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Everything posted by Alucard

  1. Traditional art is so difficult imo and I always respect people who can work with real paint. Nice L sketch too, im guessing thats electronic with graphics tab?
  2. Some quick sketches I had done from my sketch book I scanned a while back. These arent old but I wouldnt call them new either, hopefully will scan some of the new stuff in tomorow. [IMG]http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/5645/girldesign1oe5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/3987/girldesign2sv1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/1124/kominoeu8.jpg[/IMG] Was practicing female character designs, still had a long way to go. My favourite was probably the last one.
  3. [quote name='Rurouni922']Ooooh...Some very nice stuff. I don't really like the first one, but that's either because of the leg issue, and I'm just not into the joker horror-ish things. x.x. Other than that, I'm diggin' the other two. Especially the last one, when drawing hands I can never get the mechanics to make it look 3-D. Anyway, great stuff, [B]not sure why you'd be scared of posting them.[/B][/QUOTE] The internet is a scary place, so many sensei's at art. Usually I get ripped up on forums.
  4. Finally built up enough courage to post up some of my sketch's. Lets see how it pans out. Just to keep the thread a little exciting ill try and update everyday with a new sketch, should keep me drawing and improving too. Heres some stuff I drew recently. [url]http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/7946/dracwithwolfpg7.jpg[/url] [IMG]http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/7946/dracwithwolfpg7.jpg[/IMG] I would have liked to make the legs a tad bit longer but didnt due to the page finishing. [url]http://img261.imageshack.us/img261/1892/ladyvamppagepracticehl1.jpg[/url] [IMG]http://img261.imageshack.us/img261/1892/ladyvamppagepracticehl1.jpg[/IMG] err... hmm. *blush's* I am perverted i guess. Im trying to learn how to draw women so thats why you will see alot of this type of stuff in my drawings.:animeswea [url]http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/4524/vampbitelustku4.jpg[/url] [IMG]http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/4524/vampbitelustku4.jpg[/IMG] :animeswea so yeh, i was a bit bored and did this really rough pic. I dont think Ill ever clean up or complete it but I like it alot for some reason. Well thats it for now, but I will return with more. I am open to C&C and will do my best to take it firmly on the chin. I probably wont alter pics already done but I sure will take tips on board to improve future sketch's. EDIT: DOH! just noticed i made a typo in the thread title, sorry. Please could a mod fix it when they see it.
  5. I dont believe in ghosts but i do believe in VAMPIRES. I am one you see.
  6. Sorry for such a late response. Its cool how you have drawing from different time zones as I usually lose most my stuff. I can also tell your improving your abilities. Your ability to draw faces is of a high level and I really like the dani california pics face. In terms of improvements I would say you need to practice anatomy. The best way to do this would probably follow some online tutorials that can show you how to draw peoples body's to look natural with simple elements such as circles and lines. I think if you worked on this area of your drawing they would be really slick. If you dont feel like working on anatomy or find it boring :P experiment with shading as I think that always helps pics. You used a little shading in the first pict for the hood shadow, check out some online tutorials for shading techniques too. Hope to see more whenever you get a chance, although I feel slightly cheeky for commenting without having uploaded any of my own.:animeswea P.S In my opinion I reckon your best drawing is the dani california one over the gunslinger one, and apologies for refering to tuts.
  7. [quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]It's the case in those who aren't smart too. The ignorant do not know. That is the ugliness inherent.[/color][/QUOTE] Wow, you lost me on that one. Im not sure what you mean, are you saying ignorance is the ugliness (i.e being dumb is ugly in itself?) or something else?
  8. [quote name='The Black Order'][SIZE="1"][FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="Purple"]snip[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] While I understand every artist has got to work in his or her own pace I would like to highlight a point here. Drawing manga pages is sooooo much different from drawing manga characters on a blank piece of paper. Its like a totally different ballgame to me. There is things that you gotta learn un-related to actual drawing and more to planning design and panels. Seriously I would recommend drawing comics as early as possible. I started drawing them this year and thought it would be an easy transition, boy was I wrong.
  9. [quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]Better a Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. As for smrts and beauty? I say go for neither. True greatness lies in mediocrity![/color][/QUOTE] haha so true, yet that is only the case if one is already smart. Ignorance doesnt know socrates ;). Thats the beuty of ignorance lol.
  10. The way I see it... Smart and ugly = being able to become rich is all good and fine, money can buy many things that one would want. However there is things money wouldnt be able to buy, sure you may have the money to buy a hot girl/guy into marriage, but how would you feel knowing that its not you but your money that they want. With being smart comes the knowledge, and knowledge can be a painful thing. The knowledge of what you dont have and what can not be achieved (beuty) is always painful. beuty and dumb = Being beutiful has its perks as you can be popular, you can still make some good money (maybe not to smarts standards). Most likely the people that speak to you cos of beuty are shallow individuals and this is never good. The bottom line, dumb people can easily live in ignorance (so shallow-ness doesnt exist to them) and as was once so rightly said "ignorance is bliss". So with that I think logically I would go with beuty and dumb over smart and ugly.
  11. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]You aren't a Terrorist because you lack both funding and a compatible belief. You're not a KGB agent or a Nazi [B]and since your user name is Crimson Knight and not قرمزي فارس, we can only assume that you're not[/B]. And you're no Communist because I'm relatively sure you have yet to read the Manifesto by Marx.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Wow thats some splended stereotyping. Im lucky I didnt use my arabic name, for I would have loathed being classed a terrorist.:animeangr
  12. [quote name='CrimsonKnight'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]for your information, i didn't hear this from anyone. I just kinda thought it up on one of my frequent daydreaming sessions. i'm kinda absentminded, even though i'm a nerd. :animeswea [B]p.s. anyone have any idea why i might be called a communist/terrorist?[/B] :confused:[/COLOR][/QUOTE] You critisized America?
  13. I play classic arcade fighters (like street fighter and tekken) competivly in tournements. That gives me a big rush, knowing people are watching and pride being on the line. Flirting with girls I have feelings for gives me a rush too. I guess this is pretty much that same for most guys though. and the usual stuff like rollercoasters and paintballing too. As much as I would like to think I am an adrenaline junkie, I wouldnt consider sky diving. I wouldnt trust myself in being able to pull the line for the paracute. If I had a pro attached to myself, then I prolly would do it.
  14. Be afraid... [IMG]http://www.seabream.com.au/WebShop/images/picatu_tn.jpg[/IMG] Be veery afraid:angry3:
  15. When they said the new Yakuza boss was a cat... I didnt believe them either.
  16. Older brother: Sakata Gintoki (Gintama): Really cool, Really wise, Really funny, Really Lazy. Younger brother: Ed (FMA): Really angry, Really hyper, would boss him around and force him to be my slave labourer. Youngest brother: Ippo (HNI): Wuss brother that I would stick up for, yet his strong in his own right. Uncle: Wolfwood (Trigun): Badass uncle, he would be really kind and be there to help when im in a tight spot. Aunt: Celes Victoria (Hellsing): I dont know why but she just seems to have a very good "aunt" feel about her. Being a vampire can always be handy too. Friend: Inoue Orihime: :animestun just to try and get frisky if possible.
  17. Dont drink often but when I do I usually drink alot. This often means when I do drink, something stupid will happen. Was drinking with some friends once at 3AM in the night whilst playing video games. One of the guys decided to go home and sleep instead of sleeping over, in his half drunk state he left only to come running back his face all pale. Said he saw a witch, who was trying to "feel him up". Long story short the night ended with us grabbing chains, bats and any other weopon we could find out on the streets at 4AM doing a witch hunt. The hilarious thing is that one of my friends pulled a portrait of jesus in all the hype. Only other time something stupid happened was when I chased a friend barefoot out of the house and accross my street trying to stop him from lighting a ***. This was also really late. Have others but cant recall them.
  18. [quote name='boothten'][size=1]What got me into art/graphic design? It was back in 9th grade, so a little over 4 years ago, and I discovered this one really interesting website. At the time I was really into anime, which I no longer am, so I was interested in finding anime websites. I found theOtaku. And then OtakuBoards. Haha, as surprising as it is seeing the current condition and activity level of the Art Studio, OtakuBoards and many GFX artists on here actually got me really interested in art. Nomad and Kenji were actually two of my early influences, I really admired their artwork and banner/art making abilities. At first, I was using MS Paint, which is just awful. I know, hahah. Then I got Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8 which I still use to this day, but [i]only[/i] to add borders to tags/artwork, hahaha. I was never really good with PSP 8.0, and I was only making artwork every now and then. At this point, I thought making signatures and LP digital artwork was fun, but I never really took it seriously. Then, I finally got my hands on Adobe Creative Suite Design Standard. I was always just messing around with Photoshop CS and Illustrator CS, but this time I started getting more serious towards the art field. It's been about a year since I got Adobe CS Standard, I have since then purchased the upgraded version to CS2. I'm also planning on getting my Bachelor's in Art/Commercial Design within the next few years. And it's all thanks to OB, ha.[/size][/QUOTE] Thats pretty amazing. Im really clueless when it comes to digital art and hopefully I can learn it from these boards as have you. Its amazing how influencial OB have been to you, you even went and got a art/comercial design bachelors. Nice!
  19. [quote name='Aceburner'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Spoilers:[/FONT] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]It's nice to see a Naruto chapter with Naruto in it sometimes. Another plus: 100% less Uchiha! [spoiler]Kishi, just get to whatever the deal is with Pein already, man. That's really all we care about. Oh, and try not to make it suck.[/spoiler][/FONT][/QUOTE] Dude how can you bear to read spoilers >
  20. [quote name='Rurouni922']To be honest, I'm not quite sure. I remember, when I was little messing around with colored pencils and all that, but I don't remember how I actually got INTO art seriously. I know, when I was like four, my neighbors would draw manga and they were like seven years older than me. Back then I didn't know what the style was. Then came Pokémon and DBZ which got me hooked into anime and manga style without me knowing it. After that, I think I found one of those 'How To Draw Manga' books and thought 'Hey this looks familair.' and picked it up. But to be honest, I've always loved art.[/QUOTE] Haha man, DBZ, the show which is so influencial to most manga geeks out there but few who like to admit it. -_-.
  21. [quote name='Knuckles' Girl'][COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]"This game sponsored by Nike, Just do it!" [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] win? I say so at least.
  22. Young boy + hero of shonen manga + Shonen + Shonen x2 [IMG]http://images.amazon.com/images/P/1421505851.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg[/IMG] MHUAHAHAHA! Shojo manga! Kryptonite for Shonens all over!
  23. Seems like most people just use this forum to show thier art, if discussions are a no go then I apologise in advance. In another thread I briefly mentioned the moment I really got into drawing. Some of you people may take art seriously some may think its a dumb passtime. For those that do (i mean do take it seriously -_-!), I ask what was your journey getting in to art and how you gradually improved your skill? Ill go first as well Im the OP. My best friend in elementary school was awesome at drawing and was exceptionally good, so I used to doodle with him often. Eventually in 5th grade something clicked and I was able to draw well (I even felt I was drawing better than him, damn i was cheeky lol). I got into drawing manga style without actually knowing it, I copied dbz and street fighter characters and then made my own fighter guys (needless to say they were all hench men). When I grew older I used the net to find many resources that taught the principles of manga and practiced like mad. Polykarbon.com was a very influencial resource to my style and method. Im still improving as my actual drawings feel like they lack that special shine but now I have moved onto drawing complete manga's rather than static character designs.
  24. [quote name='Aceburner'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Go for it. Just remember, though. It takes a few chapters to pick up the pace. Also, stay away from the 4Kids English dub of the anime. It is, in the politest way possible, not an accurate representation of the original. On topic: anyone read that last chapter? It seems our Edward is always in the wrong place at the right time. :p[/FONT][/QUOTE] I read up to the latest chapter. [spoiler]Will be interesting to see what arakwak is plotting with the new greed. He definitly is a loose cannon. Oh and Al seems to be in the right place at the wrong time, lol so will be looking foward to see where he ends up. Seriously it really feels the series is building up for a climax or some sort of key event in the FMA-universe.[/spoiler]
  25. Oh im not nocking naruto or bleach. I enjoy both series quite a bit, I just feel FMA is a better series (horses for courses). I like how FMA uses a wider variety of characters to work together to form the plot while most other shonen series usually forget anyone outside of the main character circle. Oh and I love the art style of FMA, its nice although I admit the backgrounds suck quite a bit. Hopefully we can get a discussion going on this manga and find more people like this series. Aceburner: I may have to try One Piece, everyone rates it so highly but I have always avoided it due to its very distinct art style.
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