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Everything posted by Beba33
If i'm home and i take naps i will leave it on.. but other than that its off, nyt nyt my mac ^^
my BFF dragged me into a weightwatchers meeting because she's starting it and she wanted a buddy, counting points is hard, hay! :animedepr
I was working when it all went down. I didn't find out til a customer walked in telling us, I was a bit shocked. but nothing to cry over. I was actually giving him about 10 more years but it was cut short. MJ, your music will be resounded for years to come, don't worry, you'll be making money even now that you're dead. And I hope God lets you in as your original form, because I personally like you black better.
[quote name='Lunox'][font=trebuchet ms] I secretly wish I was a cool black person who could dance their *** off so I could have an excuse to wear these: [img]http://i44.tinypic.com/2mg6rmr.png[/img] After having N.E.R.D come to our school this feeling has only intensified. Also I wish to marry Pharrell.[/font][/QUOTE] who cares! those shoes are awesome. make it, buy it! omg thatr remidns me of um. techonologic : buy it use it break it.. something something lol.:animesmil
Love can never be fully understood. .
Mr Harrison!! Ahihi.. Ok what's your last name then?.. if i think what i think it is... Ah! jwok. ;)
Harrison. like mr harrison from south park? Ahaha! I'm sorry but that's the first thing that pops to mind
[quote name='3minds']Sense all of us play video games whats your top 3 games. 1. Fable 2. Sims 3. Halo[/QUOTE] Lemme see... lemme see.. my # 1 hands down: Zelda on gameboy and nintendo 64, it's what got me all fussed up about RPG's in the first place. #2!:?? so hard.. -_-;... Final Fantasy 9 and 10.. i just can't pick! plus cinematechs are sooo good.. I think that's the only thing that keeps me wanting to play RPG's.. the graphics.. Mmmm ^_____^ and #3... I'd have to say soul calibur two, love Talim. did i spell that right? haay naku!
Alright. Hi! My name's Yuliem. Don't ask me what that means i've spent my whole life trying to figure it out and no one in this world has been able to tell me. People call me shorty for the most part [ I AM 5"2 so ya ] or Yulie. I was born and raised in Tijuana Baja California in Mexico and came to CA when I was about 5 or 6 years old. I used to be a tom-boy until I saw sailor moon for the first time :p. I tried to follow the whole story but i had to go back to mexico for educational purposes and then got all into DBZ and I finished it before I came back to the USA. I didn't get into manga until high school when I officially had become a book worm, I read memoirs of a geisha way before it was made into a movie, along with Narnia, Tuck Everlasting, the Da Vinci Code before it had become a popular book. During my manga madness, I had read over 120 different stories, from Love hina, Xxholic, CLover, Tsubasa, Rayearth, Ayashi no Ceres, Blade of the Immortal, all of the ranma stories [ they tend to get off from the real stories and go into mini stories, i think that's why there's so many books for it ], The battle of angel alita my fav. thus far, and Paradise kiss, these are only a few i can think of the top of my head that I really enjoyed. Nowadays, I haven't gotten a chance read many manga but i keep up with anime. I'm a college student and my plans are to transfer to San Francisco state and go on a study a board program to japan, I am majoring in foreign language but right now i'm taking it easy. I play the piano and love to swim. I also do archery and this summer i hope to get into hip hop dancing. I work at payless as part time, i've only been there for about 8 months now and i'm bored already :animesigh. I actually came across this page because i was looking for wallpapers and wala! i saw some pretty cool fan work and it really took me by surprise how good these drawings were. I'm not an artist by the way. I love video games. Mostly RPG and some kind of fighting games. none of that sports crap, why play in the tv when you can do that outside? waste of time.
Well for me I got to say it was sailor moon. The way they had incorporated jupiter as a tom boy who ends up having feelings for uranus was a surprise to alot of us over in USA. And not to mention the last season with the trio who are disguised as a boyband but are actually sailor stars! And to top it off the main girl falls for uasgi.. Weird* . It might not seem too awkward now but back then most of us were around what? like 10 or 12 years old, we were a little shocked.