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Everything posted by Draco
"Hey Karyn, Calil has been kidnpped and we are going to find her. Get your ass out of bed!" I said knocking on the door. I could hear a loud thud and scurring inside. Must of gotten undressed and was looking for her cloths. The door to her room open and Karyn ran me over like a semi hitting a bunny. "Oph! Karyn! That hurts you know." I said laughing. "Opps, Im sorry Draco. Are you ok?" Karyn said not getting the joke. "Im fine, how did you sleep?" I said picking her up from the floor. "Great! Is their anything to eat?" Karyn said always thinking with her stomach. "We dont have time to eat. Didnt you hear me?" I said grabbing her hand and pulling her with me. "No, I havnt. All I heared was you banging on my door. I feel off my bed." Karyn said with a smile. "Well, appearently Calil has been kidnapped by Fabian and we are going to find her. Where she might be only Dawner might know. Well about the food. I guess we could raid the kitchen before we go find Dean." I said turning towards the kitchen with my stomach taking my brian over. "Yay, food!" Karyn proclaimed.
"Whats wrong Dunan?" I said coming up next to him. "Its Dean. Something isnt right in his brain. We need to knock some sense into him." Dunan said. "Something smelled wrong a few minutes ago. I thought it was Lox who smelled. So Dean eh? Dont go for any vitals now. Just smack him till he gets his head back." I said lunging at Dean. Dean evaded and landed a very hard knee to my stomach. It almost knocked the wind out of me. Then an elbow to the back of my back. I hit the ground with a loud thoud. Dunan charged Dean from another angle but Dean avoided again and kicked him into the wall. "You will die to wolf." Dean said laughing. I jump off the floor and back onto my feet. "Dean, wake up! Remember we are a team. Team mates dont try to kill each other! You almost attact Calil. What the hell got into your head?" I said pointing towards Calil. "He what?" Calil said trying to look at Dean. "Calil, keep your attention on Fabian. Me and Dunan will get Dean back from what ever is taking over his head. Dean, with all your knowledge on everything. Fight it with everything you know. I want you to stay with US!" I said grabing Dean from the back.
"I am not going to let you die Karyn! I will not lose another love one ever again!" I said has a goldesh red aura appeared around my body. "W..whats happening to you Draco?" Karyn said with a confused tone. "What happens to me isnt my problem right now. All that matters is that I get you to your dad before the poison kills you. I said picking her up in my arms. I started running towards the cave when a familier scent passed my nose. It was Sile's scent but it smelt of death. She was killed but I couldnt do anything for but stay alive. I arived at the cave and seeing a dead fem-wolf infront of the entrance. Bleeding from her neck. No other markes on her body so Dawner must have killed her. I could hear fighting inside. Dean, what could you be doing? "Karyn, if anything bad happens to me in their, please do me a favor." I said looking into her eyes. "What is...is it Draco?" Karyn said, her voice getting weaker little by little. "Bury me next to my parents" I said running into the caves.
"I'm sorry if this hurts your feelings young one, but Im way too old for you." I said looking down at him. "Your just saying that. What are you 80?" Xen said still dancing. "238 years old, in the clan I would be considered an Elder but I dont want that tittle. Besides, Im not into men. I would love to just settle down with a woman." I said moving away from the floor. "Aww, why did you stop dancing?" Xen said still dancing. "I havent danced in nearly 198 years. I am out of tune with you young kids today. Tala, Im going out to grab a bit to eat. Please contact me on the cell if you need anything." I said pointing at the cell phone on my waist band. "All right Wolfie, just dont go telling the next blonde woman you see you love her again." Tala said with a little laugh in her voice. Wolfie's checks grew a slight red. "Right, Want me to grab you a super model hunk while Im out?" I said laughing. "What? No, just go." Tala said with anger. "Fine fine. Anyone care to join me for some food?" I said looking around the room. If a vampire came along he would be in for a suprise. "I would!" Xen and Kurai both chimed in. "Alright, lets go. Daylight is coming and Xen would be hurt if it touches him." I said walking towards the door. (OoC: I hope it was my character you where talking about Inuyasha.)
"Frail health right. Im suprised Your father hasnt killed you yet for being weak!" I said with laughter in my voice. "You bastard I kill you first!" Sickle said. He swung his sythes over and over again. Missing everytime and him getting angrier each time. I was still carring Karyn and didnt have a free arm to fight back with. "Karyn, Im going to let you off on that tree over their. If he goes invisable, use your nose to find him. He reakes of rotten meat. Thats how we can find him." I said dodging even more attacks. "Ok! Lets do it!" Karyn said in her normal happy voice. "One, two, three!" I said landing on the tree letting Karyn off then jumping off in another dirrection from her. (OoC: Chibi Master, I'll let you decide how we kill him.)
[COLOR="DimGray"]I could hear the lower rank wolves talk about the vampires and they where here just incase they turn on us. I was a battle harden warrior of many years. Not many live to be my age and not be considered a "Elder". I go to them and hold out my hand in a stop talking jesture. "If the vampires wanted to ambush us. Then they would of killed us first so Tila wouldnt have any back up. Im sure they want to end this plight before we are all destroyed. Also Im sure they have their own little reserve the same we do." I said with such words that anyone would believe me instantly. Thats why I rarely talk and for that alone I decline being an Edler year afte year. They have become corupted with power and greed for far too long. I dont want any part in their own sins. I phase back into my human form and got dress. "Tila should be sending for me soon. Tell her I'll be at the train." I said walking back to the tracks. "Yes sir!" The group said. Even though Tila is the Alpha she isnt the oldest. She does often come to me for advise. I sugested we come to this meeting alone with no reserve butthe elders protested to that idea. Vampires, this new horrer, and humans who hunt us. It didnt matter to me. I just wanted to settle down and raise a family. Battle has become stale. It was pointless to kill a vampire. They are fighting for reasons they have forgotten has well. "I hope this truce will last longer than this threat exist." I said stopping a little ways down the hall way.[/COLOR]
Hey what happened to Nessija?
"Shit, how did they find out all ready?" I said. "What the hell are you talking about?" Krist said. "When I said I left Umbrella, I did and took alot of files detailing alot of top secret info and stored it somewhere safe. Also, the fact that I am Spec Ops for Umbrella also means Im a S.T.A.R.S. I didnt think that they would send Tyrants into the city." I said digging threw the duffle bags. "A Tyrant?" What the hell is that Cheif?" Payton said. "Its the Nemises project. They use soilders who are willing to be turned into one of those. They have enough brain in them to know who is who and what to do. They are really hard to kill and it will take a well placed round from a high powered sniper riffle to take it out. The fact that it is following us means its either after me or Lance." I said pointing at Lance. "Im no STARS memeber." Lance said. "Then tell me then. Why are you the only cop in Raccoon City that wasnt either infected or killed? Why you have such a talent to adapt to any situation? STARS arent picked from well trained people. They are picked from people who shown that they can survive anything by them selves. That is STARS." I said getting back up with a grenade launcher in my hand. "Yo dude whats that for?" Jamel said. "I cant kill it with this but it'll slow him down alot. Krist come with me. The rest of you, get to the mall and wait in the Radio Shack." I said grabbing Kris by the arm. "Ow, let me go umbrella boy!" He said strugling. "First of all. Im older than you and the fact that you worked for Umbrella too makes you an Umbrella boy. Second of all. Dont act like a hero and get all romantic with Payton. This isnt a love cruise nor is it a wonderfull vacation. Dont take any chances out here. Me and Lance are the ones who can handle ourselves alone. Stick with the group and whatever you do. DONT GET SEPREATED! Now go join the rest. I'll be their shortly." I said letting go of Krist. I could here the Tyrant say STARS and rumbling around the back alley. I turn and he was looking at a dead body of a police officer. By the looks of it. he has been dead for at leats a week. "Hey budy, looking for me?" I said mockingly. "STARS" thats all he says. He started moving towards me. I let loose 3 rounds of the launcher. The smoke cleared reveling the Tryant undamaged. I was expeting that. So I let the remanding 9 at his head torso and legs. He fell down back wards. Exactly like I wanted it to. That should buy us alot of time. The sound of the the grenades exploding attracted zombies. That should keep it busy. I make my way back to the mall and into the Radio Shack.
[COLOR="DimGray"]Name: Wolfie (Were-wolf) (Nickname: Cheif) Age: 231 Age when turned: Pure blood Appearence: Human-[URL="http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20soldier/pillowygoodness/Anime_Knight.jpg"]http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20soldier/pillowygoodness/Anime_Knight.jpg[/URL] Beast-[URL="http://media.photobucket.com/image/Demon%20Wolf/RoninDemonWolf/Wolf_Demon.jpg"]http://media.photobucket.com/image/Demon%20Wolf/RoninDemonWolf/Wolf_Demon.jpg[/URL] Gender: Male Weapons: Human form-Usually Titanium gauntlets and a rare claymore which he holds in one hand (Right hand). Beast form-Uses his front claws that are sharp enough to cut 2" steel plating. Personality: Wolfie was born into a small family of elites. Growing up all he did was train and fight. He didnt know why he fought fellow night walkers but he did as he was told. He was much taller than any of his friends and family. Which lead to his nickname Cheif. He was placed in a group of 23 memebers at age 31 and now almost 200 years later. He is the only memeber to have survived. Draco doesnt talk much and when he does, its important or he just wants too. Tends to keep to himself and by his self. Only seeing his life as only one purpose. To kill or be killed. Till one day he might be able to stop fighting and raise a family. [/COLOR]
(OoC: Flash back for my character at age 13! Whoot!) "Hello, 911? My parents haven't returned from their hike in the mountais north of of the city." I said with tears in my eyes. "Ok, how long do they usually take to go on their hiking trip?" The operator asked. "Um usually 2 days but its been a week. Please, they promised me they be back to take me out for my birthday." I started to cry. "Calm down, now where do you live and whats your name?" The operator asked. "I lived at 251 East Main and my name is Draco Tarik." I said sniffling. "We'll have a police officer their right away. Get any recent photo of your parents and a description of what they where wearing the last time you saw them." The operator said. "Yes sir." I said hanging up the phone. I gathered a photo taken the morning they left. I printed it from the computer in dad's work room. About 5 minutes later an officer showed up. "How long was this picture taken?" He said. "Um about 7 days ago. Its when they left for their hiking trip so thats what they would be wearing." I said handing him the photo. "Ok, good. Who watches you while their gone?" He asked kindly. "I watch my self." I said. "Well we will probally put you in a foster home till we find your parents." He said kneeling infront of me. "Ok officer." I said with a slight glimer in my eyes. [Fast forward 2 months] I sat in the foster home they put me in. It was hell. They beated on me, put me in a basement with trash thrown everywhere. I was still wearing the cloths I had on 2 months ago. They barely feed me but I couldnt tell the police about this. The would just dismiss it and keep me in this hell. "Im sorry Draco but your parents havnt been found so their being pronounced dead. You'll have to live with these foster parents." He said with a sad tone. "No, you have to keep searching. I know their alive! They promised me they would be home on my birthday...." I started to cry while falling on the officers leg. "I'm sorry but I cant do anything. I would but I can't. Please, just remember the times you had with them and that their in a better place." He said taking me off his leg and holding me up. I just hanged their crying. He left shortly after telling the foster parents that they werent getting any money for me. After the door shut they started to hit me again and again. That night I espaced that place and stealing about $5,000 from their room. Their was one person who might take me in. A friend of my mother who owns a car dealership in the lower part of the city. I called a taxi and told him where I wanted to go. "Hey kid wheres your parents? Its dangerous out here at night." He asked. "Their where pronounced dead today. No bodies found. Just take me to where I want to go please." I said with a tone that meant drop it. "All right kid." He said while starting to drive. 10 minutes later I arrived at the dealership. It was still opened and the person I was looking for was still their. "Thata be $21.75." He said. I gave him a $50 and left the cab. "Hey kid, you forgot your change!" He yelled out of his window. "Keep it. Thanks for driving me here." I waved at him as he drove off. The lady closed the doors to the offices and turns arounf to see me. "Draco? Is that you?" She said in a confused voice. "Yes, please take me with you. Dont send me back to those evil foster parents!" I said crying. She was a good lady in her mind 30's. She new about my parents dissapearing. She was also my godmother. She came over to me and wrapped her arms around me. "Of course I will. For your mothers memory I will." She said in a soothing voice. I fell asleep in her arms. She took me back to her appartment and put me on the couch. "Dont worry. I will take good care of you. Sleep well Draco." She said as I fell into a deep sleep.
"I'll break you freak!" Trevor said with anger in his voice. "Ok, first things first budy. Im no freak nor am I a half breed. I dont need berserk to kill you." I said coming out of berserk. "I'll get serious and finish you off quick. My special friend needs my help." I grab the sword out of the tree like it wasnt even in the tree. I point the sword at him and swung it down to my right side. "Im not a freak but a new specises. I am Triumpth!" I said running the same speed as before but this time I wasnt playing around. He charged me and my shadow self disappeared. I reappeared behind him and swung the sword in a downward vertical slice. He dodged it and hit me with a summersault kick in my stomach. I grab is ankle and crushed it with one hand. I let it go as he cried in pain. He still got back to his good leg and still charged me. "I'll kill you for that!" Trevor said. "I was made to take out entire clans and covenents of were-wolves and vampires. I barely tapped my potential after all this time." I said dodging attack after attack not even looking at him. He swung at my throat and missed. That swing threw him off ballance and I had my swordup to his throat. "I found something worth fighting for in this world. I wont let you, Karyn's father, Fabien, nor Holdren take it away from me like they took my parents away. Say hello to the devil for me if he really exist." I said looking down at him. "Wait!" Trevor said trying to beg for his life. "What is it. You want a slow and painfull death?" I said pulling the blade back to my side. "I hope that half breed and you die!" Trevor said laughing. I pull my gun out and point it towards his head. "I wont let that happen. Good bye weak link." I said firing my gun. The shot from my gun took his head off with nothing left of it. "May your soul be forgiven in hell" I said putting the gun back in the holster. "Karyn, you've helped me more than you know." I started to run towards Karyn to give her my strength.
Sarah was killed by Dunan and Dawner was fighting 2 more wolves. I grab Trevor by the shoulder and he looked around slamming into my abdomen. "Two on one isnt fair. You know that." I said. "Well neither is a tall freak like you." He said mocking me. "Im no freak. Im a new breed. after 210 years, I finally learned how to control this berserker in me. You will die but its up to you. Quick and painless or slow and very painfull?" I said grabbing him by both shoulders and squeezing them hard. "Ow, that hurt you fucking freak. 210 years old? A little old arnt you?" Trevor said. "Yea but I'll give you one chance. Tell me where Dean is or you'll find yourself impaled by my sword!" I said holding my sword which was covered in blood to his side. "Im not that easy to kill." Trevor said kicking my side. I lost my grip and he rolled away from me. He came at me but I jumped up and around him. He again tried to ram me but I put my metal boot in his face. I heard a loud thump and him backing up holding his nose. "You broke my nose, you'll pay for that." Trevor said while holding his claws up. "I'll break more untill I find out where he is!" I said jabbing my sword into a tall oak tree till the handle touched the bark. He charged again at me but I dodged and grabbed him by his tail. He yelped in pain has I flung him into the air then on the ground. He grabbed my leg with his claws and I jilt in the pain. I kcick him in the side sending him flying into a tree. He got back up and shook himself. "I see that you are hard to break. Enough play time, time to take care of you!" I said running towards him so fast that it looked like I was in two places at once.
"Karyn, Sile, lets go." I said. "Right." They both said. I pulled out my sword and cut a wolf that was about to attack Dean from his back. "Thanks Draco but I told you to stay in the bar!" Dean Said with an angry voice. "What, and let you have all the fun? Dont think so. I have a plan Dean but I need to do it alone." I siad with a sad tone. "What is it?" Dean said. "Im going to try to enter berserker. I think I figured out why I couldnt control my self. So, I should be able to control it now but just in case.."I said handing Dean a tranquliser gun. "Why would I need this for?" Dean commented. "Just incase if I cant control my self. Theirs enough tranquliser in their to take down 20 elelphants. Dont worry Dean, all it will do is calm me down but it wont knock me out." I said with a smile. "Fine just hurry it up." Dean said while fighting another wolf off. I stood their trying to remember every little thing I could remember painfull and missery but nothing came up. Then I felt something i never felt before. It was the berserker in me but it wasnt hatred, it was love. Karyn helped me by caring for me. A huge wind came from me that went every where and everyone stopped and looked at me. I grew a foot more and my hair wasnt black. It was like I was born blonde. Dean got the tranqu gun out and pointed at me. "Put that down Dean. I am my self." I said while pushing the gun down. "What the hell Draco? I never seen you like this." Dean said. "I know, neither have I. I tried to think of all the most painfull memories and nothing came up. Then I thought of Karyn and everyone of the team. You are family to me. One more special than I care dream about. I do know why test subject 4 was able to control his berserker. He never had lived long enough to care about anyone. But that only contributed to his death. I found the true berserk inside myself. Thanks Dean. I know I can trust you." I said. "No problem Draco but if you wont mind. We are fighting here!" Dean said. "Whoops, sorry. Forgot all about them. Ok time to take some idiots out!" I said grabbing one right out of the air and just one quick motion. Snapped his neck like it was cream pie. I let the now dead wolf go and sprinted towards a line of wolves that where converging on Kary, Sile, and Calil. "Hey ladies, duck!" I said grabing my sword out. They ducked and I swong that sword soo fast that it actually moved the sound around it. A row of wolves head just tumbles off their torso. "Ok, that should give you more room. Dont get yourself killed no!" I said jumping into the tree line. "What the hell was that." Sile said in a calm matter. "That was Draco! He can control his berserk! Yay!" Karyn said with a huge smile. A few seconds later the tree line started to shake. Wolf after wolf start flying out of the tree line with either their heads or half their bodies missing. I could feel my strength with every blow. I know that I cant keep this up for a very long battle but I can shrink their numbers down to a managable level for the group. (OoC: Just for everyone to know. The sword I carry is a Japanese Katana Long Sword. It is about 5'10" long.)
"Well Payton lets go with them. Seperated we are fucked. Bring a duffle bag of ammo and lets go." I said grabbing a Jack Hammer X245. (Its an automatic shotgun) Payton grabbed the duffle ammo bag and whistle to his dog. "Im not leaving her alone." Payton said. "Don't, last thing we need is a Cerberous running around.........." I said as I heard Krist screaming for help followed by two gunshots and a fire extinguisher exploding. "Shit lets go!" I said grabbing the backpack full of first aids. Payton, Foxxy, and I ran down the hall towards the file room. We past the janitorial closet where I believed Krist baracaded himself in. The door was pierced several times. Their was dark red blood stains on the wall. I slow down and motioned to Payton to get to the file room. "Hey Cheif, whats wrong?" Payton said. "Get to the file room and tell the others to hurry up. Now!" I said. I got by the door leading towards the file room. Which only has one way in, one way out. Watching the ventalation shaft and the hall way. About 10 minutes later they all come out . Krist was not hurt but he was surely scared. "What did it look like? Mucle type body, no skin, no eyes?" I said grabing Krist. "Y...yes. I dont know what it is." Krist said. "I believe you. That thing was once a human. it had an altered T-Virus cell injected into him and turned into that thing after he killed the gaurds guarding it. Thats what happened two years ago at the other village. The only way to kill it is to use either shotguns or a flame thrower. The only room in this building with out a ventulation duct is the armory room. With those thick heavy steel doors, we'll be fine so lets go! Run!" I said just starting to run. I sent the messege to them. All of them where running back t the armory with me.
"But first we should get back to the police station. Its safe their and we have to grab supplies. Besides, its getting dark and its not safe to be outside at night unless we have flashlights." I said pointing at the sun. "Whats so scary when the sun goes down Cheif?" Payton said. "Trust me, you don't want to know. Any ways, you three look like you could some rest. When we get back, I'll watch you three till daylight. Then we start moving to the Zoo and then to City Hall." I said looking out the window. "Ok, well lets go." Kristopher said holding his gun up. I slowly move outside pointing the gun around the corner first. I nodded that the coast was clear and started moving back to the station. Umbrella, what where they thinking when the reopened the hive. We could of stopped a small out break and claim it to be people who over used a certain drug or something. Instead they reopen the hive and let more monsters out. 8 whole teams where killed in seconds. Innocent people who now are these weapons of killing machines. We are out in the streets now. The street lights flickering on and illuminating the area where they were going. They didnt have much time. Soon the nocternal specimens in the Hive will come out to feed on anything outside. Including infected people. Living or undead. When they finally made it to the station, the front door was wide open. I remembered I locked it after Payton and myself left to find some more survivors. "Hold it, Wait in the light. What ever you do, dont go into the dark unless you want to be food for something in the night." I said pointing to the most strongest light near the station. "Why?" Tahlia asks. "Look, the kid right their. He isnt just the leading head on the vaccine but he also hepled create night specimens out of owls and other nocternal species. He really didnt have anyidea he was but the vaccine was his main goal. Sorry Krist, but sooner or later they'll find out. Just stay in the light." I said runing into the building. I could hear Foxxy whippering but she was just worried. No sign of forced entry but the lock was unlocked with a key. Which means either the infected got smart or someone was alive and was working for the police. Lights where on in certain places and some doors where opened. Leading towards the cells. I come outside and whistle to the others to come in side. They all looked scared by what I guess Krist told them about the creatures. That didnt matter. I know for certain that they created them with a fail safe proticall. If they touch any type of light, they would be hurt. So the strongest light is a UV light and will kill them in a matter of seconds. "Ok, Payton. Was their any new faces in the police station before you got locked up?" I said looking at Payton. "How would I know?" Payton said suprised. "Well a K-9 officer wouldnt just give up is dog to anyone. And wouldnt give anyone a gun. So, you've been in their alot but probally for some stupid reason. You have't killed any human before. That was most appearnt to me. But these infected people are way to far beyond curing. Am I right Krist?" I said while walking down the hall. "Yes, Draco, your right. If the vaccine isnt injected withing an hour. After that, might as well shoot yourself in the head." Krist said. I hold my hand out and stop the group from moving foward. I pointed to two figures by the cells. On was in a cell right next to where I found Payton and the other was on the out side of the cell. I put the gatling down on the ground and pull out the shotty and slowly make my way behind the person or thing. When I cocked the gun the person turned around with a gun pointed to my head. "Put the gun down and get on the floor." Said the guy. Appearently unaware of what is happening. "If you havent noticed, their are infected people outside drawn by the street lights that want to kill us. I would advise putting your gun down and releasing that person." I said nodding my head to the other person. "Why should I beleive you?" The guy said. "So, new to Raccon City Police. Transfered at the wrong time buddy. Im sure they gave you specific instructions to not harrase Umbrella members right?" I said still pointing the shotty at him. "How did you know that?" He put his gun back into his holster. "Because thats how I used to get around the city with out cops stopping me for my weapons. Draco Alima Tarik, Umbrella Spec Ops. Man your not even a Raccon citizen yet. Come on, relsease that guy and come to the armory." I said putting away the shotty and putting my hand out for a hand shake. "Names Lance." Lance said shaking my hand. "Im Jamel, bitch" Jamel said. "Hey watch the mouth, theirs a lady here!" Payton said. Jamel gave Payton a dirty look and started moving towards the armory. Since I already cleared the building, their wasnt any need to search again especially at night. I just hope we came make it out of here alive.
A dull thud came from out side and shook the windows up a bit. Some shuffling could be heard from everywhere and their was a noise coming from the holding area. Sounded like somone was alive and appearently lokced up. Breaking the lock would be easy buy it would make too much noise for his taste but if He could get someone to watch his back while searching for survivors, it could help their chances of survival. HE slowly makes it down the hall checking and clearing the rooms one by room to make sure nothing attacks him. He got to the door leading towards the holding area, he slowly opened the door and pulls out his shotgun. Moving down the hall way some shuffling came from behind. He turns around and shoots the officer that was just 5 minutes ago being feasted on by two infected he killed. He shot the gun and the infected officer flew back and hit the door. Making more sound than he wanted to. He didnt have much time. The cell next to him he heard a gun being pointed at his head. "Hey, get me out of hear and I wont kill you" Said a guy in a cell. "IF your threatning me with an empty gun you arent getting out." I said while grabbing the gun. "Come on dude, You cant leave me here............." The guy whined. He noticed my Umbrella Patch and back to the wall of his cell. I loaded the pistol with a full clip and tossed it to him then tossed him about 3 extra clips of ammo. He looked suprised. "Cover me while I break the lock. The shotgun made alot more noise than I wanted and is sure to draw more infected here. After that, your with me." I said whilst starting to pick the lock. "Ok, go for it. Why do you need me?" Said the guy. "Looked I dont have time to explain. I need to save as many survivors as possible and make it to city hall. Watch that hall way!" I said with more demanding tone. Moans and shuffling can be heard come towards this location. One infected came through the door and the guy shot it in the arm. It staggered back and started to move again. "What the...it didnt go down." The guy said with dissapointment. "Aim for the head, it takes them down faster and you will save ammo. Quick, before it can move again." I said pointing at the infected. Another shot rang out and the infected dropped dead (or just stopped moving either way) and a sigh of relief came from the guy. Clank the door lock opened up and the guy walks out of the cell. "Man, I thought I was going to be in here till I starved!" The guy said with happyness in his voice. "Dont get to full of your self. These infected are just the begining. Lets get to the armory and grab more weapons, ammo, First Aid kits, and and food we can get." I said picking up the shotgun and standing back up. "Ok, but when we reach the armory, tell me how you know all this. Oh, wait my dog. Here girl." The guy said. When he did a dog came from a hiding spot in the back and sat right next to his side. I pull the shotgun out and aim at the dog. "Is it infected yet?" I said, taking extra percaution. "Stop that, she isnt infected." He said standing infront of the dog and my shotgun. "Fine, just make sure that she doesnt get bit. Other wise I will kill the dog without hessitation. Got it?" I said with a firm voice making sure I wasnt joking. "Yes I get you. Lets go, the officer who gave me the dog said the armory isnt that far from here." HE said. "I know, thats where I was going. Lets go and whats your name? Mines Draco Alimo Tarik, former Spec Ops of Umbrella." I said while looking around a corner. "Mines Payton. This is Foxxy. Former Umbrella Spec Ops huh? What they dont provide health care?" Payton said mockingly. "No, its what they plan to do in a short time if they dont hear from the team they sent in earlier. We may have several weeks maybe a month or so. I plan to save at least 5 civilians and get to City Hall. Their I can prove we arent infected and we can all escape here before they activate the last resort option." I said while opening the armory door. Their where in here too. More infected cops. I hold my hand up and grab Paytons gun and shook my head. I put the shotgun back and pull the silenced pistol out and start picking them off one by one. Starting with the closest ones then making my way towards the back. Soon the room was clear and I move inside. Payton and Foxxy moved inside as well. I close the door and lock it. It should hold them if they are discovered for a long time. Armory doors are made to take tons of damage. They have to just incase of a break out or an assult on the police station. The armory also carried confiscated weapons and other things. Their was a big table covered in old blood. I took a rag and cleaned it off the best I could and start taking weapons off and putting them on the table. "We should also take advantage of the armor gear they have here too. Make sure you get something that is really resistance to scratching and is waterproof. Also, you any first aid kit and tighten up any cuts or open wounds before we move out. If One drop of infected blood gets on a cut or opened wound. You will be infected and only have about 1-2 hours before turning into them." I said pointing out the window towards some infected people down the street. "How do you know all of this?" Payton said will gathering weapons from the racks. "We had an outbreak once before about 2 years ago. It was isolated incident involving sabatoge and someone with enough clearence to get the virus. It took us 3months to get the city back. A block at a time. You probally heard it has some type of nationalist faction took over a city. I lost alot of men in those 3 months. I've seen what this can do. Their was a cure to the virus if administered quickly but the scientist who had the only known case of it vanished about a year ago. Thats why they sent a team in to retrive him. So far, we havnt heard from them. I expect they where all kill and now are walking the streets." I said to him while grabbing a cloth covering something huge. "Holy shit dude. Is that what I think it is?" Payton said with a very suprised look on his face. "Yes, it is. An old 8 barrel 7mm chaingun. Also know as the Gatling Gun. Shoots 8,000 rounds a minute and is electric run. Good for mowing down infected people in any area. And no you cant have it. Its too heavy for you." I said laughing. "I can pick that up. See?" Payton said. He got it off the table but couldnt move. "Dam, this is heavy." Payton said with some struglling in his voice. "Its not even loaded yet. Here let me take it." I grab it and make it soo easy. "What are you, superman?" Payton said laughing. "Well, they did inject me with some syrums over the years. Might have been experimental enhancements for the army. They use their soldiers like lab rats. Anyways. We are not moving yet. Come on gather all the ammo and put them into piles of what type their are and their usefullness. Grab some duffle bags as well. We can store extra weapons and ammo in them. 4 if possible." I said while rumiging threw some lockers and the vending machines. "Hey Payton, catch" I tosed him a cold Pepsi and a bag of pretzils. And Foxxy a bag of Doritos.
Draco took out his pistol and equiped the silencer so not to alert any infected to where he is. The police station is a mess. Papers scattered everywhere, bloody foot prints, hand prints, and pools of old blood where everywhere. He didnt have enough weapons nor ammo to give to people and knew that the police station carried an armory somewhere. He started walking down a hall way from the main enterance when he heard some shuffling. With his pistol up, he looked around a corner into an office. Two infected where huddled in a cornor eating an officer. They didnt noticed him and he was thinking about letting them be but they could be a problem latter and so He shot the one closest to him and the other one right after that. Head shots are the quickest and most effective way to kill theses things. Funny, when he was a kid he used to play games that where zombie infected towns. Now he is in one but he loses, he cant start over. Since this a police station, they should have a holding cell and if he is lucky some body will be their. So he walked down the hall carefully, making sure that nothing else will come out of no-where and bit him. He also had to be carefull about the K-9 units in the station as well. A shotgun would be best at taking out the dogs but it will also alert the others to him. But he knew sooner or later, he would have to use them. Maybe their hearing is very weak and they wont hear the shots. He will have to wait and see about that. But for now, he continues his search for the holding cells hoping for someone to be alive.
Name: (as from other posts) Draco Alimo Tarik Age: 26 Occupation: Rogue Umberlla Special Ops (Hope a rogue agent will be ok) Starting point: Raccoon Police Station T-Virus sign: - Bio: Draco grew up in Raccoon city and graduated his school with a the schools highest honor for Sports. The Umbrella Corp saw his potential as a military soldier and recruited him after graduation. At the time, He had no idea what he got himself into. That was 8 years ago. Today he is rogue, hating what he had become. After learning that the city will be sealed off and anyone trying to leave will be shot. Their was only one solution to this outbreak. It wasnt pretty either. If he could get has many survivors as possible and prove that they werent infected then they could leave. He volunterred to go into the city with a squad to recover an important docter when he mad his move. He carried a shotgun, pistol, some grenades, ammo, and a first aid kit. If all else fails, and he was infected. He would have about an hour or two before he turned into one of them and as a last resort. He would use a grenade and kill himself so not to infect any survivers he found. He jumped off the convoy and ran into the Police station. When the convoy radioed him he said he had another mission to do and would meet back up. They new that he was Spec Ops and didnt question him. Know he just needed to find survivors and make it to the abandoned Umbrella Lab under city hall.
I bet he is tired of doing that ritual. One hour and I could decide not to go, but I said I would and I meant that. I followed Dean to his room and opened the cracked door. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Dean, I said I would go earlier. That doesnt change anything at all when you said we had a choice. I still want to go retrive something but it can wait. Its not going anywhere and this mission is important to Karyn. I will come for Karyn and for you."[/COLOR] I said with a little ethusiasim. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Thanks Draco, now go get ready."[/COLOR] Dean said with happyness in his voice. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"I didnt come here to tell just that. I already told Karyn and I've known you since you rescued me from that beach in Maine almost dead. I'd follow you anywhere and you know that. Its time to tell you why you havnt seen another person like my ever."[/COLOR] Dean motioned me to sit down and gave me a cup of coffee. I handed it back and shook my head. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"I dont drink coffee anymore. Anyways, the reason why you havnt found anything like me is because of Project Triumpth." [/COLOR]I said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I heard about that, but never could get any details on what was going on. I heard, that it was shut down after the government thought it wouldnt work and pulled founding."[/COLOR] Dean said with more and more interest. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Well, not before the leading scientist where able to put the last experiment in the one place they could check."[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Your mother was one of the leading scientist? So your the only experrmint to survive the project."[/COLOR] Dean said while looking me over. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Yes and their where four other expermients but they failed because they had no reason to live. They gave me mine and I lost it when you found me. I know have a reason to live, a reason to fight. I was born from my mother and while I was developing inside, I mutated into what I am today. I am 210 years old but I've seen the world during my godmother's travels. Dean, The item I want to get is something that could give me more insight into what I am."[/COLOR] I said to Dean, waiting on his repsonse.
I pushed away the pancakes and left the table. I went into the kitchen and grabbed Karyn's ginormus pancake of [B]DOOM[/B]!I plop it down on the table and pured surop all over it and was about to eat it when Dunan interrupted. [COLOR="DarkYellow"]Dunan: "Are you sure you want to eat it?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Can't be worse than that time I had to eat squirels for a month."[/COLOR] That set off the laughing keg of Karyn. She was laughing sooo hard she fell off her seat and rolled around on the floor. So I sniff her cooking and decided better eat this thing before IT comes alive and tries to eat me. I cut it into two peices and then somemore to make it more managable. It didnt look too bad. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Well, down the hatches. Watch out stomach, here it comes!."[/COLOR] Karyn got the hic-ups from that one. Well Dunan was looking like he was about to through up, if vampires can through up. Dawner looked amazed that I could eat that thing, Dean looked away, Calil also looked away, and last but not least Sile came right in and saw me eat it. [COLOR="DarkBrown"]Sile: "Thats disgusting Draco."[/COLOR] After chewing a bit and swallowing it. I looked at Karyn. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Can you make more?"[/COLOR] She looked suprised and the rest looked liked they have been hit by a weird scene. [COLOR="HotPink"]Karyn: "Yea, I think soo. Are they good?"[/COLOR] I already eaten the entire thing and was looking at her. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]Dean: "I think thats a yes Karyn."[/COLOR]
Drizz already had plans to travel before the mission? Weird, how it seems too close to be anything but a plan. Well the way I see it, its better to get their together and split off on to groups of two and have one by him/herself. I grab the suit case and start walking towards Deans room when I heard someone runing by. I hid in a closet and saw Dawner runing like superman towards Deans room. I stay in the closet and waited till I heard the door open then Dunan came runing by too. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Oh the drama tonight. I thought everyone was suposed to be asleep by now. Might as well give Dean the book I brought for him as a gift then go to the basement."[/COLOR] I was about to walk into Deans room when they started talking about something. I could hear the fustration in Dawners voice as per the interruption. So I stand near the door and listen in on Dawners Conversation. He was talking to Dean and Dunan about his father maybe in lead with the werewolves or what not but It didnt make any sense to me. Why would a Arcane user side with those creatures? Anyways after listening for about 35 or so minutes Dawner and Dunan walk out of Deans room. Appearently they didnt see me because I was in a dark corner. I can hear Dean shufling around his room. So I walk in stealth like and grab Dean. Dean almost jumped out of his pants. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]Dean: "What the hell is wrong with you? I could of killed you!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Really then? What might I have been? A vampire and a spell user that are in love and come in here talking to you about Dawners Dad? No, I just came here to give you this. I picked it up a few hours ago at the town library."[/COLOR] I hand over the suitcase to Dean and sat down. Waiting to see his face when he opens the case. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]Dean: "What is it? The librarians head? Its fucking heavy!"[/COLOR] I laugh and only stair at him. He opened the suitcase and saw the book. The book was a very rare limited edition collector item that is over 1,000 years old. It was also very very thick and heavy. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "I figuered since you love books so much that you might like this one. It has every know creature ever to exist and full deep detail of them in both words and color printed pictures. The wording is printed in gold leaf and the pages are like silk cloths that wont tear. Also, I didnt just come here to give you that."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]Dean: "............Then what did you come here for?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Well, its about the mission. I think we should split up into teams of two and search the area for any leads. It would increase our chances of catch anyone of Karyn's fathers clan memeber and get him to spill any info. But theirs a problem with that."[/COLOR] Dean look suprised for a moment, then looked sort of pleased. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]Dean: "So you are coming. Good, now whats the problem?"[/COLOR] I stand up obviously eclipseing Dean. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "The problem is that their are only seven of use. If you and Calil team up, Karyn and Sile team up, and Dawner and Dunan team up, that leaves me by myself. I know that you don want to leave one person out but I would do better by myself this time. In fact, if he doesnt know theirs a seventh person in the field then that gives us an advantage. Think about it Dean and tell me before we head out to a trap."[/COLOR] I jump out an open window and land on the wall below. I look up towards Dean's room and jumped around to the main enterance and went to the meeting hall first since thats where we will be briefed by Dean.
(OoC: Oh I will Drizz, I will but I got something sneaky for you.) I couldnt sleep. I couldnt help but think about our next mission. Malachai was in someway connected to Dunan and Dean and the female vampire was connected to me. Now Karyn? Their has to be someone pulling strings behind these peoples. It all seems too easy and fast. Like a trap. I get off my bed and put on the cloths that I shall use for the mission. Its still around 11pm and even is in bed or at least in their rooms. Opening the door ever so slowly I exit into the all. I need a walk, something long and quite. Their is a town with a superb library with even more books than Dean has in his. Maybe I can find something out about myself and Karyn. I ran most of the way with only took me about 1.5 hours so it was 12:30am when I got to the the library. A lady was locking up and I landed next to her. She was soo scared, I think if she could she would have no pants on. [COLOR="Pink"]Librarian: "Don't kill me! Take my purse, do what ever you want just don't kill me!"[/COLOR] I grabed her hands and put the purse back in her hands and took off my hood. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "My apologies, miss, but Im looking for a book thats bound in gold lettering about mythical creatures. Does this library carry it?"[/COLOR] She was white has a ghost. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "How much is it?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Pink"]Librarian: "I...its very expensive. $150,000."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Don't worry, I wont kill you or anything. Would a check be good?"[/COLOR] She looked suprised has I pulled a check book from my trench coat. [COLOR="Pink"]Librarian: "Yes a check will be ok. Wait here while I get it."[/COLOR] I noded and ten minutes later she comes out with a suitcase. She opens it and lets me see that its in their and it isnt boobie trapped. I smile and give two checks. One was for the library for the book and one was blank and meant for her. [COLOR="Pink"]Librarian: "Whats the blank one for?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "That one is for you. Thanks for not freaking out and calling for help. Please take $25,000 and thank you. I've been waiting for this rare book to come in for years."[/COLOR] I take the suitcase and jumped out of sight of the librarian who was still in shock. Well at least I got something for Dean to stick his nose into for the night. By the time I got back it was 3:39am and Dean's room light was still on. What better time to give him a gift than now? So I walk up to his room and knock on the door hard but not loud enough to wake the others.
[B](OoC: Yea trench coats, think I can carry 2 moddified shotgun underneath? Hats really dont fit the trench coat feel.Oh I know a hooded shirt like this one![IMG]http://pop.gameguru.ru/images/Assassins_Creed/Assassins_Creed_27.jpg[/IMG][/B] I felt sad for the first time sinse what happened to my godmother. She can control her berserk but that was different. I was almost 210 years old and I looked like I was 24. I bent down to her face and gave her a kiss. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Karyn, no matter what happens. I will not let anything happen to you. That neckless represent my feelings towards you. Even if we get seperated, just wear it and I'll be right next to you. To lend my strength, my wisdom, my...........love......to you."[/COLOR] Even with his dark fur she can see him blush. Her ability to be happy and to be cheerfull is amazing. I wish I can give her a long life like mine. [COLOR="DarkBlue"]Karyn: "Ok Draco. I'll keep it close to me forever!"[/COLOR] She smiles, it almost made me fall backwards. I smile a real smile for the first time in years. No matter what I am she accepts me. Im a military project meant for war and killing yet here I am with this girl who could care less about that. She sees the person I really am. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Hey, stay right here. If I am to go on this mission. I need to hide my tail and my head from the average person. Then I need some clothing to do that. I got something in my closet so I'll be right back."[/COLOR] I almost jump into my huge closet and closed the door. Inside you could hear things flying around and stuff being tossed around. 5 minutes later I come out wearing a long trench coat that reached my feet and hide my tail and a hooded shirt that covered my head and left nothing but a black inprint where my face was. My shoes where stealplates with bits of leather here and their to keep together. My arms where covered in underarmer and my hands had black leather gloves. Karyn almost fell over laughing. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "What, did I forget something?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkBlue"]Karyn: "No, no, its not that. Its just the fact that you never wore anything like that sense we meet. I had no idea that you had alot of cloths.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Well, its hard to find anything my size. [COLOR="Black"](I do that thing with my hands on my hips. Made her laugh even harder.)[/COLOR] Their alot of things about me that I don't show to people that often. Well its getting late, Karyn. I'll walk you back to your room and I'll go back to mine. We have along day ahead.[/COLOR]
I sat on my bed thinking to my self 'I'm crazy if I tell her what I am but sooner or latereveryone will learn,' when I heard a soft knock on my door. I walk over to my door and opened it. It was Karyn still in that oversized t-shirt. I almost wanted to laugh but I refrained from doing so. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Karyn, please come in and grab a drink."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkBlue"]Karyn: "Thanks, so what did you ask me to come to your room for?"[/COLOR] She is looking at my room which was mostly bare walls and a plain bed. Not much to look at besides a pile of books about demons and were-wolves and otherthings. A fridge near a window that overlooks the cliff the mansion was on. A walk in closet and a small bathroom with a shower in it. Hard wood floors that where so cold in made Karyn jump into the shoes I had by my bed. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Karyn, what am I? Don't suger-coat it. Tell me what you think."[/COLOR] She looks at me for a what seem like hours and tilted her head up towards the ceiling. [COLOR="DarkBlue"]Karyn: "Well, I think you are like me, a half breed."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Is that because Dean said it or Malachai?"[/COLOR] Karyn looked stuned and a bit confused. She did not know why I would ask something like that to anyone since I am not the one to ask anything. [COLOR="DarkBlue"]Karyn: "No, I really believe you to be a hlaf breed. Why would you ask that?"[/COLOR] She was very confused. I never asked anyone what they thought of me and I never had anyone in my room. Not even Dean nor any servent. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Karyn, I want you to promise me that you will keep this between us for now. Dean is smart but he tends to be book smart about subjects he doesnt know from experince."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkBlue"]Karyn: "Ok Draco, I'll keep this a secret! You have my word."[/COLOR] She says things like she was happy all the time. I know that she was hurting on the inside. Trying not to be like her father but she tends to be soo kind when not being threatened. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Ok, Karyn, Im not a half breed. Im a military project code name Triumpth by the US military to deal with vampire nests in American territories and as a weapon to combat on military fronts. Im Test subject number 5 or 5. My parents picked up where their predicestors left off after 3 failed tests. Subject 4 made it to maturity to fast and learned his life and commeted suicide by jumping to his death. The government was about to cancel the project due to how much it was costing. My parents figured out that the reason why the other 4 fail was not due to their genes nor their mental strength but thier was no heart, no comperhension of their life. That and the fact they where grown in a test tubes. So before the program was canceled, they impregnated my mother and hid in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. They also took all the research papers and documents about the program and kept notes on my growth from implantation and brith. Also on my aging. The one thing I want Dean to do is look through them and find the secret to the berserker state I have so I can control it. I cant let it happen again. I almost killed you, Dean, and Calil and I dont even remembered it."[/COLOR] Karyn looked dumb founded. It sounded soo far fetched but it was the truth. Then Karyn asked me a question that I havn't been asked even by Sile. [COLOR="DarkBlue"]Karyn: "So why do you look like a were-wolf and a human?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "That was because were-wolves are unable to be turned into a vampire and the human appearence was that of my mother. I actually mutated in the womb around 4 months. It took twice as long as a normal human to be born. Instead of 8-9 months, it took me 16-18 months. Also You noticed that I cant control the berserker state which is only aquired through demon blood. So im a new breed in my own right but I do not know if I can reproduce and Im not sure If I want to try. Imagine what they would look like and if they inherite the berserker trait too."[/COLOR] I laughed to myself because I was imaging little me's runing around the place in the Rockies. (OoC: Ok if you havnt noticed yet. When I write what people say I usually use the [COLOR="insert color"]Karyn: "insert wording"[/COLOR]. I find it to be rather helpfull. Oh Drizz, I might not decide to join this mission due to my character not being able to turn into normal human and he would stick out like a sore thumb due to his heigth.)
I Didnt want Sile to transport me home because It would take tooo much out of her. We'll my parents arent going anywere so might as well wait. As for Karyn, maybe I should have her come over to my room and stay with me. This will be a test of her training for this is what she waited for since she joined us. As everyone left the meeting hall, I grab Karyns hand and pull her towards me. I just stood their holding her even though she was short by comparison. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Karyn, revenge inst the answer to your mothers death. Even with my age I still learned that with that vampire. I understand were you come from and why you want it but dont spoil your mothers kindness she gave you like I did. Please, Karyn, come to my room."[/COLOR] I let go before even letting her respond to what I said. I still cannont tell her how I feel about her. IF anyone knew the real truth about me, they may not want me around. Dean is the only one who can make sense of whats inside the trunk but I cant get it for him. I will not abandon my team for that. No, they need me but its really I need them. Before Dean and Sile found me on that beach in Maine (USA) I wanted to die because no-one could ever exept me for what I really am. But this group, these people even Dunan who has a weird head on his shoulders have become freinds. Maybe Karyn is the one I've been looking for but I dont know if she feels the same way before. I walked right into my door almost fell backwards. Well sleep well my mother and father. Till another day.