I think we've all been a part of the amazing experience that is a LARP, dressing up as knights of the realm and various other characters, orchestrating gigantic battles and taking part in heroic and valiant quests.
And, as such, I'm sure that a whole multitude of people have stumbled upon these LARPS in the past, thinking "oh will you look at that, it's a whole host of people taking part in a Live Action Role Playing experience" - OR IS IT??
It's a fact of the world that back in the olden days giant armies of orks, knights and other fantasy style charcters used to have huge battles defending the good of man and trying crush evil colonies of orks and river trolls. There would be arrows and swords and big blunt war hammers and hobbits and fires and magic staffs.
I know that this is very rare these days, but what are peoples thoughts that some LARPS are actually real, with small armies coming out of their woodland homes to steal magical treasures or defend woodland fortresses such as Elfwood, which was quite often plundered back in the darker days.
It's certainly mindblowing to know that this probably still happens in this day and age and that LARPS are actually real life battles between good and bad.