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Everything posted by woody

  1. To be honest, I don't like your type of guy. Sorry if I hurt your feeling, but I'm just telling how I feel.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Videl~ [/i] [B]lol thats mean :( :D Was it for a lot of money? [/B][/QUOTE] $50. The company shouldn't send me that check. Beside, I don't know where thep person the check should go to address. [color=blue][size=1]That's not the first time I recieved those kind of mail :D [/color][/size]
  3. (off topic) How old are you Nory? :D
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i] [B] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I LOVE to make people happy. . it is a wierd thing with my, where I love to see people laugh and love seeing them smile. I don't really know if that makes any sense, but my favorite thing about people is seeing their smiles. Why are people so afraid to laugh and smile now-a-days? :D Smiling and laughing are good!! Oh well, as for being too nice to women - it is still that problem thing with me. I think I have forgotten how to be mean. . I mean, I spend so much time trying to appologize and make up for other people that I don't think I have insulted someone in a LONG time. I mean, I do my little crack shots at people, but in my opinion, that really isn't said in being serious as much as it is to try and make them laugh or smile . . (see paragraph 1, LOL) Oh well. . guess that is why I am put here on Earth though, right? If you believe that everyone has a purpose.~ [/SIZE][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] it's not weird of what's you're doing or feel as you describe. I liked to make people happy, if they feel happy then I feel good inside. [color=blue][size=1] You sound very innocent. [/color][/size]
  5. Unsual mail, some company send me a refund check. It turn out that, the check isn't for me, it's for someone else who happen to have the same name and lived in the state with me. I kept the check anyway.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i] [B]Hmmm. . greatest achievment. . Hmmm Let's see - I am rather proud of my ability to make people feel better. As a result of this, I usually suffer the conciquences of EVERYONE wanting to be my friend. Not a bad thing you say? Well, imagine when I am interested in a girl, and it turns out she loves me like a brother (I hate that) instead of anything else. . . *sigh* But to be honest, I really wouldn't trade that for anything. I know there is probably someone out there for me ^_^ riiiiiight. . . *cough* Other then that. . ummm, I am super happy to be awesome in video games, and usually make my friends strive harder to become as good as I am =) [/B][/QUOTE] That's good, but just one problem. You can make everyone happy, but when you're sad, no one is there to make you happy. For the part that imagine a you're interested in a girl and she loved you as a brother, that probably because you're being too nice to her like a family.
  7. I always ended up dying in my dream or running for help :help:
  8. anyone notice some similarities of sailormoon and dbz, like Trunks and Chibi moon both from the future. Prince Diamond and Cell are villian from th future.
  9. Favorite - pop, classic, and country. It make me go to sleep easily. non-favorite - I don't like to hear offensive lyric.
  10. I want to joint too, can I have agumon?
  11. Woody (:therock: ) puzzled, huh, Can I have a coke?
  12. Good luck to all and myself, four finals in three consecutive days this week.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] richmond, virginia, usa. [/B][/QUOTE] That would be seven hours drive. Merry Christmas to you, even you're faraway.:wave:
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]my christmas is going to totally SUCK. first of all, my brother's going to be in jail so we're celebrating on the 19th. secondly, i'm not getting s--- b/c my parents are pissed at me. third, i'm going to be homeless on christmas AGAIN & that sucked last time. fourth, it's probably going to be really cold & i'm going to have old men hitting on me wanting their present. *shudders* anyone want to invite me over??? [/B][/QUOTE] that's suck. Mery Christmas to you from my heart. Where do you live?
  15. Woody looks nervous:worried:, accident do happen (woody whistling)
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shibatku [/i] [B]If these Fusions were ever made (never) I'd have to record it cause it be so :cussing: funny. That's alot of fusions. [/B][/QUOTE] I would tape over every episode and watch them over and over again.
  17. :bawl: :bawl: Woody cried and attacks Akira fearlessly and pushes him to the wall.
  18. Woody enters, and accidently trip over the chair and pushes Akira on the floor.
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