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Everything posted by Draco

  1. I had no time to sleep. As soon as I got to my room, Sile said to go to the living room. Hopefully its not about another mission already. A week at least to make sure everyone was back at fighting strength. Calil espically since she took a beating like that. And I need to head back to the states to my parents grave to tell them I have gotten the revenge I was after and to retrive a trunk of notes, journals, diaries, and documents on me. I knew they where on my because they said I could have it when I was older. Now is the time and maybe Dean could make sense of what am I. When I got their everone was their and I saw Sile and Karyn wearing matching shirts. I got shivers running down my back because Sile looked soo creepy with that heart shirt. Anyways, Dean was blabing on and on about his sword and what happened and blah blah blah. Nothing about another mission that was good. If I should ask now, he should understand my reasons. I stand up and cut his speach short. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Dean, since we are not going on another mission right now. I'd like to take some time to visit my parents grave and to retrive something you might find..intriging..about me."[/COLOR] Dean looked dumbfounded at what I said. I who rarely asks for any type of leave ask for a vacation. Also I see a faint look of happyness about reading something new for once than all those books he has. (OoC: Drizz Im going to wait till you reply to this post before I make my next move.)
  2. I drugged Karyn off from the base of the water tower to the cafe. She acted like she was in high school listening for something to gossip about. She was still just a kid in her own way but she had it where it counts. I stopped at room and I let go of Karyns shirt. [COLOR="Blue"]Karyn: "Why are we stopping? Arnt we going to the cafe?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Yes but I want to give you something first."[/COLOR] I opened my door to my room and walked in. About 2-3 minutes later I walk out with a small box in my hand. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Karyn, Here take this."[/COLOR] Karyn took the box and then looked at me. [COLOR="Blue"]Karyn: "Ooh, what is it?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "It belonged to my parents. If they wherent so kind has they where, I wouldnt be here now."[/COLOR] Karyn opened up the box and music started playing from it while an image played in a little screen. Underneath the screen was a necklace that was studded with diamonds, precious gems, and made of platnum. [COLOR="Blue"]Karyn: "I cant accept this. This belongs to your parents."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "IF they where on this earth anymore. After I heard from Dean about your mother, I knew that you would understand how long it takes to recover from your mothers death. My mother was also human. Kind, gentle, beautiful, kind of like you. I wanted to give you this a long time ago but I was still nervous of you."[/COLOR] A single tear ran down my face. It dropped off my face and landed on the music box. Karyn reached out and grabed my hand. [COLOR="Blue"]Karyn: "I will treasure it forever."[/COLOR] I bent down so far that my head was below hers. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Karyn, I also want to tell you this. Being a half bread doesnt make you weaker than pure bloods. I beleive it makes you stronger than them. If you were like any other full bread. You wouldnt be you. Just remember that. Now lets go get those pancakes before they get cold!"[/COLOR] I picked her up and threw her on my back like a dad giving their child a piggy-back ride. I run through the hall ways to the cafe and opened the doors with my foot. I could sense her joy when she saw what seemed to be mountains of still steaming hot pancakes across the table.
  3. After I was seemingly repeatedly being either bombarded with explanations or accidentall injures from Karyn, I still was much in thought for anything. Maybe ontop of the clock tower would get me away from everything. I would give me time to think about what Dean said. But what Dean said didnt add up to me. I spent years before this mission when I first met Dean researching on any known half breed that involved demons and were-wolves but couldnt find anything. I finally got to the clock tower and climbed out the window. I jumped from one edge to another till I was ontop of the tower. I could see the crew walking around and talking. Everyword was like listening to someone face to face. I wasnt really paying attention to them at this time. What I was really so deep into thought was that even Malachai thought I was a half-bread like Karyn, but Karyn is more than that. She is stronger than pure bloods not by her strength but by her spirit. She is a unique individuall like my self but I'm something else. Maybe it was time to tell Dean the truth of my "birth" and get this feeling off my chest. Dean is the only person vampire or not I could talk to about anything if I can get him out of those books. When I finally got out of my deep thought I havent realized it was morning already. The morning dew felt great on my face. Maybe I should make pancakes for Karyn and me. I'd bet she'd love my pancakes for sure. So I get off my ass and get back inside the mansion before Dean or Sile see me on the roof. They don't like it when I get on the roof. It was still early morning and everyone was still asleep so I left a note on her door telling her to come to the dining hall in an hour for something special and a small tournement. I spent what felt like hours in the kitchen making plates upon plates of hot pancakes. I found a way to make them melt in your mouth but yet still light and full of taste. I hope she likes this
  4. (OoC: "Ok everyone, I cant do this third person anymore. Its weird and it isnt working for me. So from now on Im doing first person unless indicated by [Draco: "]) I passes Dunan in the hall way but didnt even say hi to him. I was to deep into thought to even notice where I was walking. I already know I was a half breed between a were-wolf and a demon but that wasnt bothering me. What is bothering me is that my parents I loved where human. Bothe where human but I wasnt not. Maybe I took the form of a human because my parents wanted me to resemble a human. Or that I was impanted into my mother and was born thourgh her. That makes sense I quess. My parents where kind and gentle. I never believed they created me to be a killing monster. Nor did they ever tell me that I wasnt their son. Maybe since I lost my parents at the age of 7, my rage got buried underneath and the demon side turned that into berserk state that I cant control. Im sure Dean knew who my parents where but I'll wait till it feels right to tell him the truth about my parents. Perhaps someday I will understand why I am unique. I have seen half demons before but most look like an artist had a very bad artist block and couldnt paint well. Before I knew it, I was at the front gates of the mansion. I remember the first time I walked through them. I came here to find what was really the reason my parents created me and why the berserk state is uncontrollable. +=Memory of my parents before their death.=+ [COLOR="Purple"]Dr. Kenith Alero: "Draco, Draco where are you? I tell you Anneta. He does sure take after you."[/COLOR] Laughing at the joke. [COLOR="Blue"]Dr. Anneta Alero: "Well, he does have your kindness Kenith. His aging is amazing though. He is 14 years old but he doesnt appear to be more than 7 years old."[/COLOR] I come from behind the couch and walk over to mother. I tug her pants and she picks me up. [COLOR="Purple"]Kenith: "We do have to tell him sometime or other that we might not be here when he reaches 18. Well, we'll tell him when he turns 10."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Mom, what is dad talking about?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Anneta: "Its nothing Draco. Go get ready for the trip to town. We have someone you should meet."[/COLOR] I run upstairs to my room and started to put on my small overcoat and tuck my tail into my pants when she showed up and killed them infront of me. I can hear and see them like they where right infront of me. My mother yelling at me to run to town and find a lady named Jesp. I ran for what seem to be hours to town. Hiding my face to the towns folk. +=End of memory=+ I started to cry a single tear but I quickly wip it away. Maybe Sile would know more about demons and stuff. So I started to walk back inside to find her.
  5. Draco was sitting in his room with the lights out. Remembering all the events through his life till now. His berserk state happened three times in his life. One was when was about 7 years old (If you havn't realized this yet but Draco is actually about 200 years old) when the female vampire he killed, killed his parents. The other time is when a whole town tried to kill him for being the way he was. The port town of New Bumster, Maine. He could stil hear the women screaming, the children crying, and the men trying to kill him with pitchforks. The third time was just half a day ago. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Their has to be a connecting between my berserk and what has happened. Maybe Dean or Sile can give me some insight to my problem."[/COLOR] He gets up from his chair and grabs his weapon. His ears twitch to the bath tower. He could hear someone crying and someone talking but the thick walls made it too difficult to make out words and who they belong to. Anyways, he thinks Sile would be in her room and she would be closest to him. But knowing that she doesnt like to be disturbed while she is in her room, Draco decided to go see Dean. He knew exactly where Dean was.
  6. After seeing Dunan attack twice and Calil attack and get blown back beatened, Draco thought it was his turn to attack as well to get the momentum back in him. Knowing that it would better to work with speed rather than power like Dunan was doing and use more tatic like Calil but with a bit more strength attatched to it. Draco jumped up onto a piller that stood by Malachai then crouched down ontop of it. Draco shot off like a rocket into the night sky hoping that his black attire would make him dissappear into the sky. He landed behind Malachai and grabs his sword from its sheath (this is the first time Draco pulls a weapon out.) and with such speed and such accuracy that the arm which was holding the sword from Malachai just seemed to be attached still. Malachai turned around and punched Draco in the stomach sending him flying backwards and hitting a piller. Draco got back up and dodge a few pyscic blasts and got hit by one a moment latter. [COLOR="Blue"]Malachai: "Nice try half breed. Now you will see what happens when you try to attack me!"[/COLOR] Draco laughs and points at him. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Do you really think I missed that cut? I never miss my swings. Ask Dean over there and ask him about our little sparring sessions."[/COLOR] Malachai raised his sword up into the air and was about to swing when the arm popped off blood spraying out of the socket. Then Draco got hit by a huge blast and was sent flying behind Dean.
  7. Draco lies as Calil as him pinned to the ground. His muzzle bleeding from her bitting it but he doesnt remember it. Trying to move so he could get up and apply first aid to his bleeding check, Calil still thinks he is in his berserk state so she bends his arms a little bit. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "You that hurts Calil."[/COLOR] [COLOR="LightPink"]Calil: "Oh your back"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Yeah I'm back but why is my check bleeding and what happened to the vampire i was fighting?"[/COLOR] Dean walks up to him, helping him up from the ground. Dean sure did looked a little beat up than he remembered. [COLOR="Green"]Dean: "Well whats left of her is right their and here is another vampire that you killed. You almost killed me and Calil here as well. Other than that everything is peachy."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Oh, I tried to kill you two? Im sorry, I don't even remember killing the vampires no less you two. Thanks Calil for calming me down. I wouldn't want to live if I killed my best friends because I can't controll my berserker state."[/COLOR] Calil shruggin it off like it was nothing yet again. Draco sat down and started to apply first aid to the bits on his check and to Dean and Calil for their cuts and bit marks he caused them. (OoC: Ok, Drizz and Knuckles Girl. I wanted to see what you guys would do so I made the post accordingling. Oh also, sorry about the double post earlier. I dont know what the hell happened after I edited it.)
  8. I agree, we need a side quest. Any ideas people?
  9. [quote name='Dragons Wolfie'][COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Hey Karyn, Can you get her off me for a minute so I can close this wound?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]Karyn: "Sure thing just give me a minute."[/COLOR] Draco turns his head to see the vampire landing another kick on his chest. He dodge and hits her down to the ground. Then picks her up and kicks her towards Karyn. Karyn then begins to pund the hell out of her and Draco runs over to Dawner. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Dawner, do you have a med kit?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Dawner: "Catch Draco! Becarefull thats the only med kit we have!"[/COLOR] Draco caught the med kit and began to use it on the wound on his chest. The liquid that was in the kit stinged so bad that Draco howled so loud that everyone (and I mean everyone) looked at Draco. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "What? It hurts."[/COLOR] Everyone went back to fighting and Draco continued to heal his wound. While healing his wound which was pretty deap, He remembered that that little vampire was the one who killed his parents when He was just a youngling. A feeling that he hasnt felt since that day began to come up. It was more than rage that he showed in the City Hall. It was power but everything became hazy. Names and faces started to dissapear and this urge to kill everything began to set in. His eyes glowed red and his nails in his hand started to resimbled claws from were-wolves. He went over to Karyn and the vampire and grab the vampire by the hair. Then he tossed her like a rag doll in the air. Before she can recover from the toss, Draco was above her and started to beat the (I hope cursing is allowed) shit out of her. Then grabs her by the throat and throws her to the ground so hard that it would liquified any normal vampire. Finally she showed signs of damage. Holding her arm and spitting out blood. Draco wasnt done yet. Dropping infront of her she began to plea for her life. [COLOR="DarkPurple"]Lafeil: "Please spare my life!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Did you show any mercy has my parents plead for their lives when you killed them? No, and I wont either. Your life ends here and now!"[/COLOR] She trys to run but Draco cuts her off. He grabs an arm and rips it right off and continues to tear her apart. Draco didnt stop their, he didnt stop till she was a small peice. Covered in blood, he looks for his next victim.[/QUOTE] (OoC: Has you probally guessed by now. She killed his parents when he was a youngling. This is a side of my character that probally would be best to never appear again till he learns to controll it.)
  10. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Hey Karyn, Can you get her off me for a minute so I can close this wound?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]Karyn: "Sure thing just give me a minute."[/COLOR] Draco turns his head to see the vampire landing another kick on his chest. He dodge and hits her down to the ground. Then picks her up and kicks her towards Karyn. Karyn then begins to pund the hell out of her and Draco runs over to Dawner. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Dawner, do you have a med kit?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Dawner: "Catch Draco! Becarefull thats the only med kit we have!"[/COLOR] Draco caught the med kit and began to use it on the wound on his chest. The liquid that was in the kit stinged so bad that Draco howled so loud that everyone (and I mean everyone) looked at Draco. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "What? It hurts."[/COLOR] Everyone went back to fighting and Draco continued to heal his wound. While healing his wound which was pretty deap, He remembered that that little vampire was the one who killed his parents when He was just a youngling. A feeling that he hasnt felt since that day began to come up. It was more than rage that he showed in the City Hall. It was power but everything became hazy. Names and faces started to dissapear and this urge to kill everything began to set in. His eyes glowed red and his nails in his hand started to resimbled claws from were-wolves. He went over to Karyn and the vampire and grab the vampire by the hair. Then he tossed her like a rag doll in the air. Before she can recover from the toss, Draco was above her and started to beat the (I hope cursing is allowed) shit out of her. Then grabs her by the throat and throws her to the ground so hard that it would liquified any normal vampire. Finally she showed signs of damage. Holding her arm and spitting out blood. Draco wasnt done yet. Dropping infront of her she began to plea for her life. [COLOR="DarkPurple"]Lafeil: "Please spare my life!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Did you show any mercy has my parents plead for their lives when you killed them? No, and I wont either. Your life ends here and now!"[/COLOR] She trys to run but Draco cuts her off. He grabs an arm and rips it right off and continues to tear her apart. Draco didnt stop their, he didnt stop till she was a small peice. Covered in blood, he looks for his next victim.
  11. Ok Inuyasha, you are trying to god mod your character into this powerfull character. Thats not fair to the rest of use who are having a difficult time killing the other vampires. Oh, Drizz Im killing the vampire Im fighting. But you need to calm my character down because he is going into a state where everyone is a target. Inuyasha, thats a real berserker mode.
  12. When are we going to continue this rp?
  13. Dunan kiiled one vampire, pretty to boot, and was taking care of of another one. Sile was in a battle with a fast one and seemed to be taking a hit. So 2 out of 10 lesser vampires and Malachai are left. Eventually everyone inclding himself would be fighting a lesser vampire. Draco wanted a crack shoot a Malachai for being taller than him. But that would have to wait, a short vampire jumped in front of him. Draco was guessing she was about 4'9". She was pretty too. Didnt look younger than 13. Draco hated hitting any girl even if she was a vampire. He looks down at her and kneels. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Hey little girl. I don't want to hurt you and dont I know you from somwhere?"[/COLOR] She stares into his eyes. [COLOR="DarkPurple"]Lafeil: "I want to hurt you and No I dont know you."[/COLOR] She leaps into the air and comes down for a high kick to the head. Draco dodges and jumps up higher than she did. He looks down and she was gone. Draco was looking around to find her. Next thing he knew, he got hit in the back of the head by her. Landing face first, he got back up and turned around. Again another kick to the head. Staggering back, but not falling down, she was quite agile for being soo small. [COLOR="Green"]Dean: "Draco, just dont stand their. Fight back!"[/COLOR] Draco knew he had to hit her but just enough to nock her out. Unless she doesnt back down then he would have to get serious. She then pulled a dagger out of her belt and slashed my chest deep. He grabbed his chest, and dodged another slash attack. I grabbed her hand and throw her to the ground. She got back up and lunged toward him again. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Please stop fighting me. This is pointless, im taller and Im stronger than you."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkPurple"]Lafiel: "I will kill you. I must kill you."[/COLOR] Again she lunges towards him. Draco has no choice but to get really serious about the fight. He grabbed her again, this time he jumps so high everyone seemed liked kids. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "I do remember you now. about 185 years ago. You where just about 12. What happened to you?"[/COLOR] Draco then threw her down to the ground making a big creator. She got up and didnt seem to have a scratch. He was also feeling a little dizzy from the gash on his chest. If he could get her to stay down for just a minute. He could grab the the med kit and try to slow the bleeding. [COLOR="DarkPurple"]Lafeil: "I changed, Im not the girl you used to know. Now DIE!"[/COLOR]
  14. Thats fine with me Drizz. Just an update for everyone. The Town Hall blew up and Dunan spotted the clock tower down by the school (I wonder why). Also my character is hungry. Does anyone have a cookie?
  15. Karyn, Dunan, and Draco started to look for an exit killing any slave that got in their way. It was like a maze, hall way after hall way. It felt like hours fighting off the slaves and running down hall ways. Then it hit Draco, they have been running around in a circle. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco:"Hey Dunan, Karyn, we have been running in circles!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Dunan: "Are you kidding me?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Pink"]Karyn: "We have to get out."[/COLOR] Draco stopped and looked around. Then he pushed the two out of the way and started to rip the floor out to drop down a floor to the main floor. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Hey, do me a favor. Keep those slaves off me."[/COLOR] They both nodded and started to kill slave after slave while Draco tore the floor a new hole. About 10 minutes later Draco finally got threw the floor and dropped down. Dunan and Karyn followed suit. They landed in the main hall where the big front doors are. Their they saw the rigged door with explosives. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Dunan grab a slave and toss him at the door. That should open it and let us escape."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Dunan: "Great idea. Alright stand back. Lets dance."[/COLOR] Dunan grabs a slave and starts to twirl with him. Then tosses him at the door and runs to Draco and Karyn who are hiding behind a wall. BOOM! The whole building started to shake and collapse. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Ok, that wasnt what I planned. Everyone get out now!"[/COLOR]
  16. Draco turns a corner only to find about 10 "slaves" rushing at Karyn and him. He pushes Karyn behind him and them grabs one slave and rips him apart with his bare hands. Then he threw the torso and legs at the rest of the slaves nocking them down like a bowling ball hitting pins. Draco then picks 3 of them and tosses them towards Karyn. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Hey Karyn, heres three of them. Take care of them i you get what I mean."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Pink"]Karyn: "Alright, about time I get someone."[/COLOR] Draco felt bad not letting her kill something. He also felt pissed off about Dunan killing things while they sat in the back ground. These slaves wherent that much of a threat considering how freaking weak they are. It wasnt even much of a fair fight for him. More like a warm up. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Hey Dunan, is their any real vampires in this group of slaves? Im tired of mowing these things down."[/COLOR]
  17. Coming around the corner, Draco saw Dunan grab Karyn and shield her like a bomb vest as the blast blew overthem. Then Draco went over to the two and picked them up. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Dont bother looking for survivers. I can smell people and I only smell death. This whole town smells of death. Dunan, do me a favor. Dont waste your energy fighting these familiers and this weak vampires. Karyn, lets clear this place and find this Malachai for Dunan."[/COLOR] Draco looked at them. His eyes where completly black. Either he was going alone or with Karyn. [COLOR="Pink"]Karyn: "All right! Lets go get some action!"[/COLOR] They both started walking down the hall, being carefull not to trip anymore IEDs. (IED is short for Imporvised Explosive Devises for anyone who didnt know.)
  18. After Dunan took the first one down with out even breaking a sweat two others down the hall look towards him. Draco, who is about 2' taller than Duan, picked him up and put him by Karyn. [COLOR="Blue"]Dunan: "What are you doing?"[/COLOR] Dracos right ear twitched backwards toward Dunan. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Well you had your first wack at these guys today so its my turn. I may not be a vampire but you will be supprised at what I can do. Oh, Karyn, please stay where you are. I'll draw one close for you."[/COLOR] Before he started to attack, he stopped. His ears twitched again but this time to the outside. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Hey, we might be in trouble with Dean. Karyn, use that thing Dawner has and see whats going on over at the church."[/COLOR] Draco then bolted off down the hall towards the vampires.
  19. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "You say the place is boobytrapped but only the doors. So you can smell the powder as well. Well not to be a know it all but the windows are not rigged."[/COLOR] Both Dunan and Karyn looked at him in supprise. They would expect that from Dunan or one of the smarter ones but Draco? The hybread were-wolf with the ears everyone wanted to touch. [COLOR="Green"]Dunan: "So how do we get into the building without alerting anyone?'[/COLOR] Draco staired at the windows for a bit. Then staired at the back door for servants to enter. Then looked at Dunan for a few seconds. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Well they dont guard the windows good but if they hear it break. So if we rigged something up to open the servant door down that way [COLOR="Black"](Draco points to the right)[/COLOR] that will explode causing them to investagate it then we enter threw the window on the opposite side undetected."[/COLOR] Karyn was scratching her head and Dunan was nodding. Draco looked for a thing heavy enough to break the door but all he could find was some burnt out timber. Then He looks at Dunan and tilts his head foward. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "So you are faster than any human can be. Can you kick open that door and escape before the trap blows? Oh can you also stop starring at my ears?"[/COLOR]
  20. Draco hears Sile Yelling for everyone to meet up now. He looked at Dunan and motioned for him to follow him. His ankle hurt a little bit from the jump and for some reason it really didnt bother him till now. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Hey our leader wats to meet up with the group in the main hall. So make your way down the hall and third giant door on the left."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Dunan: "Arent you going to escort me down their?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "No, I twisted my ankle when I landed behind you earlier. I need to go get something for it. I trust you, so go."[/COLOR] Draco pushes him down the hall in the direction he told him to go. Draco hated meetings when Sile was mad. His twisted ankle wasnt even bad. Just hurt slightly and besides the cafe was all to himself since he didnt really get any food this morning. This would be the best time if any to eat considering that the food is stil warm.
  21. Draco was walking on the upper tower overpase when the smell of blood reached his noise. He dropped what was left of the bread for the morning birds and leaned over the wall. Their was a guy opening the doors ro the main hall and looks like one of the kids that where yelling this morning. If he is dangerous and has come here to kill the team before our final test, then that kid is in grave danger but if he is here on more friendlier term then He might as well say hello. Draco jumps of the upper wall and lands behind the stranger with a umpth. Jumping from that hieght was not avised by Gregory but He does it anyways to improve endurence. Draco is taller than the stranger but the stranger has a weird vibe to him. right before He hit the ground, he heared the stranger asking to come in. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Is their anything I can help you with stranger?"[/COLOR] (OoC: I'll leave the reasponse up too you Inuyasha.)
  22. Draco


    We meet up with the rest of the group at what was left of the prison he escaped from. On the other side of the rubble stood several figuers with two that looked like they where talking but I couldnt hear due to the fire and falling debrie. We made our way around the bombed prison to the group. I could see that the small pale girl was the leader due to her outfit. I wanted to go great her but decided to follow them in silent to where ever they came from. We jumped in a truck about 10 miles away and took off. Although it their was room enough for all of us my tail didn't like the seats. Every bounce hurt my tail but being beaten up by gaurds for a day or so made this look like a childs wound. Carring the gun and bag of stuff from earlier was sitting by my feat. I dig into it looking for some more chocolate bars to share with this people. I found a few bars and broke them into several peices so that everyone can have some. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Anyone want some chocolate? ( I offer the sweets to everyone but they just looked at me like I was crazy) What? No one wants any?"[/COLOR] (OoC: This should get a little side story on the road to the Mansion.)
  23. Even though Draco was the last room down the hall he could still hear the two like their where right near him. This always happened when they wake up for a mission. Its annoying and gives him a headache. He mumbles some curses about his hearing being so great and got up and put on is normal cloths. A dark red and black leather jacket overcoat with a hood sown into it for his head. Black leather pants with a hole for his tail, a belt with sword from the mysterious Japanesse samurai, and steal and leather boots that where made just for him. He also has a trinket hanging around is neck from his parents. The young hunters made fun of him for not being either human nor were-wolf. Walking down the hallway his shoes made loud thumping noises. It wasnt because they where heavy, just that he woke up to two little brats soo early in the morning that he was mad. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Do you think for just one mission that you, Ms. Lox, could wait till everyone gets up before you start yelling at the top of your lungs?"[/COLOR] Draco stands 7' tall and is naturally built do to his hybrid status. [COLOR="Purple"]Karyn: "Im just soo exicted about this being the last training mission that I can't contain myself."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Well do it outside so that way I can't hear you. I'll be in the cafeeria."[/COLOR] Not even waiting for a reply from the 14 year old Draco runs to the cafe at near deamon speed. Stoping just 3' in front of the door, smelling the food. Same as every other day, slop. Then the smell of gun powder came from inside. She must be in their everyday due to the two alarm clocks that shout every morning for a mission. He was wondering if he should go in and get his food then sit by himself or sit by her. He had this strange feeling that she was something special than a mere a human. He felt safe and somewhat happy just being around her. He dicided just to get a loaf of bread and walk the grounds untill it was time to meet up with Gregory to do this final training mission. He hopes he won't enter his berserker state again. He doesnt want to hurt his friends but cant control his self. But he said that they are just low level gouls that he raised since they formed and started training together. Draco walks into the cafe and grabs a loaf of bread. (PS: Draco has a problem with his extreme anger also known has Berserker state. Were-wolves have complete controll and can enter it when ever they want for a limited time. Also heres a pic of my characte has well.) [IMG]http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh248/RoninDemonWolf/Wolf_Demon.jpg[/IMG]
  24. Oh sorry, didnt know. I just hope we can continue the post.
  25. Hey where did everyone go? Is the story dead?
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