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Everything posted by Draco

  1. Draco


    Jumping through trees I stopped and turned my head around. I heard something. Planes and losts of them. I grabbed my arm in a slight pain from the gun shot from a few hours ago. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Hey guys, I think we better stop chasing that ghost and head back to the prison."[/COLOR] The other two stopped and looked back at him with a slight confusion. [COLOR="Blue"]Xavier: "Why should we?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "I heard planes, lots of them heading towards the prison which has NO AIR STRIP. Their going to bomb it. That means your captin or commander is in grave danger. Besides the Were-wolf you where chasing is long gone by now."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkPink"]Kitsune: "Um how do you know that?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Because that were-wolfe isnt your average everyday infected human. Thats a pure breed from the secluded hills in upper Germany. Their faster than vampires because they memorized the entire terrain in Germany. Besides, I think we'll see them again soon. Now please Xavier, lets get back to your C.O. and leave."[/COLOR] They just stood their stunned but none the less moved back to the base fast.
  2. Hiya fellow Otaku Board posters, If anyone on here has a Nintendo Wii. Can you help me decide which game wold be best. Rock Band 2 or Guitar Hero World Tour? Please I need to know which would be more worth my hard earned cash.
  3. Draco


    [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Ookami? Oh wolf, I'm part wolf little Kurenai. I'm a half breed. I was in a tree to stay of the ground."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Kurenai: "Oh...ok."[/COLOR] I looked back to Xavier who hasn't moved since the little one started talking. I walk over to Kurenai and handed her some chocolate. She smiled and tooked the chocolate. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "How is Japan the last time you saw it?"[/COLOR] She looked puzzled, so did Xavier. I then walked over to Xavier and put my hand out in a jesture for frendship. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "So, Xaveir, tell me why you have tracked me down from the prison. Are you an assassin? Or is it something else that drives you not to just kill me and drink my half breed blood?"[/COLOR]
  4. Draco


    I sat thier listening to the wind while munching down on what the package said was chocolate but tasted like chalk. I spat it out, washing my mouth down with water when I heard a noise. Something far off in the distance. The prison which he was being held at. Screams and gun fire. Something was happening but if I go back I might be recaught so I decided not to go. Their was a scent of blood and a wolf fur. I knew this smell from when I was still a pup. His clan from the wolf was their. They rearly came out to feed no-less attack a prison. They where looking for me, I knew it but I did not want to go back to their place. Being mocked for having a human mother and not beind able to transform into either one. I would never go back to them. Then I heard a tree branch snap about 456 feet off to my right. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Who's their? Answer me or I will shoot you."[/COLOR] I waited in the silince for an answer. I sniffed the air and took the gun in my hands. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Go away vampire, I'm no easy prey. IF you head to my left and about several miles you can kill till you had your fill at the prison."[/COLOR] A voice came from the darkness and it was a male voice. [COLOR="Blue"]Voice: Thats where I just came from."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Oh really, I didn't know vampires have joined the Were-Wolves. Maybe you can go raid another prison. I'm not on the menu today."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Voice: "So, how did you know that their was a prison that way?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "First I need a name vampire then come out of the darkness. If you swear not to kill me I will lower my gun."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Voice: "My name is Xavier and I will not kill you. Know could you intro duece your self and also come out from hiding?"[/COLOR] Xavier comes down from the trees and lands in a clearing near my hiding place. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "The name is Draco R. Alero and I'll put my gun down. Just stay where you are Xavier."[/COLOR] I jump down with the gun and supplies and set them by the tree and walk into the light. [COLOR="Blue"]Xavier: "So your the prisoner that we came for."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Your not with the Were-Wolves, you smell of humans, vampires, and someother creatures. You came all this way to find me and now you have. What do you want?"[/COLOR] We just stared at each other thinking what move might he make. He didn't seem to want to attack and smelt of german food. I would have to wait and see what he says next. [OoC: Hey guys and girls, I'm sorry I was abbsent too. Moved into a new house and had to wait for the internet to be hooked up. I included Xavier in this one so Cheese Master, what happens next is up to you.]
  5. Thats fine with me but I'm moving soon so I might not be able to post for about a few days to a week. Maybe more depending if we take Time Warner with us.
  6. Draco


    I mess around with my wound for a bit slowing down the bleeding to a drop every 5 minutes and changed where I was at in the woods. Surely the germans should have left this area but I didn't want to take the chance. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Lets see about the food. Theirs sausage thats uncoocked. Thats no good. [ I broke it apart and threw it all over the forrest floor for the wild animals to eat.] Crackers, some candy, and few other commen type of foods. Well that will have to do for now."[/COLOR] I sit their looking at the food knowing that this won't last more than a day or so. I put it back even though my stomach says to eat it. Looking at the trees I see animals that live in them. Squirrels, chipmonks, birds at rest, and the insects that live in the trees too. Life is so peacefull underr the moon.
  7. Sweet I just posted so I hope everyone will get back into it now. We've missed you Nessija and I hope the puppy is ok.
  8. Draco


    [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "I should have took the med kit. At least that would of have some gage. Now if I smell the air I might pick up the sent of my trail."[/COLOR] I sniff the air hoping to find any part of my scent I left earlier before I blacked out but I couldn't find any. I figured that the germans might travel the roads to find me and search the woods in the morning so I steared away from the woods. Deeper and deeper I went into these woods. 3 hours later I found a tree that could be suitable for me to climb up and sleep during the day time. Maybe I could eat the german food rashions. But I decided to wait till I could wait anymore. Conservation was key to survival in the wild. I had my katana but my .357 was empty and the Gewr had only a full clip left. Not much to take out a full strength division but good enough to take out 8 or 10 of them if I am discovered. For now I rest, hoping the bleeding would stop by morning. (OoC: Finally, welcome back Nessija. I have missed you. Oh I did this so you might have a clue to find me.)
  9. Well the person WE are waiting for is Nessija. She is the one holding back but I hope she isnt hurt or anything.
  10. Well I was the last one to Post so I cant post again till someone else posts. Im waiting on Nessija to post about the mission but the Holidays for most people dont really kick in till next week. Unless you are Jewish.
  11. Hey you guys. Im sorry I havn't been on over the past few days. My laptop has had a motherboard failure. Im going to call Gateway and tell them just to give me a new laptop. So I hope no one has lost interest in this thread. Oh My dad got a desk top so I might be on time to time.
  12. Draco


    [Color="DarkRed"]Draco: "Who was that thing? I must be carefull."[/COLOR] I got up off the floor and walked over to the dropped weapons that thing left. Picking one up and grabbing any ammo that I could. If I was to vanish, I would need food, water, and any cloths I could grab. For food I would have to raid the pantry in the mess hall. Their was too many germans to kill so I made up my mind. I would kill anybody with out the weapon so not to make a noise. Moving through the hallways, hidding in any place that I could fit in to avoid recapture. As I closed in on the pantry, a german spotted me. He reached for his Walter P38. By the time he got it out of its holster, I was already in front of him. I grabbed his hand and snapped it. The gun fell to the floor and so did he. Dragging the body into the pantry, I stuff him into an empty cupboard and stuffed any food that wouldn't spoil quickly into a burlap sack. I also grabbed several canteens and filled them with water. Next was to gather cloths from barracks which would be very difficult to enter and exit. Eventually someone would discover the dead body in the pantry and that I escaped my cell. So I would try to sneak in and steal blankets, shoes that would fit, shirts, pants, and over coats if I can find any. I could hear sleeping soldiers inside. I had to be quick. Other wise I would be either recaptured or killed on the spot. I slip and go to an unoccupied bed and take the anything I can use. Then I slowly move towards lockers. My hightened hearing allows me to pick locks faster and quieter than normal people. After 5-10 minutes picking the locks I gather coats and a hand mirror. As I start to exit the base, an alarm sounded. The whole base sprang to life. I knew I had to get out of here before I am spotted again. I narrowly escaped the base and made my way back to my home. Bleeding slightly from my fight arm from a sharp shooters bullet while jumping over the wall. It wouldn't stop bleeding even after I sewed it up. At least I could was slow it down to where it wasn't noticable to normal humans. A few drops even several minutes. They would think it was a small animal thats been wounded. In 4 hours since my escape, I was already 12 miles away. The sun was coming up soon and I had to make a makeshift fox hole to hid and sleep in.
  13. Draco


    Draco's Diary. April 12, 1939 It was a cold errie night. No clouds, no noise, not even the moon was out. Mother and father where eating dinner when they showed up. Nazi Storm Troopers, a full battalion of them. They said they had enough evidence of them being non-german blood and where here to take them out. I've seen their kind in town while getting supplies a few days ago. All the Jewish shops and house where ransacked and burned to the ground for they think the Jews are the cause of evil. Killing people with a different belief won't stop the things they are being accused for. Ruthless Nazis who could only think when ordered to. But why was their a whole battalion of Nazis outside for just 2 people? Maybe they wheren't here for my parents. Maybe they where here because of me. I watched them tear the house appart to find something but they didn't find anything. I watched has they tied my parents up to a tree and shoot them. I couldn't controll the anger I felt to them. Killing unarmed people is wrong. I killed them, every last one. They deserved no mercy for what they have done. Inocent people died at their hands. My mother and my father where just in their mid 50's. They where the only family I have ever known. Now they were gone. Gone forever. I burried them in the back yard with tombstones carved from the house foundation. It reads, "Here lies the souls of my Parents. May the rest in peace. may heaven give give me strength to continue my life." I collected my katana and supplies. More nazis would come look for a whole battalion soon. So I set fire to the house only saving the photo book of my parents. Walking in the dark and hiding during the day for a week. Tired and hungry I collapsed on the ground. I was out for days it seems when I hear tanks passing by. The sound of germans talking about things. I couldn't move, they caught me. I tried to get up but one of them hit me in the head with a gun. I blacked out. Draco's Diary, April 20, 1939 I was convicted of killing the Nazis at my house and was sentenced to death by firing squad in 3 days. Sitting in a cell wondering if this is how I am going to die. Missing my parents and still hungry. I lie on the floor. (OoC: I did this little diary entre with a date because I didnt see when Geist was created. Soo I hope this is good.)
  14. Well at the camp where you make the offer would be great and also I dont trust wiki enough to use it so here is what I dug up. [URL="http://www.militaryfactory.com/worldwar2/weapons.asp"]http://www.militaryfactory.com/worldwar2/weapons.asp[/URL] You have to press the back button to get to the list but its very accurate in its detail. It hase every weapon used by all sides. I hope this gives more insight to the weapons and the time line we have. Most guns are not in 1939 time frame but we are a paranormal squad with access to most experimntal weapon systems. Am I right Nessaja? Other wise this would further give insight to those weapons.
  15. In the mostly inaccesible mountian ranges in Northern Germany where my character was first found in 1904 by American travelers. Well I hope they post soon. I want to know more about them.
  16. Oh thats good with me. Im faster than the fastest human at that time. Recon would be great Nessaja. I would like to say though the demon clan doesnt accept Draco has a clan member because of his human side which will present its self when I see fit. Also I wonder why the other people havnt posted on here yet. We need more insight to other characters.
  17. Thats fine with me Nessaja. Although a MG42 would be my choice in a weapon besides my .357. The katana however stays with my character.
  18. Yea but my character is more of a quiet one but I think after loosing a battalion of Nazi footsoilders to one eh em creature no less a half-bred. Lets just say they don't want to upset him in a top-secret base filled with High ranking officers and their best scientist.
  19. Thats great and all but I think my character will just wear the swastika on the right biceep, a hooded coat with sleeves cut off, standard issue pants with a sash covering his tail.
  20. Name: Draco R. Alero Code Number: VSB-3421 Age: 17 Weapons: .357 Magnum [IMG]http://www.capachat.com/im/articles/capachat_colt_python-357-Magnum180362.jpg[/IMG] and a katana [IMG]http://files.turbosquid.com/Preview/Content_on_4_14_2004_19_29_34/katana2_thumbnail1.jpgf6abf383-dd96-4902-b4da-88e184ce0bb8Large.jpg[/IMG] Appearence: [IMG]http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd63/tifa2lockheart2/Wolf_Demon.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Draco is a half breed. Never really trusting any humans besides his mother. He was always hunted by poltures and collectors. He always keeped quiet and rarely speaks. He also ages very slowly compared to humans. He stands 7' tall. History: He ages slowly compared to humans. 17 years took 34 human years to get to. He always wore cloths that cover his head and his tail when he walks among humans. His family traveled around the world his family. They finally settled in a small village in Germany in 1925. In 1938, war broke out. Germany invade smaller nations first. Fearing that their son might be discovered by the Nazi patrols so they fled to the mountains to hid. In the summer of 1938, Nazi troopers attacked and killed his parents for not being German born. He was captured after he killed all of the Nazis that attacked his home. 3 days after his capture a young high ranking lady from the German army entered his cell and offered him a propersition. She offered him to join a top-secret German divison and make his death sentence dissappear. He accepted onlyone one condition. His parents bodies must be sent back to the US for barrial. (OoC: I hope this is good. I really like the idea of this RP.)
  21. Man I would love to be the hero to save you guys right now. Poor Echota. He didnt deserve to die like that.
  22. Ok you guys and girls I completely changed my characters status and history and I hope I can join this one because i love the them of the thread.
  23. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "They stormed G.E.I and captured most of the senior staff. Thats not good. That means we don't have much time to prepair for things. Adu contact the main base and tell them that Greg and Faust will be their shortly and that I will be right behind them.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Adu: "Yes sir."[/COLOR] Draco sat in his room on the Beta and waited to be returned to his base. Sitting their gave hime time to think about the black ops raid he wanted to conduct on a Judge Ship yard. He wondered if it would actualy work. Chances are that it might work if Greg joined the Judges and be a sleeper agent inside the yard.That in its self would be very dangerous since he was wanted and that Greg might be a wanted man too. It would be easier to turn one of the Judge gaurds to their side. he continued to think till they landed at Area 51. [COLOR="Green"]Beta Com Officer: "Sir we have landed at home base, Faust has arrived 2 hours before we did and is waiting for you in the meeting room and Greg is unresponive to calls."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Don't worry about Greg. Just let him know I need him in tht meeting room in one hour. Try looking for him in the Cafe' Lu-don. Unload the dead and wounded first and have the Freedom Pilots locked in the cell block 1. Make suretheir locked up tight and have security on high alert."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Beta Com Officer: "Right away sir."[/COLOR] First things first was to get the wounded off the ship and treated in a proper hospital. The dead was to e the next thing to be unloaded and prepaired for burial ceramonies. Then his crew and the damaged MS's. Its time that they started planning things through before making another step. Faust, Greg, and himsilf had alot of talking to do before moving to planning stages then hopefully the action stage would be next.
  24. Well I see things are getting interesting in the RP. I only hope I can get on this action.
  25. I guess I didnt make the cut. I hope I get in later on or something.
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