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Nagare Boshi

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Everything posted by Nagare Boshi

  1. Ash noticed Kiara wasn't in sight again. Curious, he stepped outside of the in. He was startled to notice a sudden angry glare and a flash of violet signaling Kiara's presense. "What are you doing?" she snarled. Ash held up his hands in a defensive guesture. "I thought you ran off agai-" "If I left it was for my own reasons." she sneered. "..." her face relaxed some. The assassin turned away to leave when Ash grabbed her arm. "Where are you going? At least tell me that." Kiara spun back around, hand half-raised to slap him. She apparently decided otherwise, because she lowered her hand. "I stargaze." she said simply. "Oh. Cool. Can I join you?" "...whatever." .oO(Just as I thought. The idiot's lovestruck.)Oo. Kiara mused as she led him to her "spot"- on the roofs of the village. .oO(...)Oo. "Ash?" "Yea?" "...thanks for the help. But I'd appriciate if you'd let me fight my own battles from now on." her eyes glinted again. "...and I mean that literally." "Huh? Wait! Where did she-?" Kiara had again vanished. ((Bleh. In every RP I'm in, my charas fall in love w/ somebody. Sorry, Ash, but she's hard to get! :haha: I'm not against romance, though. So yea, whatever...blah blah blah. n.n))
  2. Kiara gritted her teeth. Finally she made a shrugging motion, as if giving up, and shook Ash's hand. "Let's just get one thing straight." she added in a soft...purr? That only he could hear. "If you or your buddy show any signs of pure and unrivaled stupidity, this means nothing. I can't tolerate idiots." With that, and a glint in her eye, she pulled her hood above her head again and neatly faded into the background...except for Heaven, who had decided to keep one eye on her...just in case.
  3. Heaven and Ash both got into battle-ready positions. They were about to strike it when a sharp whistle screamed through the air. Three disks suddenly sliced into the insect's body, wounding it but not killing. Heaven noticed a familiar shadow. Kiara quickly reloaded her cwellen as the insect spun around, looking for her. She aimed and fired two more, slicing into it's head. The beast twitched, then lay still. Ash blinked. "Hey, I thought you-?" "You thought wrong." Kiara replied coldly. "I'm only along because I thought you could use with some help; I could just as easily destroy the other demons by myself." Heaven raised an eyebrow. .oO(Somehow I doubt that...but any help is welcome.)Oo. he smiled. "Alright. You're coming with us, then?" Kiara glanced at the rift seperating them, took a few steps back, and then gracefully lept over it. She landed in between Kool and Heaven. "...for the time being."
  4. Kiara blinks. Once. Twice. Then she full out starts laughing. "How in the name of all that's holy did I get myself landed in this?" she snorts as everybody turns to look at her. "I'm out of here. I have better things to do than "save the world", as it were." Heaven takes a step forward. "Hey, wa-" But to the rest, she has already blended in with the shadows and is out the door. Kiara muses as she starts to walk away. .oO(Idiots. I knew I should have stuck to picking off the 'little sick ones'. Ugh.)Oo. She pulled her hood up. "Hmph." she said out loud, continuing on her way, brooding. .oO(I can't help. They're demons. What the heck can I do?)Oo. -_-
  5. Name: Shadowstar Real Name: Erica Adams Age: 25 Appearance: Working on a Heromachine pictie, I'll put it up soon. She has blue hair and wears a blue eye mask, and a purple/blue costume. Looks actually pretty cool, not fruity :p Super power/ Ability: Mad ninja skill-er...wait, I already have a chara like that. :all: Hm. OOh! NINJA SKILLS! *Cricket* Yea. She has mad ninja skills. She can blend into almost anything, uses her hands and feet like schinaz, extremly agile...hm...where have I heard this before? Bio: Erica was /going/ to be in the olympics, until her act got sabatouged by a rival. In the hospital where she wound up, her surgery managed to not only fix her body, but enhance it to the point of superhuman. Deciding to use her newfound strength and agility for the good of mankind instead of for their entertainment, she trained in the art of ninjas (Hiyah!) and is now a crime fighting do gooder. Hoohah! Pictie! Pictie! http://www.geocities.com/rosutoyue/Shadowstar.jpg
  6. Furious, Kiara glared at Misha. "Then tell your creature to kindly not attack...harmless passerby." she sneerd. "And I wasn't taking out my frusteration. What would YOU know about that?" the assassin haughtily raises an eyebrow, as if daring Misha to speak. In reality, several escape plans, including a few that involve shooting Misha, have already formed in her mind. Misha shifted his grip. "You should watch your tongue." he growled, his dog snarling at Kiara from behind. Kiara decided that discresion was the better part of valor. She relaxed her stance slightly. "Look, I don't want a fight." she said, making her tone sound tired and weary. "I really don't want to hurt you, which you will make me do if you don't point that thing away from me." she guestured to the axe. "And get that...other thing...a bone or something."
  7. Hope you don't mind someone else joining n.n Name: Kiara Weapon: A gun/crossbow like weapon called a cwellen. It shoots thin razor edged metal disks with alarming accuracy. Up close, she uses her fists and a small dagger. Physical Ability/Special skill: Stealth. Defineatly stealth. SNEAK LIKE NINJA! Or not. Well, sneak like assassin n.n She can blend like a chameleon into almost anything, and moves with near-silence. No magical powers...except a bit of bloodlore. In other words, she can track heartbeats, unless the person is cloaked by magic of some sort. Or water. She doesn't like water because that masks hearbeats *.* Appearence: http://www.geocities.com/rosutoyue/Kiara.jpg, or, see the attached file. The weapon's shes holding are wrong...the cwellen doesn't have that grappler thingy sticking out. Bio: Ever since she was a child, Kiara has been trained in the art of death-bringing. Kidnapped from her family at an early age, she impressed her captors with her ability to dish out and take pain. They trained her into what she is today - a very, very powerful woman with a shoulder as cold as the artic (Cold shoulder. It's funny!) . Not much else to tell. ***** Kiara, not too far ahead of the group, aimed and fired her cwellen disks into the throat of one of the Medusalions. Another dead one was next to her. Wiping some of the splattered blood off her cloak, she closed her eyes to focus. .oO(Hm...there's a few other heartbeats approaching...)Oo. she reloaded a few more disks into the cwellen. .oO(More of the lions?)Oo. she thought, annoyed.
  8. n_n Cool! Oh, one more question. Anybody here heard of MegaManMush?
  9. Anybody here heard of/like the Mega Man or Mega Man X series? n_n Just curious. And, erm....if I'm spamming, I'm sorry, I didn't know where else to put this c_c"
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