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Everything posted by Alucard

  1. I alucard force this thread from its grave to rise! *Chants necro-rise spell* So what's the deal, we all Naruto and Bleach fans here? I like this manga cos it actually feels like a story that might end in my lifetime.
  2. [quote name='Aceburner'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Is it wrong for me to find your misspelling of "Hinata" hilarious? [SIZE="1"](My eyes were basically drawn to the letters "H,n,t,a,i.")[/SIZE] I don't remember the exact chapter, but it was in a flashback during the Chuunin exams sometime during the Neji vs. Hinata fight. It showed her being assigned to Kurenai for training. Hiashi said something about her being a disappointment compared to her younger sister.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Hmm, I asked because I wanted to know whether she was just a disapointment (as we already know) or whether she was actively being pushed to the side for Hanabi. If it was the later then the whole Neji's dad vs Hiashi thing seems a little pointless. P.S Oh crap, just realised that typo. -_-". Sorry. Ill get right to fixing it.
  3. Style? You wanna know style!?! Ill show you style! [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/26/Bobobo.jpg[/IMG] Thats right! Bobobo-bo bo-bobo!
  4. Hmm Why would anyone want to be a moderator really? I mean from my short stay on OB I didnt think there is much need for modding. (it doesnt seem very active :() Unless your seeing people going around un-moderated dont see why one would feel the need to be mod. Or its to do with power? j/k
  5. :animenose [IMG]http://www.fedoraforum.org/gallery/file_4gallery/1/fayeval.jpg[/IMG] Jutsu vs Non-Jutsu. Non-Jutsu wins!
  6. [quote name='CrimsonKnight'][COLOR="Red"]I must admit that i s-u-c-k at drawing anime. seriously, though. i'm better at drawing graffiti. well anyway, do you guys think i should stop trying to be like Rumiko Takahashi? i mean, i want to make a comic book, but it's too much work and equipment needed. and would you say you are good at drawing anime, or better at drawing abstract, graffiti, word art, or good at pottery?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Firstly: Drawing takes alot of practice and follows certain logic. There is a theory that drawing is done from a part of your brain which is naturally inactive. Some people activate this portion of the brain sooner than others (and some dont at all). I am a firm believer in this theory as I was (totally) rubbish at drawing and then at a certain point in my life (which I still remember as it was so significant) something suddenly clicked and I was drawing considerably better. Even so having unlocked the portion of the brain doesnt mean you become pro level (actually you might do) but most people then practice and craft thier skill to become something incredible. You will find numerous websites on the internet about this subject. Search from "drawing on the right side of the brain" which was the original book that highlighted this theory. Secondly: I am rubbish at abstract, Grafiti, realistic styled drawings. However I am good (or at least I consider myself to be good at) drawing manga style. Do what you enjoy and it will show in your work eventually. P.S sorry for the long post, as you may have noticed im pretty passionate about my art.
  7. [quote name='Aceburner'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"] Anyway, Chibi: From my understanding, the clan leadership position is mostly a birthright. The only exceptions seem to be if the firstborn is too weak or dies before they can take over. Hinata was considered weak, so at the time she was assigned to Kurenai it was Hanabi who was being considered. The only way Neji would get it is probably if both Hinata and Hanabi died before having children and Hiashi had no more children. Also, Neji's name doesn't begin with an "H." This is clearly an important factor, especially since his father's name did.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Hey which chapter does Hiashi indicate that Hanabi was being considered for head over Hinata?
  8. [quote name='Aberinkula'][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Oh yeah two in a row beyotch! [IMG]http://images.smarter.com/blogs/rexgrossman.jpg[/IMG] P.S. Sorry but this is one of the most awkward and funny of the pics I found and really, there are hundreds of funny caption possibilities for this one![/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Attack 31: This move requires precise timing and position to be effective, also known as Rear tackle.
  9. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"] Again this is a grey area, we've had nothing to say that he has been chosen over Hinata, nor anything to say that the training is simply to develop his skills as a Hyuuga. Personally I've felt that as long as Hanabi is in the equation, Neji won't be chosen directly to succeed Hiashi because she's apparently a genius too, as well as being a member of the Main Family. Relating to the training itself, I think that was just Hiashi's way of repaying his debt for Hizashi's sacrifice, that and he obviously wants a talent like Neji's to develop given it promotes the strength of the Hyuuga as a whole, even if he isn't a Main Family member. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] After doing some more reading it seems that the level of skill isnt so much as a factor to decide leadership but more emphasis on birth order (hence why neji's father hated his brother). With this I think its safe to assume that Hinata will be handed the leadership eventually, most likely with Neji and Hanabi as her two strong underlings. Also Neji was declared more of a genius than even Hanabi. This was back when neji fought Hinata.
  10. Loads of deaths in anime that I found was sad or well done. But trigun and gungrave did them the best. Trigun [spoiler]Wolfwood was and still is one of my most beloved character in the series so when he was dieying and had his speech about not wanting to die, it was pretty sad. The setting was brilliant, in a church, leaning on his huge cross, crying to god to not die.[/spoiler] Gungrave [spoiler]Oh man this series is brilliant from start to finish so when Harry kills brandon it was pretty sad. Still I didnt think it was that sad cos I could see it coming from a mile off. The real sad death was the ending when both die but with brandon still trying to protect Harry. Then it showed Harry seeing flashbacks and ghosts of his old friends which I felt was pretty touching.[/spoiler]
  11. [quote name='Aceburner'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"] And seeing as how Neji got screwed on that deal at the birth of his father, The only thing keeping Hinata from being head of the Hyuuga clan is her little sister, who being younger also got screwed by fate.[/FONT][/QUOTE] I may be mistaken but didnt the two branch of families get along again? I was under the impression that neji was now going to be the head considering he is being trained under Hinata's father and being the strongest Hyuuga clan member. Oh yeh and to whoever said naruto needs a little more love innit, I agree. They are all reaching an age where they should be seeing someone. I wouldnt mind if this would happen but since its a shonen manga....*runs away*
  12. Naruto is a good series in my opinion, I always see it as a very good fantasy story trapped in the body of a shonen manga. There are quite a few characters that seem to just disapear as the manga moves forward, like I cant remember the last time Lee made an apearance. He was/is my most favourite character alongside Jiraya. I was quite please jiraya died cos it kinda gave kishimoto a little credibility. I read the series and enjoy it, but only do so in hopes to read the ending to this unnessarily long "friend chase", for that is what it is. P.S More hinata would be cool, I hate how the series focus's so heavily on sharingan yet blatantly overlooks Byakugan. I think (more like hope) Hinata will become the true successor of the clan overpowering Neji. This will most likely happen after Naruto being the pure idiot he is give an insipirational speech to her that will send her power level rocketing over 9000!!!.
  13. [quote name='Aceburner'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Alex Louis Armstrong, huh? I have the perfect thing. [IMG]http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n72/Aceburner85/FullMetalAlchemist65page22-OneManga.png[/IMG] Olivia Milla Armstrong, his big sister. She's smarter, sexier, stronger and the only reason you should need to start reading the manga instead of just watching the anime that doesn't have her in it.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://www.lauraharms.ca/images/Integral.jpg[/IMG] Integra Hellsing - Smarter, Sexier, Stronger (I can personally attest to this) and the only reason why I alucard kill other vampires. Also cos Hellsing bloodline > Armstrong bloodline :animeswea
  14. [quote name='Godot'] It did have an good ending that left me with a feeling of satisfaction. The whole golge thing was priceless. (Also I cant get the Pururin song out of my head, its so addicting)[/QUOTE] OMG that song is pure WIN!!! I always stick it on every now and then either to annoy friends or just plain sing along. (dont tell anyone that though :animeknow) on a side note anyone know of any more slice of life animes?
  15. boothten and aceburner both made me laugh :animesmil My vote goes to Aberinkula though.
  16. Doesnt actually have a mind for mind control to take place. [IMG]http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/2161/6532yrfu1.jpg[/IMG]
  17. [IMG]http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51VOf8a0dyL.jpg[/IMG] More samurai than zaraki will ever be... and he has silver hair.
  18. [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b323/you_fail_lol/Sephiroth_in_Last_Order.jpg[/IMG] Something about hair?
  19. [IMG]http://www.absoluteanime.com/azumanga_daioh/kamineko.jpg[/IMG] Azumanga Dioh Evil Cat >> Eats >> Silly Looking Bird
  20. Welcome to NHK is an awesome anime. One of my favourite for sure. For me it started off a bit slow and slightly boring but the more I watched the better it got. Its interesting how real some of the situations can be. I found it spooking me out cos I spend alot of time on my own and in my room, needless to say it made me go out more lol. p.s had one of the best endings I had ever seen, watching it from start to finish was completely satisfying. There was not a desire to see more nor did I wish for it to end as I was watching. This imo was a sign of a good ending.
  21. [IMG]http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/464/meier24ob4.jpg[/IMG] More pretty boy than Kanima! He cant kill him with that sword.
  22. [IMG]http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/7836/playedkojima2eh3.jpg[/IMG] :D
  23. [quote name='Aberinkula'][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"][IMG]http://remainsofthedesi.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/evil-monkey-2.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Anti-animal rights activists launch thier own ad campain.
  24. Hi my name is Alucard. I know what your thinking "OMG Alucard is on our forum!!!" but yeh, being an eternal creature gives me a fair bit of time. I have become quite the otaku as of late (also is a great way to lay of the blood, im still dealing with that addiction in my own pace). For those that dont know me I am the son of Dracula and have had many apearances in manga, anime, books and video games. You could say im quite the celebrity. Still im not stuck up and am still quite in tune with mortals (and [strike]juicy meals[/strike] fans), dont be afraid. Hope to [strike]feed of[/strike] get along with many of your members. Alucard
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