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About ledzepplinrules

  • Birthday 11/10/1981

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  1. I'm reading Bleach and I am watching the Dragonball Movie set I recently bought.
  2. I need some help on the quest where you need to find a Dwemmer Puzzle Box. I have looked in The Cells of the hollow hand but, I cannot find it anywhere so can someone help me?
  3. Thanks for telling us abut them I now have a new band to obsess over.
  4. [quote name='Whoa, Mann'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Hmm, you do have something there. But extreme music in my mind... is stuff that's just freaking insane. Hardcore punk, mathcore, screamo, deathcore, death metal... all the heavy stuff. Haha.. Neutral Milk Hotel aren't exactly my number one mosh-to band. ledzeppelinrules... I wasn't trying to say I didn't like the bands. It's just... Chilled out stuff. Now, the new list. Well, that's good music. Converge, HORSE the Band. The Chariot, Norma Jean and Minor Threat are very notable bands for going to the extremes. All very good bands. Though I don't listen to the other bands, and I despise Cradle of Filth... well. You know. I can't say much for them. Though it seemed Slayer was the most extreme band of its time. Spewing blood on the innocent pregnant mothers of the US of A. Good times. [I]R. Borlax[/I] by HORSE the Band is one of my favorite albums in fact. Great stuff. Just yesterday I was listening to it. A Natural Death had been purchased by me recently... But I just can't seem to get into it... It's not [I]R. Borlax[/I]. Props to Minor Threat for the capturing of a new punk style. Hardcore, that is. p.s- on the subject of extremely strange music that isn't extreme, but is strange... and enjoyable. Well. [B]Math the Band[/B]. look them up... all their stuff is up for download... The links are on their myspace page. you might like them Panache... if you like strange Acoustic/ Techno/ dual vocaled... stuff.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] I've never heard of Math the Band but, thanks I'll look them up.
  5. Well I was going to say Converge....but,..... There's always HORSE the Band they are good. There's also August Burns Red, 12 Stones, Dying Fetus, Marylin Manson, Papa Roach, Godsmack, Black Label Society...
  6. .... If you don' like them you can always go with: Converge HORSE the Band Slayer Cradle of Filth Ministry Lamb of God The Chariot Norm Jean Thousand Foot Crutch Minor Threat Ok, now you can start to say how my bands aren't "extreme"
  7. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]We are arrogant and think we're better than everyone else? Well that's news to me. lolUh oh... that was suppose to be a secret? >_> And here I thought everyone knew how fascist our government really is. I guess our arrogance fooled us into thinking others didn't notice! Oopsie? :DI'm sure we're not the only country to have done underhanded things. I find the idea of feeling ashamed to be American kind of silly really. Not that you don't bring up valid points I'm sure but they all seem to be generalizations instead of any tangible issues. ^_~[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] We funded Iran and Iraq and gave them weapons We blew up what the Government thought was WMAs' even though it turned out to be an aspirin factory The CIA trained Osama The CIA gave Osama lots of money to him and the taliban And so much more....
  8. I loved Elder scrolls 3 but I had to stop because I got so frustarated with trying to find something with the main storyline so I just stopped... but I think I'll try it again today.:animesmil
  9. [quote name='Aaryanna'][COLOR="DarkGreen"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]How about you tell us why you think its one of the most controversial anime? [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] How it is about the HIP how they are trying to make the entire human race into one being a god and it is one of the few anime that I have seen that constantly talks and implements philosophy into the plot. Also, it shows that you can't live your life alone. You will eventually have to depend on others to truly be happy.
  10. I don't need to look I have extra you want some?
  11. At the Drive in Minor Threat The Used Alice in Chains Alien Ant Farm White Zombie Slipknot mewithoutyou One Bad Pig As I Lay Dying FTW:catgirl:
  12. I like AMP all the rest all tast sour to me and leave an aftertaste.
  13. The biggest problem is how arrogant Americans are. We think we are better than everyone else, when we are secretly being led by a facist government trying to take our rights away. While proclaming how much we support other countries yet America has done so many under handed things during the course of the past one-hundred years which is why I am ashamed to not only call myself an American, but also a human being.:animecry:
  14. It's sad yet, hysterical...[[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Em92XIIAe1E&eurl=http://bitchspot.jadedragononline.com/"]YOUTUBE="Em92XIIAe1E&eurl"][/YOUTUBE][/URL]
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