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Everything posted by Draco

  1. Name: X-001 or X for short. Age: Unknown Personality: Aggresive, periods of psycotic rage, calm, kind. Appearence: [attachment=14551:3/8/8/1/5/26886.attach] Weapons: [attachment=14552:3/8/8/1/5/26887.attach] Has two of them for each hand. He is also great at hand to hand combat. Reason for joining: X always dreamed of adventure since the microsecond he was turned on. He was built for mining in areas where humans couldn't go because of heat, poison gases, or high risk of cave ins. Mining wasn't he wanted to do bit for what it would seem like a life time, he finally got his chance. The mine he was operating in was shut down and was selling off all robtic workers for anyone to buy. He saved enough material from the mines to buy himself even though the humans didn't like it. Alot of other robots who either escaped or who brought themself freedom had taking on hard times. Humans didn't like self aware robots. Maybe because robots are more stronger than them or just plain smarter. The most likely reason why humans hate selfawares is that they fear a war with them. Some robots want to but most of us want to just get along with them. X doesnt really know what is the real world. In that cave, the world was dark, cramp, cold, and harsh. Being a free robot, he decides its time to travel the world. To see it in all its natural beauty. Thats when he noticed a man and a women walking around asking the people who looked tough. Most of them turned around and walked away. X didn''t, he walked right up and offered to go with them where every their going. (I hope this is good Knuckles Girl. Also, my laptop is broken so Im using my dads desktop)
  2. (OoC: I know that my RP is about bounty hunting but going into action tight after the team is put together is not a good idea. When everyone starts to post again thats when we'll hunt.) "Lafiel, do you think pushing them to the limit with new members is too fast?" Wolfie comments in my privit room. "Research indicates that deployment with unknown friendlies could result in high losses." Lafiel said while walking around in a halogram. "True but that could also tighten their bonds. I won't through them into the fire just yet. No big timers." Wolfie puting his hand onto his chin. "I would sugest grade 2 bounties. Their not easy but their not hard. Perfect for having a new squad get to know each other. Should I call them to the bridge?" Lafiel says pinging the coms. "No, not yet. Plot a course towards the Capital Planet's third moon. Engage at max drive and within overcharge, activate it. It will tak at least 5 hours." Wolfie gathering things. "More of like 9 hours." Lafiel always quick to have a comeback. "Oh, you got me. Page them to the bridge at 0700 hours. I got to test something out." Wolfie picking up a computer. "I really wish you give contacting the Earth Military Command Center up." Lafiel. "I know but I can't give this up." Wolfie dissapearing into a room. "I swear, his obsession with finding his past is going to kill him one day." Lafiel shacking her head.
  3. After the meeting, the group was broken up. Dean had alot to sort through and it might have been too much too quick for his brain. Not being able to touch nor kiss Calil was going to be hard for him. But he had to find a demon or something to make Dawner's spell work. The problem was that finding one that was has strong has her and good looking was going to take time. Now that humans developed mass produced guns and steam powered ships. Traveling and defending was wide open to everything. It might take years to find and track a sutable body for Calil. It was sad to see Anya, Dunan, and Dawner go and Karyn going back to Scottland to clame her late fathers clan. I would go with her to bury her dad and give her comfort. But before I would take my leave with Karyn, I needed Dawners help one last time. "Hey Dawner, can I have a word with you?" Draco asks in a corner. "For you, sure. What is it big guy?" Dawner, he seemed like the old one but he had relaxed a bit. "Your a wizard, correct?" Draco. "Well I'm an Arcane spellcaster." Dawner waving his hand in a poshy way. "Well, you know any spell that would make me look human even to me?" Draco asks with extreme curiosity. "I think I know a spell, but it will take time to prepare it." Dawner, always kind and gentle at heart. "Thank you, just get me when its ready, I'll be on the roof. Oh, Dawnie, please make it last till the gang gets back together. I want to be just human for awhile." Draco said jumping out the window without waiting for Dawner to respond. (Ok, this is part one of two post explaining how my character dissappears for what ever Drizz decides. Oh, by the way to any in here that are in Adventure of Space Bounty Hunters, check the back stage post for an edited post by me.)
  4. Calil had sort of evoled into a good-bad combo. She could heal but too long exposure would likely kill anyone. The fumes coming from her wasn't that bad. Smelt like roses but after awhile starts to smell like rotten eggs. "Dean, Can I have a minute with you in privit?" I call out to Dean. "Yeah sure, *Both Dean and Draco move outside the room* what is it?" Dean. "Dean, I know you tried to keep you and Calil a secret but that battle showed us that you care for her. More than anyone else realized. I'm willing to have her has a human but I can accpet her has she is now. I might not be able to hold her for long without sucuming to her fumes and/or touch. It will be difficult for everyone especially you. A field med is something any of us can do. She can be human or she can be what she has become. She is still Calil, my friend and teammate. Till death seperates us. Thats what I decided when you made the group." Draco putting his right hand on Deans left shoulder. "Maybe your right. Its her choice, I'm not going to force her to be a normal human." Dean looking at his feet. "Their are things normal humans can do that we can't. Don't forget that. Look how far they have come yet they still push the edges of invention. Short life spans gives them and edge of developing things quicker. Anything we have today is because of them. Thats one thing normal humans have soo much of. I have a favor to ask Dean." Draco. "Thats true Draco. What is it?" Dean looking a tad bit happier. "Can I take a small trip back to my home to get something?" Draco.
  5. "Ok, the PDA that Furry has is moving towards our direction. *Pressing a holoscreen with Furry's Number on it* Hey Furry, you have Cross with you correct?" Wolfie. "Yes, I do. What the hell is going on here?" Furry. "I'm afraid that the local malitia thinks you are highly wanted criminals and want to catch you so they can claim the reward. Thats whats going on. Anyways, just keep runing and be prepaired to jump in the back of the tank." Wolfie. "Right, you heard the guy Cross." Furry. "Yea I heard partner." Cross. "Derrick, I'm going to spin this tank around and when I do. Drop the ramp. After they are aboard, hit the emergancy ramp retraction button and get in a seat." Wolfie. "On it." Derrick. I literally had the tank turn 180* in a city street and Derrick dropped the ramp. Furry and Cross where running and taking cover from rockets and gun fire. If they didn't have cover fire, they wouldn't make it to the tank. "Here catch Derrick." Wolfie tossing a small fire arm towards Derrick who caught it. "What is this thing?" Derrick. "Its an experimental self regenerating stun gun. Just shoot anything that isnt the big lion guy or the one with the cross on his back." Wolfie firing the mini gun that sounded like a howitzer firing. Derrick shot his too and started hitting the attackers one by one. After a few minutes Furry and Cross made it aboard and Derrick hit the ERL and seated himself. "You guys hurt?" Wolfie driving through the city back to the ship. "We are fine. Thanks for the save. Another minute out their and we would have been toast." Cross says with a happy tone. "I understand, fighting mercs that bounties hirer is one thing. Civilians are another. Anyways we have just one more person to pickup then its back to the ship." Wolfie passing his ship. When I passed the ship, I pressed a button and the ramp on the ship went up. "Who are we picking up?" Derrick. "Her name is Shiva, we might have to pick her crew up as well. I got a messege from Lafiel that the droid testing her suceeded in its mission. She is curently walking towards the town and we are picking her up. Its not nice to let a lady walk outside by her self." Woflie turning on foward lights. "A female? Not many of them do this line of work." Cross. "Agreed." Furry said. "Furry, your PDA has an AI in it. Correct?" Wolfie. "How did you know that?" Furry obviously disturbed by my knowledge. "When you hacked the Pods link to my ships computer, I hacked your PDA. The AI seems more advanced than the ones outside the reach of Galatic Law. When we get back to Lafiel. We have to talk." Wolfie. "So you are Wolfie." Cross. "Yes, I am Wolfie. We'll have time for introductions later. Ah, their she is. I'll talk to her." Wolfie stopping the tank and stepping outside. "Who are you and what do you want?" Shiva. "I am Alphatan Odtotio Walfenken. The droid you faught was my droid, sent to test your abilities and you won. Clever of you to have its head shot off by your crew. You shouldn't be outside your downed ship after dark." Wolfie camly walking towards her. "Alphatan Walfenken? The legendary bounty hunter? What the hell is with you? That droid almost killed me and I'll walk where I want to!" Shiva. "Look, I'll be straight with you. I knew that you would win. I have searched from all over the galaxy for hunters with unique abilities. Their are 3 in that tank who also faced a droid from me. I offer you the same thing I offered them. Work for me and you'll have a place to call home, access to items you couldnt get with the money you make off those bounties, bounties that are worth the effort, and a new ship. If you don't want to join me, I will accept your decesion and repair your ship so you can return to your normal life." Wolfie offering my hand out. "You said a new ship. What kind?" Shiva said with alot of interest. "I have hundreds of ships aboard Lafiel you can choose or I can have a ship built for you. Either way, you get either a ship or a bran new ship. You won't have to worry about paying for it. And to top it all off, you can keep the ship if you decide to leave after a few months or years. Your crew are welcomed aboard and I won't ask anything about ships you attacked and looted. Nor your hiding places." Wolfie. "Build me a new ship? Well I need to get my old one up so I can get data out of it and other things." Shiva, she knows how to extort a deal. "So you are joining me?" Wolfie. "Yes, I will." Shiva walks over and shakes my hand hard. "Great! I'll have a repair team down as soon as we get back aboard Lafiel. If you would kindly hope aboard my tank so we can get back to my transport ship. We will be on our way." Wolfie. "Fine. Just don't expect me to be treated like a weak girl ok?" Shiva. "A weak girl? Oh no, other wise I wouldn't have gone through the effort to send the droid after you. Anyways, contact your crew and tell them a ship will land near them to repair your ship to space worthy condition." Wolfie. "Right on it!" Shiva. I back the tank into the Mako 10 and all of us moved to the ships cockpit. The Mako 10 lifted off and headed back to my ship. (OoC: Sorry I have been off for 2 days. I lost my net.)
  6. I was the nearest one to Calil. I kneal down beside her and looked at her. She was in no condition to fight anymore. I take my shirt and jacket off and rapped her head in both and tied them tight. It should stop the bleeding but she needs to be taken out of here and have a proper med kit applied asap. "Hey Dean, I'll get Calil out of here and....." Draco said being cut off by a blast from Holdren. I flew through the piller and into another one. I blacked out on the second piller. It was weird. I could see my parents but they where just beyond my reach. "My son, you can't join us just yet." Draco's mother said. "Mother!" Draco said crying. "Draco stop crying. Your too old for that. Save those tears for a more happier occasion." Draco's father said. "I miss you both so much." Draco said with a said tone. "We are soo proud of you Draco. When hope seems lost. Remember that your team is your family. It will give you strength you thought didn't exist. Your still young, soo much to learn, so much to live for. Don't throw it away for us. Their are people who need you right now. Wake up Draco." They both say has they slowly drift away into the light. "I don't want to wake up!" Draco said starting to hear other voices. "You will survive. Protect those you hold dear now." Draco's mother said with a happy tone.
  7. "Not to break your little love fest here but I think its one of those times where its keep your eye on the ball. Becarefull........." Before I could finish I was hit by another psycic blast sending into on of the pillers causing it to collapse. "Draco are you ok?" Calil called out. Spitting up blood "Yea, *Cough* I'll be fine. " I said getting up from the rubble. (OoC: Sorry you guys didnt have anything to say.)
  8. "No, its not that. This part of Falerious is noted for its unstable local government and its night fights. Its way to hot during the day to be outside fighting. But you are right. We must hurry. Besides these people arn't hunters. Their malitia, I think they did something to piss the boss off." Wolfie. "Malitia? Thats serious, they won't last for long." Derrick having a little smile on his face. "Yeah, I feel sorry for the malitia. Anyways we are landing." Wolfie flipping the landing gear switch. "Landing? In this riot?" Derrick. The ship sets down right out side the city and the back ramp drops. "Those rockets are not a threat to this ship. Besides, its to big to go into the city." Wolfie turning the ships engines off. "I know that but I was talking about us. Are we going to kill them to get those two?" Derrick. "Nope, Look in the cargo hold. Thats how we are getting them out." Wolfie still slipping switches. Derrick gets out of his seat and walks over to the crago hold door. Inside was a 6 wheeled tank that resembles the Mako on Mass Effect but was more like the M1-A1 Abrehams Tank. "Thats pretty impressive. Let me guess you built it?" Derrick obviously guessing. "No, actually that was a gift given to me by Earth. Even though I've only been their once since I can remember." Wolfie getting out of my seat now. "Did you save the president of earth?" Derrick looking at me. "You guessed it. *opening the door to the hold* I was actually their to pick an old friend up as a favor when the Presidents space ship was attacked by raiders. I killed them and picked all the escape pods from the badly damaged ship. *entering a code on the back of the tank, it beeps and turns on* Can't say that about his ship. It exploded in the atmosphere. Yada yada yada, I got this new model light tank. It has enough seating for 4 comfortably, 5 if you want someone sitting in your lap." Wolfie laughing a little. The door to the tank opens up and both walk inside. I seat in the front seat with the controls and Derrick takes on to the right of me. "Interesting, You have been around." Derrick. "Yes, I have. Been to every inhabited space fairing planet at least once. Its interesting to see thousands upon thousands of different worlds and species. Now, lets get those two out of their." Wolfie.
  9. "Wolfie, time to get out." Lafiels soft voice rings into my head. The bacta drains slowly and reviels my naked human form. My firey red hair soaked by the liquid. The soft dimly glowing eyes underneath the hair. The tank disappears and I steep out. "Holy shit! I forgot how could it is. Lafiel, raise the room temp to 75*." Wolfie grabing a towel and wrapping around my new waist. "Yes, wolfie. Oh by the way, we are currently 5 minutes till we reach our disengagment from star drive and the droid testing Lady Shiva has engaged the target. The hologram mask has been damaged and is down." Lafiel said via hologram trying to get a peek at my human form. "Good, infrom Derrick to beem to Hanger 1 and prepare for deparcher. Also start sending out the 200 Transports to pick the 16 million members off the different pick ups on Falerious." Wolfie putting on the left shoulder-arm armor then putting the gaunlets on both hands. "Right away. You should get rid of the armor. They don't offer any protection." Lafiel. "Na, I like it. Besides, you know how I like to work. Anyways, beem me outside the Mako 10." Wolfie standing straight up. "5-4-3-2-1 beemed." Lafiel said standing in the hanger bay. "Ok, *Tapping my temple* Derrick, are you recieving?" Wolfie. "Yes, loud and clear." Derrick. "Good, Its time we meet 2 of the other 3 people. I think by now they are fighting in Chole's Bar. Your about to be beemed in 5-4-3-2-1." Wolfie moving slightly to the right. "Beeming from one area to the other area inside the ship?" Derrick. A cylinder light appears and Derrick rematerializes. "*Letting go of the temnple* Yes, internal transporters. They come in handy for alot of things. Emergencies mostly. Now, I'd like to introduce you to the Mako 10." Wolfie pointing to a ship that was oddly shaped. "What is that?" Derrick confused yet intrigued by the monsterous machine. "This is the Mako 10. It was an experimental multi-purpose craft. It has the ability to change from space fighter/bomber to a land based tank for terrain operrations to submerged activities. I built it myself 15 years after I left Falerious. I use this baby to do most of my hunts. I continually upgrade the hell out of it but he will hold its own up to your ship. Now, if you don't mind. I am on a time schedual." Wolfie gesturing towards the ramp. "Ok, ok. Lets get the show on the road." Derrick smiling. " Coms, Dalio." Wolfie holding his left temple. "Yes, Wolfie?" Dalio. "Make sure you keep Lafiel safe. Keep an orbit around the planet just outside the defense network." Wolfie sitting down in the helm flipping toggles and switches. The huge craft slowly came alive and a low humming sound came from the middle of the craft. "I will, she is in good hands." Dalio. "I know that Dalio." Lafiel chimes in. "Good, Mako 10 is ready to launch. Clear the hanger and open the doors. Derrick I sugest that you strap your self in. Its going to get a bit rough. The dampeners are a little old." Wolfie manuvering the ship out the hanger. "Alright. Here we go!" Derrick. "Mako 10 succesfully launched. *checking the gages* All systems green, entering uper atmosphere in 10-9-8...its about to heat up abit..4-3-2-1. Atmosphere enter complete, engaging drive to a safe speed and heading towards the targered area." Wolfie.
  10. (OoC: Drizz you need to put your audition post up.) I dim the lights low enough to see where things where but still hid my true identity. A few seconds later the turbo shaft chimmed and opened. Derrick was standing inside of it. "Come in Derrick. Don't worry, I won't shoot you." Wolfie laughing a little. "Thats not worring me." Derrick finding a chair infront of me. "I know, I won't shoot you because I don't kill just for fun." Wolfie. "Really, so whats the reason why your droid killed my crewmember?" Derrick sounding very seriously. "My droid was programed to only attack you. According to its memory banks, When it crashed into your cargo bay, the droid was not in its container and was tossed very violently. That caused the expermental matrix core to become unstabe. Causing it to attack anything. If you didn't stop it, I'm affraid to say what might of happened to you ship." Wolfie pointing out the droids schematics. "What makes you believe that?" Derrick. "You have been around the block a few times. I'm sure you heard of my reputation to engage only the target and nothing else. I avoid any unessecary casulties. Besides, If I wanted you dead, My ship would have killed yours in a nano second." Wolfie chuckling. "Maybe your right and yes I have heard of you. I heard that you are a machine and an AI." Derrick. "Thats true. I am AI and a machine. Are you going to turn me into the GP for demantlaling?" Wolfie. "No, It would be a waste of technology." Derrick trying to see my real form. I slowly turn the lights on, revieling my figure. [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/5/59/HK-47-posing.jpg/250px-HK-47-posing.jpg[/IMG](OoC: Droid mode:The frame is more fine tuned than the pic meaning its alot skinnier! Underneath real flesh. The flesh isnt permenant like the T-800 and has to be reapplied in a bacta tank.) (OoC: My character is curently in droid apperence mode.) [IMG]http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e245/Yoishan/Anime/AnimeGuy2.jpg[/IMG](This what my character looks like with his flesh on. But has the other one told you, it doesn't last. Maybe 4-5 weeks at best.) "Suprised aren't you? The Legenday Wolfie the Bounty Hunter is actually machine. I'm curently under a cycle. After our talk, I'll have to take a dip in the Bacta tank for an hour to be back in my human skin. By that time we should have reached outside Falerious Planetary Deffense Shield." Wolfie. "So the rumors are right. IF your a machine why do you need to look human?" Derrick seemingly interested in me. "I was found in a crashed escape pod with some of my human skin on. My arms and my legs skin was comlpetly burnt off. The man who found me thought I had artificial limbs and put me in a bacta tank to recover. After 3 minutes he noticed that real flesh was growing over the metal limbs. Thats when he decided to return to the crash pod and recover data from the black box. Their he found a messege to any who found me to keep me hiden from the Galatic Police. On it where names of researchers from Earth dated about 20 years before my pod crashed. My internal clock dates me about 149 years ago. My memory from before then is completly locked by intense matrix codes. I tried time and time again with no avail. I will return to Earth but not now. Now isn't the time." Wolfie giving a hint not to ask any questions. "I agree, now isn't the time for anything like that." Derrick. "Yes, back to the reason why you are here. First and formost. I apologise for my mistake and the death of one of your crew mates. I will repair your ship and perform ship wide upgrades and instales." Wolfie points to a monitor with a diagram of his ship and what are being done to it. "I appreciate that but thats not why you sent that droid after me." Derrick obviously seeing right through my excuse. "You got me. I want you to join me to form a bounty hunter, smuggler, and transporter band. I have 2 waiting on Falerious and another in a trial. If you accept my offer, your crew can live aboard this ship freely and leave when ever they wish to do what ever they want. Their will be no charge for anything you and your crew use. I will also offer bounties that are more to your liking." Wolfie puting his hand out in a hand shake symbolizing a deal. "Thats a very good offer but its not going to bring my crewmember back." Derrick. "I know, I can't force you to join. If you don't want to join, you can leave. I won't shoot you in the back and the upgrades done to your ship will stay. Everyone is titled to their own choice. Just let me ask you one thing." Wolfie still holding my hand out. "What is it?" Derrick. "If a machine asks what is its purpose, am I alive, what am I? Does that make it a living thing? I am self aware, I'm aware of my surrondings, and I have feelings. But because I am a machine, does that make me someones property?" Wolfie still holding my hand out. "I'm not sure if I have the right to judge on that." Derrick. "If you can't make that judgement then neither can the Galatic Government. I want you to join me. It would give you a chance to do some real good impact on the galaxy. I only employ people with certain skills and other things that spark me interest. Your noble ideal about only hunting bad people is rare and unique." Wolfie. "I know, Ok, I'll join you but If I decide to leave for good. You must promise me never to come after me no-matter what." Derrick. "You have my solid oath that I won't come after you as long as we live." Wolfie. The two shook hands and stood up. "Then we have a deal." Derrick sounding more happy. "Good to have you and your crew aboard. Now, if you would excuse me. I need to get into the bacta tank and heal up. Meet me in Hanger bay 1 in 1.5 hours." Woflie. "Ok, see you their." Derrick getting back into the turbo shaft. "Catch ya later." Wolfie getting into a privit bacta tank. Derrick activates the shaft and zoomes off to his ship maybe. "Lafiel, in one hour I should be back to human. Drain the tank and get my cloths out. By then we should have arrived at Falerious." Wolfie slowly being lowered into the tank. "Yes Wolfie. Should I also send out the auto shuttles to the industrial cities on falerious to pick up the other crew members for the ship?" Lafeil brining up a screen with about 200 shuttles capable of carring 400,000 people each. "Yes, make sure their all filled to max capacity and do the same run twice. That should give use 18 million wokers and their families. Make sure they get their advanced pay as soon as they are aboard this ship. See you in an hour." Wolfie finally submerges below the bacta. Lafiel nods and dissappears. (OoC: This s what Lafiels hologram appears as.) [IMG]http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/3606/anime10081jj4.jpg[/IMG]
  11. "Sir! We are being hailed by a ship from the port side." Nale-Rookie first class tact officer. "Nale, please act like a calm person. That ship couldn't even put a dent in the exaust manafold. Put him through." Wolfie sitting up straight. "Yes sir. View Screen one, and.....conected." Nale. *Transmission commencing* "Oh, Mr. Derrek. I wasnt expecting you for another hour. I hope the droid gave you some sort of challenge?" Wolfie. "That droid of yours crashed into my ship and killed a new crewmember. It lays in peices and the pod has been destroyed." Derrek. "Really, We'll I'm sorry my droid killed a crewmember and the damage he has done to your ship. He was particularly interested in destroying things. I'll repair your ship but I want only you to meet me in my privit room. I have an opertunity for you and your crew. Nale grant them access to hanger 4, begin repairs as soon as they are off the ship, and send Derrek the access pass to my room." Wolfie. "Yes sir. Captain Derrek. Please cut your sublight egines and be prepare for tractor beam pull into Hanger 4. I'm transfering you the access pass to Captain Wolfie's privit room." Nale. "Ok, Thanks." Derrek. *Transmission cut* "Lafiel you have the bridge. I have some buisness to attend to. After Derreks ship is docked, comence star drive at maximum towards Falerious." Wolfe entering the Turbo Shaft. "Yes Wolfie." Lafiel.
  12. Hey, everyone who has signed up. POST all ready, and we are not going to go straight to bounty hunting. We are making a 2 week jump run to a planet thats basically an information heaven on anything. But we make a stop at an uncharted world with a unique moon and magnetic field. I have a twist up my sleeve but I cant tell you yet. Also to those who want to join up. You dont have to be a bounty hunter, you could be a PMSDF (Privit Military Ship Defense Force), A normal citizen abord the ship, or a bounty that can escape GP (Galatic Police) time after time again and be a repeater. Just keep it with in the RP paramiters and NO GOD MODDING! Thanks, happy posting. PS: I'll be posting on Adventure of Space Bounty Hunters tomorow before or maybe after work.
  13. "The hand to hand combat droid you sent to meet with that Lion hybrid has completed his mission. Apperently, Furry can destroy things with his bare hands." Lafeil. "Thats a good thing. His hacking is a bit slow but for his new kind. Its fast, I wonder if his AI in his phone would be more faster at hacking a system. Hmm, Lafeil, do we still have that one droid in repair bay?" Wolfie ask as he was looking on the screen. "Yes, its still their. We had a problem getting the AI chip activated and have removed it for study." Lafeil bringing the droids specs on his screen. "Good, instead of installing another AI chip, replace it with a blank one. I'd go nuts if I was trapped in a PDA. Wouldn't you?" Wolfie. "I would go nuts in a combat droid Wolfie." Lafiel chuckling. "I know, the ship fits you better. How about the droid sent to test Cross?" Wolfie looking on the screen. "He also completed his mission. Both Combat Droids are self repairing and returning to the ship for more exstensive repair." Lafiel. "Good, the self repair program is working then. Have them meet in the town where we are picking the others up but make sure they stay out of sight." Wolfie. "Yes sir." Lafiel. "What about the one going after the female hunter?" Wolfie flipping the TV channels. "It is with in 30 minutes of its landing zone. Its halogram projecting is working and has disguised its self has one of her species." Lafeil. "Dam tv. Nothing is ever good on. Cool, inform me when its mission is completed and when we arrive outside Falerious sensor grid." Wolfie rumaging through the movie files. "Yes, Wolfie. What are you going to watch this time?" Lafiel trying to look with a camera. "Ah, heres a clasic one. Terminator Salvation. It makes me laugh. Im more advance than any terminator in the movies." Wolfie laughing. "Yes, a time when AI was feared. But the Earths Military continued their AI research and you came out of it." Lafeil pointing a halogrom finger at me. "Yes, yes. Thats right. Im not soo bad. I wish I knew more about my past. Anyways, I'm going to watch this movie then I'm turning in for the night. You have the bridge Lafiel." Wolfie getting into the Turbo Shaft. "Aye, aye sir." Lafiel saluting via halogram.
  14. [CENTER]Out beyond far reaches of any law biding system lies a enormus ship that was just finished and was being run by the building crew to a planet on the outer rim. Equiped with the most advanced weaponry, high quality space ships, high quality armor, self sustaning onboard systems incase of critical systems failure, capabile of manufacturing mostly anything it will ever need. Bascially its never needs to dock for most of its supplies besides fuel, food suplies, and new crew. It is a small colony thats isnt a station nor a planet. Its a moble colony capable of defending and attacking anything. Onboard this monsterous vessel never before seen is a bounty hunter with a name that installs fear into any one in any system he alone has visited or inspires leagues of bounty hunters, smugglers, and transporters to follow him. Alone he sits in the command deck of the ship with only a monitor infront of him. 4 people's files from his own privit source where on the screen. Staring at each one for a long period of time. Their are many bounty hunters that where either more famus or well equiped than them but those are just obtainable things. Individual talent that showed through their looks, their style, through their personalities. Thats what shows in his eyes. Thats why he sent very advanced Combat Droids to deliver the message to each of them. "Lafeil, how long before we reach nearest world with a space port?" He said even though he was alone, or so you would believe. "We are approximently 3 days away at maximum speed." Lafiel said to the bounty hunter. "Adjust speed to match an arrival date of 7 days. That should give them enough time to make it back with the droids. Don't you think so?" He said with a laugh. A laugh that he hasnt made in a long time. "Adjusting speed, star drive engaged. Yes, It would seem likely." Lafiel siad. "Falerious, thats the nearest planet. Thats where It all begane for me. This should be enteresting. Lafiel, when we arrive. Keep us out of range of the planets sensor gride and prepare Mako 10 for transport to the surface." He said. "Yes sir. Logged and creating sub-routen for that date." Lafiel said. Its been 9 years in the making, this ship, and he couldn't be happier. The building crew can have shore leave and pick up others to fully staff the ship. He already has a league of followers of the bounty, smuggling, and transporting jobs but that wasnt the crew he wanted. He would be employing 100,000+ others from every job lines from cooks, janitors, and maids, to engineers and weapons experts. His dream is finally coming into fuition. Hopefully others would show as well.[/CENTER] "Sir, we have on active pod on route to Falerious. The others should be reaching their targets within 5 hours." Lafiel-ship AI. "Who is in the escape pod?" Wolfie. "The Lion-Hybrid, Furacao "Fury" Heartwell. He seems to be an interesting breed." "Open the com channel to the pod. Audio only please." Wolfie. "Yes, Wolfie, coms open sir." Dalio-Coms master operator. "Attention Mr. Heartwell, Please stop pressing the buttons on the helm. They are locked." Wolfie. "Who is this and how do you know my name?" Furry. "This is Alphatan Odtotio Walfenken, owner of that pod your in. Please, take a seat." Wolfie. "What do you want with my bounty and me?" Furry. "Your bounty wasnt worth the effort you went through. If you eject him into space, I''ll offer you a place to stay, a job, and anything else you want. Plus, for getting ride of that low life, I'll pay you 10X more than you would get from the guy you took the job from. I'm only interested in you." Wolfie. "Your joking right?" Furry. "I've already transfered the funds into your account. (A low beep indicates credit tranfers into a storage device for credits.) Your new to bounty hunting. I doubt you heard of my name but trust me. What I'm offering you is more than you can ever aquire hunting small fries. I'm offering you to hunt bounties worth your unique talent." Wolfie. "Air lock has been activated." Lafeil. "Ok, I've done that. Now what?" Furry. "I will program a new point of arrival and pick you up on route to Falerious. It will take a few hours for both ships to meet. The comp is free for you to loook up on anything you need. I sugest you do some searches around my name. See you in a few hours Furry." Wolfie. The audio com was turned off and a new destination was programed into the pods computer. "Wolfie, The pod tracking a bounty hunter by the name of Shiala Kai'mae "Shiva" has located her. Your not going to believe your ears when you hear where she is." Lafiel. "Let me guess, in the middle of the sun?" Wolfie. "Oh haha, she is at Falerious. Apperently she has a crew along with her. She crash landed on a dead zone in the middle of now-where near a small town. I doubt that ship is space worthy at all." Lafeil. "Tell the droid to land near the ship and find Ms. Kai'mae. I also doubt that she has any good grade weapons to scratch my droid up." Wolfie (hitting my own check). "We'll see. (A minute later) The droid is making is decent onto the planet and is preparing departure." Lafiel. "Good, now is the droid heading towards Edtarak arrived yet?" Wolfie. "Yes, and is making his way through the city towards the resident of Nathan "Cross" Wolfwood. If caculations are correct, then he should reach his destination with in 30-50 minutes." Lafiel. "Thats great. Notice me when the others have reached their targets too." Wolfie. "Yes, sir." Lafiel. "Dalio, I think its time we check the bar in the presidium you have been talking about." Wolfie. I walk over to Dalio, puting my arm around his shoulders. "Yeah, same hear. Lets get hammered! That is if you can get hammered." Dalio. "Oh, I can but I can also clean my system in minutes instead of a night. I still cant get over hangovers." Wolfie laughed has they got into the turbo shaft to the internal transporter room. "Thats one of the things I think no-one is able to master." Dalio. OoC: Ok, the three that have auditioned already. You have or will meet a droid or talk with me by radio. The droids are the most advanced ones ever made. They are not easy to take down. Nearly impossible if you have crape weapons. Happy posting and watch your spelling please.
  15. Ok, Mage17. Nice creativity but check your spelling. example(s): traiing, guyards, surroundede, sestination, lout, and inot. Drizz, You already have a sign up. just make sure you put it up. (It was a joke). Anyways, I'll start the main story thread. When Signed up (This means Drizz and anyone interested) PM me imediatly so I can send either a droid or arrange something to pick you up if you dont have your own ship (If your too poor to buy your own and use another mode of transport.) If you didnt encounter the escape pods you will soon. The messege will be delivered one way or another. Dont worry people who havn't signed up yet. The sign ups are always open because their is never enough bounty hunter/smuggler,transporter to fill the need for their service.
  16. Ok, the RP Tittle is Adventure of Space Bounty Hunters. Audition your heart out. I know their going to cite me about double posting but I have to post again. I'll create a backstage for the story. For everyone who wanted to sign up, its on the audition page under the name Adventure of Space Bounty Hunters.
  17. Thats good. Lets hope the others fill their audition posts needs.
  18. Out beyond far reaches of any law biding system lies a enormus ship that was just finished and was being run by the building crew to a planet on the outer rim. Equiped with the most advanced weaponry, high quality space ships, high quality armor, self sustaning onboard systems incase of critical systems failure, capabile of manufacturing mostly anything it will ever need. Bascially its never needs to dock for most of its supplies besides fuel, food suplies, and new crew. It is a small colony thats isnt a station nor a planet. Its a moble colony capable of defending and attacking anything. Onboard this monsterous vessel never before seen is a bounty hunter with a name that installs fear into any one in any system he alone has visited or inspires leagues of bounty hunters, smugglers, and transporters to follow him. Alone he sits in the command deck of the ship with only a monitor infront of him. 4 people's files from his own privit source where on the screen. Staring at each one for a long period of time. Their are many bounty hunters that where either more famus or well equiped than them but those are just obtainable things. Individual talent that showed through their looks, their style, through their personalities. Thats what shows in his eyes. Thats why he sent very advanced Combat Droids to deliver the message to each of them. "Lafeil, how long before we reach nearest world with a space port?" He said even though he was alone, or so you would believe. "We are approximently 3 days away at maximum speed." Lafiel said to the bounty hunter. "Adjust speed to match an arrival date of 7 days. That should give them enough time to make it back with the droids. Don't you think so?" He said with a laugh. A laugh that he hasnt made in a long time. "Adjusting speed, star drive engaged. Yes, It would seem likely." Lafiel siad. "Falerious, thats the nearest planet. Thats where It all begane for me. This should be enteresting. Lafiel, when we arrive. Keep us out of range of the planets sensor gride and prepare Mako 10 for transport to the surface." He said. "Yes sir. Logged and creating sub-routen for that date." Lafiel said. Its been 9 years in the making, this ship, and he couldn't be happier. The building crew can have shore leave and pick up others to fully staff the ship. He already has a league of followers of the bounty, smuggling, and transporting jobs but that wasnt the crew he wanted. He would be employing 100,000+ others from every job lines from cooks, janitors, and maids, to engineers and weapons experts. His dream is finally coming into fuition. Hopefully others would show as well. Ok, thats the intro to the story. its time for the sign-ups! (YAY!) The usually but with twist. (explained in these parathenses.) When posting your audtion, keep the explanations out please. Name (If you would like to be called by a nickname put in "thesse"): Race (Be creative or choose a species from the three things in the BGB [Back Ground Board] New RP Idea (No name Yet), no vampires,got it?): Age (Certain species have very long life spans but you can be older than 150. Ok?): Birth planet or where ever you where born (Make a planet up that isnt far fetched. Or from a station in orbit or in free space.): Bio (How did you end up either bounty hunting, smuggling, or transporting and/or how you got the droid's messege.): History (Optional! Give a taste of what the history of you and your species): Personality (Any personality is fine but define it and give a few sentences with an NPC so for the others to see how you react and base their future repsonses and post on.): Transport to Planet Falerious (How you and the droid got to Falerious got to Falerious. BTW: the Droids ship is a single destanation ship and has to have its very expensive drive core replaced [escape pod!]): Usual attire [attire military for cloths] (anything you want from skimpy clothing to over the top outfits but make sure you dont over do it!): My characters sign up. Until he meets yours face to face, all you know that his name and reputaion. Name: Alphatan Odtotio Walfenken "Wolfie" Race: Advanced AI based Machine (or synthedic) Age: Estemated 149 years Birth planet: Area 51, Nervada, USA, Earth. Bio: Wolfie was an experimental AI based self adapting, growing, evolving machine. Even though AI was banned by most world governments and galatic law. He was developed in secretcy on Area 51. It was an attempt to create a learning AI brain to simulate human learning from birth. It was a success but was found out by the Galatic Government and was ordered to destroy it. Obviously, years of devotion to raising this unique AI Machine from creation till his mid teens made the researches anger. They put him on a ship, locked his memory even from him about his past, gave hime a large amount of credits, and blasted him off to Falerious. A planet just past Galatic Laws reach. Thats where he learned to be a bounty hunter. His unique skills made him a perfect hunter. History: Wolfie is a unique individual whose race was destroyed anywhere . He can not access his memories from age 15 and lower. He knows nothing of his early past and seems to be looking for a way to access them. Personality: Considering he is AI, his personality is that of any organic species. Kind, freindly, serious yet playfull, ruthless yet compasionate. Unforgiving but understandable. "Sir, we have reports of Galatic Law vessels on approch to the ship" Master Coms Officer Dalio. "Thanks, Dalio, hail them and ask them what they want." Wolfie. "Yes sir, To approching Galatic Law vessels, state your intentions." Dalio. "We have come to take Alphatan Odtotio Walfenken into custady and deactivate immediatly" Officer. "Dalio, I'll handle this. Take a break and relax." Wolfie. "Yes sir, You want anything while I am atthe mess hall?" Dalio. "Please call me Wolfie Dalio and grab me a soda." Wolfie "Yes sir...um Wolfie. Diet or reg?" Dalio. "Reg please. Ok back to buisness. What is it that you want again?" Wolfie. "You are to hand yourself and your ship to the Galatic Police." Officer. "I haven't done anything against the Law officer. I have rights and you are demanding my death. That goes against your law." Wolife. "YOU ARE NOT ORGANIC! YOUR JUST A MACHINE! YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS!" Officer. "I have no Idea what you are talking about. I have the permit to build and own this ship provided that I do not use it against the Galatic Government. If you want to take it by force then I have no choice but to destroy you. I may be "machine" but what gives you the right to say I dont have rights." Wolfie. Dalio walks in and hands a soda over to Wolfie. "Thanks Dalio and its my fav!" Wolfie. "I know you Wolfie. I'll be in the lounge." Dalio. "Has you see, officer, I can eat and drink. I have a conciense, Im intelegent, and I am aware of my existance. That makes me like you. Just because I am mechanical doesnt make me a tool nor a computer. Now if you don't mind, go away and report this to you supperiors." Wolfie. "You are just a machine. Comply with my demands now!" Officer. "Ah the old obey the master routen. Too bad who ever made me made sure no one could ever control me." Wolfie. Pulling out a knife. "If I was an actuall machine, I wouldn't feel anythin. But I do feel pain. Just watch." Wolfie jabs the knife into his arm. Cursing and clenching his hand. Pulling the knife out of his arm, blood pours out. "Like.I...said. I Feel pain. Leave, you have nothing here to take in." Wolfie. Covering the deep wound. "Dam it. All ships, pull back to base. We'll be back." Officer. "I'm sure you will. Dalio cut coms." Wolfie. "Yes Wolfie....coms to Galatic Police vessel has been cut. What about your arm?" Dalio. "Its true I am machine but I am like any other person. Dont ask me how I came to be because the truth is: I'm not sure myself. The arm already healed its self. Continue course to Falerios." Wolfie. "Roger that Sir. Resuming course to vector 794.243-4 at speed 123AUpS." Master Navigator Om. Transport to Falerios: The monsterous ship Wolfie calls Lafiel. Special build allowed by Galatic Government under strict restions not to engage in combat operations with Galatic Police. Ok, their is my audition. Let the auditioning begin!
  19. Ok I guess I start off with four but the audition thread might get more people in. It will be up later, I assure you.
  20. Good, good, just three more. Oh Knuckles Girl check youtube for Star Trek: Voyager or Next Generation.
  21. Hey, I just want to see how many people would like a sort of bounty hunter rp universe thats a mix between Star Trek, Star Wars, and Mass Effect (360 game). I hope 6 people will be interested in it enough for me to actually put the audition up. Im going to be putting up how its going to work and what limits are going to be imposed for awhile in the RP. Ok, enough gibber gabber, here it goes. Their are going to be 3 groups of 2. Bounty Hunting isnt the only way you can make credits. You can also smuggle anything from goods and services to slave hauling (very dangerous), just simple transport runs (Paid non slave kind) to highly dangerous transports (Important people, other peoples bounties, or anyother person thats being chased after), theirs also contracts for just transporting goods from a company (very well paid of course), and merc jobs. No person in the RP can kill any other player. NPCs can be killed off at the creator of thems will. Or if that person gives the right to another player. Bounties can range from just some wanted thug all the way up to political figure head. Most bounties are live capture but occasionally their will be ones worth more dead than alive. My character is a retired bounty hunter thats soo famus that even his name strikes fear or admoration from other bounty hunters. He employs only the best to work as hunters for him. Usually hunters who dont have a ship, needs a place to live, or both. Ok, that covers how it will run out, now time for the long tidious tech limits. Starting with the Star Wars tech. Star Wars tech limitations: Im sure everyone has seen one of the movies. Hover bikes are not restricted and can be equiped with low level blasters and one rocket. Blasters are limited to energy depletion and are very costly and usually not equiped to bounty hunters, priviteers (pirates), and slavers. (Dont worry, you can aquire them). Hand guns like Han Solos are avalibale to everyone and are usually pretty cheap. They charge quickly and are usually very weak. If a person has a personal sheild it wont hurt them. Personal sheilds are avalible to most cheap but good ones are expensive and usually are fitted to the wearers body. Ships are never cheap. usually ranging from 100,000 credits to 1 million credits (Obivously good ones are the more expensive ones.). Ships range from simple transports (like Solos but not has fast) to the massive Super Star Destroyer (scared yet?) but are expensive and usually are faster than most others. The engines do not require fuel but the power generators do but fuel is cheap and can be brought in most ports. Star Trek tech limitaions: Not really that many but no BORG! Ship based Phasers are allowed but limited to what ship you are in. They are not that good at ranged fights but close fights are dangerous. They also have a cool down time and range in power. Small ships have the quickest cool down time ove 1 minute but are low power phasers. The bigger the ship, the stronger the phaser but increases cool downs. Coms (Star Fleets badge coms) are standard issue and ussually come with basic survival kits. Ok their will be two types or replicators. One is the food replicator and usually come with modern ships. Industrial replicators are usually equiped to big ships but can be installed into smalls ships with good power output. Ships all have sheilding capable to their power outputs. Last but not less, Mass Effect tech: The weapon tech isnt restricted but Armor is. Light armor is cheap but doesnt protect much. (Meaning a pistol wont take the sheild down but anything more powerfull can take them out and injure you!). Medium gives so or so protection and heavy gives you exellent protection and are expsensive. Biotics are permited but restriced to Lift, Throw, and Barriers. Omni tools are not restricted. Ship Mass Cannons are good at ranged ship to ship battles and come in varity of ship packages. Small ships can use them but with reduced range while bigger ships have more range. Thats the tech limitations but I just have one more thing to say. You can be anything you want and have any basic equipment when you start off. Dont base your response off the post before but use the sign-ups personality traits as a bases when dealing with other players. NPCs dont count so you can make them act anyway you want. You can either start off working for me, got a mail with a letter asking you to join me, or request permision to join the crew. I'll wait till thursday to see if anyone is interested. Post here if you are. When six people say they will join up, PM each other to see if you want to join together. Either 3 groups of 2 or 2 groups of 3. Or anyway you want. Thanks if you want to join in advance.
  22. "I will not let anyone get this dagger. Especially not ugly demon peons!" I said taking my sword out and securing the dagger to my belt. The demons didn't like being called a peon. They started to attack me. One tried to charge me but was cut in half. Another tried to attack from behind but Karyn got that one. Tore its wings right off. The sound of it in pain almost made me laugh. Anya was having her fun with these peons too. Swinging her arms of metal around cracking skulls of them. Their was one problem though, their are too many of them. "Dean, whatever your doing to kill that bastard, do it quick. Their too many of them!" I said grabbing one and tossing it into the ground with enough force that it actually splattered the demon. "I'm working on it Draco, just dont let the dagger fall into Holdrens' hands!" Dean said. "Right, they'll have to pry it from my cold dead body first!" I said slicing another demon in half. This is going to be a big battle between Dean and Holdren. All we can do is keep these peons off of him.
  23. "My tail isnt a rope Karyn. It hurts when you pull it." I said pulling my tail out of her hands. "Sorry Draco." Karyn said. "Its fine lets go. She isnt going to find herself now." I said walking besides her. How the hell she was managed to be aducted right from our nose is something that needs to be figured out when we find her. (OoC: Sorry didnt have much to go on.)
  24. Draco


    "Kurai, get rid of the body, Xen I need to talk to you." I said motioning Xen over. "Aw do I have to?" Kurai asks. "Yes, get rid of it before his friends come back with cops." I said picking up the handgun and examining it. "What do you want Wolfie?" Xen asked. "You need to be more carefull about who you kill especially if their just humans." I said pointing at Kurai who was dragging the body towards a trash can. "Why do I need to? He was going rape me then kill me." Xen said. "I know but you let his friends live. They may have been scared off so easy but their are some in this "jungle" who arnt that easy to scare. Their are people who hunt your kind and mine. Help Kurai with the body and head back to the meeting." I said pushing him towards Kurai. "What about you Wolfie? Your going back too arnt you?" Kurai said after Xen helped her dump the body. "I'm still hungry. Besides I don't think its safe for Xen to be in direct sunlight. Too much of it and he can just turn into ash. I'll be fine. Watch each others back and don't kill anything else ok?" I said walking into a dark part of the alley. "Right." They both said. "I only hope that one day, fighting will never happen again between the walkers of the night." I said walking around the corner towards a 24/7 resturant. "Maybe now I can eat."
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