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Nagare Boshi

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Everything posted by Nagare Boshi

  1. Bloody sweet, as a friend of mine would say. I'll send you my sketches of the main characters; there's four in total. Thanks ya'll for volunteering and stuff n.n
  2. Alright, here's my statement. As things stand, DBZChikaGhan has replied. Again, I would like to apologize to the rest of the players;; and to her as well. I was rash in my accusasions, and I hope I can be forgiven. As it stands from what I know, the "fight" between Kontan and Alin was a burst of their powers; their crests triggering each others, and resulting in a large chain reaction, as it stands. Kontan is dead. He will not be coming back. ICly, he was crushed, but his spirit lives on in Nigaimon, who will be a sort of a background character from now on, causing mischief. If you guys don't mind, I would like to introduce a new character in here named Bari Falkner. Just give me a yes or no answer; if not, I'll be happy to have Nigaimon be evil. :devil: Again, I'm sorry for causing this. As some of you could tell, I'm new at this sort of thing, and I'm not used to controlling other characters for plot-furthering (or vice versa, I get a bit edgey when they're portrayed any different than what I see them.) Ginny - I don't think we need a moderator to step in, I'm really trying to settle this on my own. No offense met, I just don't want to bring higher powers into this. n.n' DBZ - as said, I'm sorry, and hope I can be forgiven. Blanko, Sere, Matt, n.n' Gomen Nasai! Peace out, ya'll. I'm getting way to serious here...I need to lighten up. Someone give me a good smack over the head! I demand it! :) I need sense knocked back inta me!
  3. DBZ, first of all, I'm a "her". Second of all, I have a very large arsenal of fish at my disposal to smack twinks with. Just a warning. Third, you haven't sent me anything, and you are god-moding. That is the bane of my exsistance. Send me a private message, or I will be forced to retcon your exsistance from this RPG, and start from where Frankie was saved...minus Alin, your character. I'll wait until the weekend, and then this goes into effect. I'm sorry to the rest of the players for this happening; I had no idea that this would occur.
  4. Okay, so I'm just gonna sum up a quote from the book Timeline by Michael Crition (Izat how you spell his name? He wrote Jurrasic park, too.) Anyway, they're talking about paradoxes. A guy gets freaked out because he's going to be "sent back in time" and thinks he might kill his ancestor. But quite simply, he can't. It's a billion to one chance, and even though there's that one chance, a billion other things could happen. He could be caught while he's trying to "pull the gun". He would miss. He wouldn't find him/her at the right time. He would be at the wrong place. He would kill the wrong person. Yadda yaddda yadda... Something to think about. In other words, if you get the chance to go back in time, take it, and shoot those chances to heck! :) Edit: Well, K9 already said that. :D Go me, I ain't deleting my post! I like the way I sou-...er...yea. c_c
  5. Well, they're furry characters. As in, Anthro Animals. I guess you could compare some of the characters from the thread in G&S called Hybrid Vigor into it, but...eh. Like I said earlier, if you could either email me or PM me the addresses/attachments of some of your sample art, I'd be really grateful. n.n' I'm doing my own rough sketches so you can get a better idea of how they look (A picture is worth a thousand words?) and do your own thing to it. If you guys decide to PM/Email, I'll send you the addresses once I get them uploaded.
  6. :eek: Way to move the story...' Think you could have warned me a bit? I'm going to have to do drastic stuff in return, you realize... *** The crest in Alin's hand began to glow, an almost burning hot, as Kontan narrowed his eyes at her and clenched his teeth. "You don't understand. NONE of you understand! Why can't you understand!? You're becoming one of THEM. I will NOT let ANYTHING stand in my way, even if I have to kill myself to send the rest of you home, you ungrateful wretch! You lie, how would you know such a thing!? Only I've been trying to get us home! And then you...SHOW UP AND TRY TO TAKE MY WORK AWAY FROM ME!" "OW!" It was so hot, Alin had to drop it...right...onto Nigaimon. The ant digimon glew. The crest of bitterness was triggering... "NONE of you understand what we've been through, only me! And I'm the only one who can take us home!" he was almost crying now. "WHY! CAN'T! YOU! UNDERSTAND! ME!" "Nigaimon WARP DIGIVOLVE TO..." Where the ant digimon had stood, there was a large creature with bat-like wings. Ungarbed from the waist up, he resembled a dark angel from mythology. Every feature on his face, his body, was perfect...the embody of a sinister beauty, yet one that seemed to pull one towards it... "Incumon." The incubus digimon stared down boldly at Alin. "Thank you for triggering him to react to his crest...it is never useless...but now, for my master...I am afraid you must be stopped, by any means nessacery..." Kontan couldn't speak through his tears of emotion. He made a strangled sort of sound. Incumon pointed a fist at Alin, and then slowly uncurled his fingers. "What fools these mortals be...Energy Drain." A black beam shot out towards Alin/Angewoman, who instincitvly put up her arms to dodge. And then, she coulnd't move. A slow drain was sapping all of her energy... "It only hurts until you die." Kontan whispered. "And the death of the digiworld will be what gets us out...a chain reaction...Nigaimon will be with me through thick and thin, he's my only friend, he won't abandon me, like you tried to make him..." he bowed his head. "Gomen nasai. But it is the only way to do it." **** I'm sorry, but you didn't really give me any choice...I hope you arn't trying to end this RPG! It just got started And we've barely touched on the other characters...
  7. Well, I was looking for stuff in a japanese to english online dictionary. So I put in Star, and Shooting Star popped up. And that's what Nagare Boshi basically means :)
  8. I'm writing a story, and bascially, I'd like someone to do some "fanart", per say. If you have experience in drawing, either send me a private message or email me. I'd also like to see a bit of your work if it's not too much of a hassle n.n Otherwise, disregard this post and me. I'm just another insane person, nothing special. :angel:
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B][COLOR=purple]I'm just gonna be stupid.. and use a cake from now on ~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry SERE!! My forget you... bad me! *slaps self* OW! Goddamnit! Um.. sorry ~~~~~~~~~~ Nagare... perhaps yu didnt notice.. um... I knocked you out... hmm remember that?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Nani? O.O Aaaaaack! Sorri! *Bangs head against wall* Sorri sorri sorri sorri sorri! I'm so sorry ;.;' Pwease forgive me...he'll...uh...be dizzy? n.n' ****** Kontan rubbed his head ruefully. That bump Alin had given him was still hurting like heck, and getting up so fast afterwards wasn't helping any. "So. Trekmon, you're Matt's digimon now, hmm?" Trekmon nodded. "Yea. I changed to fit him." Kontan frowned, and glanced at Nigaimon. .oO(So, that's a sign of alignment change? Your digimon changes? Only my crest did...did Matt's?)Oo. He scratched his head. "Kontan?" "Yes, Matt?" Kontan replied absentmindedly, looking up. "What should I do now?" Snapping back to reality, Kontan's eyes narrowed. "Patrol the area, I don't want anyone else coming in here without us knowing. I don't care if you have to put up a sign near the hole; just fix it so people don't fall down it!" he snapped back. Then he paused as Matt cringed a bit. "Sorry for yelling, that hit still hurts..." "Oh...I understand. C'mon, Trekmon!"
  10. Killing off your characters...is official overdone. :) Inside joke :) I do hope that Frankie's chara will be saved by someone. Sorry if I'm sounding harsh or evil or not nice, it was...okay with Alin, raised an eyebrow with Shiro, and made me act like Hiryu with Frankie. Y'know. "...". So, try not to kill 'em, please? n_n Or at least have them sight a last hope or something...u.u
  11. ((Nigaimon, DBZChikaGhan. Fear his mad ant skills...or something...)) Twitch. Twitch. "What are -YOU- doing alive?" Kontan hissed, completly forgetting about Matt and Pdramon. Alin glared at Kontan. "What do you mean? I was -TOSSED- into a lake, Tsukibellmo-" "Uh...Kontan? Who's that?" Matt blinked at Alin. "What do you mean, Matt!?!? Don't you recognize me...?" "It's a trick." Kontan snapped. "It's a Digimon masquerading as a human." "Why you little-" Alin tried to slap him, but Kontan ducked. "Nigaimon, get them back under control!" "I'm trying, but she-ACK!" Alin tore out of Nigaimon's grasp, grabed Bellamon, and ran. ***** *Sings* You've got to run, run run, ru-u-u-u-un...oh, oh oh oh oh! Points to whoever guesses where that line came from. :) Alin, I'm giving ya a chance to escape an' stuff an' tell the others like Cera and peeps. n.n You can choose to get captured or not, your choice.
  12. I did too. I believe Blanko is trying to get some help from this underwaterdigimon place. u.u However, I'd like to be asked from now on before anyone introduces earth-shattering elements like this to the RP. Mmmmmkay? Drugs are bad. This message brought to you by Bwee Inc. n.n
  13. "I'm sure you've noticed the construction going on." Kontan said, guesturing around them. Matt blinked. "Yea. What's happening?" "You see, this set of cavern's I found by accident makes the ideal place for us to work. The only way one can come is by the...skylight..." he guestured far up. "Which is the way...an old friend came in." "Huh?" Kontan sighed, putting on a mask of sadness. "One of the kids was lured here before I came in..." he lied. "When we came, she was dead..." Matt's eyes opened wide in horror. "She...died?" Kontan nodded. "The Digiworld killed her. I hope you understand how vital it is that we get home." Matt frowned, remembering something, about a girl, and a tree...the thought blew away as fast as it came. "What...was her name?" "Linda." Kontan lied again. "You must understand, Matt, that the Digiworld is filled with lies, deciet...there is only one person you can trust." "Who?" "Me."
  14. As Kontan stood watching the still incubating digieggs, Nigaimon trotted up. "One of the hatched ones say they noticed some of the other digidestined heading towards water..." "The ocean? What's there?" Kontan snapped. Construction on the cavern was going nicely...it actually resembled something like a termite's nest with all the tunnels and slaving digimon. "I don't know. I could have one of the aerials go out..." Kontan picked up a goblet, fashioned from stone. It was surprisinginly lightweight. He swished around some of the water that was inside. "Do that. I don't want any trouble when I start my destruction." "Kontan?" "What?" "What about Matt and Sere...? Like you said, we pitched the other body into the water..." "Alin...how could I forget. Hmph. Her "Destiny" to die young. This is what I'm talking about. This place mocks us. The longer it stays alive, the longer we'll suffer...wait..." his eyes glinted. "I can use that...to perhaps...change Matt to my side, the good side..." Nigaimon frowned slightly. "What are you going to do?" "A bit of brainwashing." **** Matt, you PMed me and said you were sorta okay with this... feel free to post it happeneing, or not happening. After all, he's your chara, and I don't wanna be twinking or anything n.n'
  15. Heyo. I'm looking for a FF6(3) website that has more than one fanart picture of Gau on it. Gau is cool. n_n Soo...either PM me or post it here, I don't mind. Thanks! :D
  16. Ten sat on a rooftop, smiling as she stared at the fireworks above. Her wings were folded against her back, giving her a sort of angellic appearance. "It's so pretty..." she said out loud, before glancing down at the sound of a scuffle. She blinked. "Police? Huh? What the?" The hybrid tilted her head, before shrugging a bit. "'Snone of my business. Oh well." n_n "Hee...everybody's so hyper tonight!"
  17. Out of curiosity, who was that shadowthing? :freak:
  18. I have but one thing to say. Viva la Ten! n.n Viva la Hybrids! Viva la Meteo City RP!...and stuff. You have been blessed by the power of Bwee. Now let's get this show on da road!
  19. When Alin left, two figures stepped out from where they had been standing. Kontan glanced at Matt, and then to Sere, where she had fallen as well. "Hrm..." .oO(They aren't threats right now. Maybe I could use them.)Oo. "Nigaimon, make our guests comfortable." Nigaimon blinked. "Huh? Arn't you gonna-" "No...they may...be useful...I'll get some water to see if I can wake them up." he smiled darkly. "A life for a life..." he mused, before walking away, almost...humming. Nigaimon blinked, and then sighed softly. "He knows best..." the antmon murmured, before starting to lug Sere over the rocky ground towards the digieggs.
  20. Whatever you say, Sera :) ***** Kontan placed the final digiegg he had stolen on a ledge. The whole ledge was full of them. He smiled darkly. "All they will know is destruction...survival of the fittest." Nigaimon blinked. "Wait. What about building up this place?" "The ones that get defeated will serve that purpose. And the stronger ones...why, they'll keep my friends busy." He glanced up above. "I think we were spotted...we should lay low for awhile..." "Well, I sure got us enough fish from the lake!" Nigaimon said cheerfully, pointing to a net. "I got a whole bunch as Tsukamon!" "Good. This way, the only way someone can find us is if they fall through that..." Kontan smiled again. "And in that case, they won't live to tell anyone else." Nigaimon arched an eyebrow, but said nothing... ***** Anyone who wants to fight with Kontan can uh..."stumble" in. n-n;
  21. This is what I know... Lets see. Everybody but Kontan is at or near Primary Villiage. Kontan's off in his cave right now, finding ways to incubate his thefts. He won't be coming back to the village for a bit. Sere, Cera, if you'd like, I could have Kontan bump into you or have your charas stumble into his little cavern. n_n; Or you could post them coming to Primary Village and meeting up with the rest of the gang. If I'm wrong, eeek, sorry. But I've been out for a bit so I've had to pick myself back out of the laghole and get myself suituated. Silly me. Oh well, nobody listens to my rantings anyhoo....n_n; Bwee! Update: Cera, thanks for doing the write-in! n_n; Eeeeeee.
  22. It's a 3d interactive chat program...er...since I don't want to spam up this place, PM me if you actually wanna know more. Ehe. :shifty:"
  23. DUDE! This reminds me of an RPG I was in on Active Worlds! Except it was called Shadow Stalkers or summat...and then it was Hybrid Vigour. >.>' Man, this theme is popular...:eek: Scary...oh, YES I am joining! :D Name: Ten Age: 21 Hybrid/Human: Hybrid Animal (If hybrid): Eagle Abilities (3 Max): 1. Flight - Dunno if I should put it here...but...yea, eagles can fly! :) An' so can she! 2. Weaponsmaster - She has a weak spot for the old weapons such as swords and lances and bows and whatnot. She's trained extensivly with these, and as a result, can use them like snipers nowadays use guns. Description: Ten is bouncy, cheerful, incredibly naive for her age, and obsessive. She believes everyone out there is good, unless proved otherwise...but it's hard for her to take proof in. Sort of like a ditz. She has silky white feathers covering her body, and sweeping white wings on her back like an angel's. She works for whoever'll higher her. Not a merc...just more of your odd-job kind of person.
  24. A dark, sinister grin spread on Kontan's face as he make sure his stolen digieggs were safely tucked away in his shirt. As Dokugomon threatened Alin and Matt, he neatly snared another one. "This is great." he murmured. "That digimon is keeping them busy while I have a five-finger special shopping spree!" Nigaimon glanced at him, himself holding a pair. "Well, we don't wanna be around here when they find out that they're missing a good few digieggs! C'mon, let's scoot!" Sneaking like ninjas >.> the pair darted away. Matt caught a glimpse of Nigaimon, and stared. "KONTAN?" Alin peered at him. "Who cares about him!" she snapped. "We got bigger fish to fry! Namely, him!" she pointed at the Dokugomon.
  25. Oooh. I like psychology stories. I'll be waiting to read all of this, Alexander, so go ahead and write up some more n_n
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