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Everything posted by tatsuhiro_8819

  1. ADV has licensed the first ten episodes of this series to be streamed on Crunchyroll.com I think it is a good anime one of the funniest I have seen in a while. My favorite episode is the third one which should be up on Crunchyroll.com next week. For more info about Welcome to the NHK on Crunchyroll see this [URL="http://www.theanimenetwork.com/news.php?selectNewsID=149"]press release[/URL].
  2. Hi I am new here and I was wandering if someone wouldn't mind making me a banner/avatar set that goes along with the TV show Dexter? I am not real picky maybe something cool or futuristic like. Something that works well with red maybe. Maybe my names in the signature ([B]tatsuhiro_8819[/B] and [B]1400_alucard[/B]) I use tatsuhiro_8819 everywhere except for one place. And could two avatars be made? One that fits the OtakuBoard restrictions (150x80) and one that is 150X150? I plan on using the avatar on another forum as well. Here are some pictures I have if they are needed. [IMG]http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s275/zidanetribal2000/dexter_title.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s275/zidanetribal2000/dexter2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s275/zidanetribal2000/dexter.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s275/zidanetribal2000/dexter-season-2-promo.jpg[/IMG] [indent][color=green][b]Boo-[/b] Edit (Merge):[/color][/indent] I guess no one wants to take on this request :(
  3. Newbie here to OtakuBoards! I just found out about this site by surfing the web. I am 20 yrs old and I love anime. Some of my favorite animes are Welcome to the NHK, Full Metal Panic!, Hellsing, Texhnolyze and Serial Experiments Lain. I haven't read a manga yet despite watching anime for the last six years of my life. Some of my favorite non-anime shows at the moment include Big Brother, Dexter and Tracey Ullman's State of the Union.
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