Hello there. I have been drawing manga for several years and I think that finally, I might just have enough enthusiasm to draw a small manga book.
I've been getting a lot of ideas. Could you help me pick the best ones, and band them together?:
[B]Character Traits[/B]
I was thinking that the main character should have some sort of unhuman companion.
I think this would be a good idea because, it's often very easy to break up a scene/conversation with the help of some ignorant little pest that won't go away. (Think Daxter from the Jak & Daxter games.)
I also thought that the main character should have an emo hairstyle.
That being it spikey at the back, and combed over his face.
The character himself wouldn't be emo but I just thought that it looks cool..? :animeswea
I had an idea that the main character could be a martial-artist that focuses on using his feet. Why? I don't know. Seems like a good way to add distinction from tons of other martial-artist-ninja-spikey-hair-dudes.
I am almost completely lost on this part.
One idea is that my character is of the "prophecised-hero" types, that is ordered by the ruler of the lands to defeat some big, smelly ugly monster.. or something.
Another one, and don't ask where this came from, was that my character is a hired assassin who one day realises that he can converse with his concsience and vice versa.. and maybe he begins to get guidance from them? Seems like another idea for a companion.
Please help me with this. :animeknow