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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. Guilmon: I'm hungry for bread!!!!! And peanut butter with bannas. Maybe my tamer can help me with my hunger. If I can find one now if I was a portal where would I hide. [i] Begins looking around until he finds a gigantic portal.[/i] Guilmon: Mesa found one yipee. [i] He quickly jumps through later he's in the human world when he spots another digimon. [/i] Guilmon : Hiya who are you?
  2. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm For pokemon blue at the very beginning what are the default names for your trainer.
  3. Yami: Veemonyou ok. Veemon: I'm hungry. Yami: ok. [i] He gives him a snack while hoping he'll get up and get up and fight again.[/i]
  4. Yami: It's a trap but I always have a back up plan. [i] Yami secretly grabs something then he and demiveemon head to digiworld.[/i] Yami: digivolve. [i] Veemon quickly digivolved and they flew off[/i] Yami: we'll get their quicker flying.
  5. Yami: I have a cold feeling about all this. [i] Then the insect master followed by lots of insects.[/i] Yami: So you finally made it whats you name? Yugi: yugi yours. Yami: Yami Yugi: what just happened here we came here when all this digimon were fighting. Yami: Well for some reason the machines began attacking the reptiles then hell broke loose. Yugi: Oh Yami: Guys you can bring up the outpost and search team you can head back. Yugi: What now? Yami: Well we can make theexchange or whatever it was now and I'm gonna make sure the reptiles get to their first stop saftly. Yugi: Ok
  6. Yami: Oh joy what to do now. Demiveemon: Rest up perhaps. Yami: Very well. [i] Demiveemon went to sleep as Yami went to sleep and wentdown stairs to eat. [/i] Yami: I wonder if Demiveemon can digivolve to veemon than exveemon and maybe obve that he said that digimon could surpass the fhase of champion like exveemon and even go to ultimate and mega. Veemon said that he had no mega form but he does have an ultimate.
  7. Name: Travis Mcloud Age: 18 Description: Gold hair blue eyes and gren vest with black pants. Bio: Travis learned about zords after he graduated from the Air Force. He now has 2 of his own zords. One from his own money and one from his friends at the Air Force. Zords: Sky dragonzord and Megazord. Zoids Stats. Megazord:Weapon: Mega Sword Lv.1 attack: Energy blast Lv. 2 attack: triple slash. ( it goes like this a jumping upper cut slash. And slashing going straight down as you fall back to the ground and a final slah to you chest.) Lv, 3 attack:Fire slash with powerup Ultimate Attack: The lighting slash. Change mode two: Megazord blaster mode. Weapons: Grenade launcher and the ultimate blasters. Lv.1 attack: Grenade blast: lv.2 attack: ultimate grenade blast ( which is rainfall of grenades.) lv: 3 attack: laser blast. Ultimate attack: Rain of lasers ( The megazord shoots loads of laser shots and they begin falling down on their opponent.) Zord: Sky Dragon Weapon: Steel Talons lv. 1 attack: Talon slash. lv. 2 attack: Talon missles. lv. 3 attack: Rain of fire Ultimate attack: Rain of hell. Chage mode to: Sky dragon ground mode. Weapons: Dragon sword, sky saber lv. 1 attack: Dragon Slash lv. 2 attack: Sky slash lv. 3 attack: Sky dragon slash Ultimate attack:SkyDragon Lighting strike Battle Ops Decription: like the dragon zord except its light blue and shorter with wings. Sorry If I sound too powerful.
  8. Yami: How did you people get in my room. Leon: How is this your room. Yami: Because you came throught the T.V which is linked up with my laptop. [i] Turns off laptop Demiveemon: Cool! Motimon: Interesting. Zach: how do we get out. Yami: Doors right there take a right down the stairs and the front doors right there. Motimon: Thanks bye. [i] Everyone left the room[/i] Yami: I pray they have computers.
  9. Oh joy ok i think it's: Eevee at night: Umbreon Eevee at day/morning: Espeon Togepi: Togetic Chansey: Blissy Golbat: Crobat Pichu: Pikachu Magby: Magmar Tyrogue: happiness or get to level 20 with attack > than defense: Hitmonlee Tyrogue: happiness or get to level 20 with defense > than attack: Hitmonchan Tyrouge: happiness or get to level 20 with attack = defense: Hitmontop Elekid: Electabuzz Smmochum: Jynx Clefa: Clefairy Igglybuff: Jigglypuff I THINK thats it.
  10. Digimon: Guilmon Description: Strong, quiet, and tall Appearance: this guilmon has a darker red skin than the one from S3 Digivolutions: Guilmon, Growlmon, WarGrowlmon, Gallantmon. Tamer looking for: Travis
  11. Yami: Nice job Veemon. Veemon: Yeah that was awesome. Yami: Ok lets head back. Veemon: Yeah we don't want your mother screaming again. Yami: You mean after the time she found out you weren't a toy. Veemon. [i] Veemon and Yami began running back the way they came. After an hour of walking they found the T.V[/i] Veemon: Sorry about that. Yami: Remind never to ask a Starmon for directions.
  12. Yami: Cool looking minifort guys. Star: Yami the search force is here. Ninjamon: You want to speak to me sir [i] He came up to him slowly and shyly. Yami: It's ok I know you lost your brother and I'm sorry we never ment anyone toget hurt but I had to make some kind of order to stop from the reptiles being completely destroyed. Ninjamon: I understand. Yami: i want you to have this I think your brother would have wanted you to have it. [i] Hands him the star[/i] Ninajmon: Thank you sir! [i] The ninajmon jumps up and hugs him.[/i] Yami: No problem now I want you to head inside it's going to be dark soon you need digisleep. Star you can head in to. Star and Ninjamon: Yes sir. [i] They walked inside while Yami looked up to the cluds.[/i] Yami: I promise Haku you will pay for what you have done to everyone. [i] And when Yami said that Star could sence hate in his young masters eyes and body.[/i]
  13. I bet thats why Angle had his clone. Because the WWE thought if any damage was done to his already injured neck at that match it could affect his wrestling at WMX9. Then again I'm probably being paranoid and he likes cheating.
  14. Yami: wonder what is going on with the insects. Star: What if something is happening to them. Yami: I hope not. [i] Yami calls joey throught radio.[/i] Joey: Yes Yami. Yami: Could you send a search team down here. Joey: sure. Yami: are there any other ninajmon over there. Joey: only one he dosen't feel well he said his brother were one of the Ninjamon who died from the Andromon's when they threw their stars. Yami: Tell him to come with the search team. Joey: Ok over and out. [i] Yami put his digivice in his pocket.[/i] Star: what do we do now. Yami: tell the exchange force to start and outpost here we'll be here awhile. Star: Ok. Yami: and star. Star: Yeah Yami: Is it possible to take a life of a digimon to save another. Or the weapon of a digimon. Star: possibly why do you ask. Yami: well i overheard that the........nevermind. Star: Ok.
  15. Yami: exveemon go after the BlackGrowlmon. [i] Exveemon began puches and kicks at blackgrowlmon.[/i] blackGrowlmon: Take this [i] blackgrowlmon smacks eveemon with his m arm knocked exveemon back alot[/i] Yami: Try a counter. Exveemon: Exvee laser. [i] He shot a laser at blackgrowlmon but way off red greymon was watching laser fly off.[/i] blackgrowlmon: what a lousy................ [i] While blackgrowlmon was distracted Exveemon did a midair kick right to his head.[/i] Exveemon: Gotcha! Yami: All right exveemon keep it up.
  16. Veemon: V-headbutt!!! [i] Out of the sky veemon headbutt shadowrenamon in the chest. and shadow flew back a few feet.[/i] Yami: Nice shot now time to digivolve. [i] His d-tector began glowing.[/i] Yami: This is awesome. [i] The light went at veemon as he digivolved.[/i] Veemon: veemon digivolve to!!!!!!!!!!!!! [i] As veemon was hidden in the light he began changing into a huger more powerful creature[/i] ??????: Exveemon!!! Yami: Cool.............ok exveemon get ready to attack darkguilmon
  17. Yami: Well insects aren't coming anytime soon. Star: Look at all this ruined. [i] Yami: walks over to who looks like the master of the Reptiles. when he picks up ninjamon's star before he died.[/i] yami: are yo people gonna be ok. [i] Ryouka looked over at him.[/i] Yami: i know what happened so there's no need telling me. But if you need supplies you can use our forts supply anytime if you need them. [i] Yami grasps the star out of anger for what the machines did to his ninjamon.[/i]
  18. Yami: So what are we doing exactly. Leon: We are following wormmon because it's to dangerous here. Yami: Oh. Veemon: Oh yeah forgot to mention you'll get yourself killed or eaten alive if your not carefull. [i] The group continues walking.[/i] Yami: is it just me or is everyone getting hungry.
  19. Yami: wonder if there any kids around here. Veemon: Maybe. Yami: Uh-huh Veemon: you never know what could happen in the digital world. [i] Contiue walking when they see something or somebody up ahead.[/i] Yami and Veemon: Wonder who that could be. [i] At a faster pace then before they keep walking[/i]
  20. I can't ollie for beans but I can manual to nose maunal and flat land tricks but I suck at ollies.
  21. Yami: So why are we checking my computer again? Veemon: Use your digivice. Yami: Ok. [i] He sticks he digivice to the computer. And he gets sucked in with veemon and in a few seconds there in the digital world.[/i] Yami: Thats so sweet. Veemon: Yeah to bad it's your first and my 30,000,000. [i] Yami stares at him. [/i] Veemon: Just kidding. Yami: How are we gonna get back. Veemon: That little T.V. [i] Veemon points at the little T.v that show Yami's room on the other side.[/i]
  22. Yami: Veemon so were's the digimon world. Veemon: it's to confusing to explain. Yami: If you say. Veemon: so.................i sence digimon bad ones there nearby. Yami: Lead me to them. [i] Veemon began running in direction and Yami followed with his d-tector out.[/i] Yami: I wonder if there good digimon or bad?
  23. [i] Yami begins walking to the reptile bridge slowly he stops and think the turns around and contiues waiting.[/i] Yami: Why do you think the mchines did this. Star: From the looks of that one digimon who had the human in it there looking for something. Yami: We need to join forces with all masters if we can defeat them from coming back if they plan to. Star: Do you think they will evacuate. Yami: I don't know but standing here won't do much. [i] Through his digivice joey called in.[/i] Joey: The forces are back at base we lost a few due to injuries and few from insanity. Yami: Make sure you make graves for those we've lost. We must respect those we lose to battle. Star: It looks like the reptiles are moving. Soon [i] He points at a few reptiles heading to their huts.[/i] Yami: Well lets help. [i] Into the digivice[/i] Joey are the insects nearby.? Joey: Yes they are very close by. Yami: ok send a force who can help move heavy objects. Joey: Will do. Yami: Ok I'll call back later. Joey: Bye. [i] With that Yami begins heading to the reptile village to see if he can help at all.[/i]
  24. Yami: so how many are gone gone. Star: Loads of ninjamon, mamemon, kotemon, nanimon a few more digimon I don't know and Blackrapidmon. Yami: And grani? Star: He sent all info of this back to Gallantmon. Yami: Tell Joey to send a med team for the injured I must wait for the insect master err I mean I'm wait ing the insect master to come out because I think he's nearby. And except for the Kotemon and Nanimon send the rest back to base. And the injured Nanimon and Kotemon may go back as well. You can head back to. I wonder where the reptile master could be in all this carnage. Star: Beats me and I sent the message to Joey, Yami: Good have everyone but those being exchanged head back. Star: ok
  25. [i] Walked out of Math class when he saw veemon.[/i] Yami: God, if I keep getting D's I'm gonna be grounded for life. Veemon: YAMI!!! Yami: Oh hello are you the reason I got this. [i] Shows him the blue digivice. Veemon: Sort of. Yami: Thats good enough for me. So your a digimon right. Veemon: Yeah. [i] Veemon and Yami began wlaking when they saw 2 other kids with the same type of d-tectors as his but diffrent color.[/i] Yami: Thats cool more digimon. Veemon: Yup.
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