  2. [i] Exveemon and Yami were still flying[/i] Yami: I don't think she's here maybe I'm parinoid lets head back. [i] When they get to Yami's Yami and demiveemon try armor digivolving[/i] Yami: Come on I know you can do it. [i] The egg begin's glowing. Veemon: VEEMON ARMOR DIGIVOLVE TO............ [i] He begins glowing as the egg flies into him.[/i] Yami: Yeah you did it veemon your armor digivolving.
  3. I usually have nothing much to say about war but that it kills, there bloodshed, and carnage, and that I hate it whether it happens or not. But because of what Saddam has done I'm 50-50 on it. I hate war but from the looks of it we have little to none much of the choice. But pretty much I agree with Ginny...........
  4. Ooc: :) --------------- Exveemon: There they are. Yami: Wait a minute. I knew it, it was another trap. Exveemon: Should we land? Yami: But not close lets pull a number on them. Exveemon: Huh! Yami: Sneak attack. Exveemon: Oh. [i] They quickly land nearby. [/i]
  5. [i] Gallantmon called Yami through radio.[/i] Gallantmon: Yami we found one of the trinity digimon he's near one of the other masters incase I'm sending extra forces your way. Yami: Got it. [i] He turned off the radio when they saw the reptiles and magicians.[/i] Yami: Ok guys just stand guard around here. Valkyrimon: Got it.
  6. Yami: Wait hold on if wormmons entering then where's leigh oh **** You get wormmon I'll be back. Veemon time to digivolve. Veemon: Veemon digivolve to......EXVEEMON [i] They begin flying up[/i] Yami: Time to run a scan on BlackAgumon.......got it lets roll. [i] They fly in the direction of blackagumon[/i] ------------ oOC: MUHAHAH my 1000th post at last.
  7. Gallantmon: And thats about it. Yami:So may we send help forces. Gallantmon: Yes we better hurry those digimon will be coming. Valkyrumon send a force of yours to help our master. Valkyrimon: May I go as well. Yami: Sure Gallantmon: Yami and Yugi you 2 may ride on Grani. [i] Grani flied into the room and Yami and Yugi hopped on.[/i] Yami: Lets roll! Yugi: Hold on let me check on Keramon. [i] Yugi quickly checked on the insects and when he found out they were ok they headed off[/i] Yami: This thing is awesome. Yugi: Yeah [i] Down below Valkyrimon with a few Mamemon, Dinobeemon, Knightmon, Nanimon, Blackrapidmon, and one Ninjamon began walking behind them while they were in the sky.[/i]
  8. [i] When Leon and Yami got back to digiworld they had a bad feeling[/i] Yami: Keep your eyes open and ready I know david's gonna pull something like last time so if they find us keep an eye out ofr any sneak attacks. Leon: Got it. [i] They once again walk back to were they abttle before 2 times already[/i]
  9. I hope Nash at least shows up at WMX19. And I have a feeling somebody is going to interfer with Rock v. Austin match. Can't wait for smackdown. Excluding the boring contract signing. I also got this preview from WWE.com [url]http://smackdown.wwe.com/preview.html[/url]
  10. I'm guessing 16-bits? *looks stupid*
  11. [i] Yugi and Yami who are on Valkyrimon's back begin seeing clouds.[/i] Yugi: What are those. Valkyrimon: That is supposedly is one of the three evil digimon from project trinity. Gallantmon found out about them long ago but because of their power untill you came he order as 2nd in command until Yami comes that all warriors stay on alert and in hiding. Yami: So how much longer. Valkyrimon: We are about here. [i] They land and quickly walk inside.[/i] Gallantmon: We got your message master so before we go out there I want to explain to you all about this mess. So listen carefully. Yami: Ok go ahead........
  12. [i] Whe Guilmon got to a bread store.[/i] Manager: AUGHHHH a monster. Guilmon: Bread please. [i] The man and people in the store run away while Guilmon pigs out with bread and banna's. When Foamon comes into the store.[/i] Foamon: Come on! we need to find our tamers. Guilmon: Okey dokey! [i] Guilmon takes one more loaf of bread and the 2 go off searching for tamers.[/i]
  13. Leon: That you really own the digiegg and I own the crest. Yami: That also means Kabuterimon can digivolve again and I can go to my armor form like Bucciemon. Yami: So what do we do now. [i] Exveemon quickly de-digivolves.[/i] Veemon: We EAT! Yami: Fine we'll eat but come back I want to test the armor form.
  14. How do you make it smaller again. I forgot.
  15. 1) What do you collect? Nintendo systems and games 2) How much of the item(s) do you have? about 30 things in all. 3) What is your favorite out of all the items? My Gamcube 4) How long have you been collecting it/them?Ever since my dad showed me what video games were. *hums to a happy tune because he's getting Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker this monday*
  16. Ok this is my rough draft of how it looks. *points at siggy*
  17. Yami: well for one thing it's not a digiegg. Exveemon: It can't be a crest. Yami: What crest. Exveemon:Of knowledge! [i]It comes to Yami.[/i] Yami: Well lets try it digivolve to ultimate. [i] exveemon digivolves but when he comes out of the light he still exveemon[/i] Yami: Wit the same thing happened to Leon. We have to find him. Exveemon: Lets go. [i]They once again fly off.[/i] ----------- OoC: No one do anything to me or silentdeath' char right now we pm'ed about how we would do this.
  18. I'd give raw B- but the Hurricane with the dudleyz made the show better. And if you all didn't. Jeff Hardy kissed trish how dare he I was supposed to when i built a time machine to become the next WWE champ. And go out with Trish. *Everyone stares at him because he begins mubling to himself.* *cough cough* Anyway I wonder if we should attempt creating a nWo banner.
  19. OoC: out of useless stupidity how did you magically find out iwas in digiworld besides the fact you read my post. OC: Yami: Uh-oh it's our friends. Exveemon: Shouldn't we head back and eat. Yami: You ate half my refrigerator already. Exveemon: Well lets look for a digiegg. Yami: ok ok [i] Begin flying away from the dark digimons destroying tricemon off when Yami's digivice went off the fritz.[/i] Yami: I think it's in that cave so lets start seacrhing. Exveemon: Can we cook digiegg after we find it. Yami: Your so funny.
  20. Yeah I gues raw was bad. Although I would have liked the lumberjack match better. I hope the Smackdown triple threat tag macth turns out good. Eddie and Chavo, Team angle, Rhyno and Beniot it should be pretty good. If it was a tag cage match that would be sweet.
  21. Exveemon: I don't see them yet. Yami: Uh-huh just keep a lookout. Exveemon: Got it. [i] They keep flying for a while.[/i] Exveemon: i can see something but I don't think it's them. Yami: Just getcloser to ground so I can see.
  22. Can't wait for wrestlemania and I hope Goldberg makes an appreance sometime before backlash! That would be awesome. OB's own n[B]W[/B]o that's cool.
  23. Yami: Somethings wrong in digiworld. [i] He looks through his laptop[/i] Demiveemon: what is it. Yami: Man one of those bad guys digimon digievolved passed champion again Demiveemon: How can you tell. yami: See those red glowing dots I tried to set the computer it to read digimon and there current level. It only works for a few. And white means rookie orange, means champion, red means ultimate, and black means mega. Demiveemon: Well I'm ready to rumble. Yami: Yeah but until you digivolve we'll just watch them. From above and if Leigh has a digiegg maybe there's one for us as well. Demiveemon: Yeah. [i] And quickly they head back in digiworld.[/i]
  24. Yami: Well how about our forces move closer near your area and we'll split everything 50/50. And I could also have Star help you insects learn to fight very well. Yugi: that might work. Yami: But just to be safe just give me your coordinates and I'll send force of Kotemon, Nanimon, and Black rapidmon for protection. And you can but the rice over there. [i] Yugi gave him the coordinates and Yami called Joey and he sent the forces in that direction. While the roachmon but the bags of rice at the outpost[/i] Yami: And joey where are the master of Magican digimon and master of reptile digimon. Joey: There on the mountain side but I am picking up big energy signals near them. Yami: Whats the nearest warrior force there? Joey: That would be Gallantmon's forces full of champion and ultimate digimon. Yami: Give him a message and tell him to keep a lookout for reptiles and magic digimon in the area if they look like there being attacked then tell them to attck those who attacking the reptiles and magicians. Joey: Ok. Yami: Get ready to move the fort around my coordinates. Joey: ok we will star moving now. yami:bye. [i] He closed a radio when a digimon flew right in front of hime.[/i] Yami and Yugi: Who are you. Star: It's Valkyrimon Valkyrimon: I thought you would need help master Yami. I'm Gallantmons assistant I believe Gallantmon wants to speak to you. Yami: He does. well ok. Star: keep in charge and help the insects if they need help. [i] Yami turned to yugi[/i] Yami: Would you like to come?
  25. [i] When Yami got home he ate and Demiveemon ate more.[/i] Yami: i was just wondering. Demiveemon: Yeah. Yami: Can digimon fuse into one. Demiveemon: Come again. Yami: Could 2 digimon possibly fuse into one more poweerful digimon. Demiveemon: I think it's possible why do you ask. Yami: Curious.
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