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Everything posted by GotenksSSJ343

  1. Sorry about whats happened to ya Lady_M *looks at veggito 4's sig then continues* But the best thing to do is get divorced with this guy in my opinion.......hope it turns out well for you. :) *Pictures what he would do to the guy*
  2. Gosh whats taking so long! [i] Gets home and inside he sees a mouse[/i] Travis: Mousy!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!
  3. [i]Begins following[/i] Yeah lets er....nevermind.
  4. [i] Grabs book,pen, and show and makes a run for the store and attempts to sell to the higest bitter[/i] Travis: $$$$$$$$$
  5. [i]Travis is looking throught the dump when[/i] Travis: Crikey! This looks interesting. [i] He begins pulling and falls onto his head. [/i] Travis: i'm weaker than a kitten or that thing is freakin stuck. Oh well time to do some unknown havoic to the other team.........hehehe
  6. Well one thing is true that except SSB:M Gamecube's controller is not all that good for fighting. This game I'm getting definately right after starfox adventures... *pictures himeself with Ryu beating the heck out of all his opponents.* This game will be awesome!
  7. This one might be better from the looks of the levels and I think I've seen the red robot before just can't remember. Anyway this one maybe cool but I like my Sonic CD the most. Oh i just noticed that bird behind Amy in her snapshot if you can't see it look in the mirror reflection you can see it better that loos like one of those Flickies from Sonic 3D blast. *reburies his sega games*
  8. [i] Travis takes out his lightsaber and activates to stun setting.[/i] Travis: If it wasn't for that darn killing spree rule I'd be having heads rolling by now.....oh well. [i] Travis uses the force to try and knock Seifer about 50 ft. away from the stable. Then he slashes all the crud in the road blocking the path to the lighthouse.[/i] Travis: Earth to mellow yellow this is a code red!!! Wake Up! [i] continues to destroy some of the caltrops[/i]
  9. Travis: Time for some chaos. But firts I'm saying for FRED TO GET THE DARN STAR! [i] Then Travis reaches to the force to do a little jedi mind trick to hypnotize the other team into going the wrong way.[/i]
  10. Travis: *yawns and then mubles* I have the hurge to go send a fleet of Y-wing to blow up.....................*stops when he notices he's lossing his focus again.*
  11. Travis: Hello [i] a guy in whit suits comes from behind [/i] Hold on a sec. [i] he takes out his lightsaber and lightly grazes the guy shoulder and he fals off a cliff and Travis puts back his lightsaber.[/i] Hehe 120 5 to go.
  12. Well unless you've heard (I always hear stuff last) the parents of a young daughter are sueing the people who created spongbob. One day the family was in there boat and the little girl a spongebob fan jumped out of the boat and drowned trying to find "sponegbob". i really thought it was sort of the parents at fault because they never told her that sponges don't talk or live in pineapples with snails. (aka: cartoons arn't real.) Explain your thoughts.
  13. OoC: now thatt sounds like the way yoda talks.... IC: Kyle: OH YEAH!!! [i] Fires his fireball attack by Bowyer just huts it back making Kyle runoff in buring pain screaming[/i] Kyle: AHHHH it burns it burns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bowyer: Shut up you will. [i] he grabs Kyle and throws at a blinding speed off into the clouds and Kyle managed to yell out................[/i] Kyle: This is not my dayyyyeeeee. Bowyer: hahahahahah! Who's next to lose they will!
  14. Hold on a second I just noticed that at the beginning someone was holding baby Daisy in a basket. The woman supposedly her mother could have been Peach... then again.
  15. Name: Travis age: 15 From: A galaxy far far, away..... Luxery Item: X-wing (with permission to fly if not) Blue Lightsaber Brief Description: A Jedi has robes, a black shirt, and black pants. Info: A Jedi Knight who just needs to whoop Up on some Imperial butt to pass the trials to become a master. After he tries something fun, like this.
  16. I play video games mostly Twisted Metal Black, GTA VICE CITY, Star Wars, some game that you can cause mayhem, or reading....
  17. [i] Kyle stood on a warp pipe watching the castles as they noises erupted.[/i] Kyle: Time to kick some koopa behind. [i] He took out his bow and arrow and shot it to a castle wall and it hit. But there was string attached and he fired himself out of the warp pipe along the string and in minutes he would be in the castle.[/i]
  18. [[IMG]http://smilies.networkessence.net/s/contrib/edoom/heads_or_tails.gif[/IMG]IMG]http://smilies.networkessence.net/s/contrib/edoom/heads_or_tails.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/edoom/Wizard.gif[/IMG] These just scare me. And I'll get in trouble for this. [IMG]http://smilies.crowd9.com/contrib/tweetz/spam2.gif[/IMG] [IMG][/IMG]
  19. Uh the best moment was when I found out they were making a Mario game for GCN. one year of waiting was worth it.
  20. I saw that coming I think there making Pokemon stadium 4 with online play also with GBA Ruby/Sapphire hook up. If it does go online there goes another $8.46
  21. The game right? Try WinMX But keep it very specific because when I searched legend of zelda I got loads of songs some were by the actual game some were from system of a down and other groups.
  22. These boards are the best.....rules or no rules this is the best place online I've been to. * Walks back into the zone of silence where nobody hears you*
  23. EVERYONE!!! why? Well everybody here to me is really really really really really really really really super :)
  24. Well back when my parents were younger it was a diffrent teaching standard for my parents so and now ( depending on the schools) the teaching easier or harder.......even though I'm passing algebra and failing english ( im doing so-so in everthing else.) my parents grounded me why? He had one of those this is the time were your grades count for you to get to a good college and yadda yadda talks and he does for me because unless it's me (most likely) some colleges now and classes are harder to pass unless your a genius which I'm definately not. So just study untill you know it well enough to do it in your sleep... then pass the exam and hope your dad will put a lighter punishment on you. *See's hand puppet point a sign at him.:stupid: *
  25. No I'm not angry i just foud out from gamespot THQ with help from new buddy developers Pacific Coast Power and Light has made a new wrestling game....but this ones a bit diffrent......how diffrent well here's the small info I found thanks to gamespot. Car combat meets the World Wrestling Entertainment in this game. Wrestlers get into cars and shoot each other. It's called WWE Crush Hour! It comes out this March for PS2 Xbox and Gamcube. 1 snapshot is all I got. If that dosen't work then you'll have to wait a bit and I'll try getting another one soon.
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