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Nagare Boshi

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Everything posted by Nagare Boshi

  1. From the outskirts, Kontan and Nigaimon watched the little scene unfold. An ugly smirk creased both their mouths. Nigaimon rubbed an...arm...across his chin. "Y'know...since the caverns right next to the Village...this'd be a good base of operations. Since, if we can take it over, we can pretty much rule the digiworld, since every digimon comes from here and we can enslave 'em all." Kontan glared down. "I don't want to rule anything." he replied, annoyed. "I just want to go home." "...well, yea. Maybe if you ruled the digiworld, it'd let you go-" "No. It has to be destroyed. C'mon, let's see what we can do with our cavern. First, we have to make sure nobody else can find it..." "It'd go faster if we had some slaves or summat!" Kontan blinked. He glanced from Nigaimon, to the hole which led down to the cavern, to Primary Village. He rubbed his own chin. "You know...a few raids...wouldn't be so bad at all..." .oO(I wonder why that Raidramon was attacking in the first place. It doesn't know...hmph...)Oo. He smiled a bit. "Come on. While the others are distracted, let's see if we can grab a few digieggs." Nigaimon grinned. "Now we're talking!" ***** Feel free to have one of your characters notice something in the shadows...but please don't automatically turn it into a fight. n.n' They'd most likely retreat to the cavern if they were spotted, and stuff.
  2. www.geocities.com/maege1/characters.html 'Nuff said. :)
  3. Blackjack, from Blackjack. n.n Mmmmm... Da surgeon with the body of god o.o
  4. The ground shook above them, and a bit of dirt fell onto Kontan and Nigaimon's backs, a result of the battles on the surface. Kontan brushed it off, half-expecting it to be a spider. "Great. Here we are, plunging blindly in the darkness...a wonder we haven't encountered anymore hostiles." "Well, it's actually getting brighter." Nigaimon prompted. "The walls are glowing." They were. A sort of lichen was shining an eerie green light. Kontan blinked. "Weird...what's that up ahead?" There seemed to be a larger glow. "Hey! I bet we're right, that's the way out!" Nigaimon darted ahead, with Kontan following quickly. "Nigaimon, wait up!" The antmon did, actually. He stopped, blinking rapidly. "Er...well...maybe not..." They were at the entrance of a giant cavern. And by giant, I mean LOTS of open space. Kontan stared at it. "Woah..." he murmured in awe. "This place...is huge..." "You could fit a castle in here, and still have room for a fort!" Nigaimon said, excited. Kontan...smiled. "Why, not a bad idea..." He glanced up. What looked like a ray of sunlight came down from a hole. "We can get up above by climbing onto the shelves." he noted. "C'mon, let's see where we are, exactly." Elsewhere...not too far from Primary Village...the Raidramon's earlier approach had left a large piece of ground absent...and a large, vacant space below it. **** This is the part where I get a place to have Kontan do evil stuff out off. Nyah. He'll be coming up and "join" with the rest of you soon n.n'
  5. OOC: Allow me to help a bit :D ******* As Heaven prepared a spell, Kiara unslung her cwellen and loaded it. The demon noticed this and lunged for her. The assassin quickly dodged, as Heaven took advantage of it's distraction and fired. The demon roared in pain, each of it's mouths a different octive, the eyes facing Heaven narrowing dangerously. Kiara aimed and fired towards the demon's eyes, trying to blind it. It held up a giant hand, the missles sinking into it. She swore.
  6. Frankie and Takururumon threw themselves to the side, the thread missing them both. "Great!" Frankie said, glancing up at the Dokugumon. "Hey, c'mon, can't you just let us pass?" she asked innocently. The Dokugumon reared up for another attack. Takururumon glanced at Frankie. "I guess not." Then... "Fire Sword!" Like a wraith, Tsukamon hurtled from the shadows and slashed his jagged sword across the attacking digimon, the wound searing itself shut from the heat instantly. Dokugumon roared, and spun around to face this new foe. Kontan appeared from the other side, glaring down at Frankie and Takururumon. "What are YOU guys doing here?" he snarled. Frankie blinked. "Kontan! Wha..." "I'll kill all of you!" The Dokugumon roared in fury. Kontan narrowed his eyes, glancing at Tsukamon. The boy spoke two words, each as cold as the blade Tsukamon now wielded. "Kill it." "Ice Blade!" Takururumon and Frankie winced in spite of themselves as the Dokugumon dissapated into digidust. "Uh...thanks for the help..." "I did it because it's blocking a tunnel. Can't you see it down there?" Kontan snapped back as Tsukamon reverted back to Nigaimon. "Kontan! C'mon!" the antmon called before scuttling off in that direction. After giving Frankie and Takururumon a whithering look, Kontan followed. Frankie blinked. "Hey, you're just gonna leave us here!??! How do we get out?" "If I knew, I wouldn't tell you!" Takururumonn snorted. "I never liked him...hey, Frankie! Where are you going?" The wielder of the crest of reason was jogging after Kontan. "Maybe that way's the way out!" she replied.
  7. ((Since you're not Joe, how about Jou? :))) ***** Kontan took another step towards the lake, and his foot slipped through the ground. "Ack! Nigamon! Help!" The ant digimon grabbed onto Kontan's flailing arm as the rest of his body started to fall through, but he was also pulled through. "Yaaah!" CRASH! THUD! Fssst. Kontan rubbed his head as some dirt fell onto it, glancing up at the hole they fell through, about ten yards up. "Well, this is good." he muttered, glancing around. They had appeared to have fallen into a cavern. Nigaimon scuttled in a circle, trying to find a way out. "It looks like there's only one way from here...that way." the antmon pointed down. Kontan frowned, then reached into his back. "I'm sure I had a flashlight or something...I hate exploring, but it looks like we don't have a choice." He paused. "Wait. The cavern is going that way...so...it goes under the lake..." sweatdrop. "It's lasted this long, it can keep from collapsing and drowning us a bit longer, Kontan." Nigaimon reminded. Kontan pulled out his flashlight and flicked it on. No light. The boy muttered again and searched for some batters. "Crap. I'm all out. It looks like we're gonna have to go on without a light source..."
  8. Nigaimon's antannae twitched. "Kontan, did you hear that?" They both glanced up to see a group of Biyomon and Birdramon fleeing from something. With great speed. Kontann quirked an eyebrow. :therock: "Wonder what happened." "Meh. I'm hungry." Nigaimon muttered. He glanced up, blinking. "Is that a lake I see over there?" "Hey, it is. Nice sight. C'mon, let's go fishing." Matt blinked as two figures appeared near the other side of the lake. They didn't seem to notice him or Pseudodramon. Nudging his digimon, Matt pointed at the far shore. "Hey, do you see those?" Pseudodramon nodded. "Wonder who they are..."
  9. The digiworld has been untouched by darkness for centuries, so long that the memory of the chosen children is all but forgotten. The digiworld has prospered through years of plenty and famine, natural disastors, and the like. But now, the rift between the real world and the digiworld has again been breached. Only this time, it is a one-way ticket. The humans tossed into this world are now without any way or hope of getting home...the digiworld has neatly snared and trapped them within it's grasp. Some may say this would be paradise. But what about the effects, both physically and mentally? Even as the children adapt to their surroundings, the thought of never seeing your friends, your family, ever again, has tread upon the minds of all. And now, it has warped one human and his digimon so far that they have decided that the only way to go home is to destroy the only thing keeping them there. The digiworld itself. ***** Rules (Only a few!): 1) Stay in character, and in theme! 2) No twinking/godmoding/ect. -.- Any violaters shall be beaten with a large, dead trout. 3) To play, you must be on the "roster". This is at the signup post. To join, post your character's stats there. ****** A misty, sparce forest. It was somewhere around morning, giving the area an eerie sort of feeling as the light started to pierce through the mists. Through it all, two lone figures walked. Having broken away from the rest of the so-called Digidestined a few days ago, Kontan and Nigaimon were lost. However, time on their own had taught them nessacery skills, such as foraging, so they wern't hungry. And with taking turns sleeping in this place...it wasn't ideal, but it was living, at least. Kontan stared up at the sky. As far as he knew, the others were out of here by now, probably heading towards Primary Villiage. He curled his lip. "Ugh...such a beautiful day! Clear skies.... it makes me perfectly sick!" Nigaimon silently echoed the boy's feelings, glaring at the ground below him.
  10. Shadowstar blinked. "Woah. Long-distance incineration? Wow." The ninja rubbed her neck. "Great. No leads. Any ideas, or shall we just be on lookout for rumors?"
  11. Username - Charaname - Crest - Rookie Digimon Nagare Boshi - Kontan Touzoku - Bitterness - Nigaimon GinnyLyn - Ginny Lyn - Peace - Gryfmon Cera - Cera - Dreams - Marimon Outlaw - Gawin Maow - Light - Wyvrmon Dragonfire1477 - Matt Hunt - Power - Pseudodramon Sere Tuscumbia - Sere Tuscumbia - Serenity - Buttermon Sayian_Metroid - Shiro - Bravery - Hayatomon Shyguy - Josh - Insecurities - Shymon Blanko_el-miez - Frankie - Reason - Takururumon (Baemon's the one she's seen with. Think Kari and Gatomon) DBZChikaGhan - Alin Tahaishi - Destiny - Bellamon stormwing - Siren - Honor - Halamon EbonyFox - Todd 'Ebony' Fox - Perserverance - Bombermon Nataniamon - Erin (ravin) Crouse - Imagination - Nataniamon
  12. The best ones I've ever read were by Red Draco. Mostly MegaMan themed, but she has other good stories. n.n [url]www.mechadrake.com[/url]
  13. Shadowstar glanced from Kool, to Shockwave, to Craig, to the attacker. She shrugged. "Well, if they're being controlled, no use sending someone to pretend they're one of his guys." Shockwave nodded, half expecting Kool to say something else. The girl looked thoughtful, but said nothing. "You're right, but we need more information on him." Shadowstar thought for a bit. "I suppose I could try to follow this guy home..." she nudged the attacker in the ribs. He was still woozy, and didn't seem to hear her. "Of course, if he still knows who he is." "What do you mean?" Craig snapped. "Well, maybe you've snapped him out of the control or something..."
  14. :therock: I thought 02 killed him off for good. Bu, meybe you should make up a different Digimonpack. As far as my information goes, Myotismon was NEVER a digidestined digi. Plus, he's an FC (Feature Chara) ...dangit, I'm slipping into MUSH speak! I'd really, really, really prefer if you had an original chara, including original digimon... We can start soon. Maybe after Christmas, I dun' want anybody to miss out cause they're celebrating. n.n'
  15. A very nice concept. I'm interested in seeing the story! n.n Nice names, too.
  16. As the rest of the group picked over the maps, Kiara made her way to the weapons, examining them. Kool was looking at the one she pointed out earlier, peering at it. Kiara frowned. "Why're you so interested in that?" "I'm trying to figure out what the symbols mean...I can't read troll." "Hm...let me see it." Kool passed it over, and Kiara traced a gloved finger below the characters. She frowned slightly, and then handed it back. "Seems to be an enchantment of some sort." Kool blinked. "I didn't know Trolls could use magic..." "You find an odd one in every species." Kiara shrugged. "Anyway, says something about black fire...that's the most I could make out." She glanced over her shoulder at Zack. "And if I'm right...that's a pretty powerful weapon. Pity the ogre didn't know how to use it." "Do you?" "Perhaps." With that, Kiara left Kool with the sword and continued rummaging through the other weapons.
  17. Mrr? Eeee. c.c' Er...DBZChikaGhan, in the timeline of da RPG, Takeru & Hikari and the rest of the chosen children are long gone. I thought I made that clear in the description of the RPG that the memory of the Chosen was all but forgotten...and that takes a couple generations. c.c' Mweeeeee...chara looks lovely, though n.n' I just thought I should make that point clear.
  18. Shadowstar's face was completly innocent. "What? What? The dumpster wouldn't move, so I put him in this portable one!" :toothy:
  19. Yea, I do need some good guys n.n;; Er, I could put some sucking up here about how sweet your art is, but I bet you hear it every day, so...hey, it's the thought that counts, right? n.n' [COLOR=chocolate]Thank you! ^_^ It's nice to hear it, regardless. ~~GinnyLyn [/COLOR]
  20. "Er...no. Sorry." Shadowstar turned to Craig. "You?" n.n' "Say, while you two chit-chat, I'll go tie up our new friend." "Tie him up? You have rope on hand?" Shockwave asked, raising an eyebrow. Blink. "Er, no, but I could always just slam him in a dumpster." she replied. "He has some pretty nice powers when consious, and if he wakes up disoriented, all the better for us." She headed towards the man, about to do just that.
  21. Kiara stepped upstairs, naught but a shadow as she picked a room. It was sparse, but she liked it that way. Shoving the sounds of the many heatbeats out of her mind, she closed her mind and concentrated. Heaven's heartbeat was easy to find - it beat on a very different pulse than the others. Next was the girl, Kool. Hers was slightly harder, but Kiara found it. Zack and Ash were right next to eachother. At the thought of the latter, Kiara's lip curled. The idjit. As for the one she had barely met...Misha...? He was far away. But having sensed him before, Kiara finally found it. Having "checked" on the members of the group, Kiara allowed herself to relax, something she hadn't done for a while. The assassin drove anymore thoughts from her mind as she went to sleep the way she had for years - with one eye open.
  22. Shadowstar peered at Craig for a few moments longer, before glancing back down at Shockwave. .oO(He seems to have it under control)Oo. she mused. .oO(Better watch this guy...I don't know if he's friend or foe. Friend, hopefully!)Oo.
  23. Hey! This is my first messageboard RPG I'm trying to start. Since I've seen DBZ and FF RPGs in here, I decided to do something differenent. So...er...please don't hurt me if nobody likes this type of RPG anymore c.c' AAAANYway. The setting. The digiworld has been untouched by darkness for centuries, so long that the memory of the chosen children is all but forgotten. The digiworld has prospered through years of plenty and famine, natural disastors, and the like. But now, the rift between the real world and the digiworld has again been breached. Only this time, it is a one-way ticket. The humans tossed into this world are now without any way or hope of getting home...the digiworld has neatly snared and trapped them within it's grasp. Some may say this would be paradise. But what about the effects, both physically and mentally? Even as the children adapt to their surroundings, the thought of never seeing your friends, your family, ever again, has tread upon the minds of all. And now, it has warped one human and his digimon so far that they have decided that the only way to go home is to destroy the only thing keeping them there. The digiworld itself. *** Name: Kontan Touzoku Gender: Male Crest: Bitterness. Was formerally Friendship, but it warped into something darker. The shape is a jagged line with a small circle in the center. Personality: Cold. Calm. Detached. Not your average evil person. He fully believes that what he is doing is right, and that anyone who stands in his way is only something else that is keeping him here. His only friend, as it stands, is Nigaimon, his digimon. Sometimes, however, he will drop into ceaseless muttering, as if insane. Is he? Even Kontan doesn't know for sure. Description: Of asian descent, Kontan has the usual small eyes and darker skin. His black hair is slicked back. He wears all black, like a goth. Digimon: Fresh: Kumimon (Data) A small black blob. Attacks: Oni Nibble In Training: Ruimon. (Data) Looks like a black beetle. Attacks: Oni Bite Rookie: Nigaimon (Virus) A three foot tall humanoid ant. Attacks: Oni Slash, Bitter Wind Champion: Tsukamon (Data) This is the most humanoid of his stages. It looks like a normal human teenager, clothes and all, but with dark red hair combed to either side of his head with black tips. He also has a broken, serrated sword. Attacks: Flame Sword, Ice Blade Ultimate: Koushoumon (Virus) A large spider. More realistic than Arukenimon, though. Attacks: Eight Leg Smack, Venom Drool Mega: Incumon (Virus) An incubus-like digimon. A dark Angemon, if you will. Attacks: Soul Thief, Energy Drain, Demon Blast **** Meh. Er...you don't have to type all the Digimon stats out, I just wanted to give ya'll a good idea of my digis n.n' As long as we got the name/rank, and meybe attacks, it's all good. Ehe.
  24. "HIYAH!" The Man threatening Shockwave was suddenly slammed into a headlock. Spiing around, trying to get a glimspe of his opressor and possibly strike back, he was then thrown right next to Shockwave. Shadowstar grinned rogushly, wagging a finger. "We do not hurt other people for no good reason!" she scolded, not noticing Warlock. She knew she was taking a chance mocking him, but she hoped that by staying alert, she could lower it some. The ninja-like hero then lunged at the man, trying to pin him down so Shockwave could get up.
  25. Erika, in her Shadowstar getup, muttered under her breath. She was on a rooftop, watching the police clean up the mess. "Pointless." she said softly. "This riot was pointless...why won't they tell? There has to be a point." she rubbed her chin. "Maybe I can find someone..." a devious glint in her eye, she nimbly climbed down from the building, hoping to find a rioter who hadn't gotten caught.
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