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About Draco
- Birthday 12/16/1988
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Name: Enzio Alphen (preferes his nick name Sarge) Age: 36 Gender: Male Job: Main Security guard for the only entrance and exit to the outside for the bunker. Although that wasn't his main purpose in the bunkers military training. Skills: Sarge is skilled in the use, maintance, and application of fire power to the point of being a master. He can also repair his armor with scrap metal. Sarge is also handy with hand to hand and maylee weapons. Appearence: (see attachtment) Sarge rarely takes his armor off but when he does take some of it off for repairs he has short dark brown hair with two different colored eyes. The left eye is hazel and his right eye is red. He has a large scar running down from his upper left to the lower right jaw. This came from his first day in the bunkers attempt at old school military training. His supperiers claimed it was an accident but he knew that some of his fellow grunts had it out for his skills. Personality: Sarge is a loner by nature. Paraniod brought on by basic training keeps him looking in places others wont. He does try to reach out to the kids in the bunker. His sense of humer is off by a far distance than normal people. Since being a loner people tend to be scared of him but he really is a good guy always trying to help anyone in need. Snippit: "Hey Sarge you going back out to the post?" One of the trainees ask. Sarge stopped and turned around. "Yes, becarefull on the training course." Sarge said to the young one. "I will sir. Becarefull on the outside." The young one said returning to training. As he approached the gigantic door, he flashed his badge to open the door for the armory to grab his favorite weapon. "Hey Enzio, here for your gun?" The Armory clerk said to Sarge. "Of course. I need Draco with enough ammo to last the shift. I think all we will get today is just some mutated cows." Sarge said picking up his "antique" M60. "Right, why dont you upgrade to some of the better guns? That thing is on its last leg." The clerk said pointing at some of the models that appear in better shape. "Nope, this is in better shape than those. Anyways I'm off to the post." Sarge said not even listening to the clerks response. The door opened enough to let him through to the outpost where one other guy was waiting for him to relieve his possition. "Hey Sarge, I heard one of the guys from the exploration team is back." Jack said gathering his gear. "Yea, I wonder what its like out their. If their going to send another team I want to be with them." Sarge said looking at the exit to the underground bunker. "From what I hear they are sending a team out and your name is on the list." Jack said. "Well, lets hope when we return, we'll have everyone here instead of just one guy. Anyways, get going before they shut the door." Sarge said pointing to the door. "Oh right. Have a nice shift!" Jack said after entering the bunker and then the door shut with a loud clank. "A chance to leave and explore the world. Better start packing ammo and supplies to make ammo on the out side." Sarge said looking at the bunker.
On the Flagship for the blockade of Tatooine, the captain was stairing out onto the planet. "Why are we wasting resources capturing this worthless dirt ball?" TheDarth Beric said to one of his LTs. "Veticus demands it sir. Did you forgot what happened to the last captain who question his authority?" The LT said. "I will follow my orders but I'm just saying this planet isnt worth my time. Any resestaince to our troops yet?" The Darth Beric said when a low ranking officer came up to him. "Darth Beric! Darth Beric! We just detected a very small ship entering the atmosphere." The petty officer said. "What? You let a ship enter Tatooine?" TheDarth Beric said with a furious voice. "No sir, It was soo small it didn't show up untill it hit the atmosphere. I'm guessing a single person shuttle." The Petty Officer said. "Send a few squads to greet them. Also, do not fail me again or I'll jeteson you out the airlock!" The Darth Beric said not even looking at the PO. "Sir, yes sir. I have adjusted the scanners to detect single person craft. The next time they take off the planet the autocannons will take them out." The PO said at attention. "Good, now Leutenent, have we encountered resistance yet?" The Darth Beric said to the LT. "Yes sir, several local mercs have taking pop shots on our troops. The Huts also have been resisting us. We should have the planet in days at this pace." The LT said pointing at locations on the view screen. "Lord Veticus should be pleased with our progress. I'll send him a report soon." The Darth Beric still looking out on the planet. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Statement: They will know we hit planet side after entering the atmosphere. Sugestion: We boobie trap the shuttle to exploded if tampered with." Burnt said to Nikito. "Hmm? Oh right. lets do that then." Nikito said looking spaced out. "Confused Question: Nikito, are you worried about R7? Angry Statement: That little astromech is a pain in the servos but he does survive." Burnt said scanning for a landing zone nearest to the taget. "No, its not that. Their is something wrong in the force." Nikito said still looking spaced out. "Sarcasted Response: The force this, the force that. You meatbags are so cought up with that force thing that you forget to enjoy what little life you have." Burnt said knowing that that ticked her off. "I almost enjoyed my life but that was a lie created by the dark side." Nikito said with no anger. "Statement: The dark side sounds like fun. But jedi are the opposite of sith. Anyways, once we get the hut, the sooner we can get off this dirt ball." Burnt said. "Yes, lets just get this over." Nikito said sounding disappointed.
I have seen I don't know many movies come out claiming to be only in theaters only to come out on DVD several months later. From what I gather, they want you to believe that their a limited time only offer but what they really want is for you to spend more money than you would buying a blu-ray DVD before releasing it for mass production. The *Limited* movies that do bad within a week or two come out in no less than one month. If anyone else is tired of this and wish to speak their mind about it. Go ahead and post it. Just keep it clean for the kiddies who go on this site.
"Deactivating hyperdrive t-minus 5 minutes on the edge of Binary Star System" Auto pilot announced through out the ship. "Excited Answer: Good, but I should tell Nikito myself. Groan: She is probally meditating in her room." Burnt said getting up out of the seat. Has Burnt began his walk to Nikito's room, she came bursting in. She looked at Burnt then at the nav screen. "Suprised Question: So I take it you heard the auto-pilot then?" Burnt said. She was a cold sweat and looked de-railed. "Theirs been a distrubenced in the Force. A very bad one, almost has bad has the Death of the masters." She said turning to Burnt. Burnt just turned to her and was about to say something when R7 had to interrupt the moment. "beep beep whizzz whistle" R7 said. (I'm just making up random things for R7's words) "Disappointed Answer: Yes R7, we are going for Tatooine for a sluge's head. Happy: I can't wait to cut his head off and hand it over on to the guys who want that fat meatbag." Burnt said sharpining his blade. "Do you always have to take pleasure in killing things?" Nikito said shaking her head. "Aggitated Answer: Yes I do. Looks like we are about to leave hyperspace." Burnt said pointing at the view screen. Has he said that, the ship came out of hyperspace. The ship automatically sounded red alert. "Warning, Warnin, detecting Sith ships blockaiding Tatooine. Landing is inadvisable. Sugestion, take a shuttle and hope your not spotted." Ship computer said. "Disappointed grunt: Great, this was supposed to be an easy hit. Question: So do you want to do this or should we call off the hunt?" Burnt said brining the target page. "Well, If we can sneak and and get out before they notice use, then yes. But we have to take a very small shuttle to avoid detection." Nikito said loading the smallest shuttle online. "Excited Reply: Great! Can't wait to get this over. Lets get on with it." Burnt said going towards the elevator. So they got aboard the smallest shuttle and began their decent into Tatooines atmosphere. (Yay, sorry it took me a while. Been busy with work and have my neice over for a few weeks from Olkahoma.)
Awesome Alaska! Can't wait till its up.
Name: HK-99 "Calls himself Burnt" Race: Assassin Droid Age: Uknknown. Estemated guess was at least 45 years after first activation. Class: Bounty Hunter Weapons: Heavely modified heavy blaster. sith sniper rifle, and double vibro-blade Character Description (Bio): Burnt doesnt remember the first 4 years of his life. For the past 41 years or so he has been working has a bounty hunter with a female "Meatbag" and an astromeck droid that annoies him to no end. Unlike the model he was designed from where HK-47 is evil, Burnt shifts between evil and good. He expresses emotion by saying the corrosponding phrase like "Disgusted whine" or "Sarcastic Response" before every emotional querie. A trait coppied from the original HK-47. His voice is more human like and can use any voice he picks up. He has stored thousands of voices of various languages of many species. To an untrained ear, its an ulmost perfect voice replecation. Physical Appearence: [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090417184925/starwars/images/thumb/0/08/HK-47_from_both_games.jpg/300px-HK-47_from_both_games.jpg[/img] Instead of the rusty type red the original color. Burnt Is multi-color that changes to suit the inviroment. (Not adaptive camo-cloaking but like current camoflage) Pesonality: Being a droid, his personality is hard to obtain. He tries to be outgoing but fails with only humaniod being on board. That astromeck really annoies him. Questioning every little thing he does when it is mostly inconvenent to him. If he didn't take care of the ship soo well. He'd have his memory swiped and have him sold for scrap. He sometimes wishes he was a meatbag so he could be a jedi but thats wastefull thinking since it will never happen. NPC: Company: Name: Jedi Knight Nikito Fra Race: Nautolan Age:26 Bio:One of the few Nautolans to leave their home planet and even rarer that one that leaves the homeworld with force poweres. She encountered Burnt when she turned 20. Giving to her has a gift from his previous owner has a sign of respect to her species. Burnt interested her since HK's are rare to see and still live. Their body counts are staguring. No one survives an encounter. For the past 6 years, Nikito and Burnt have been bounty hunting while continuing her Jedi Training. Personality: She isn't like most Jedi. Since her master dissappeared, she has been having problems with her emotions. While fighting a Sith Apprentice, she almost gave into the dark side. At the moment when the dark side almost consumed her, a memory flickered in her head. "Remember my young padawan. Anger, dispare, greed, and other emotions like them lead to the dark side. Death is a fate no one can avoid. Even the Sith with their extended lives eventually meet their end. Even though I pass on to the force, I'll be with you has the force guides you along the path you decide." She defeted the Sith and her resolve has never been stronger. She will find who are responsible for her masters disappearence and bring them to justice. Physical Description: [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080905001559/starwars/images/a/a6/Nautolan_Fem_Sith_SWGTCG.jpg[/img] Unlike the picture, she has brown skin, dark marron eyes, and green body paint. She wears skin tight leather like cloths and a general jedi robs. Weapons: Two light sabers. One for each hand. The main hand is emerald green and has a long reach. Its hilt is grey with scatches on it from continued disassemble and reassembling it. The Off hand is a short reach and is a light yellow. Like the main hand, the hilt is grey and scratched. Name: R7-S9 Race: Astromech Droid Personality: Annoying Know it all. Bio: R7 came with the ship. The previous owner had one thing to say about R7. It has had several memory swips but seems to have every memory intact. When he tried to disassemble the droid it defended its self and he backed off. The previous owner got the droid from the black market and has no idea where it came from or how it was programed to fix the ship but he didn't want to know. Physical Discription:[img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ktlhgz7EMh1qzi19to1_500.jpg[/img] Weapons/ Tools: R7 has a full complement of tools to fix almost everything on the ship and vehicals. He also has a few weapons in secret compartments Two blaster, Drisrupter Ray, and Stun ray. Ship:[img]http://www.freecomputerdesktopwallpaper.com/new_wallpaper/Starship_Achilles_from_Stargate_freecomputerdesktopwallpaper_p.jpg[/img] This is the original design called HAV-MBLC-003. Smaller auto-cannons surrond each large cannon in groups of 8. It also has 28 missile bays. A few bays have been converted to launch probes. The ship engines where replaced with new , more effecient, and powerfull models. HAV is a Heavy Attack Vessel from Rodien Shipworks. It has Light shielding due to massive power drain from the weapons systems. Due to low shielding, it has high armor to compensate it. This a prototype ship and only 6 where made. Two are currently opperational and 4 are either in mussemums, privit collections, or sitting in their construction bays half made. Starting Planet: Tattooine (OoC: Let me know if this post is ok Canz?)
Their must have been at least a hundred wana be hunters standing in line for the ship. Most look young, probally hoping for an easy life and easy money. They have no idea what is instored for them. From where he is standing it looks like their taking all weapons and storing them in containers. Appreantly all weapons arn't allowed on a person while the ship is in transport. When he came up to the ship they put a large container infront of him "Please put any and all weapons in the container." The person said looking at the clip board. "Alrighty but can I ask why?" Tyrant asked while putting his weapons in the large container. "Argh, do you know how many people asked me that?" he said with such anger. "I'm sorry if I upseted you." Tyrant said putting his sword in the container. "No, no, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to snap at you. Weapons are not allowed because we only have a limited number of bounty licenses availible and we don't want unnecessary deaths while en route." He said handing Tyrant a ticket. "So the rummur I heard is true then?" Tyrant said putting the ticket in his pocket. "Rummer? Oh, no, their not true. but I do need you to sign this and this one." He said quickly taking the second papper away. "What was the pappers for?" He said looking at the container being loaded onto the ship. "The first one was an agreement on the transport and weapon containers. The second one is nothing major. Move along, I have others to process." He waved the next person in line. While walking towards the ship he was bringing up what he caught of the second papper. "I, ________________________, agree to place a bounty on me during the 3 out of 7 days aboard this ship. I also agree to put life insurence incase of death in the sum of 1 million credits. Any and all weapons I have stored in containers will be returned to me, ___________________, after transport and if I survive the 3 days. If I do not survive then I agrree that my weapons will be sold to others who did survive and/or sold in markets on the BHQ." "Hmm, looks like its going to get interesting soon." Tyrant said wwhile walking into the ship. (OoC: Ok I've added a little twist in the plot. By the way, WHERE IS EVERYBODY? If you are not in the thread but wish to join please post in the audtion tab and PM me please.)
Where is everybody? Its been almost 2-3 weeks since the board went back up and nobody has replied to anything
In the begining when man first staired into the sky and wondered if they where alone in the universe. They where not alone but forgotten by time. Mankind is a forgotten, powerfull, spacefaring species that since has gone through evolution but has long lost its knowledge and ability to grasp the concept of an unfamable space traveling black holes. In the oldest known records in existence tells of their might to create planets and solar system. The machine is rumured to be in the galatic center of the milky way but none who dare venture forth has ever been seen again. Many species have long forgotten their ancient history and most have forgotten the humans. So has time moved on from mans first look in the sky to the year 2031AD, events would never be the same again. In the year 2031AD, mankind has just colonized Mars and The moon of Mars, Titan. A civilian ship doubed the Fox picked a strange signal coming from Pluto. The Fox reported it to Earth Defence Force and a fleet of ships with several science, mining, and battleships set off towards Pluto. Humans have developed sub-warp drives but even though it will take at least 1 week before they reach Pluto. Comunication is done by linked com stations and arrays around all planets except Pluto and all planetary moons. Since com stations and arrays are so near connections are almost instant. When the fleet arrived at Pluto, the small little ice and rock planet seen from passing probes and satalites is an actual space station. It appears that the super computer controlling the station had no power. Small radio-active orbs where scattered on the surface of the station. After removal and decontamination, the scientist came up with a theroy that the orbs where the stations power source but ejectied them to the surface but has ran out of them since only harmless radio-active resadue is left in some type of holding cells. Since then, the EDF has devoted any and all avalible resources to getting that station running. In 2099, the impossible became a reality.The stations computer went online. When the comp came online it scanned the humans in the station and annalyzed their DNA, Genos, and compared skeletion line ups. Then it shut downed for a few seconds then a voice came from the station. "Welcome, I see my power supply has been depleted and I have been offline for almost 70 of your years." The computer said in an almost erry human male voice. "You can speak and understand us?" The lead scientist said with amazment. "Why, of course. Your kind designed me and built me to understand any language as long has their is a physical specimen present in station." It said again. "Our kind? That would be impossible. We couldn't even construct a station of this size. The cost alone would be staguring and not to mention the power supply. Our current technologie isn't capable of this." The lead scientist said back. "Im detecting ships in orbit above the outer layer of the stations. Counting 19, including several unarmed craft on the surface and a large concentration of armed craft in orbit. Are you kind under attack?" The computer asked. "No, we are not. Its standard proceedure. Even though Earth, our home planet, has united has one, their are groups of humans who don't like colonizing and terraforming colonized moons and some planets. So they formed station born orginizations against the EDF. Its been a few decades since they tried any military actions." The lead scientist said looking at the computer. "I see. Can I access your ships computers to gather more data?" The comp said. "You can but you have to tell us what you want with that data." The Lead scientist said. "In order for me to assist your kind to take its first steps into this galaxy, your ships and your technology would have to jump even more." The computer said. "Of course, Captain open a link between all ships and the computer." The lead scientist said. Since then humans have ventured into the galaxy. The year is 3002AD and humanity has been asorbed into the galactic society. Mankind has quickly since become a force to be messed with. With the help of Pluto, man knid is inching ever closer towards its forgotten power. For now, humans play has mercs, gaurdians, bounty hunters, etc. On an outer planet, a group of bounty hunters from small planets in the Delta sector board a Oblisk class transport ship bound towards the Galactic Bounty Hunter's Headquater planet to become licensed Bounty Hunters. ____________________________________________________________________ The planet was a buz with tourist and other bounty hunter canadates. You could see the transport from here. Well you could see the space elevator leading to the transport. Obliesk are huge space craft and is unable to enter any planetary atmosphere. Has Tyrant began to walk towards the elevator but was interecepted by licensed bounty hunters from his home planet in an ally. "Your coming back with us Tyrant." One of them said. "Why should I go with you?" Tyrant said not even looking at them. "Our employer whats to talk to you him self. He put a huge bounty on your head if your alive. So just come with us." He said. "Didn't I put him behind bars before I left?" Tyrant asked still not looking at them. "Hehehehe, he got out a day after you left. But since you've did such a goody goody job of destroying his orginization, He doesnt have any conections in any part of the police, military, nor the government. He wants to kill you personally." The runt of the group said acting like a smart ass. "Hey shut your mouth. He wasnt suppose to know that!" The group leader said smacking the runt. "So he wants me alive only to kill me later on. Seems too much trouble for you. Pay your respects to my sword beacuse its the last thing you'll see before you die." Tryant said pulling his sword out. "Hey, wait Tyrant. This isnt worth it. You know what, I'll tell him we didn't find you." He said. "Go know and tell him that if he sends more bounty hunters after me, they'll be returned in body bags." Tyrant said finally looking at them. They left running and he continued towards the space elevator. Along the way he heard rummers from some of the other bounty hunters about the transport. "You heard what happened?" One said to the other. Tyrant stopped and continued to listen too them. "No, what happened?" the younger one said. "I heard that the last group that went to get their license didn't come out a group." The older one said. "Really? Is that true?" The younger one said. "I don't know. Its just a rummer. Even so I'm not going. I think an engineer for the military is more safe than bounty hunting." The older one said looking at the military brochure. "I agree, but I'll go with being a mechanic for a space port in space." The younger one said. They both left the space elevator and headed back into town. Hopefully that rummer isn't true. He arrived at the entrance to the elevator and went through the processing to board the ship. ____________________________________________________________________ O.o.C Their we go! Post how you wound up from where ever you came from to the space elevator to the Obliesk. I have a surpise instore for everyone. Also sign ups are always open. Remember, you don't have to be a bounty hunter. Their are other things you can be. Smugler, transporters, etc. Have fun and post!
In the begining when man first staired into the sky and wondered if they where alone in the universe. They where not alone but forgotten by time. Mankind is a forgotten, powerfull, spacefaring species that since has gone through evolution but has long lost its knowledge and ability to grasp the concept of an unfamable space traveling black holes. In the oldest known records in existence tells of their might to create planets and solar system. The machine is rumured to be in the galatic center of the milky way but none who dare venture forth has ever been seen again. Many species have long forgotten their ancient history and most have forgotten the humans. So has time moved on from mans first look in the sky to the year 2031AD, events would never be the same again. In the year 2031AD, mankind has just colonized Mars and The moon of Mars, Titan. A civilian ship doubed the Fox picked a strange signal coming from Pluto. The Fox reported it to Earth Defence Force and a fleet of ships with several science, mining, and battleships set off towards Pluto. Humans have developed sub-warp drives but even though it will take at least 1 week before they reach Pluto. Comunication is done by linked com stations and arrays around all planets except Pluto and all planetary moons. Since com stations and arrays are so near connections are almost instant. When the fleet arrived at Pluto, the small little ice and rock planet seen from passing probes and satalites is an actual space station. It appears that the super computer controlling the station had no power. Small radio-active orbs where scattered on the surface of the station. After removal and decontamination, the scientist came up with a theroy that the orbs where the stations power source but ejectied them to the surface but has ran out of them since only harmless radio-active resadue is left in some type of holding cells. Since then, the EDF has devoted any and all avalible resources to getting that station running. In 2099, the impossible became a reality.The stations computer went online. When the comp came online it scanned the humans in the station and annalyzed their DNA, Genos, and compared skeletion line ups. Then it shut downed for a few seconds then a voice came from the station. "Welcome, I see my power supply has been depleted and I have been offline for almost 70 of your years." The computer said in an almost erry human male voice. "You can speak and understand us?" The lead scientist said with amazment. "Why, of course. Your kind designed me and built me to understand any language as long has their is a physical specimen present in station." It said again. "Our kind? That would be impossible. We couldn't even construct a station of this size. The cost alone would be staguring and not to mention the power supply. Our current technologie isn't capable of this." The lead scientist said back. "Im detecting ships in orbit above the outer layer of the stations. Counting 19, including several unarmed craft on the surface and a large concentration of armed craft in orbit. Are you kind under attack?" The computer asked. "No, we are not. Its standard proceedure. Even though Earth, our home planet, has united has one, their are groups of humans who don't like colonizing and terraforming colonized moons and some planets. So they formed station born orginizations against the EDF. Its been a few decades since they tried any military actions." The lead scientist said looking at the computer. "I see. Can I access your ships computers to gather more data?" The comp said. "You can but you have to tell us what you want with that data." The Lead scientist said. "In order for me to assist your kind to take its first steps into this galaxy, your ships and your technology would have to jump even more." The computer said. "Of course, Captain open a link between all ships and the computer." The lead scientist said. Since then humans have ventured into the galaxy. The year is 3002AD and humanity has been asorbed into the galactic society. Mankind has quickly since become a force to be messed with. With the help of Pluto, man knid is inching ever closer towards its forgotten power. For now, humans play has mercs, gaurdians, bounty hunters, etc. On an outer planet, a group of bounty hunters from small planets in the Delta sector board a Oblisk class transport ship bound towards the Galactic Bounty Hunter's Headquater planet to become licensed Bounty Hunters. ____________________________________________________________________ Ok people this is the back stage thread. Discuss any ideas you might have for the main thread that will be up in 1 or 2 days. Ok when you post, You just arrived at the shp or planet and heading towards the ship. While en routeto the ship you hear rummers about the ships wierd departure passenger count and its arrival count. Enjoy and the audition page will still be up for anyone who finds it interesting.