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Everything posted by Draco
[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Dam it, again he left me alive. Why hasn't he finished me off? I failed you again father. Beta, come pick up the wercked MS's and pick me up and lets go home. We have alot to do"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Beta: "Yes sir. One more thing sir. We picked up suvivors and a cargo ship with two ms's and heir pilots inside."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Put the pilos in the most secured room you got and take care of the survivors. Greg, access secure line alpha."[/COLOR] Draco used is remaining arm to grab the one he tore off. He just sat ther thinkingabout what he said. He was blinded by hi rage that he lost control of himself. He let his anger get control over him. Being in a rage also caused the Zero system to make him hallucinate and enter a besserker state. He put on his helmet just encase the Judge pilot punctured his cockpit. Waiting for Greg to come on the Secured line.
Name: Draco Izro Age: 20 Order: Bounty Hunter Appearence:[URL="http://starwarsrpg.pettycomp.net/Images/DraymakPHBHA.jpg"]http://starwarsrpg.pettycomp.net/Images/DraymakPHBHA.jpg[/URL] Allegiance: Republic Bio: Draco was orphaned before he could walk by bounty hunters. The bounty hunters where paid to kill both his parents but their employer did not say anything about a kid. They decided to take him in and raise him to be the very best bounty hunter. By the time he was 16, he had his own ship and specially fitted armor. To most bounty hunters, he is the youngest ever known bounty hunter in existence. He really never wanted for his name to be famous. It was a mean to survive not to be famous. When he turned 18, he left the bounty hunters. Never knowning the horribale that was done when he was a baby. So he wonders around the galaxy in a used space ship thats falling apart. When he heard that the Republic was hiring anyone who would go after their enemies for a very hefty sum of credits. He saw this has a chance to get a better ship that actually was faster than his clunker. So he went to a Republic Cruiser to apply for any bounty he could.
Chapter idea, and I hated that debochery of the clone wars. So lets see if this backstage post gets anymore in.
Well I don't mind sharing th create idea with us. Katakidoushi, Drizzt Do'urden, and me. Your right though, we need more people. I might pm sme friends and see if their interested.
Well im not a OB posting freak so any help would be great. Your right about George Lucas though. An open plot but not a closed enedng and not focusing on one character. Well I wasn't going to focus on that specific character, more into the other people who sign up. As of the Space scrolling and audio, I would need help with that.
Ok I'm of a Star Wars themed thread set about 100-150 years before Star Wars Episode 1. Before the Fetts ever existed. Its about a bounty hunter doing his normal routine when he was hired to hunt down a sith he didnt know about till the Sith bet the crap out of him. Ever since then he has been feeling something around him. Unknown to him that it was the force. I hope that several people get interested enough to start an audition thread.
Sorry about my spelling errors. I'll try to keep them to a minimum in my posts if I get to join her thread. Anyways, I can't wait to start this one up. Im also thinking about a Star Wars themed thread if anyone is interested. I hope we reach 6 pages and futher more pages soon.
I watched Aftermath: Population Zero and found it quite interesting. My character (already posted) is an intvintor of anything and is familuar with weapon. You can move my character from Area 51 to NYC. It would explain how I got their. Medevil weapons are basic in design. Bow and arrows are recognfigured to fire with out the need for the shooter to pull on the cord to produce torque. (Im talking about the cross bow.) Although their rather inafective compared to the long bow of the British Soldiers used during the midevil ages. Armor back then was made up of mainly leather. Leather is (as you know) a very durable and tough material made by the hide of an animal. Though leather will be very difficult to make 500AH. Eh, basic wood armorwould be more usefull against arrows but would be uterlly useless in a fight with close combat animals like lions and tigers and so forth. Metalurgist is my characters strong suit. The problem is that without a proper kilm, it will be difficault to get the fire hot enough to make steel, iron, aluminum, and other heavy metals that are still lying around from buildings and such. Although if a boulder was big enough, we could carve a big hole in the middle and make a hole underneath the main hold. The fire could burn very hot and keep the rock hot for a long time without the need to continuasly adding wood. It would also serve has a cooking place and a place for winter. (We shouldn't move till after the first winter Vicky. One: We'll be very vunurable to cold climate due to inaduquite clothing and weapons training. Two: If we are starting in the Big Apple, Somethings might have survuved in the subways and basements of skyscrapers or military complexes that we could use. Like MREs (Meals Ready to Eat. They stay fresh till they are opened. Water and heat is all that are needed to make them. They also contain matches, toilit paper, and sometimes a nife. Which could be very usefully in making CCW (Close Combat Weapons) and LRW ( Long Range Weaons like tips of arrows.) I cant wait to start this one up! My own Personality, pic as my character, and survival tatics rule! Go Bear! (Survival Man on Discovery)
Name: Shaun Geary Age: 19 [2088] Status: Inventing genious. Picture: [url]http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=113901302&albumID=2126356&imageID=30593778[/url] (Copy ad paste in an address bar.) Personality: More quiet than talkitive than most of people. In school, he would sit by his self and not talk to anyone. Fiddling around on his laptop then socialize with te kids. When at home he would tke scrap parts from anything he could get his hands from construction sites to the dump or scrap yards. He also had a hard time focusing on things that lost their luster because of AD/HD. It wasn't a factor in his genious but it did make him more scared to make any new friends. That made him a social outcast frm the kids and some adults. History: Shaun was a gifted invintor from a young age. His mother and father where average hard working people who believed that hard work was the only way to being true happyness. His mom was a mother of 3 and worked at a company as VP and his dad was a sucessfull Police officer. His dad was also a weekend hunter. At the age of 3 doctors diagnosed him with AD/HD. Its nothing life threatning but can have negative social affects. Even though with ADHD hindering good efforts to pay attention to things for very long, Shaun still managae to graduate High School at 14 and graduate collage at 17. During which he invited several things. One was a watch that had a computer with the power of a super computer and the battery life of 25 years. It was a big hit after he graduated from collage. He even dipped into weapons manufacturing for his dad. Shaun made sveral weapons for his dad but wouldn't sell his designs to anyone for he feared that his weapons might be used to kill people. So he kept them in a stanless steel safe just make sure no-one stole them. After turning 18, he went into the Army and designed with some of the best invintors of his time. He helped invint a portable heavy machine gun that could deploy and be left their for enemies to find. It was usually placed in hall ways and drive ways to most military complexes. All though he had the most brilliant invinting mind of his time, some of his ideas where a little too far advanced for the capabilities of the material used in the modern things. When he turned 19 the Army offered him a deal to freeze his self till the materil catches up with his mind. After saying good bye to his mother and his father and anyone he could ever care about, he boarded a bus to take him to New York City to be frozen at the most advanced Cryogenics research lab in North America. He was told that certain side effects might occure after the melting process but he wasn't listening to a word he was saying. He just wanted this to be done with and to sleep. Shaun was frozen at the year of 2107AD. He hope to sleep for a 100 years. To sleep for a 100 years only to wake up 500AH.
Draco dodged the rookies heat blade and thrusted his right hand on the tremors head. Punching the cockpit area with his left arm, he tore the head off and tossed the immobilized tremor aside then turned around towards the Judge battleship. Adu sent 10 of his pilots out and about 3 of them got hit by the Judges energy shots. They exploded on conntact. He ordered the remaining Adu soldiers back to Beta to decrease the chance of more casualties. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Adu, I'm ordering your men back. I don't want them dying when I already have my best fighting. Pick them up and fire a few anti-ship missiles towards the Judge Battleship. It should give you time to pick your men up and dust off to a safe location."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Adu: "Are you crazy? 6 against 20 or more is suicide!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Didn't you just see that 3 of your men just died in one barraige? I am not giving you a choice. Pick them up now. My team will win!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Adu: "What makes you so certain that they can?"[/COLOR] Draco paused for a second. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Cause they where trained by my father. They held their own when at Area 51 while you just sat their and watch my friends get slaughtered. You could of sent help before my dad was killed! No, you just sat their and did nothing. If it wasn't for G.E.I. and the Nameless Ones, I wouldn't be here right now. I'm only 19 but I have to take the role has leader of the Scavengers. I just want to reassemble everyone before the Judges seperated us. Now just do has I say! Pull them back now!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Adu: "Yes, sir. Beta units RTB. I repeat, RTB!"[/COLOR] All Adu's units pulled back and Draco turned his attention towards the five bogies coming in from the Judge battleship.
I understand man. It sucks when we get bs that we don't need. I have a simular problem at work.
Um not be a pian but We need to post more
Draco went to the Friggite Beta and looked at his pilots. Their where the best of the best. 5 pilots where going into battle with him and hopefully make it back alive. Draco looked at them, most he knew, one was not. A girl pilot, which is really rare in the Scavengers, considering the strict training that each pilots go through. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Excuse me miss. I never had the pleasure of seeing you around before. My I have your name?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Pink"]Girl: "My name is Lafiel Lif. I don't usually like to hang out with the other pilots at the bar, so maybe thats why you don't see me."[/COLOR] Draco heard the name before but never got to meet the pilot. She was pretty. Short red hair, standing about 5'3'', athletic body, and her face was like his mothers face. Draco snapped out of his trance and continued his speech. [COLOR="DarkRed"] Draco: "Lafiel, Its finally a pleasure to meet the famus pilot. Well I have to continue speaking to the other four. Hmm, Has all of you know. The suspecting base of the Freedom Orginization has fallen under attack. I want to show that we do care about them and prove that we are worthy allies. Im giving you 3 orders and thats all. The first order is the most important one. One: Get back here alive. Two: If your ms has been damaged beyond repair, set the self distruct to 3 minutes and eject from the MS and escape to the Beta. Three: Protect any Freedom ships to the Beta which will be providing back up and suppressing fire. I don’t want to go back home with bad news to your family and love ones. So I will say again. GET BACK HOME ALIVE!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Everyone: “SIR, YES SIR!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: “Alright climb into your MS’s and prepare for space combat. Good luck and peace be with you all.”[/COLOR] Everyone climbs into their MS’s except Draco. He walks up to each one and puts a symbol on the right legs. It’s the symbol of the Bald Eagle from the ancient country of the United States of America. It automatically permenitly attaches to the legs of the ms’s. He knew that it wouldn’t protect them but it might give them hope for one day, Earth, Moon, and Colonies might be united like the U.S.A. was once. He attaches one to his MSs right leg and climbs in. Flipping every switch and powering his PTB-S/1 (It’s the PTB but space fitted hinting S/1) and connecting to the central data base onboard the Beta. He wonders if that pilot of that Tremor that spared his life is up their in Colony L3. He would repay him for not killing him when he had the chance. But he wanted to ask him just one question before they fight. Was he the one who killed his father? While thinking, a voice came over the coms. [COLOR="Blue"]Col. Adu: "Approaching the enemy battleship Comander! Begin to Launch MS suits imeditally! Beta will be prvoiding cover the L3 and conduct rescue operations. Beta Out!"[/COLOR] Its about time, he got infront of the other five pilots and turned around. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Remeber your training and the Orders I gave earlier. We might be late, but its better than not comming at all. If we do not make it home, it was nice fighting besides soo many brave soldiers."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Everyone: "Its a pleasure to serve with you sir!"[/COLOR] Draco noded and knew what had to be said. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "I will lead the counter attack. I will die as a soldier just like you. I fight for true peace! I fight to end a reign of Judge upression and un just killings! I fight for everyone I will never know. To battle!"[/COLOR] He makes the first jump off the Beta and takes a few moments to adjust to space. After adjusting, he pushed the thrusters at maximum capacity straight towards the Judge deffensive barrier and starts to fight a tremor that fired upon him. This pilot was good but basic training goes soo far. One battle doesn't make you a master of battles. Even though he wasn't experienced space fighter, the suit handled well with out gravity pulling it back to earth. He would save his energy sword for the one tremor he wants to face. Dodging energy rounds, he made it face to face with the tremor. He ripped its head off and shoved it aside. He will try to save the lives of his enemies as best as he could do. His suit, which he now named Armorine, was giving him possible outcomes his approach and conculated that he would eventlually be destroyed. Draco made up his mind. He'd aim for the enemies arms and legs. Hoefully disabling them if not destroying them. He hated killing but it was war. Greg was about 20 mins away, their should be enough enemies for him when he arrives.
[COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Order a group of 5 pilots. Strip them of their heavy ordenance and equip energy rifles and space flight equipment. Orders are to shoot any Judge Tremors and ships down and make it back here alive. Have Jenna contact Col. Aru on the Moon Base that I will be contacting him soon. Let him know of the pan and tell him I want my pilots back. Well looks like my plans will have to wait. Thanks for the support Faust. you are a great contributor and a good friend to my late father, the Scavengers, and me. My peace be with us and good luck be with you."[/COLOR] Faust nodded and both walked from the table. Draco had to meet the group of pilots for himself and tell them that dying was out of the question. IF their was anyway to avoid being directly targeted they should take it. Death was not an option to him nor the family. If it comes down to it, they should set the self distruct to 3 minute timmer and abandon the MS and use their vital suits jetpack to get to the Friggite Beta. The doors to his room open and a screen turns on. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Ah, Col. Adu. I believe the last time we have seen each other was about 4 years ago when my dad, Lavits Alucard, was alive. I was still in training to be a pilot. Im sure you have heard of the news?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Adu: "Oh yea, your Draco. Im glade to see that you are ok. yes, all the colonies have heard of the lose of the great leader Lavits and my dear friend. I know that you would have a good reason to call me at this time?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Yes I do Adu. I need of your Friggite, Beta, to be used in an assist for the L3 colony deffense. Its believed the Freedom Orginization is located their. If we could show that the "ALL" Scavengers, G.E.I.,Freedom, and the Namless Ones could join forces, we might deffeat the Judge Senate and bring True peace back to the universe."[/COLOR] Adu looks to a privit and calls him over to him. [COLOR="Green"]Adu: "Privit, ready the pilots and the Beta, Tell Captain Low to pick up Leader Dracos' squad and preceed directly to L3. Make sure the pilots are very well trained pilots."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Grey"]Privit: "Sir right away sir!"[/COLOR] The privit salutes Adu and Draco then turns towards the door. Adu turns back to the screen and looks at Draco. [COLOR="Green"]Adu: "The Scavenger space colonies are now at your control Leader Draco. Your father would be proud of you."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Thats good and thank you Adu. Tell the other colony leaders that we are once again united under one banner but they should be in control of the colonies themselves. Lets try to keep the pilots alive. Tell them that I will be on that Friggite to lead the defense for L3. Draco Out."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Adu: "Yes Draco, may safety be with us all."[/COLOR] Draco heads out the door and heads to the hanger for his MS. Its risky going into a space battlefield but it might be the only way for the Freedom Orginization to see that we are their to help. Being a Leader might help see that even he would risk his life for his allies.
Draco was walking around his hanger looking for some way to improve on this MS. Energy weapons or older weapons? More armor or less? Speed or stabability? Those are what he was wondering to do. Maybe Greg of the Nameless Ones could give him a nudge in a direction. He also hopes that Faust could help him refit this one to be better. WOndering all these things he didn't notice a messenger was trying to get his attention from 2 stories bellow. [COLOR="Yellow"]Messenger: "Sir, SIR!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "OH, Hello. Im sorry I got lost in thought. What is it? Has Greg arrived yet?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Yellow"]Messenger: "Yes he arrived but was in the cart with his MS and when we offered to upgrade his weapons, he said fuck you basically."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Well, I can understand that but maybe I can make it clear to him that we do not use energy weapons. Their way to expensive and heavy. Besides, the are more likely to explode when cut. Tell him to meet me in the Leaders office and make sure hes treated like a normal person. I bet he doesn't like to be treated like someone important. I'll be their in 10 minutes."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Yellow"]Messenger: "Sir, yes sir." [/COLOR] Draco didn't like to be called sir at anytime just because he became Leader of the Scanvengers on Earth but it was neccisary to. So he knew that Greg was probally forced to come here instead of volunteering for it. If his plan was to suceed, he would need powerful friends to fight the Judges. One small step at a time. The first one was to attack a ship construction yard and hopefully capture one of their ships for their use. An eye for an eye so says the bible. They stole something of theirs so they'll do the same. Hopefully it wouldn't too heavirly guarded. The others are to attack Judge targers only. Civilians are not the ones reasponsible for the attacks. Their for not a target. On his way to the Leaders office, another messenger appeared. [COLOR="Blue"]Messneger: "Sir, we just got comfermation that the L3 colony has been attacked!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Thats none of our concern at this moment privit. Just tell the guys at intel to keep a close watch on the L3 Colony and record anythin you find usefull. Then go back to MS training ok?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Messenger: "Sir yes sir.'[/COLOR] Draco didn't know what was on the L3 Colony to make the Judges attack it but it must be something to threaten them. He didn't care. Scavenger bases in space where near jupitor (on Titan), the moon, and uranus. He continues to ride the elevator to his room and prepairs to talk to Greg.
Draco walks throughout the ground level and surveys the damage that was caused to this unprovoked distruction to his home. He knew that his father had ordered several attacks on supply convoys but decreed that no one should die. His father hated killing with out a reason. The Judges killed anyone that got in their way. Civilians and Soldiers alike. Even kids where targeted. He had to figure out something other than doing the same thing. It was the only thing that seperated the Scavengers and terroist. It hit him. It might be a slow process to do but if they take great care in planning attacks on only military targets it might draw that misterious Tremor out. Planes from the old days of airial spy planes might give a better chance than satalittes. Satalittes are mostly controlled Judges and the ones that arent controlled take too long to possition. Draco walks into hanger 5 and takes tarps off of SR-77's (faster and more effecient SR-71's and are single pilot air crafts). Only a few MS pilots could actually pilot these crafts. They reach over mach 8 and can take photos 300 in 2 seconds with about 10,000 photos per roll and the resolution is about 10 megapixels. Their impossible to intercept and move too fast for auto turrets to fire at. Their is a draw back to their speed.They only have an approximently 12hour flight time and are limited to an altitude about the themosphere of the Earths atmosphere. This plan will take months of planning, building, and most important. Luring that Tremor out. Scavengers really didn't care what they where doing to the solor system but when they killed good pilots and civilians, They took it too far. Mistaking the Scavengers for just some junk people was their mistake. For out of the junk, MS's will rise. For everyone they kill, 2 will rise in its place. With bases and colonies threw out the solar system. They would get trouble from everywhere. It will take time to really organized every single base to corordinate attacks, MS productin, pilot training, and to gather more friends in the cause of Freedom from the Judge oppressors. Walking out of the hanger, a messenger appeared. [COLOR="Yellow"]Messenger: "Sir, we've just recieved word that the pilot of the MS that saved you has left Operation Freedom's forward base and and is on his way here by Rail car. He should arrive here in 5 days."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Thats good, please have the crews clean this mess up before he arrives then give them a raise and a vacation. They earned it. Now I must go and get my fathers body and MS prepared for the rtual barrial. Please take care my friend."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Yellow"]Messenger: "Yes sir. Safety be with us all."[/COLOR] The mseeneger disappears into his transport and drives off. Draco walks by his fathers MS. Having his body put into his Jade MS for the ritual burrial. Placing the arms acrossed the chest and setting up for the fire. Gathering around the burrial was soldiers and civilians who loved and followed his father. He turns arround and lights the MS. It quickly goes up in a blaze of fire. Members of the military saluted and fired 21 guns in honor of a fallen leader and a dear friend. He left the ceremony and a single tear trickled down his face. On a plack in his room was a picture of him and his dad and a Saying: "Machines can be replaced, a life can't be." He must get better. That Tremor could of killed him. Instead he spares him and takes off with his fathers PTBs. It confused him, even though he was fighting. His MS command system was above normal percentage and yet his mind didn't cave in due to its feed back into the users mind. He would have his new WZ-12932CM-0 and his first MS command system at 65%. He plans to gather information for about 6-7 months and 3-4 months of preperations. He will get those MS's back and will fight that person in the Tremor. (OoC: Hey look at these. I'm the first post on a new page! SWEET!!!)
I would like to see more of Omega posting. Im also kind of at a stand still because of that. I would like to continue but I need Omega to post something about the two pics i put in one post. Hope this one he reads and starts posting some more.
Draco was walking around the room waiting for Faust to show up. He knew that they had to come up with a pilot recognition code that only the pilots know from basics. Thats why it was soo easy for them to activate and mobilize the MS's. While thinking on a way to improve security measures he had an idea. The basic PTB should have a sheild for defending a fixed target! (here's what it would look like, First the Command Model WZ-12932CM-0. [IMG]http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a51/xiombarg001/commandgundam2.jpg[/IMG] and the Base model WZ-BD32331-1.[url]http://www.microforever.com/gundamfix/0015-3.jpg[/url]. Notice that theWZ-BD32331-1 main weapon has been switched to a lighter assualt riffle and a sheild.) If Faust agreed to help build a new model, it could take less than a year and the remodeled PTBs could be refitted to the WZ-BD32331-1. He would keep the PTBs going for reinforcements because they could be made very fast. He would upgrade them with AP rounds and reinforced armor in the cockpit area. He would also have a security application on all models with activation codes, voice recognition, and eye scans. That chould prevent any spie from highjacking of any more MS. Also It would mean that everyone would have to be reinstalled into the main frame of the Base and a major refit for the cockpit itself. It would be worth it to stop more deaths from happening again. Faust walks into the room and shut the door behind him. Draco looks up and smiles. He walks over to Faust and shakes his hand for helping with the battle. For about an hour, they talked about who is going to run the Scavengers since his dad was killed. Draco would be the next one to be Leader but he wanted the people to decide. He felt like he failed them by letting the Judges take two PTBs'. Then Draco shows the plans on a napkin he soo roughly sketched. Faust looked impressed by his offer but needed some time to think about it. Draco agreed to any amount of time to think and turned around and told Faust he was going to check on his MS repairs. It was his first MS and no matter what, He wanted it repaired and stored in his hanger. He would have the first security devices installed in this one. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Hows the repairs going Chuck?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Chuck: "Its going according to schedual, Draco. We'll have her combat ready in a few days. The gun will take a little bit longer to fix. I'd say about a month to fix it right."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Thanks Chuck, take as long as you need. Test and retest as many times as you like. I got to go check the wounded and count the dead."[/COLOR] Draco walks off into the Hospital and the morage.
Draco looked up and saw that the Tremor cut his gun in half. Throwing what was left of his gun down to the ground, popping his missile pods open in attempt to gain time to get his energy sword out before the Tremor could kill him. Firing about 9 scatter missiles towards the charging Tremor, he jump and dodged out of the way and backing off a little. Giving Draco enough time to pull his close range weapon out. When it activated, a timer started indicating he only had 30 minutes before the weapon ran out of energy. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "I'm ready for you!"[/COLOR] Draco said that has he charged the Tremor. For a Tremor, it moved very quick. Draco could barely keep up his deffense no less to attack. Jumping, sliding, and ducking the heat sword, Draco suddently got a damage alert to the right arm. Pushing the Tremor back, he looked at his arm. It was shot up bad. Noticing that the enemy was holding a machine in one hand and the heat sword in the other. He couldn't keep up with this beating. All the sudden a Namless Ones MS appeared and started to help him out. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Its about time someone showed up. I can't take much more."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Namless Ones: "Thank you for the heads up sir, go relieve yourself. I'll handle it from here."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Thanks friend, I'll try to get whats left of my squad and get the other rookies. Just watch that one. Hes very fast."[/COLOR] Draco turned around and ran off to his dads MS and grabs the gun and ammo from it and attaches it to his. Has he attached it to his, one of the rookie Tremors appeared and started to fire upon him. Hitting him in the chest, Draco's MS felll on its back. The rookie pilot thinking he killed him, turned around and started tomove towards his squad. A mistake which would kill him. Firing his weapon at the enemy, the Tremor shuttered as rounds of APRs hit dead center of its back. Hitting its power supply, it exploded in flames. It was hisfirst actuall MS kill since he started piloting his MS. Then he heard the sound of a MS landing infront of him. He noticed right away that it was Fausts MS. Draco radioed to his squad not to fire on this MS. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Man, its been on hell of a day. Ambushed, home base attacked, my poor Wolfie cut in half, resued by the Namless Ones, my dad was murdered, and Faust shows up. I don't know how much more excitment I can take today!"[/COLOR] Faust helps Draco get up off his back and walks him overto his squad. [COLOR="Purple"]Faust: "I see your are in a pinch, I came to help."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Well if you can, take out theother rookie tremor thats pinning my unit and reenforcements down. I think he is over behind that tower."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Faust: "I'll see what I can do."[/COLOR] With that Faust dashes towards the enemy Tremor and takes it out like it was nothing.
Draco heard the sound of sniper shoots and the MS at cross-road main and frakfaurt fell down after 3 hits. Draco looked around wondering where the hell that came from. Using the outdated zoom software he managed to get an image from about 2miles away. Wondering why he nor his team was shot. Then it hit him, Namless Ones! They had a small trade agreement for medical supplies and spare parts. While reloading his gatling with what ammo he had left, which he called Wolfie, he heard the sound of the Judges satalitte cannon fireing. He hated that sound, it ment death if it can be aimed right. Zooming into the Namless Ones snipper location to find that the Judges where playing with them. An alarm went off in his MS indicating movement to the south-east. A Judge Tremor with its leg and shoulder armor poping off and starting to dash twoards the snipers. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Hey Namless Ones, I don't know if you can hear me. You got one Judge Tremor moving to your location. I'll try to slow it down! Scavenger Leader out."[/COLOR] Draco was hoping that his attenna was stil functioning for that transmission. Pulling his damaged PTB towards the Tremor and started to fire Wolfie at the Tremor. Hitting it in the foot, right thigh, and upper torso, it stumbled back and turned around. Draco knew that his ammo was normal ammo used in common sub-machine for MS's. It probally did minor damage to the Tremor but it slowed it down.
I need a Gundam Wing Heavy Arms Custom banner if possible. Thanks in advance.
[QUOTE]The year is Galactic Era 150. Mankind has ushered in a new age of prosperity, with beautiful cities constructed on the Moon (Luna), and floating cities in space called space colonies. Under the guidance of an organization called the Judge Senate, mankind has rid itself of war, pollution and hunger. Sickness is almost a thing of the past, and crime has dropped tremendously. Weapon regulation is almost completely controlled by the Judge Senate. However, as history has shown time and time again, peace can only last so long. Tension occasionally rises, and the Judges quickly wipe it from existence. Many feel as though they are being oppressed by the Judge Senate. Eventually, envy will often rear it's ugly head, along with greed. There have been several issues concerning trade between the Colonies, Luna, and Earth. And thus, the winds of change are blowing. Five years earlier, in Galactic Era 145, several satellites detected an unknown phenomenon in deep space. A few days later, numerous large objects, believed to be highly metallic, flew through the earth sphere, landing in various locations on Earth, Luna, and mining colonies. The Judge Senate conducted an investigation, but nothing was found... officially. ----------------------[/QUOTE] In the abandoned military complex known has Area 51, is base for the organization known for its unbelievable skill to turn junk into anything they needed to either repair or build something amazing. The Scavengers where around since Galatic Era 25. They tend not to attack anything that might be Judge junk. They do what they do best and that was salvage anything from what ever was around. In the Galatic Era 145. Draco was only 13 years old when Wing Gundam fell into the middle of the outside base. Dracos' father, Lavits leader of the Scavengers, saw the importants of not tearing it appart for scrap and ordered to have the gundam moved t the most secured spot in the base. Cheyane Mountian. (Cheyane Mountain is a complex built into a mountain to resist nuclear attacks during the Cold War.) After 6 months of gathering the money neccessary to employ a member of the Golden Echelons Inc. Lavits hired a GEI (I shortened it) merc named Alexander ?Faust? Faustus. Within 2 years they had a working prototype called WZ-01PTA. 2 where built for testing. Their was a problem with the Command system in the proto types. Out of the 6 pilots tested them, 3 went insanse, 2 suffered major brain damage, and 1 activated the selfdestruct on the WZ-01PTA/2. Faust and the Scavengers scientice figured out the cause of the problem. The Command system that can predict battles was too much for normal pilots to handle. The next 6 months, we had 20 WZ-01PTB's that where more acceptable to normal pilots. The WZ-01PTB became a mass model for the first time in Scavengers' history. The first WZ-01PTB/1 was Draco's MS. His MS was different than the other 19 WZ-01PTBs. His was red and white while the others where a solid dule red. His ammo case on his back was increased instead of having 80,000 apr. He had 160,000 apr but the gun would over heat after firing 43,000. It would take 19mins for the barrels to cool off and be ready for action. The side missile pods on his left shoulder are more up-to-date than the others. Instead of scatter missiles, he has laser guided missiles. The Draw back to this is that he has to keep the laser on his target for 10 seconds in oder for them to lock on. His model is more armored around the chest, legs, and back area. If he runs out of ammo or the enemies get too close, the only close range weapon he hase is an energy sword in his right shoulder. The sword only has a 30 min fight time before it becomes usless. The command systems transmission into the brain of the pilot has been cut in half. Side effects are still reported but not life threatning nor compromising to the Scvengers. His also had a powerfull transmitter with a range of a 1,000 miles while the rest had a range of about 400 miles. Lavits ordered that in Area 51 that the lowest levels be refurbed for MS production. It would give the civilians a new job opprotunity and hopefully pilots. Lavits gave Draco a mission, to attack a small convoy of Judge medical and food transports and to bring back the supplies back to the base for the civilians who needed them. Draco did not wait. It was the first time he would enter a real combat mode. He has been training with simulations and fakes.He hopes that the Judge Transports would have a few gaurds. The Scavengers have been watching this supply line for about a few months. Now was the time to strike and test the MS in real live battle. Has Draco came closser to the convoy, he noticed that they weren't moving. When he and the other PTB pilots got closer they noticed they where just decoys. Then Judge planes came in. Draco realized it was a trap. Draco shot one plane out of the sky with his gatling and told his squad to be alert for Tremors. Their was about 10 Judge Flyiers in the air. Shooting them down wasn't easy. Draco radioed into base to let them know what was going on out here. [COLOR="DarRed"]Draco: "Base come in base, we are under attack by Judge Planes! The convoy was a decoy. Need advisement!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Base: "Finish those jets off quick and get back here! Tremors are attacking the base! You father went to hold them off.! Hurry he won't last long!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Are you serious? Shit, squad take those jets down and lets RTB. Home is under attack!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Brown"]Squad: "YES SIR!'[/COLOR] Withing 2 minutes the rest of the Judge jets flew off in retreat. When Draco and his squad return, they saw about 6 PTBs scattered everywhere on the ground on fire. Draco got a gut feeling that they probally caught someone who was tracking the convoy and torchered him till he told where the base was. Coming up to the command tower, he saw his Dads PTB, it was a solid Jade Green, with his left arm missing and he was smoking. Draco moves his MS over to his dads and holds it in his arms. Syncing with his dads, he finds out that his dad is dead. His combat hardrive noted their was 3 Tremors attacking the base. Which meant their was 3 highly skilled pilots where taking out MS's. His squad had to take these Judge Tremors out before they got access to the underground complexes where the civilians and where at and where the MSP line is located at. Only the highest officials know where the Gundam was and that is probally the Judges are after. His father was one and most of the scientice know too. The scientice are down with the civilians so they cant just shoot everyone. That means they have little time to either they kill these murders or die trying. [COLOR="DarkRed"]Draco: "Alright guys, We are thats left. All the active pilots are dead and the rookies are still in the simulators. We die trying or we succed and drive these Judge bastards out of our home. Dont try to play hero, just do what we we're trained to do. We will win or we die. Lets move!"[/COLOR] (OoC: Sorry if isnt what you where hoping for, I want you to kind of finish it for me Masked. Oh, sorry about the curses. Couldn't figure any other words that would fit. Enjoy!)
[quote name='Demon Eyes Kyo']i made a mistake thats all my bad its post to be Operation Freedom. it was late night was half asleep you all no how it can be[/QUOTE] Na Masked Raider says its ok. soo we'll just roll with it
[quote name='Demon Eyes Kyo']I didn't know if it was to late to sign up or not but i figured it wouldn't hurt to try. [B]Name:[/B]Kagami Arata [B]Age:[/B]19 [B]Gender:[/B]Male [B]Organization Information:[/B] Golden Echelons Incorporated [B]Technology Basis:[/B] Freedom Gundam [B]Bio:[/B]Kagami was born an orphan. His mother got ride of him at birth and no one ever seen her again. One of the nurses at the hospital that couldn?t have children took Kagami in as her own. As time went on and he got older she noticed that he was not like any average kid. If he would see someone do something he could he could mimic it almost exactly. As he got older he would learn things faster then normal people. His step mother began to think about his future and what would happened if someone found out about what he could do. Not knowing what to do she sent Kagami to the only person she could trust, Alexandre Christophe Brousseau IV. Kagami joined Operation Freedom as one of their mechanics. He was part of the team that worked on the prototype ALEXANDRE. The team that he is with main focus has been trying to replicate the nuclear reactor but has been unable to do so but Kagami refuses to give up. During the time he wasn?t work on the reactor he sent working on his own mobile suit. To help aid Katsuhito in his quest. [B]Mobile Suit:[/B] [URL="http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/4329/0002gundambyagito666dr5.jpg"][B][I][U]Prototype Vengeance[/U][/I][/B].[/URL] His mobile suit is a more slender making it faster, agile. The suit is armed with weapons effective only in close quarters, avoiding ranged weaponry entirely. The main weapons are two beam sabers. One of the sabers is stored inside its shoulders. The second saber extends from the left forearm. The forearm saber is connected directly to the suit's power source, allowing its length and strength to be adjusted significantly to cut through even heavily armored mobile suits. The third weapon is its tail. The tail extends and the tip opens up like a claw. That could be use as bring an enemy closer of rip through a vulnerable spot.[/QUOTE] I doubt it dude and Freedom Gundam is already taken. Actually the only one not taken by other people is the God Gundam (Or G Gundum that ran on Cartoon Network). G Gundam are close range combat so your MS is suitable to the class. Lets see what Masked Raider says next.
Name: Draco "The Wolf" Alucard Age: 18 Organization: Scavengers Technology Basis: Wing Zero Bio:The Wolf was born into the Scavengers and raise to use anything to fix anything. When the gundam Wing Zero crashed into the heart of Scavengers Territory, it gave Dracos' father an idea. Draco's father was the Leader of the Scavengers at the time. He would hire Faust from Golden Echelons Inc. to help figure out the Gundam and figure some type of MPM (Mass Produced Model). Draco was 14 when his father hired Faust to begin working on a model to mass produced. Withing 3 years, Scavengers had a working prototypes.The first was the model, WZ-01PTA, made its pilots insane. In one year the command control the model WZ-01PTB. Draco piloted the first succesfull WZ-01PTB. It seemed the Wing Zeros command didnt make Draco insane or give him hallucinations. 19 other pilots are currently using the same model for use in mainstream. So far its been good tests till the Judge Senate stepped in and kill all the Scavengers engineers that was working on the product. That include his dad. When Draco found out, he contacted Faust for help modiifing his model to be combat ready but easy to repair. Model Type: WZ-01PTB [IMG]http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e320/PaulWallMart/Mechs/HeavyArms_Custom_1.jpg[/IMG] Its main weapon is a 8 barrel 45mm gatling gun. Secondary weapons include Scater missiles and a saber. Command Type: Wing Zero Tremor System. (Meaning watch Gundam Wing. The pilots are sitting down.)