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Everything posted by Draco

  1. Well everyone knows or seen a tv special about the crash in 1947 at Rosswell New mexico. Well since man could make weapons their has been a secret family controlling the worlds black markets and technological break throughs. They became known has the Asgaurd family. Since 1949, they have been reverse engineering the alien ship and have developed every single thing we take for granted today. The head family leader had plans to dominate the world using any means necessary. In 2014, World War 3 broke out when Brazilian militerist launched 5 nuclear warheads at the United States Russia, England, Japan, and Germany. Goverments paniced and launched nukes at anyone they thought nuked them. The Unted States eastern and Western coast lines where worst hit with spackle shots across the rest. Hawaii and Alsaska where untouched. 8 years later, when my character was born in, they developed scrubing nanites to help clean the contaminated air. They did well above their expected range but the contamination kept coming back. In 2028, they came up with the 2nd gen nanites that where able to scrub air and water supplise. This greatly improved the lives to all who wheren't in the Asgaurd Hives. At the same time, my character has just been tested to see what his role would be. When the results came back, he was the smartes person since Albert Einstien. So they put him to work on a device that could open rifts to other demensions or universes and allow a person to travel through. The device was powered by alien power cells that seemed to take energy from the air and convert it to energy. Since the cells where too big to fit in anything smaller than a backpack, it would give the user a chance not to loose it. In 2037, he was taken off the Multi-verse traveling device and put on the redesign of the 2nd gen nanites to work on ground contamiations. A week into redesigning them, he found out that they have actually reached the limits of their designs. So he scrapped that and started to draw designs for a new generation nanites that would do more than scrub the air, water, and ground. Since the discovery of nanites contained in a vial abord the ship, he could fit their main program, medical dictionary on all life on the planet, and reporduction tech on an even smaller version. This caught the eye of the leaders and they started to talk to other scientist to se the possiblity of using them has spies or even to kill. He heard of this and perfected the MVBP (Multi-Verse BackPack) by 2038. He also rigged his room to explode and catch fire in order to destroy all data residing to the MVBP and the new nanites. He carried a trauma kit which contained the only (depends on how many people join initially) and the MVBP with all data on him and his research (its stored in the MVBP's onboard 500Terobit memory {which is alot of memory!}). At the same time though, security was right behind him and open fired on him with dummy 9mm rounds at first. A few hit his back and arms. When he activated the MVBP they used assualt riffles on his legs and right arm. The uper right arm was hit and shattered the bone. The lower left leg got hit but the bullet stuck in the bone. The right leg got skinned but isn't life threatning unlike the others. At that same time, a bright light opened up in another universe and he came through. Ok Knuckles and everyone else. Thats where the first person will save me. I also have some twists when I put the Audition thread up. I hope you like it and let me know if youare interested in it. I will stil post on Band of the Blood Moon though.
  2. Ah ok, btw if anyone is interested. I have an idea for a Multi-verse RP.
  3. (OoC: Sorry for my long absents people. It is rather dificult to type on the iPhone and I have managed to get on the house pc.) Draco was looking at the weird guy who appereantly knows Calil. He didn't like this guy. The smell he gave off was stale and sour. He had an evil arua around him has well. He was greatfull he was able to get her a new body but he was also extremely pissed off that her tried to erase her memory of Dean. Draco sat their looking at him. It looked like it was creeping him out because he kept looking over his shoulder at Draco. "What are you looking at?" Penbrook said breaking the awkward silence. "So you tried to erase Dean from her life. If you love her soo much that you'll do anything for her, I got a sugestion." Draco said still sitting while looking at Pen. "And what would that be?" Pen said in a sarcastic way. "I've know Calil and Dean since they saved me from my self a long time ago. We've fought together and bleed together. Laughed and cried together. Dean did what he did so that she would be spared. Even if it look like he would never come back...." Draco said standing up. "...he knew eventualy the team would be formed again. We all knew that but the question was when. Dean is part of this team in some form. For Calil, Dean is part of her. Thats why your mind wip didn't work. Thats why you must do what I tell you." Draco said walking past Pen. "What does this have to do with me and Calil?" Pen said still sarcastic. "Listen closely because next time, she will kill you." Draco said turning around and facing Pen. "I sugest you never mess with her again. Physically or mentally." Draco said peering into his eyes. "I know Calil more than you and I won't listen to a no good freak." Pen said smart asslly. "You shouldn't say that to him." Karyn said. "If she can't kill you, I will. Your magic will not work on me and you are weak mind as well. You have an evil intent for her. I can smell it. You want her so badly that your willing to do anything to remove Dean and implant you into her memory. The problem is that your not her soul mate. You'll never be because in life. Every soul has a counter soul that it tries to find. Dean has ad will always be her counter soul. No magic is able to break that bond and any attempt will end in failure. I am going to find her. Karyn." Draco said has he waved to Karyn while Pen just stood their puzled about how Draco knew. "Yes Draco?" Karyn said cheerfull has ever. "Toss me the water jugs. Its really hot out their and she'll need a drink." Draco said looking at Karyn. "Sure thing." Karyn said while tossing the jugs. "But what about you?" Draco catching the jugs. "I'll be fine. Getting to her is the hard part. it will be too hot for us to travel back so wait here till night. Remember Karyn, I will be back tonight no matter what." Draco said winking at Karyn. "Well you better be back tonight. I won't wait another ten years!" Karyn said waving at Draco. Draco waved back and started to walk off were Calil walked off to. He sniffed the air to find her sent. "Hmm, even in her new body I can still catch a faint smell of the poison that pleagued her. Sand probally covered her footprents and the wind has blown her sent ways off but its only been a few hours. The closer I get to her the more potent the smell will be." Draco said looking off into the desert. "Calil, I need to find out what really happened while I was lost." Draco headed off into the desert in search of Calil. Even if she didn't want help or not.
  4. "Liar? I came back didn't I?" Draco said taking the box from her hand. They all looked at him. "Draco, did you get your memory back?" Dawner asked. "I believe I have. So for 10 years I've been gone and you waited for me." Draco said to Dawner then to Karyn. "Good, now we can go. Calil went off in that direction." Dawner said as he pointed. "Ok, you guys go ahead. Karyn, I need to ask you something." Draco said looking at her. "Ok Draco but don't take too long." Dawner said as everyone expect Karyn started to walk. "What do you want to talk to me about?" Karyn said with tears on her face. Draco stood up and wipped them away. After that he neild infront of her with the box in his hand. "Karyn, I know theirs nothing I can do for making you wait soo long. If you never want to forgive me, I understand why." He said looking at the ground. "Draco, I could never be mad at you. Just promise me that you'll never leave me again." She said looking at him. "(he laughs a little) I promise you that no matter what happens. I'll never leave alone again. But the only way I can see that happening is if I............" He said pulling the lid off the box. Inside was a ring. The ring was simple yet some what unique. "Karyn, will you let me be by your side untill we both die?" Draco said has she stood their with more tears streaming down her face. "Karyn, please don't cry." He said looking at her. (OoC: Sorry for the long pause in my post. I am doing this from an iPhone so it takes time. I also want to apologize for it being short.)
  5. "This is weird. Strange things that can take out an entire build in one hit. People who have unnatural powers. Then theirs me....." Draco stopped mid-sentence. Another flash back came into his head has he fell to the floor. Has he lost conscience he heard a familiar voice. A voice that sounding like he new it before. She called his name has he closed his eyes. FLASH BACK!!! "Here, take this box." He could hear his own voice. Then the familiar voice responded back but the face was blurred. "Whats in the box Draco?" The familiar voice said. "Promise me you won't open it till I come back." He said. She looked at him in the eyes. "I promise Draco. I will not open the box. Ok a promise for a promise. You have to come back fast." The familiar voice said. "I promise." He said. Then an explosion, after that blank. (OoC: Hey Chibi,its your turn. Do a little skit after I pass out and you hear Draco talking about a box.)
  6. Well, think about it this way. Their are two possible ways this ban lift could play out. One: When the ban is lifted, a new wave of HIV/AIDs positive people will flood into the US. Crimes from petty theft to rape would spread the virus faster than anyone can predict. Since it takes weeks, months, or even years for the virus to show up on test. Anyone is or is likely carrying the virus. Take the fact that the average female has about 3-9 "partners" between 6 months-12 month period. Also that the average male has 12-19 "partners" during the same time period. Each person is infected or carrying the virus. Within the next 5-10 years, 9-10 might be infected with the HIV/AIDs virus. Two: Researchers from other countries would fuel our researchers with new information could find a cure within 5-10 years. Our economy might improve due to tourist that where previously banned from stepping on US soil. Adding up to multi-million dollars in local areas and other businesses. The US would seem more open to the world than we do now. This could fundamentally change future history in a long run. The US appears to other countries as a bully. We aren't a bully. The US is the watch dog for the world because no-one is taking that responsibility. We make sure nukes aren't used and another World War like WW2 doesn't happen again. But think of this way. Maybe war is a way humans evolve and come closer. Enemies become allies. Since WW2, look at the technology that has came since then. War pushed the research, testing, and deploying new tech from years to decades to just months to a few years. Humans will never out date war. Its what wars are fought over that out date humans. Tech and War are two sides of the same side.
  7. This is the back thread for the post. This is for anyone who wants to ask questions on the audition thread. Also by Tuesday, the main thread will be up on the main board. I'm also looking for at least one or two more members but if I can't the audition will be up for anyone interested in joining and I'll think of a way to get you in.
  8. I agree. Its getting old waiting forever! Also I have a new thread up. Combat Zone: Shattered Lines. Im still looking for at least 2 more people. Please sign up so I can get it going.
  9. Thats not a problem Driz. I will be modifying the RP thread after I post this one.
  10. Warning: This is an extremely violent and mature RP. God modding is not going to be tolerated. Anyone caught modding will have their character either killed off or subsidized into a non important roll. The year is 2024 and we are trapped behind enemy lines.First Armored Recon Second Platoon, Acting Captain. We have no food and little water. Ammo is whats left in the guns and I have lost most of my squad due to a sneak ambush by the United Middle Eastern Coalition or U-MEC. We have the radio guy but he said we should wait till we are better situated to male a mayday call. I feel sorry for the tank crews. Poor sons of a bitches got hit by anti-tank missiles first. I saw the crew member manning the turret of tank #3 crawling out burning alive and we couldn't do a dam thing to save him except put a bullet in his head. If we make it back alive and they court marshal me. So be it but my first priority is to get the rest of my men out alive. I write this letter in any case we don't survive and friendlies find our bodies. My name is Privet First Class Combat Medic Mike Anolic. Captain Andrews was shot several times and was mortally wounded. I pulled him behind a destroyed tank and patched him up. A bullet clipped his aorta and he is bleeding internally and I can't do a fucking thing to save him. Blood was oozing out of his wounds and he was trying to get me to look at him. When I looked at him, he gave me an order. Its an order I can't refuse. That order was to get the rest of the platoon out alive. That last order made me Acting Captain but I was just a simple medic. Hopefully someone that survived can help me lead us to a safe zone 54 miles to the south west. I'm a medic and only had training in pistols and and just a simple instructions on assault riffles. How am I going to lead the rag tag team of battle toughen soldiers? May God have mercy upon our souls. Privet First Class Combat Medic, Acting Captain; Mike Anolic. United States Army. ___________________________________________________________________ Sign Ups are simple yet hard. Someone must take Radio responsibility please. Also First person view when the main thread is suggested but not a rule. Last but not least, any branch of the military is welcomed just explain how you met up with us. Name: (First/Last) Gender: Age: (21-35) Rank: (Up to Captain) Profession: (Heavy Gunner, Radio, Sniper, etc) Bio: (What was your last employment before joining? What made you join the military?) Snippet: (How you survived the ambush.) ___________________________________________________________________ Name: Mike Anolic Gender: Male Age: 24 Rank: Privet First Class Profession: Combat Medic Bio: Mike graduated high school at 18 and got into medical school to be a paramedic. He graduated medical school at age 22 and got a job at a local hospital. On his 23rd birthday, Congress reinstated the draft to call on people with skills they need. The next day he got a letter saying he is drafted into the Combat Medic units. Two weeks later he was in boot camp. Eight weeks later Mike completes Basic Training and was station first state side for 6 months. Then stationed over to the middle east. Snippet: Mike was riding shotgun in the Humvee, from the briefing it was just to be a simple recon with little resistance. Some intel on that. When the tanks got hit, the driver of the Humvee told him to get out and stay behind the jeep. That was the Captain Andrews. When he went to grab a guy pinned downed at the tank, he was hit several times. The guys manning the 2 mounted .50 cals provided covering fire long enough to pull the Captain behind the jeep.
  11. (OoC: First and formost I am truly sorry for my absent presence. I'm have way too many problems with my laptop so I am using my parents desktop.) Draco felt the swing of the flaming demon ripping through the house. Then he heard Karyn scream at Dawner to cast some sort of water spell. He felt hepless because he didnt have any special powers like Calil nor Karyn. He sure didnt have any magic thingy like Dawner. Karyn asked for water so he got a towel and soaked it on water. Then he ran to her and pulled her out of the rubble. "Here take the towel. Its soaked in water." Draco said handing her the wet towel. "Thanks but you'll need alot more towels to cool him off." Karyn said pointing at the giant demon. "I don't think towels will do anything. Is their a hydrent or a river around here?" Draco said looking around. "Why do you need a hydrent for?" Karyn said dodging another swing. "Hydrents are what humans use to combat fires. We can use it to combat him. We just need to find one and......." Draco was cut off by the flaming demons back hand slap sending Draco tumbling down the street and hitting the bank. "Draco are you ok?" Karyn scream. "I'll be fine just keep him occupied till I can find a hydrent!" Draco yelled as he searched for a red fire hydrent. If he couldnt fight it head on then a smart way would be better. He justed hoped that their was one or at least a river. (OoC: I'll try to post once every day or so. Also Draco is trying to make up for not being "super-natual".)
  12. I've just learned that Sega is shutting down a game server for the x-box 360 called Chrome Hounds. I think its because people are not playing as much anymore due to lack of any new dlc for CH and no new missions online. Its crazy because this is the first new game server to close the release of the X-Box 360. Their are several servers for the Original X-Box that are online and yet CH is the only one for the 360 to get axed. I play Chrome Hounds time to time and find it enjoyable. This is unacceptible! If you play 360 and play Chrome Hounds and wish it to be left on but they need to create dlc for Chrome Hounds and create different varreints and among other things fix patches that made Heavy Weapons soo weak in power and durability. Please comment on this blog and spread the word! If I get over 1,000 signed comments with your GT on it maybe Sega will let CH stay online!!!! Heres a petition link to sign if think Chromehounds should stay and to have Sega make Chromehounds 2.[url]http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/chromehounds2/[/url] [attachment=14585:3/8/8/1/5/26928.attach]
  13. Yes. Im sorry I havent post in 2 weeks. Been busy with work, World of Warcraft, and other things. I'll post within the next day or so.
  14. Alpha was used to memorizing battle plans in near darkness but he knew that those plans will never work in real battles. "Cross, Im the one with real battle field experience here in this room. Just a word of caution. Dont follow them exactly. Mod them to work and you'll survive." Alpha said for the first time since he arrived at the base. "Wow, he talks!" Cross said jumping off the walls in her black sim suit. "I've been in too many battles and seen too many die. Keep calm and think. Like Quin their but with less note taking. That clip board wont stop a bullet." Alpha said calmly walking into the fitting room. "Sheesh, whats his problem?" Cross said crossing her arms in a pouting way. "He was adopted at an early age into a very military tradition family. He doesnt talk much about his biological parents. his skills in real battle are off the charts. Thats what his profile tells. From my notes on him. He cares deeply for his fellow soldier." Qin said looking at past notes.
  15. (OoC: Sorry for the long pause between my posts.) Draco was running from the monsters. He had to make it back to the ship. He rounded the corner to an alleyway towards the ship. 5 of them was infront of him and the leader and 5 more followed him. "Come just stand their and let us kill you." The leader said sarcasticly. "No, I'll never let that happen till I find out who I really am!" Draco stood tall. "Enough of this bushit. Kill him so that we can get paid." The leader said. "This is about money? How much are you getting for killing me?" Draco asked. "Enough to set me and my boys for the rest of our lives." The leader smirked. "Well, yur lives are about to end." Pet said has other sailors from the ship started to gather on the roof tops. "Tsk, back up. The great Draco needs help? Thats a first. Doesnt matter, their no match for were-wolves. Boys, attack!" The leader said pointing at the sailors. "Draco, we'll handle these things. Kill the leader and they'll run scared!" Alex said has one were-wolf attacked him. "I'll make you talk." Draco said looking at him. "Ha, you won't even get close." The leader said. "You ready?" Draco said hunching over. "For what? Cutting your head off?" The leader said has Draco straightened back up. "You are going to talk or your going to die." Draco had a dark aura around him that seemed to be phasing in and out of the air. "You...you dont scare me freak. I will kill you. Guys attack!" The leader said scared out of his mind. "Sending others to do your dirty work and taking all the credit for the kill. What a waist of space and air you are. I'm going to kill you slowly so I can get some information." Draco said has the were-wolves attacking the sailors started falling down dead. "No, get up guys. Screw this. Im out." The leader said trying to run. "Not so fast. Your going to tell Draco here why and who hired you to kill him." Brian said swaying his right pointing finger side to side. "I swear I don't know who hired me but I swear on my mother that he wanted you dead because 10 years ago you and your group sealed the door to hell when 'Holdren' opened it. Please, spare me. Thats all I know!" The leader was telling the truth because he just wet his pants. "Hmm, do you know how to use one of these?" Draco said pulling the ank out. "An ank? Yes, I do but I'll do it on one condition." The leader said. "Whats that?" Draco said picking him off the ground. "I'll tell you how to use it in return for not killing me." The leader pleaded. "Sounds like a fair deal to me. What about you Pet?" Draco said still holding him in the air. "I agree, all right guy. Spill it." Pet said. "Anks are simple transmitter device used back in the old days. Simply talk into it and the person or persons who have the same receivers." The leader said. "Thanks, you kept your end of the deal. So shall I but I never want to see you around here ever again. *Pulls him closer* Got it?" Draco said. "Yes, I'll leave." the leader said. Draco dropped him and he ran out of town. "Lets see. Hey, can anyone hear me?" Draco said into the ank. (OoC: Ok, remember, Draco doesnt remember anything beyond ten years ago.)
  16. Name: Perferes to be call Alpha. Age: 28 Personality: Alpha is a cold, battle harden soldier. Quiet, calm, and a loyal friend. But tends to question is supperiors a bit. Appearence:[IMG]http://fc09.deviantart.com/fs17/f/2007/165/6/b/Earth_Soldier_Concept_Sketch_by_Skunk_Works.jpg[/IMG] Always wearing BTUs, armor, combat boots with steel toe, and carries a large multi-purpuse combat knife. Mech: Dragon Other: Alpha was orphaned at a very early age, around age 2.When the orphanage, the staff tried to talk about his parents death. Alpha didn't answer any question. Nor did he talk to them till he was adoped. At age 4 he was adopted by a military family. Since then, its been training after training. Yet he still wont talk about his real parents to nobody. If they try, he just leaves without saying a word.
  17. After reaching port Pet, waved Draco to come over. Draco came over and so did the crew. "Draco, something is wrong here. This is a lively port. Wheres all the people?" Pet. "I think their in their homes sir." One of the crew did. "Your right. Look, *Points towards a house* the windows a borded up. Draco take two guys with you and check the house closest to the dock. Find out whats going on. The rest of us with offload and prepare for the journy to South America." Pet. "Right, Brian, Alex, come with me." Draco. "Yes sir!" Both of them said. The ship docked and the three got off and started to walk towards the houses. About half way their, a group of people surounded the trio. "Ah, Draco, time for you to die!" The one who appears to be the leader. "How do you know my name?" Draco said giving a little nod towards his friends. "Your Draco, former member of the Band of the Blood Moon. You and your friends closed the gate to hell. Someone wants you dead and we are here to make sure of it!" The leader said has more came out of alleys and from buildings. "What are you talking about. Im just a fisherman." Draco. "Dont act coy with me. We know who you are. You and your friends will die!" The leader said pointing at the group. "Guys, I'll hold them off. Go back to the ship and get the harpons." Draco said. "Theirs too many. We arnt leaving you here." Brian said. "Look, Im not a normal human. Im different. Your not. I've seen these people before." Draco said has the attacking people started to change into were-wolves. "All right Draco but dont get your self killed. You owe us that beer from last night." Alex said. "Yea, I know but run. Now!" Draco said has one of the small ones attacked first. Draco grabbed it and tossed it at another one jumping into the fray. Their were focused on him soo much that they didnt notice Alex and Brian slip off back towards the docks. "When I'm done with all of you. Your going to tell me who sent you and who I really am!" Draco said punching one straight in the face breaking its head. "You won't even get a scratch on me." The leader said standing in the back of the group. Two attacked him at once but their where sloppy. They wherent trained in any style of combat. Draco didnt know how he knew how to fight but it seemed natural to him. The leader grunted in emberassment at the 4 Draco just beat down with out even moving from his spot. Draco took a step forward and the group took a step back. "Hey, I smell fear. I must have been some strong guy to put fear into mythical creatures." Draco laughed. "Hey, guys, he isnt in his real form. He is weak. Attack!" The leader shouted. "Real form? I'll make you talk. Painfull has possible." Draco. He knew that he wouldnt last long against all of them so it was time he made a tatcial retreat to the ship. Hopefully they got the harpons loaded. Draco knocked two more to the ground and started to run towards the ship. "We got him now! Kill him so we can feast on his body!" The leader said laughing. (Next post tomorrow.)
  18. Draco was out a few miles out at sea when Pet came out of the captains quaters and rushed down the ladders towards him. "Hey, Draco, this thing you gave to me started to say weird things." Pet. Draco stopped fishing and a few other guys came over and took over for him. "This thing? What did it say?" Draco holding the Ank in his hand. "It said something about a demon plot and Cairo. Cairo, thats Egypt. Where are heading back to port. Now" Pet yelled has the helmsmand nodded his head. "But we arent down yet. Another 2,000lbs and we'll have reached our quata." Draco. "Come to the CQ. We need to have a talk." Pet said walking back inside the room he came from. Draco followed him inside and was looking around for him. "Draco, its been 10 years and you still havnt recovered your memory. You have been a very hard worker, infact. Your stronger, taller, smarter, and more agile than anyman that I have ever seen. Im guessing that this ank you gave me has to lead towards the people who know you. I think its time." Pet said with a said look in his eyes. "Pet, I don't want to leave. I made a new life........" Draco trailed off looking around the cabin. "Whats wrong?" Pet asked. "Do you smell something?" Draco looked at him. "Besides fish and coal ash? No, why?" Pet turned around and saw Draco with a blank look in his face. "Draco? Are you ok?" Draco was seeing images of demons, vampires, werewolves, and other things from his past life that was lost in memory. "I don't know. I'm seeing images from books that depicted mythical creatures. That smell, Its soo strong. I can almost point the direction to it." Draco. "Mythical creatures? A smell that no one else can smell? Thats not weird but you not even aging a day is weird." Pet laughed. "Pet, I asked nothing for working for you besides a bed to sleep in and place to work, but I need a favor." Draco looked out the port window. "Draco, I knew from the day I pulled you from the cold waters that you wheren't meant for this life of a fisherman. I'll do this favor for you." Pet said. "I need a small boat with a small crew to sail me to South America." Draco said turning to look at Pet. "If this leads you to your real identity. Then it shall be done. But it will take a day or so before I can send you on your way." Pet said running his beard through his rough hands. "I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Pet. I have another question for you." Draco said standing infront of the cabin door. "Go ahead Draco." Pet said standing up. "Will I remember any of this when I get my memory back?" Draco look kind of sad. "Hard to say, I would beleive so. Most cases never where like yours. If you do get your memory back and remember these past ten years. Just come back and tell me." Pet said standing next him. "I will, Pet. I'll be down in the mess hall." Draco said leaving the cabin and into another cabin. "Draco, your destiny will guide you back to the ones who love you. Whether or not you remember me and this crew. We'll be here if you ever want to be back with us. May God show you who you really are." Pet said looking at a photo of him and Draco by the very boat he is on. "When the world seems the darkest, a glimmer of hope can shine through the toughest clouds. All the people in the world will become clear. Fight and strive to continue your life the way you want to." (It'll be one or two more post before Im im SA. If thats where Sumaria is.)
  19. (OoC: Lets hope my pc doesnt randomly shut off this time.) Draco ran to the docks as fast as he could. Karyn was their so he relaxed a bit. He still had the potion in his hand. He drunk the potion and started to concentrate on being human. After closing his eyes and reopening them, he didnt see his snout and no fur. Excitment isnt a word he oould say. This was a dream he thought could never have happened. Draco walked up to Karyn and pulled her tail. "Owch that hurts." Karyn. "Did I pull too hard?" Draco "Yes you did and who are you?" Karyn. "Its me, Draco, Dawner gave this potion and now Im human." Draco. "Thats great! Good for you." Karyn said looking said. "You don't like me like this don't you." Draco. "No, its not that. Its because we have to go our own ways." Karyn said. Draco was rumminging through his bag and pulled a small box with a seal on it. "Here, this is a promise that I will come back after Im done overseas." Draco holds the box out to her. "Whats in the box?" Karyn said while looking at it. "Thats for you to find out when I return. I got to go, my boats about to go withot me." Draco said. "Alright, how will it take?" Karyn. "If all goes right, 6 months. Please promise me you won't open it till then?" Draco said climbing the ladder to the boat. "Yes, I promise. Have a safe journy." Karyn. "I will and have fun running a clan." Draco said hopping over the rails. "I hope so." Karyn. --------------------------------------------------------- Two weeks later. "Finally we arrived at Port, Maine." Draco. Unknown to Draco, the coal pit crew threw too much coal into the fire and ovrpreasurized the boilers. It got so great that it exploded and destroyed the ship. Draco got hit in the head with a heavy peice of metal and was flung off the ship with his bag. When Draco came to he was in a bed on a boat. "Where am I?" Draco said confused. "Your onboard my fishing boat kid. The ship you where on blew up. Your lucky to survive." Mysterious stranger. "Ok, I believe you but who am I?" Draco said. "Hmm, just as I feared." Stranger. "Whats wrong?" Draco. "You have amnsesia. Do you know what that is?" Stranger. "Sort of. Loss of long term memory." Draco. "Correct. It might take years to recover your memories. The names Pet. The bag you had death grip on says Draco. Sothat must be your name." Pet. "Draco, weird name but ok. Pet, could I stay and work for you?" Draco. "I could use another strong back. Sure, tell you what. I'll give you a place to stay and some food." Pet. "Thank you Pet. I shall never forget this." Draco. (OoC: Ok, their it is.)
  20. (OoC: Im not done with Band of the Blood Moon yet. 2 More post from Dawner and me) "Thank you so much Dawner. Just one tiny question." Draco said looking at the potion. "And what might that be?" Dawner. "How do I use this? Im no sourcerer you know." Draco. (OoC: Sorry for the short post but Taki will have to respond before I finish up here.)
  21. (OoC: This takes place around the same time has Adventure of Space Bounty Hunters. Members are welcome but a different character is required.) This takes place 10 years after an event on Planet Var 2nd moon. Empirer Wolfie's new fleet of heavy battleships and 5 solar assult ships continue their campaign on GP forces in the Omega Spiral Arm. Even though their are millions of space fairing species, most of space is largly unexplord. Empirer Wolfie has created the Space Exploration Force comprised on Medium Capital Ships that where decomisioned over 30 years ago. He saw their armor and firepower. He saw their cargo potential. He saw their ability for prolonged deep space exploration. He saw their potential and had 5 built for that purpose. This is SEF Delta, crewed by veteran personal. We have been getting reports of a solar system that seems to have no sun. The other SEF ships are off exporing parts of the Omega Spiral Arm. We resupplied at the nearest space port then engaged max star drive towards a marker placed by a probe. When we arrived at the marker, the probe was not responding nor showing up on any sensor sweep. Their was a planet that was giving off weak power signals so we figured that the probe malfuntined and crashed on the planet. Scientist onbard sugested that the reason why this solar system didn't have a sun was that it was a small sun and was snuffed out by solar junk from illegal smuglers and others. The weird thing was that their was no metalic objects in the center of the system. The captain wanted to bring the ship closr to the center to get a more detail. Thats when the ships built in abnonmalality indicaters went off like crazy. They indicated that we have entered a Black Hole. "How the hell did we enter a black hole? Their was no indication of any black holes near this system!" The Captainn "Sir, that dead planet had a weak energy signiture on it. What if that was a base using the planets unique distance to lurer ships in the black hole?" Tacts officer. "You mean like a venus fly trap?" Comms Officer. "Correct, 1/4 of our ships is in the event horizen. Captain, what should we do?" Tacts officer. "Launch sheilded probes to destroy that structure and deploy warning beakins to warn others. After that engage star drive into the black holes singularity." Captain. "Probes launched and on route to the dead planet." Tacts officer. "Into the center sir? Thats suicide!" Helmsman. "A great scientist named Albert Einstin theriorized that black holes are actually worm holes to different parts of the universes. I rather try that then have my ship slowly ripped apart. Sound the bunker alarm." Captain. "Sir yes sir!" Coms officer. The bunker down alarm is only sounded when a colision is going to happen. It calls all crew and personals to get away from all exterior rooms and secure themselves in air tight areas. "Captain, permision to speak freely." A soldier privit. "Permision granted privit." Captain. "Sir, I have my own theory on the black holes if you want to hear it." the privit. "Well now is a better time than ever." Captain. "What if their worm holes in time? Random times in space. If we survive, we must get to a space port and discover what year we are in." Privit. "Good point, I'll guess we'll find that out soon. Go to the air tight area and prepare for whatever happens." Captain. The privit enters a elevator and head towards the nearest air tight area. What happened next changed their lives forever. _________________________________________________________________________ Thats the intro to the story. We are a decade into Adventure of Space Bounty Hunters and Wolfie has an empire spanning over hundreds of systems. We are SEF Delta, now for the sign ups. Name: Age: Species/Race: (Species then what race of them. Like Human/Russian.) Specialization: (What makes you so special to be a Delta SEF.) Weapons: (Please, weapons are restricted to your Specialization.) Status: (Like a Delta rookie and so forth.) Short history: (In a paragraph or two, explain how you joined Delta or a previus mission you went on.) OoC: I'll put mine up later.
  22. "I'll tell you how." Draco said. Karyn jumped really high in the air and landed on her butt. "Draco, you scared me. So whats this way to Scotland?" Karyn said dusting herself off. Draco pulled two ship tickets from his inner coat poket. "By ship, here take this one. We'll travel to Scotland together and after that we part ways for now." Draco said with a tear running down his silky fur. "Don't cry Draco, we'll always have each other in mind." Karyn said smilling. "Right, thats true. Meet me at the dock in 2 hours. I got to get something from Dawner." Draco said wipping the tear from his face and jumping out of sight.
  23. Draco ran outside and caught Dean before he left completly. "Dean, take this. When the time is right, lite it. You saved my life from myself. A debt I can never repay. When you burn this, I'll know where you are." Draco said then jump back towards the mansion. Dean was put on enough stress already. Draco had to collect a few items and talk to Dawner. After maybe a half hour, Draco had his trunk loaded with his stuff and started to drag it along behind him. He past Calil's room, smelling her poison air. Knocking on the door. "Calil, its not your fault. We all need to dissappear for a while. Find your new body, it will take years to find one that fits your needs but don't give up. I believe in you." Draco said outside the door. He heard a noise coming from down the hall. It was Dunan and Dawner. Draco rushed over to them and almost ran over Dunan. "Sorry Dunan, didn't see you their." Draco rubbing the back of his head. "Its alright. Me and Dawner are leaving." Dunan. "I know but Dawner has an answer to what I asked him a few hours ago." Draco. "How do you know that?" Dawner. "Besides the fact that you smell like excitment? My simple transformation spell is alot easier than Calil's. So I figured you'd have that ready." Draco standing in all of his tallnest.
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