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Lord Sephiroth

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Everything posted by Lord Sephiroth

  1. Name: Kesan Race: Saiyan Wiegth: 210lbs age: 25 Hiegth: 6'5 Bio: One of the last remaining saiyans Apperance: Wears all Black Stats: Speed: 10,000 Strength: 10,000 Ki: 10,000 Defence: 10,000
  2. My little brother is trying to register why can't he
  3. Ok chose a car from GTA3 and make ajustmints to it. I'm startin a race. You have 6000 points to shair out between these. Car: Speed: Strength: Armour: ------------------------------------------------ Car: All black diablo stallion Speed: 2000 Strength: 2000 Armour: 2000
  4. When Goku is every old there was peace until now an enemy is back an he is even more powerful than every. This enemy is Majin Buu he is eating people destroying towns and cities. these people need your help. You can be an original character or a made up one Name: Race: Age: Heigth: Bio: Apperance: ------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Naplem Race: Namek Age: 28 Hiegth: 6'4 Bio: one of piccolo's good friends on old Namek Apperance: Wears all black no turban but a blue cape and blue belt
  5. Piccolo: So what do we do now??? Gohan: We wait and train
  6. Name: Piccolo Age: ??? Bio: Same as always Description: same as always...again Stats:12,000 Strength: 3,000 Speed: 3,000 Ki: 3,000 Accuracy: 3,000
  7. Name: Ryu Age: 25 Race: Namek Height: 6'4 Weight: 230 lbs Discription: Like piccolo except wears black no turban Bio: a cousin of piccolo Stats: 5,000,000 Strenght: 1,000,000 Speed:1,000,000 Agility: 1,000,000 Inteligence: 1,000,000 Ki: 1,000,000
  8. Name: Kenji Race: Human Age: 26 Weapons: two Uzis with armour piercing bullets Gender: Male Vehicle: Black Infurnce Appearance: Looks like Ethan Hunt from M.I.2 Bio: Friend of future john
  9. Name: Age: Gang: Wheels: Favourite radio station: Weapon: (hand gun at the start then go Ammu Nation) Cash: $1000(at the start) Everyone starts on Portland (if you work for anyone on another Island go to the payphone in Hepburn Hights) If you run out of jobs come to me in St. Marks Bistro ------------------------------------------- Name: Mario Leone Age: 25 Gang: The Leone Mafia Wheels: Mafia Sentinel Favourite radio station: Lips 106 Weapon: Handgun Cash: $1000 This is set three months after GTA3 You arrive back in liberty looking for more work but no-one regognisies you. You join a gang of your choice. The missions are all new from every boss but you can acces any island from the start. By the way i'll make up the boss whos gang has N/A beside them. All the original bosses are back except those who died. New missions will be discussed. So will the New Bosses for these who have none. Ray and Donald are back. Diablos boss: El Burro Leone Boss: Joey Leone Triad Boss: N/A South Side Hoods: D-ice Yakusa: N/A Cartel: N/A Yardies:King Cortney
  10. [I]When Frodo thought he had the ring destroyed think again for the nine kings the were change into dark knights. They melted down their own rings and the Dark Lords ring dawn and made a super ring known as Hades' ring. The power of Hades' ring is more powerful than that of the Dark Lords. Now we must retrieve that ring[/I] [I]Middle Earth is in danger and we mut do somthing now go to the Frazer bar in the Shire and meet Mr. Frazer the ranger he will give you what you need for a small fee of course...now let the adventure begin[/I] You have 200 luna's (money) When about 11 ppl have joined I'll start ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bow:40 40 arrows: 50 sword: 20 shield: 40 quiver: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Age: Race: Job: Weapons: Bio: Apperance: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Heraldra Age: 800 (49 in human years) Race: Elf Job: Imperial Gaurd Weapons: don't have any yet Bio: trained by his father Apperance: Long blond hair, brown boots, gold tunic and a brown cape
  11. Name: Alvador Age: 500 (37 years in human) Race: Elf weapon: sword and shield Bio: Learned how to fight from his father and learned his local area from his grandfather. Appearance: A brown cloak, brown boots, green tunic and brown hair
  12. [I]Just before Squall can answer Falcon says somthing[/I] Falcon: Where are Andrew and Craig??? P.S. I'll be starting up a new tread soon feel free to join if you what, not until this over however
  13. [I]Just before Squall can answer Falcon says somthing[/I] Falcon: Where are Andrew and Craig???
  14. Why did the Cetra create Jenova
  15. [I]Falcon runs down to the Rufus and Zack[/I] Falcon: So what's your plan about the trucks, Craig and Andrew have got to take out rh guns on the them
  16. Li: I'll train by fighting some one else how about you Gotie
  17. [I]Mean while with group one[/I] Falcon: Craig you destory the guns on one of the trucks once the guns are out we suchn't have a problem. Craig: right. [I]Craig runs off[/I] Falcon: Andrew you take out the guns on the other truck. Andrew: And what about you. Falcon: Hey its me.
  18. [I]A transporter brings us down to the battle field[/I] Li: OK we're here look out for Tsufuru-jin soldiers fight now spread out on the count of three one...two...three NOOOOWWWW
  19. Falcon: We'll split into two groups, one group me, Andrew and Craig the other ye three. Falcon: We'll meet at the convo at 06:00 do what ever you can to get that convo right...right. But first we need a plan anyone??
  20. Name: Barrett Wallace weapon: gun arm materia: fire, iferit, barrier Limit: Satalight Beam
  21. [I]the time has come to take the offensive Emperor Vega has a fort near Kijin[/I] Falcon: OK move out Vega's troops will soon be looking for us come on let's go
  22. [I]Before the time of goku, saiyans ruled half of their planet and where fighting the tsufuru-jin the saiyans need more fighters here come some[/I] name: age: powerlevel: (less than 4000 in sign up then you get more powerful as you go) bio: Appearance ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- name:Li Omega age: 25 powerlevel: 3000 bio:sent to a saiyan fighter camp when 16 trained by master hijin then news came to our camp ''a war had broken out and looking for fighters''. so master hijin picked the most powerful out of the camp I was the last to be picked. Appearance:a black suit of armour.
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