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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. Star: when are they coming. Yami: Send rest of forces and then get ready for a retreat if we need to. [i] A an explosion cam from behind the machines[/i] Yami: What was that. Thundermon: Uh Mamemon. Yami: How'd you get here. Thundermon: I brought renforcemnts. Yami: Were? [i] Thundermon points at the huge group off kotemon, Nanimon, and one Black rapidmon, and starmon with 1 or 2 Mamemon, shurimon, and Ninjamon. and nearby yami saw a robot type bird near a group of vademon.[/i] Yami: Is that Grani?! Thundermon: I think Yami: ok begin attack so reptiles can retreat. ----------------- OoC: Sorry if i sound like i have an army
  2. Actually I noticed Ash's shirt was diffrent as well. I can't wait until they show Zigzagoon he has a catchy name. And I actually know what he looks like. The show should be great. I wonder how there gonna split Ash, Misty, and Brock on the last Johto epi. But isn't it coming on in about in a year
  3. Actually I'm terrible at asking questions better at answering so someone else can ask.
  4. Name: Yami Hasiko Age: 17 D-tector color: blue Hair: Black Eyes: Green Digimon: Rookie: veemon Champion: Exveemon Ultimate: AeroVeedramon Mega: None
  5. Yami: ok Ninjamon do it again and uh starmon sned a meteor shower there not many of these guys left. After that I'll jump down to help. [i] Starmon jumps down from the tree and does a meteor shower destroying about 4 machine digimon and Ninjamon slash out the next 3[/i] Ninjamon: argh Starmon: Yami we lost one Ninjamon: Ahhh! Starmon: and another. Yami: Ok Nanimonannd kotemon attack. [i]Yami jumps from the tree down nearby the reptiles as the Nanimon and Kotemon attack[/i] Yami: The machines should be retreating soon I hope considering there master dissapeared. And I also hope they insects can come so we can start with the program. Star: We lost loads Kotemon already and a few nanimon. Yami: And the machines. Star: They should be gone soon I hope.
  6. Yami: Ok it looks like the guy in the machine monters gone so we should attack the machines. Ninjamon forces jump in toss your stars quickly at a few machines and head back. Ninjamons; yes sir. [i] With that 3 Ninjamon jumped out used their stars on an andromon and the andromon fell to the ground.[/i] Ryouka: What the heck were those. [i] He points at the three blurs that destroyed the Andromon.[/i] Yami quietly: Good job now leave it to me now. [i] Through his radio[/i] Yami: Insect master this is Yami we found out that a persone maybe the master of machines has dissapeared by another digimon grabbing him and vanishing we believe the machines are intentionally attack the reptiles so attack them with a few of your fastest monsters and quickly call them back that way we can make the alliance and treaty alittle more peaceful.
  7. [i] A few minutes later near the village Yami got a signal[/i] Yami quietly into the radio: Yes Thundermon our forces are in the area. Yami: How many. Thundermon: me, a group of kotemon , some starmon and nanimon and a few ninjamon. Mamemon said he'd bring a few knightmon and maybe blackrapidmon. Yami: Good if you spy the insect digimaster tell them were nearby and try to figure out whose in more trouble and danger we attack the ones who look like there intentionally doing this attack. Since were near there domain of the reptiles we want peace so they can't attack out forces. Thundermon: Got it. [i] Then Yamisent a message to Joey[/i] Joey: Yes we have gaurds here two ninja mon and a few mechanic Shurimon. And we have word that Gallantmon's horse Grani as he calls it will be cheking in on us. and send word to his grup of digiwarriors. Yami: Ok keep in touch. Joey: Will do. Yami: Ok Star keep an eye on this a bit longer I'm sneeking in.
  8. [i] A loud beeping sound came on radar.[/i] Yami: What is it. Star: Digimon loads of them they look like there heading to the reptile domain I can tell what type they are in a minute. Yami: Any reply. Joey: Yes they said they can't give you the info but they have military forces. If we join alliances. Yami: Who? Joey: The insect master. Star: Ok I found them there machine types. Yami: I wonder why machines are heading to reptile domain. Time to make an order Joey call Thundermon tell him to call a small party of back up like maybe some rookies and champion digimon. Give them the coordinates of were to go I'll keep in touch. Give the insects a reply of whats going on and ask them for a small spy party and tell them if the insect master can meet us in the reptile domain area we can form our alliance and sort out everything whil keeping track of whats going on with the other masters. Star lets go. Joey: Good luck. [i] With that Star and Yami run off with a pair of radios and Yami's digivice and with that Joey sent Thundermon and any nearby digimon to head to the reptile domain but stay in hiding and just spy on whats going on.[/i] Yami: And tell them to be quite and send me a message through radio to me when there nearby.
  9. [i] Yami immediately woke up[/i] Star: what is it! Yami: i visioned something through my digivice a digimon or something I can't remember that well. Any update. Joey: Not really a few digimon came and went we couldn't tell what type. Yami: Oh [i] Yami looked depressed.[/i] Star: Don't worry we may find some allies to help us like maybe the possiblity of the insects and reptiles who I think are nearby. Or we could all get along all digimon together. Joey: We won't know anything until a reply is sent. Yami: Got a point there.
  10. First question the baby most definately the grandmothers dead soon enough and the teen blew his chances in life so the baby who would most likely grow up to get past high school and college. Excluding an annoy few years I would have caring for that baby. 2nd question: Yeah I would do it, if I got a loaded gun then I would use my last miliseconds to think how would my day go if I had won the 1 million dollars. And remind myself gambling is stupid. I doubt I could think all that up in time. If I picked an unloaded gun then I'm 1 million dollars richer.
  11. Star: So you think the message got out. Joey: Just to be safe I sent and extra message for any allies who would like to join forces with us and explain the war to Yami. Star: I guess all we can do now is wait and fight off any other digimon who oppose us. Joey: Why do you sound like we have an army. Star: On the way to Thundermon's I senced digimon that might have been Gallantmon's secret forces. Joey: Oh yeah like he'd be around these parts he's off keeping peace with warrior digimon. And since the closest digimon near us are they reptiles..... Star: Insects as well. Joey: so you think we can join forces with either one. Star: Until then we wait for a reply. A possibly return from Gallantmon or a visit from one of the other masters.
  12. Yup and if you get a dvd version you get a suicune card. And from WB there having pokemon T.V series based on Ruby and shappire next year. And I don't know about the 5th movie.
  13. Use a quick attak and the tackle and/or take down.
  14. Yami: What next? Jeoy: Until a reply is sent we need to build up forces how about you and I go look for any nearby warrior digimon outposts. Yami: Warrior digimon what?? Joey: Outposts are smaller versions of our base. they have foodfirst aid and communication but first we need to find one on our radar so it will take me a few minutes. Yami: Ok I'll take a short nap wake me when it's time. [i] Yami went in the corner and got a pillow and some covers.[/i]
  15. [i] An hour later Thundermon comes out of the room[/i] Thundermon: all better and yami if you need a backup of troops just call me. Yami: thanks for your help [i] And with that Thundermon flew off[/i] Yami: Now to send a message. [i] He begins typing out to anyone nearby who could come to the base explain whats going on with this war? That they could be allies maybe. And finally Joey put in cordinates.(sp?)[/i] Star: I hope someone finds us. Yami: and if trouble comes well we can always call Thundermon.
  16. I't depending mostly moving but sometimes my dad allows me to stay alone in the truck with it on whil he runs in the store for something. Amazing to say but my sisters and there friends are video game fanatics. There actuallya challenge in some games. I already bought kingdom hearts and smackdown I can still get 2 other games i'm on amazon looking at the main ones i like. Red faction ,GT3, and timesplitters 2
  17. Yami: How much longer. I swear it's longer getting there then back. Star: We are here. [i] Deputymon walks up to them.[i/] Joey: I figured where to use Thundermon's power right this way paease. Thundermon: Ok. Star: So you think we might reach anyone. Yami: I hope we need someone one of the masters maybe but someone to explain this place to me a bit more and we need an ally or two besides us warriors. Star: Yeah I guess you have a point there.......
  18. Star: meteor Crush [i] This time he realese a more powerful one that hits Thundermon who gets up and gets hit by the remain meteors and is KO'ed[/i] Yami: You ok. Thundermon: Sorry I thought you were an imposter with this war I couldn't trust anyone. Yami: Star you took him out quick. Star: I think your digivice did it. Yami: Oh I came to ask you to help our communication we need to communicate with one of the Masters to help me understand this war and such more and we need more allies. Thundermon: Sure [i] SuperStarmon returns to his main Starmon form and they continue walking[/i] Yami: I sure hope we see somebody heading back Thundermon: you mean the reptiles. Yami: Oh you mean were still in that area. Thundermon: Yeah I hid here thinking nobody could find me but since the reptiles are living here I stayed on high alert. Star: Whoah that must be scary. Yami: Well when we head back maybeJoey err deputymon can have first aid for you. Actully Joey sounds like a good name for deputymon. Star: Sure. [i] And the three continue walking back to the base.[/i]
  19. Sold my set for $100 with my snow shoveling i got a couple boxes and PS2 game all at same store.
  20. It's rumor only but there maybe making Wrestlemania XIX better stuff this time if it's true.
  21. Yeah like more the weather man said a few inches of snow to shovel is enough to get more games but Red Faction II's good. But then again I have about 2 1/2 days. also to note i have 4 other sisters so multiplayer is why im getting GT3 and Smackdown.
  22. OoC: I checked the digidex he's there there's just no info on him yet. Except that he's mutant and i also checked starmon's possible growths and there was superstarmon. And yes i know that there are no user-created digimon. i'm not that stupid:whoops:
  23. [i] They make it to thundermon's cave at last[/i] Yami: thundermon Thundermon: Who's there!!! [i] Rhundermon comes out and looks like an tiny ball that from close up had a thunder mark on his forehead[/i] Star: This is the master of Warrior digimon. Thundermon: Yeah right [i] A that second Thundermon shocked Yami into the ground.[/i] Star: Hey stop that Thundermon what you gonna do. star: Meteor Shower [i] A rain of stars came falling on thundermon[/i] Thundermon: Humph Thunder blast [i] With one blast starmon's on the ground with a tired boy Yami gets up[/i] Yami: thats it stop now Thundermon!!!!!!!! [i] His digivice glows really bright from his pocket he takes it out and shines it at Star and the light explodes big enough for it to be seen far from here[/i] Yami: Star time to digivolve Star: Starmon digivolve to......... [i] Starmon slowly changes in the glow of light into his Ultimate form.[/i] Star: SuperStarmon!!!! Thundermon: he really is the master Yami: Now it's our turn to fight. Star: Oh yeah!!!
  24. Actuaaly I like most genres it just depends how good the game is to most people. Yeah I throw up up to when I played when I had PS1. But because the window's open I get used to playing in there. You guys can keep posting if you'd like I'm not getting the games until saturday but my main list is: Grand turismo 3, Kingdom Hearts, Smackdown (finally I'm done but more snow in our forecast oh goody.) and I'm deciding between MGS:2 or Red Faction 2. Thats it untill I either change my mind and I will or more games come up. Thanks all who posted.
  25. I'm very sorry with your current problem and bestwishes for you to cheer up. Anyway well I think like Frogie said wait awhile if she still tends to "avoid" you when you want to speak with her again do your best to be patient until she is ready to talk. But if she contiues to act the way you've explained and if you keep getting more upset then I if I were you would go to her at a time you'll know she isn't doing anything or go right up to her and explain to her you need to talk ASAP or right then and there and you don't want to lose your frinedship and you postively have to talk to her. It may sound harsh but hurting your self is no better. Sorry if you think I'm a bit weird but I really hope you get back together soon. And when you do talk ask her in a nicest politest way possible why she's acting diffrent or to you seems to be diffrent. Best wishes. Benji (no not the dog :P)
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