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Everything posted by .Wolfie-kun.

  1. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Meh, we really don't know enough about him for me to be saddened by his death. Now given the current fight going on between [spoiler]Jiraiya and Pein[/spoiler], the former's death has the chance to really depress me because he's so awesome. [b]Dragonball Z[/b] OK, OK, so nobody really stays dead, but when I first started watching the show, before I knew about the Dragonballs themselves, and [spoiler]Vegeta was killed on Namek by Frieza[/spoiler] I was actually nearly brought to tears. It wasn't really his dying, but more his sort of redeeming speech as he was dying, when he opens up about his life and why the way he was was down to Frieza. That last tearful "Don't let him do to anyone else what he did to me" made me feel so sad. Then of course he was resurrected and acted as if nothing happened, which sucked...:animesigh[/SIZE][/QUOTE] I agree with Gavin about that DBZ moment. One of the very few death scenes to actually make me feel sad.
  2. Dragonball Z blew me away pretty much instantly. Being the very first anime I saw ever, I happened to catch the last few eps of the Goku Vs Raditz fight. Possibly the first cartoon I'd ever seen at the time to have blood in it. The series just got better and better for me and ultimately drew me into the wonder that is anime and manga ^^
  3. Just finished this game a week or so ago. I love it!! My first SMT again and I'm officially hooked. The whole Social Links system is very interesting and provides a some what fresh approach to RPGs. An excellent RPG if you are looking to take a break from FF for a while. I really want Persona 3: FES to come out here in the UK, I want to know the rest of the story so bad!
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