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Nagare Boshi

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Everything posted by Nagare Boshi

  1. Yup! Square's making a sequal to a Final Fantasy game! [url]http://www.playonline.com/ffx2/index.html[/url] Now...can anyone read Japanese? :) Anyhow...a quote from the group where I got this. "Two years following the ending of Final Fantasy X, Spira a world full of technology and Machina, Yuna is popular for her summoning feat so long ago. (She uses Guns for weapons now! GUNS!!! I suppose it makes things easier, though...) She eventually finds a sphere, holding the memories of a man that somewhat resembles Tidus. And being the beautiful heroine with bold morals, as she is, she runs off in search of him, but once again, the world ends up in peril, and her and her new party-members (one of which is Rikku, the other of which is some un-named unknown feamale), run off to save the planet!!!" [size=1][color=green]Merged your thread with this already exsisting one. Please next time check to see if a thread like the one that you are thinking of posting exsists. Thank you. -[b]Break[/b][/size][/color] Hm...intriguing...ne?
  2. Kurt crouched down, manevering his boomstick next to a piece of rubble on top of a few others. He concentrated, and then took a firm grip on the stick as it extended, shoving the rubble off. There was a man on his side under it. Kurt balked, then hesitantly touched him, to see if he was alive. In response, the body rolled onto it's back, showing the burns that went through the bone. With a startled cry, he backed away, tripping over another piece of rubble. He landed on his back with a grunt. For a few moments he remained there, before looking up slowly at the body. With the equivilant of his cheeks burning happening to him, he stood up slowly...knowing that they did and yet hoping that nobody saw. The small reploid swallowed, shook his head, and tried to get back to work. He cautiously moved another piece of rubble, backing away slightly in case there was another. There was one - but when he reached out to touch it, the man moaned softly. Kurt could tell he was hurt...but he didn't know /how/ hurt. "H-hey! I found someone!" he shouted over his shoulder. "He's alive!" Then, after pausing for a few moments, he added, "Maybe he saw something?"
  3. *Laughs* I remember when that just came out and was still on a freesite page...the bandwith got shot to heck! ^_^ I was so glad when retrofaction hosted it. I remember some of the people on Mega Man MUSH started copying some of their personalities...a pity there was already the 'Crash Man Show'. ;) Ah well. And it's 'evil fun time'...not 'fun time evil'. :) "WOo! I'm Burner Man! I'm gonna destroy you!"
  4. Kurt didn't know what had happened at first - one moment he was moving out of his quarters to see if Bolt was still in the training room, the next he was knocked off his feet from...something. Dazed, his first thought was that they were under attack - but no, it couldn't be! He shook his head, standing up slowly, cautiously, the alarm's ringing through his ears. His black eyes looked around nervously, before sighting a reploid coming his way, but one he didn't know the name of - it didn't matter. He quickly trotted up to him. "H-hey, mister!" he asked quickly, looking wide-eyed at Proteus. "Wh-what just happened?" He swallowed, not being able to stay still - his paws were fidgiting, his nose was twitching, his tail was flicking... Obviously, the small reploid was quite...disturbed? Nervous? Wary? Among other things.
  5. OOC: Yeh, I RP kind of different...hope it's not 'gainst the rules or anything. IC: Kurt put his paws and chin on one end of his Boomstick, watching the Elites leave the briefing room. He felt a surge of envy, then shook his head, trying to dispell it. Sighing, the Panda reploid manevered the stick across his shoulders, holding it on either side, and started to head for another part of HQ. "Kurt?" He glanced behind him to see another Hunter, and a friend of his, Bolt Skunk. The panda reploid offered her a grin. "Hiya!" Grinning herself, she walked up to walk next to him. "'Lo. I saw you watching the briefing room." Kurt looked away. "Um...maybe..." She laughed, and ruffled his ears, Kurt batting at her arm half-heartedly with a paw. "You don't have any thoughts of leaving me behind in Squad 15 for the Elites, now, do you?" she asked with mock-sadness. "Well...I...why do you want to know?" He peered at her suspiciously, although there was a smile on his face. "Because...I do!" She smirked. "I'm going to head for the training room. You wanna come with?" "Nah. I might catch up later, though." "Suit yourself. See you!" She trotted away, leaving the smaller reploid watching her for a few moments, then turning back towards the Elite room. With mixed feelings, Kurt shrugged the Boomstick across his back and moved towards his room. [i]I will be a part of you guys one day...not just the Hunters, but the Elites![/i] he thought to himself. [i]And I'll show everybody what I can do![/i] Feeling somewhat heartened, Kurt smiled cheerfully and quickened his pace.
  6. Name: 'Kurt' Type: Animalform Reploid. Modeled after a Red Panda. Age: One Month Description: Standing at three feet tall, Kurt can and does go unnoticed by most. Unless he were in a crowd of humans or humaforms, of course. Covered from head to toe with red fur - a yellow belt around his waist, with a crystal in the center - the reploid is modled after a Red Panda - a long extinct creature from China. A tribute, perhaps. His optics are black and beady, mimicking his namesake's. There's little to no white visible around the pupils, slightly disorientating for some, as it's hard to tell which way he's looking. Muzzle and ears are white - the muzzle ringed in brown, then white again, then back to the red that covers most of his body. Moving down, his frame is like that of an adolescent child who's just reached puberty - thin, wirey - but not to say weak. His fur does a fine job of hiding /that/. Build aside, starting from his shoulders, his arms start darkening as they move towards his human-like hands, finally turning to black at the wrists. His legs, too, have this same color-change, but not his tail - a bushy red object, not unlike a fox's or racoons, with lighter rings every so often down to the tip. Strapped across his chest is a stick of bamboo, thickness and length not unlike a bo. For those of you who are confused...here's a picture link of a Red Panda. Just think of it standing up on two legs with a bamboo stick across it's back. [url]http://pantransit.reptiles.org/images/1996-07-28/red-panda.jpg[/url] Personality/Bio: As young as he is, Kurt views the world with an child-like outlook. He acts like one as well in many ways - curious about every little thing, and aspiring to help his 'bros'. Although he may be naive, his skill with the little toy on his back, both melee and missle, battle or elsewhere, has gotten him through a few ranks. Now it's just a matter of proving his worth in the Hunters. There are some, however, who joke that he's only kept around for comic relief... Weapons: Referred to as his 'Boomstick', Kurt's weapon is really...his only weapon. He's pretty defenselesss without it, but there's not a large chance of him losing it. If he isn't carrying it around...well...that doesn't happen either. He /always/ carries it around, like some sort of security blanket. The 'Boomstick' itself is really a prototype of a weapon that was created for him, somewhat of a swiss-army-stick. It does have a few gun-like modes, but it can also be used as -A Grappling Hook -A Large-aft Boomerang -A Club Even a pogo stick...although Kurt doesn't shift it into that mode very often. The mode-switching is controlled by him, and him alone - there's something of a connection between the two, with Kurt presenting a clear picture in his mind of what he wants it to be...a couple moments later, it is. The stick isn't sentinent...just able to reconfigure itself off the data Kurt sends. --- *Looks below at Warlock's Bio* ... *Looks up* ...bwah! @.@
  7. A day is a day is a day - knowing it'd be my last, I'd honestly probably spend most of it to keep from crying over morbid thoughts. But that's just me. Anyhow...I guess I'd like to write, as someone earlier mentioned, so I could be remembered. I read in a book somewhere that being immortal has to do with how long people think of you after you're gone.
  8. "Death and destruction. Oh, what fun!"
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nuchlear [/i] [B]I have lost a family pet this year, it was quite hard, and I don't think that you can get over these things, you just learn to live with it. [/B][/QUOTE] Yea, like you learn to live with anything, I guess. :/ I just feel like the first...day, night, whatever, is the hardest, although that's probably a given.
  10. I miss that game... Anyhow, Ginny. Basically, Humans and Seru, monster-ish-things, co-exist happily until the 'Mist' comes, turing Seru beserk. Seru start killing humans, who in turn build cities with big walls or near winds to keep the mist - and Seru - away. I suppose that's a short summary. ^^; Gods, I had a file right at the Jugganaut, right at the end...and my brother deleted it. *Sobs* I was about to fight Cort! I didn't care about the graphics, the battle system - and arts - were good enough for me, even if it took a long time for me to learn new Seru magic.
  11. Has anyone here recently (within the past five years or so) lost a pet? My family put our dog Brandi to sleep today, about an hour ago...she got the injection, then poof, fall down, 'asleep'. Just curious, and wondering on how you went on with your lives for the next while...misery loves company, y'know...
  12. Well, I have pictures of them earlier in the thread...as said, the more artists helping me, the merrier. So, I'll just re describe them in case my sketches were too rough. Thomas - He's a black wolf wearing green medievalistic/storm trooper esque green armor. Yellow eyes and brownish headfur - which is my term for a bushy thingy on top of his head that serves the purpose of hair. Muscular, looks to be around his mid-twenties. Aurora - White fox/wolf, dunno. She has soft blue eyes and a long braid, not pictured. And I mean, long braid o_o. Anyway, she wears a red shirt with blackish shoulder guards (Think MegaManX1's Zero...), black pants. Bushy white tail n_n Meybe around her late teens, lean, agile, maybe a bit wirey. Janus - KITTY! n_n Tabby, actually. Has the usual fur/stipes config, green eyes with small black sunglasses over them, more for look than anything. Baggy clothing, not gangsta, just...loose. Loose is good. These are basically what I have/had in mind. n_n' Feel free to make modifications, artistic lisense is required! :D And stuff. Don't feel like you're obligated to draw these for me, it's just an innocent request n_n; And if you want to, go ahead and draw. Bwee!
  13. *Hugs DBZChika* What ever happened to love an peace, guys? Alin, just an FYI, Matt pmed me before and asked my permission, I okayed it, that's why I went along. PMs are very good n_n ******* Bari frowned. "I am -not- a peeping tom!" he yelled at Frankie's back. Andamon would have facepalmed, if he had arms to do so with. "Come on...want to show you something, may prove useful." "What is it?" Andamon looked him square in the eye. "A...sacred place, if you will. Hurry up!" Bounce bounce bounce!
  14. I know I'm kind of being a passive RPer right now, but you all aren't exactly where my chara can get to you n_n When you come outside, and stuff...feel free to chance upon Bari/Andamon. Right now, I have no idea what to do with them! Heeeeee!
  15. The more the merrier, Krillin. n_n
  16. I'm sorry to hear that, Sere, Blanko. I had a set plan originally, but I guess since I'm still a newbie, I didn't plan on having people adding their two cents in :confused: Blanko, you sorta backed yourself into a wall there...o_o; And now you don't wanna follow through? I guess all we have left is Ginny, Cera...I'm not sure if they're still in, actually...Dragonfire, and DBZChika. Great. I'm surrounded by evil people! :bawl: I don't have any good people left that post regulary! :( Oi vey...I hope I can keep this running until it "ends" o_o
  17. Yea...those are the base how they look. *Sobs* I can't draw....>
  18. All fear the scary ghost lady. I wasn't scared...I was getting impatient, and kept reloading, when she burst out. I blinked, but not much else ;)
  19. Dragonfire, DBZChika, can't you two kiss and make up? :rolleyes: ****** "Are they always like this?" "No. Alot of things are just happening." "How come you know so much and are so much smaller than the other digimon?" "I'm only in my in-training phase..." "In-wha?" "Nevermind. I'll soon be able to protect you." "Right...are you always this vague? Geez, you remind me of-" Andamon grinned slightly. "Yes, I am. It's your call." "Huh?" "Help the girl, or not?" "Buh? Why are you asking me?" "You have no sense of right or wrong, that's why you were brought here, Bari." "Is that an insult?" "No, just facts." "Cripes." Bari ran a hand through his hair. "I don't know, can you swim?" "Should it matter?" "Andamon, quit it and help me out here!" "Fine. Yes, I can swim, but not very well..." ******** I've been playing too much FFX...heeeeee.
  20. "See? The children are desolate, troubled." Andamon said softly. He and Bari were perched in a tree as Frankie walked under it, not seeing them. "Some, like her, are ready to throw their lives away..." "But why were they brought here in the first place?" Andamon didn't reply for a few seconds. "I'm not quite sure. I know alot, but I don't know everything. I think it's because it wanted to have the feeling..." "Of what?" Another pause. "Of purpose. You may not realize, but the Digiworld is in every way a living being, as your own Terra is." "Earth." "Two names, one place. Before, there were other children to purge the land of darkness, at least for then." "But...if the land was supposed to be purged..." "Purged of light or darkness, they're both sides of the same coin...and your crest, is the rim of that coin." "I still don't understand..." Bari muttered. "Is it always this confusing?" "You'll get used to it..."
  21. Anime: Final Fantasy VI (III) Name: Gau (He rocks.) Age: 17 Description: Looks like he did before, although a bit older. He's still wild at heart, and still has a speaking problem, and a love for shinies. Wild green hair and draped in monster hides. Thankee, Blanko n.n
  22. Are japanese video game characters allowed?
  23. Er...sorta. But shouldn't Dragonfire have a say in it? @.@' Oi...I gotta get used to this.... Anyway, this is as good as time as any. ************** On the opposite side of the forest, more than ten miles away (Distance! Woohoo!), a boy suddenly appeared. "Huh? What the?" He quickly glances around, blue eyes wide. "Uh..." he mutters, running a hand through his blonde hair, "I...don't think...I'm in England anymore." (Yay! International people! Swords! Swords!...okay, back IC.) "You aren't." a matter-of-fact voice replied. A small greyish blob appeared at his feet. "You're in the digiworld, and you were brought here for a reason!" "I what? Who are you?" "I'm Andamon! Pleased to meet you..." "Bari. Bari Falkner." "Yea. So, anyway, you're here to decide something." "Whoah, woah, back up!" "Can't. Too much to do! Check yer neck, will you?" The boy blinked, glancing down. A tag had appeared. "What's this? And...huh?" He glanced at his hand. A digivice had appeared. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?!?" he shouted. "Like I said, no time for explainations. Here, I'll give you a summary, though. Your crest is a special crest. You'll find out later, but most are based on personality traits." "What about...mine?" "It's the crest of Twilight. Right now, the digiworld is in it's twilight, and you are here to decide." "Decide what?" "If the Light or the Darkness will engulf it. You alone have that power, and you alone can choose, Bari. C'mon, I'll show you around. Oh, and don't worry. After you've been here a bit, you'll get used to not seeing your folks for a bit." "Why not!?!? I want to go home!" Andamon stared at him seriously. "You can't. Nobody can. With the Digiworld at this state, it had barely enough strength to summon you here to decide it's fate."
  24. Well, my email button should be working, but if you just wanna copy and paste...rosutoyue@yahoo.com EDIT: The pictures are scanned! Color scene, if the pictures aren't colored, will be listed. http://www.geocities.com/rosutoyue/B0001.JPG - Black wolf. Color sceme implied, but is okay to change if you want to. Just the armor and da sword. However, his fur and eye color stays the same u.u http://www.geocities.com/rosutoyue/Aurora.JPG - White Fox. Wolf, whatever, something canineish. Color sceme is black shoulder guards, red torso/shirt thing, black pants...as said, you can change the color sceme if you got a better idea. But fur stays. u.u http://www.geocities.com/rosutoyue/Janus.JPG - Tabby kitty! n.n He's so cool. Anyway, this color scheme is totally up to you. Don' haveta color it in if you don't want ta. I'm just really happy that someones are taking up the request n.n Heeee! Thankyouthankyouguys!
  25. Wai! I'm comfused. Who's good and who's evil? @_@ Oh, and I'll introduce Bari an' his crest an' his Digi later on.
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