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About mechaman

  • Birthday October 15

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    otaku no baka :o

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  1. :) Be not afraid. All you have to do is walk back up to the pedastool that you took the Master Sword from and press "A". The sword will be put back and then you will be a cute little kiddie again. Next time though, do post what game you need help on, in the subject bar.
  2. mechaman

    Mirror Link

    I don't mean to be abrupt, but I think that all of you are making this way to complicated. Beating dark link is just like defeating a stalfos and just like beating the scary ninja lady that is in the Gerudo Fortress only you don't want to Z-target him. Dance around a little and he will circle with you, that's right just like an old style boxing match. He won't realy attakc if you don't, so be a true link and slash with the sword. Now attack him as soon as possible and continue until you finally hit him. He will sink down and pop up behind you. Don't wait for him to pop up. Right after he disappears in front of you, press down on the analog stick then press Z and immediately after press A. If you get sea-sick this will make you vomit for the screen flies around and Link is jumping and the world is ending...but you get the picture. You will score a hit on him everytime and it will only take about four hits to end his understudying days. If he dodges and hits you then you weren't fast enough on the turn around. Remember when in doubt charge like mad and continue jabbing, that always works.
  3. I just felt like commenting on this, but I think that the new look is awesome. It looks better than the various colors of blue. Rock on to whomever is responsible for this.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyaman [/i] [B] 1 : Call me stupid but what exactly is MGS? 2 : Metal Gear Rex is what exactly? 3 : I have no clue what Otaku actually means 4 : Is this Gundam related or just a example? I might not be new anymore but still don't know everything. [/B][/QUOTE] 1. MGS is Metal Gear Solid, its a Playstation game. Go buy it it's fun. 2. Play the game you'll find out. 3. Otaku means "crazed fan" in Japanese My thoughts on Gundams. I don't think that any of us will see sixty meter tall flashy mecha that battle in space blowing things apart and slamming each other into the planet below only for the gundam to get up and hcarge back into combat. I think that first we will see smaller versions of mecha. Such as the smaller models from Exo Squad and tanks with legs. But even before that we will simply see super armored humans, like the Space Troopers from Star Wars. These guys were simply humans with a rocket pack, a proton torpedo launcher, and loads of armor. One day I will have loads of money and develop something that will remind me of teen passions like the gundam series.
  5. Sorry about the "you just need to get a life". I realized that after I submitted the form I was wrong. Considering that you only commited two hours and some odd minutes instead of commiting three weeks of your life, you probably don't need to get a life. But then if you knew Duo well enough that it took you less than three hours maybe you do need a life. But then maybe the guy who is analyzing what another person did needs to get a life. I'll go with the last one. But that's just me.
  6. This obsession with the Flash makes me :mad:. Why? WHy do you love the Flash so much? What is there to love? *dips head and smacks it against the keyboard* reiojgijogjitgtgtji
  7. [SIZE=3]New Riddle[/SIZE] If you have heard this before don't post the explanation. There is a green glass door. This is a mystical green glass door and only certain things may go through the green door. A cartoon can go through the green glass door, but an episode cannot go through. Heero can go through the green glass door, but Duo may not. To answer this riddle write something that can go through the green glass door.
  8. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I am disagreeing whole-heartedly with yours on The Flash. He probably should be killed sometime soon and I'll be happy to see that day. For a more non-violent approach he could simply retire and I would be happy. I feel really bad posting about a subbject that is not anime, while in an anime section. *looks to see if the mods are around*
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]exams? EXAMS? Dont mention exams. I've seen past physics and biochem exams at my uni, and its not looking good. My physics teachers for these modules are also very sadistic, so im not lookin forward to this... [/B][/QUOTE] All physics teahcers are sadistic. That is simply how they are. I think that either school is too easy or anime lovers are just too smart and we don't really need to study. I think our intelligence is why we choose to be otakus in the first place. Anime, its not a taste thing, its an intelligence thing.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SaiYaNgUrL [/i] [B]wait a minute.... so you're saying that evangelion is getting more attention than sailor moon? your kidding... rite? I mean, sailor moon has been around fro so much longer, and i believe that it shoud get the attention that it deserves! All you guys out there watch evangelion for rei ayanami rite? hehe... jkjk sigh* (please don't kill me! This is only my HONEST opinion) sailor moon is MUCH better than evangelion (AHHHHHHH!!!!! DON"T KILL ME!!!!) [/B][/QUOTE] Sailor Moon is alright but I wouldn't put it on a higher pedastool than EVA. I'm a nice guy so I won't through sharp things at you. I hope that doesn't count as off topic. As any Californian would say: Its all about the mecha...man.
  11. Because you are the supreme master of all that is anime, I ask you this: How do you pronounce the word Manga? Few seem to know. GW is pretty cool its just not the best I think. Getting information one some of the other Gundams is pretty hard. I think that most people don't realize that there are other Gundams and that they are pretty good. They jsut need more publicity that's all. MS:G rocks. Thanks P.S. Cool new e-mail Seph.
  12. Thank you Thank you Thank you Know that your hard work is well appreciatted even though we haven't seen it yet. P.S. I'll not gripe about it anymore; now that I know the answer.
  13. I had forgotten about the marketability factor. BTW-How do you pronounce manga, does anyone know? Is is main-juh, or main-guh, or man-guh? Just wondering.
  14. Its good to hear that more than just one person has read a book. It was just a little weird to hear about GW all the time and nothing else. I'm still getting into the gundam world, so I don't have much to base my opinions on, I really like MS:GW so far. GW, although entertaining, just doesn't hit the spot for me. I guess I am entitled to be different though, I was intriduced to Gundam by playing a StarCraft UMS.
  15. Does anyone talk about any of the Gundams other than Gundam Wing? Also everyone talks about just watching the shows and movies. Does anyone, except Sephiroth, read the mangas or how about any of the books?
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