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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. OoC: Crap i feel like bad about leaving the post so i'm back. IC: Zach: Well veemon we need to a score to settle with mister reaper. Veemon: Should we help that thing so we can buy more time or should we head to a chamber. Zach: Well David is the better leader I guess it's up tp him. veemon: okay but can I go aeroveedramon Zach: ok? *uses a digivolve card card he found when they were finding stone #4.* [i] In a flash veemo goes to exveemon then AeroVeedramon.[/i]
  2. Yami: There yet. Star: Almost. Yami: Couldn't this thing be a phone or radio or something.[i]Points at his digivice.[/i] Star: Maybe Deputymon can fix it up when we get back. Were almost there but be careful I sence digimon. But don't worry if we stay clear and on this path we'll make it to Thundermon's place. Yami: Ok got it. [i] With that in mind Star and Yami hurry ahead to Thundermon's cave.[/i]
  3. Well my dad is getting a new truck with a PS2 installed. He said I can get around 1-3 games anybody have ideas of good games. Excluding Kingdom Hearts which I'm already getting Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth which I 'm getting when I get enough money shoveling yards from the snow we got. About 10 houses left to go. And Grand Theft Auto Games my parents hate but I like them. Thank you.
  4. [i]Star and Yami are close to Thundermon's cave but nearby is the boarder to the land of reptile digimon.[/i] Star: Keep your distance Yami this is the repitle masters area we should just stay neutral since were on a peaceful mission. Yami: Ok but don't sound so worried it's not like they'll come up and capture us or run into a battle or something. Star: I'll try Yami. [i] And once again they keep walking[/i]
  5. [i] when Star and yami got to the base Deputymon began explaining[/i] Deputymon: You see there are other masters of digimon. Yami: You mean there are diffrent types. Star: Yup even thought you are master of warriors like us there are masters of other types. For example there is a master of insect digimon. Also there is a small war breaking out. Yami: So there are others like me. Star: Well were not sure we tried to contact one of the masters but our communications aren't that good it couldn't make it so we called you it made it but it took you until now. Yami: so 1. How do I get home? 2. Where can we get the tools or items to help power the communication? Star: well the digivice got you here it can get you back and don't worry Professor Deputymon here studied human world it's time goes a bit slower than ours so don't worry about getting wherever you came from in the human world late you have time. Deputymon: and your other question there is a digimon named Thundermon who can help us but he will only help if you ask him to. Yami: can't you say I did. Star: Only face to face. Yami: ok you guys are good warriors right. Star and Deputymon; Yup Yami: Then lets go get him you can be bodyguards I can ask Thundermon if he can help the communications we see if anyone's nearby and the main problem solved. Star: Lets go! Deputymon: I'll stay behind and watch. Yami: Ok but keep trying that signal. Deputymon; Ok
  6. Brendan Frasier would play me. Happy Music: outkast- the whole world Sad music-Nickelback-hero (from spiderman) Love music- I'll figure that out later. Ending: Ok I'm also I'm a shootout with the sad music from nickel back and a guy tries shooting my girlfriend played by Cameron Diaz for the money I take the bullet and act like I'm dying even though three days later I do. Anyway the guy played by Pierce Bronsman the only true james bond who is not related in this movie comes up to finish me off I turn around and with my Wolfman PP7 I give him a headshot. 2 days after getting married I die with yet more nickelbck sad music. Time: About 1 hr 45 minutes because it will only show my important past and present events with the ending partly made up which takes place about 9 years later.
  7. [i] Star and Yami were walking towards Star's supposed base[/i] Yami: so how big is the base? Star: Not that big and Deputymon is there so it not might be standing when we get there. Yami: Is he clumsy? Star: Yep! Yami:Oh [i] Star and Yami continue down the path.[/i]
  8. [i] Yami finally stopped falling and landed in the digiworld.[/i] Yami: Where am I? [i] Out of nowhere a Starmon showed up[/i] Starmon: wlecome to the digiworld. Are you Yamisuka Yami: Yeah but you can call me Yami. [i] Yami is a bit freaked out when he says this.[/i] Yami: Are you a.....a... Starmon: Yup I'm a digimon and your the protecter or you could say master of Warrior digimon. [i] Yami looks at Starmon with his mouth hanging open while he's thinkg how his visions were the truth.[/i] Yami: So my visions were true. Oh one more question can I call you Star for short. and how can I get back home. Starmon: Sure no follow me and I'll show you my good frined Deputymon. maybe he can tell you because I have no clue. [i] Starmon begins walking while a confused Yami follows.[/i] Star: Oh and one quick thing. Yami: yeah. Star: Did you get a digivice Yami: You mean this thing. [i] Shows digivice.[/i] Star: Yeah you can use that to help power us up. Yami: Ok [i] And they continue walking.[/i]
  9. OoC: Sage I signed up a bit late.........sorry ---------------------------------------------------------- IC: [i] Yami is sound asleep when he wakes up in a fast manner as if something scared him to death.[/i] Yami: These visions what do they all mean first the digimon then the those other people then the digimon who look like cool fighters or battle warriors say that I'm there protector. Then my laptop goes carzy with that glow with the image pasted on it. [i] Yami's father calls him in the next room[/i] Yami's dad: Hey Yami could you come get me the remote, and a drink. Yami: Sure. [i] Yami goes in the kitchen gets a glass and fills it with ice nad water. he goes to the living room gives his dad the drink and gets the remote.[/i] Yami: I'll be on my laptop. [i] Says this while turning on the T.V and handing his father the remote[/i] Yami's dad: Ok but remember we need to get some flowers for your mom this afternoon ok. Yami: Got it. [i] Goes into his room and locks the door and looks with his wide open eyes and his laptop which once again glowing a bright light with an odd shaped image on it.[/i] Yami: Whoah!!! i wonder..... [i] Yami moves the mosue over the image and clickes it. Then like a vacuum he gets sucked into his lapto and is free falling when he feels something flie into his hands.[/i] Yami: Whats going on!!!!!!
  10. Are there any spots left? if so I'll just take whats left. Master Of warrior Digimon (if it's left) Name: Yamisuki Dusaki (yami for short) age: 14 gender: male Description: about 5 ft. 11 inches almost 12inches has black hair blue eyes and has always worn the same blue vest with black baggy pants. bio: After finishing 9th grade Yamisuki went down downhill in life. His mom was in a car accident and his dad was injured from bank robbery during his police shift all in the same week. With his mom dead and his dad not able to do much. Yamisuki begins working for money so he can help support his family but one night while alseep he had a vision of himself with weird creatures who called themselves digimon. The next night he had a diffrent vision but it was still with the digimon but there were others with him. Still confused with his latest dreams yamato tries to find a way to see if his visions are even real. Beginning partners (not close partners): Joey: Deputymon Star: Starmon. I meet with them when I first get in the digital world.
  11. Debresko got my Bonus right. And Takuya got my main question right. And I think it's BigCajones turn. *Also waits*
  12. Congrats Lady M........babies are cute but loud and there fun to play and teach to. How I know is because I have a baby sister that was born almost 8 months ago. Can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl. Once again congrats!
  13. In Zelda: Ocarina Of Time who is the forest sage? (Easy enough) Bounus:In the same game 3 stones are you supposed to get before you revieve the Ocarina of Time, and pull the master sword? (It's a bit easy but I hope I worded it right.)
  14. I think it's 42 wrestlers and for matches handicap match and Hardcore match.
  15. He wants a rematch. He found some pokemon forgot which pokemon. Darn I forget the last one
  16. There are 25 wrestlers and the bonus Cage Match Hell In the Cell tag match 1 on 1 macth triple threat fatal four way table match ladder match Ironman match TLC Battle royal royal rumble.
  17. I'm sorry about what happened to your brother I guess sometimes things happen that we don't want to happen. The closest member I lost was my mothers dad...my grandfather but I was little so I don't remember much. I hope you cheer up soon. Best wishes to you and your family.
  18. 11 I think *Turns off his gameboy...j/k*
  19. I'm sick right now actually I can barely look at the screen I'm gonna end up knocking myslef out. Oh well the weather forecast for us in northern Virginia is a foot of snow tomorrow that should get us out of school.
  20. Maybe 60 excluding those pokemon signs. I.e. ( the smog that looks like koffing, etc.)
  21. If you by some odd reason found out what would happen to you from tomrrow until your death how would you react all you dreams would be either happen or not if you knew thw future. Anyway how would you react.
  22. This july I'm off to Hilton head South Carolina. and while I'm there I am going to surf, swim, get chased by a crocodile, and catch a sting ray. I might not accomplish the last 2 but I can dream.
  23. 20 hours of painful battling or 700 VS. matches.
  24. 1 of my best friends is a girl and then I have another friend whose a girl and I haven't had a problem with it and neither have they.
  25. If I would die I would want to be a triceratops because I would want to know how dinosaurs supposedly lived millions of years ago.
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