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About zkaminski

  • Birthday 05/28/1980

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  • Occupation
    Computer Programmer
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  1. Hello, Although this already has been noted, my personal #1 is: Chrono Crusade, [spoiler] Rosette and Chrono's death. You see them battle the entire series, just to end up using all of Rosette's life energy in the last fights... I was truely hoping that they would have a sequel, but given that they've killed off the two main characters, I think my hope has been fizzled... Also, wanted to mention that it was sad what happened to Father Remington. Although he didn't "die", a bit of his character did when you see the very ending, with him dirty/homeless at Vatician city.[/spoiler]
  2. Hi Everyone, I'm new to the OtakuBoards, so please bare with me! There's been a few anime series that have snagged me first thing. The one that is top of mind - Chrono Crusade. The concept and the spin on Church was interesting from the get-go. The action is top notch, with music (at least I think so) that matches. There series continues to build more and more. I was a bit disappointed by the quick ending to the series, but overall love it! It was the first anime series I got the whole DVD series. Another one - Noir. Although slow in pace, it uses that to make you wonder, "What next?". Like Chrono Crusade, it builds and builds! The story really sucks you in, and the gun play reminds me of an action movie. The series that has my eye now: Elven Lied (sp?). I caught an episode on Anime Network, and have been hooked since. - zkaminski
  3. RPG's would be the ones that have clocked time like that.. :smirk: Final Fantasy VII (PC) - Love this game, and can't get enough. If you really build up your crew, you can easilly spend 100hrs on. :smirk: Skies of Arcadia (Dreamcast) - Another great RPG. Again, if you spend time building your party, you can rack up the hours. You need it for the last boss battle - yikes! :smirk: Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening - Although I haven't spent 100hrs on one game, I've probably spent that time on several run throughs. -
  4. I'm a bit of a classic game player - not really into Xbox 360/ Playstation 3. I tend to go for the older systems (Hey, $3-5 for a game; can't beat that!). For what I'm currently playing: Sega Dreamcast = Tennis 2K2, Just finished Grandia II Super NES = Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
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