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Everything posted by Draco
(OoC: Hey Terminator type RP! Count me in. I hope its ok if I can use the T-1000's off of the Terminator movies. If you dont want me too. Just pm me n I will change it completely.) Name: T-1000 (Tex) Personality: Always serious about misions. He has a mysterious auroa arond him that seems to be watching every human all around. likes to explore human emotions. Appearence: [URL="http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/4076/crysis03nn2.jpg"]http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/4076/crysis03nn2.jpg[/URL]The only problem is that in darkness his eyes glow red. Dead give away that he is a machine. He wears a full face helmet with dark red gogles. Weapons: (Weapons in pic arnt his) Large Calibour Sniper Riffle and a energy claymore sword. (its powered by his haydrogen cells) Bio: Tex is a rogue robot. During routine maintenance, a bug was discovered in his behavioral core. Upon deactivation, T-1000 went ofline then came online. The bug was a random sets of code that humans called "Ghost Shell syndrom". Once the bug acivated it gave the machine human like emotions and thinking. Able to do everything they could do as machines. In an attempt to deactivat him again, they tried to remove his power core. Seeing this, Tex fought for his new found existence and escape to the Mojavi desert. Wondering around for about 20 years, Tex as he calls himself went into hibernation mode to save himself. 3 years later the Black Swallow finds him in an abandoned junk yard. Inserting a new hydrogen power cell. Tex came online. After seeing that he was restored to full power, he offers his life to them in retun for rescuing him. (I hope this is suffices)
Draco: Finally! Some action after all this walking. I wonder who it is though." Draco tosed his pack to the side and pulled his sword out. Draco looked at Rizen. Draco: "Rizen, who do you think it is? Another one of that Naruto's clones or people? Or is it someone else?" Rizen looks towards the person heading their way. (OoC: Sorry thats all I got for now)
(OoC: Where did everybody go? well Enemy, make something up please. I got nothing.)
Draco got up still dizzy and grabs his things. Draco: "Its about time. I was wondering when we move." Draco stumbles along behind them trying to stay focused and not falling. Draco: "Hey Arimi, think you can put me in a coma next time? I dont think you hit me hard enough!" Draco laughs as he walks. Thinking of his dream, maybe he should not avenge his village. He would become the peopel he sent out to destroy. That would mean he would have to kill himself. That wouldnt do with him. Looking at Arimi and Rizen, he wondered if he would ever be that lucky. Everyone seemed to get along great in battle but when it came to idal time, it was like they hated each other. Well exept Rizen and Arimi.
Draco got up and saw Mitsuo and Seta go out ahead. e got up and rubbed the back of his head. Draco: "Owch, man that guy can sure hit hard. I think thats the hardest I ever been hit in my life. I dont want to be hit that hard again. Hey whats going on?" Rizen: "We are moving out. Get ready." Draco: "Alrighty, um who knocked out the whole team last night?" Neiji: "That would be Lee. Tiajutsu master." Draco: "So he is just like Arimi. Only faster." Arimi just punched him in the jaw sending him on the ground. Draco: "She hits harder." He got back up and dusted himself off. Walking over to his weapons, he loses balance for a second making him dizzy. Draco: "Wow, thats some hit. Im going to sit down and wait till the floor stops spinning." Draco sat down on a bench and continued to be dazed.
(OoC: My character could barely see anything cause Im on a freakin rock passing out! Sorry thought was funny. Ok since im likely the last one to be healed, I might as well put a little dream of when my character was 13 and came to find his life in shambles. Enjoy!^_^) While being unconscieness, Draco dreamed of the day he went bakc to the village. Seeing the corpses of all his family and friends. The bodies crushed to the point of unreconition. He could hear the screams of the people left to die. Buildings crumpling in on them selves. The only building that didnt fall into itself was the hogake building. Though it was quickly falling apart. Running as fast as he could to the building. When he arrived, bodies everywhere. friend and foe alike. Blood all over the place. Draco leans over the body of a Rock Village Ninja. Taking the head band off the soilder, he placed it in his pouch and was alerted to hear the hogake still alive. he was underneath a peice of caved in roof. Trying over and over again to break the roof peice, Hogake told him to stop. Hogake: "Draco, stop. Its no use to waste your chalkra. Even if....(coughs blood)...even if you could break it, you are not a medical ninja. My injuries are not treatable." Draco: "Hogake save your breath, please. I can get a pill or something. Dont leave me alone!" Hogake: "Draco, you survied the obliteration of our village. (Coughs more blood) Their was a reason why you where spared this day. Ta...take the Sword of the Dragon God Draco and our people. Dont use a vendeta.........................................." Draco starts fading out of the dream. As he awakes, everything is blury. He sees the team and the robed man standing above him. Rizen, using the healing jutsu to heal Draco as much as he could.
Draco was flung into the rocks by the lake and hit so hard that the giant rock cracked splitting in two. He felt like his entire back broke. Everything was going dark, the last thing he saw a hodded man kneeling by Rizen. As he slipped into unconsieness he heard a noise. Sounded like a gril. Managing to get one last word before passing out heyelled. Draco: "Arimi!" (OoC: Sorry wasnt much to roll with.)
Draco was at the back of the village and didnt find Arimi. Hearing distant shouting Draco started running back to camp to get his weapons when a bunch of clones of some guy in an orange jump suit. Draco: "Who are you?" Clones: "We are the Uzumaki army!" Draco was confused? Studing the clones, he noted that their was too many to fight hand to hand. He needed his weapons. He might as well try to talk his way out of it. If it doesnt work, it would give more time for the others to link up. Draco: "Ok, is their something I can help you with? Im just a travling person, you sure you dont have the right person?" Clones: "We are looking for a group of misfit ninjas that killed someone earlier today. Would you know anyone?" Draco looked at them guessing they already knew who his teammates where and him. Draco pointed towards the center of the pack. Draco: "You, where you spying on me? Or where you spying on my teammates.?" Clones: "So your one of the ninja that killed Kisame. You dont look like the typewho would last 2 seconds with him no less the real Naruto Uzimaki!" Draco: "I dont need my swords to defeat clones! [COLOR="Red"]I better hurry, If I am to prove to Rizen Im a valuable member of this team, I better go link up![/COLOR]" Draco did 7 signs and said..... WINDS RAMPAGE! The wind picked soo much debree and the clones that they all disappeared. After that he ran back to camp and picked only Dilo up an ran towards the sound of Arimi screaming. Draco: "I hope Im not too late!" Draco leaps onto a tree when he saw some guy in a unitard carring Arimi away. Draco: "Oh no you dont! Winds Ramape!" Dracos technique didnt do much cause their wasnt anything for it to use but at least it made the guy drop Arimi. Draco: "Arimi! Dont move, I'll be with you in a minute. Now where did that guy go?"
Draco got hit by the puff cloud and jumped up. Draco: "OW! Man no freakin consideration for some one who sleeps......wheres Arimi?" Rizen: "She took off." Draco: "Took off?" Rizen: "Yea." Draco: "Wow, maybe I should lighten up on her." Jet: "Yea maybe you should grow up." Draco walks away leaving his weapons behind indicating he'll be back. Feeling like the idiot who left the turkey in the oven, so to say, went to go find Arimi and apologise for being an idoit. Jumping from roof top to roof top, looking for Arimi. Draco: [COLOR="Red"]"Hmmm if I where a girl covered in dirt, where would I go? To get cleaned off of course. Now its still late at night so any bath house is closed. Theonly place which even has running water is the water fall I've been hearing."[/COLOR] Draco stops ontop of a roof top and listen to the sound of the water fall. If he was getting closer the sound would be getting louder.
Draco saw Rien Arimi and Mitsuo coming out of the tree line and Mitsuo bleeding from his leg. Draco laughed. Draco: "Wow, got a little fiesty eh Rizen and Arimi?" Rizen and Arimi: "Shut up!" Draco: "Fine fine, Can I do anything forthat wound Mitsuo?" Mitsuo: "I'll be fine." Draco yawned and layed down. Draco: "Well Im hitting the bed so tell me when we are moving. Sparing against team mates isnt what I call training, more lke a waste of time. If you really want to see what we can do, I might imply giving us targets to take out alone the way to where ever we are going. NIGHT!" Draco drops his head on the grohnd and falls asleep.
Draco heard Rizen say pair up but the only person left was that weird guy Shiro. Draco walks over to Shiro and stares at him for a few seconds. Draco: "Yo Shiro, I guess it leaves you and me. Soo lets get this over with." Shiro: "Who are you?" Draco: "You got to be kidding me. Your Shiro and your my sparing partner." Shiro: "Oh ok, wait what are we doing?" Draco: "Look we are just showing off are abilities right now, no lethal injuries Got it?" Shiro: "Okay." Draco shakes his head in disapointment. After that he pulls out his sword and with one hand does three signs. Draco: "Dragons Fury!" His sword glowed with blue chalkra and lifted slightly into the air. Draco: "Shiro, defend your self!" Draco dashes foward and swings left. Shrio dodges and regains balance. Draco picks up some rocks and tosses them at him. A few rocks hit but didnt do much damage. Draco throws his sword into a tree. Draco: "Sorry Dilo, but he is too fast for you. Time for the daggers." Draco does 6 signs and pulls daggers from his belt and they lite on fire with green flames. Shiro pulls out several Kuni with exsplosive tags on them and tosses them at Draco. Draco: "SHIT!" Boom, direct impact. Draco gets flung into a building. Getting up and dusting himself off. Draco: "I couldnt even tell what he was doing. I call this one a loss." Draco pulls Dilo out of the tree and cleans it off, then sits down. Draco: "Shiro, your one crazy guy. I conside." Shiro looked like he didnt know what was going on.
(OoC: Sorry about before guys.) Draco looks at Shiro and thinks. [COLOR="Red"]That guy Shiro acts insane but he does make a point. Fight for what you believe in."[/COLOR] Draco looks at the pranster of the group and laughs. Draco: "Im just joking dude, their is no jutsu like that or at least none that I kow but please dont mess with the sword. Lets just say its a family heirloom and its was given to me by my clan at a young age." Draco goes back to sleep hoping that his sword wont go missing again and be replaced by a fake.
Draco knocked that clone soo hard the smoke still had the bruise mark. Draco: "So you think it was funny to steal my sword when I wasnt looking? That sword is priceless to all nations for it has no maker. Its my sword not yours. Keep your hands off it or you will lose them." With that Draco disappears and reappears behind the prankster and takes his sword back. After getting back his sword, he placed a jutsu upon it. He looks at the perso and glares at him. Draco: "Try that again and your hands will melt off. Your arms will boil to the point where the pain is unimaginable. I placed the jutsu Thiefs Punishment upon it. This sword isnt yours and will not even inflict damage to anything when used by non-Mountain clan member. Im the last oe so only I can use it. I don't care if you steal my cloths nor my money. Don't ever take my sword." Draco was glowing with enormus chalkra. He sat back down and went back to sleep. When this happened the chalkra disappeared into nothing.
After agreeing to Rizens terms, Draco sat down and kind of fell into a sort of sleep. Missing out on a few things and was really paying attention to anything. He just sat their thinking if he could be really of help. Then he thought that was bull and he made the right choice. About several minutes later he got out of his sleep like trance and said aloud. Draco: "Well food is food. I'll be happy for just water and bread. Standard food to me is like rich peoples food. Just ask of what you need me to do and I'll do it. If I can e used a bait or something I'll gladly do it Rizen." Rizen just gave him a cold glare and continued to write in his scroll. Draco walks over to Arimi and whispered. Draco: "I know your fast, I would last a match of speed with you, but your scythe skill is a bit low. You swing to slow. You dont grip the handle. You are a little slow. Use the scythes weight to the advantage. Find the balance of the weapon and mastering it will be easy. Now if you excuse me, I must sit over their and sleep." Draco dissapates into shadows and appears a few feet away. he sits down and closes his eyes. Draco: "Wake me when we move." Draco falls asleep but his head twitches to voices coming from the party.
Draco didnt even flench when Arimi almost cut his throught. He frowned and laugh. Draco: "If you kill me the Hidden Village in the Mountains clan will disappear forever without me paying the Rock village a vist to seek resolution. My clan was destroyed by the Rock Vilage. Im on a journy to pay them back and seek resolution. Oh, you pretty when you r angry." Draco laughs soo hard that he fell back wards when Shiro came into view. Still on the ground, laughing hard till he lost breath. Draco got up and watched Rizen and Arimi talked to the nearly naked and obviously confused guy. As Draco got up, he spots a coin on the ground and picks it up. Draco felt like an idiot for throwing the guy so he went over to him and did a few hand signs. Draco: "Sata no cleana seta nama Udyu." After that Udyu was dry as a wistle. Draco: "Sorry about that man, didnt mean to go awall on ya. Its a special sword from my clan. It has special values. If theirs anything I can do to make it up to ya let me know." Draco bows his head in respect for the guy and holds a hand out for forgiveness.
Draco walks up to Rizen and taps him lightly on the shoulder making him jump about 20 feet in the air. When he jumped, everyone jumped as well for no-one noticed Draco till he tapped Rizen. Rizen came down and turned around looking at Draco with that pissed off look. Rizen: "Who the hell are you?" Draco "I'm Draco Narzo. Pleasure to meet you. Im a wondering ninja in search of a job or food. I saw that fight and thought to my self I would love to get in the group. Its not easy having you, that cute girl, and the two guys fight while that lazy one sits in the back eatting an apple. I offer my help." Rizen: "Let me think." Rizen gathers his fellow ninja to talk to them. While Rizen was thinking, Draco sits on a bench and pulls out a small box. Draco: (Talking to himself)"Shit! My last box of food. I might have to look for scraps again." The kid walks to Draco and touches the giant longsowd on the back. Draco bolts up and grabs the kid by his throught. Draco: (With a mean voice)"Do not ever touch this sowrd or it will kill you!" Draco then throughs the kid into a barral of rain water making him totally drenched. Draco takes the longsowrd out and gives it 3 look overs and pulls out a prestine white cloth and a bottle of wax. Draco sits back down, waxing his sword and looking at the ground. (OoC: Sorry about the late intro, been buisy.)
Name: Draco Narzo Age: 19 Gender: Male Apperance: [url]http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t30/danvi_2007/Anime_Knight.jpg[/url] (not shown but carrys a huge longsword called the Sword of the Dragon God Draco and a pair of odd daggers). Personality: Draco is a very active person. Does things on impulse and likes to do things in anyway he can to get the job done. Draco is shy and doesnt open up to people he doesnt trust right away. He helps out when he can. Blood Line Trait: According to his birth mark, Draco was named after the Constalation Draco (its a real constalation). It was given for strength, speed, and accuracy. He can sommon a dragon for a brief moment (about 30mins) but it makes him pass out for it uses almost all the chalkra he has but is back on his feet within 2 hours. Common Special Techniques: Dragon's Fury: Uses chalkra to increase the rate of his swings by 300%. Dragon Fire: Likes daggers on fire with green flames that can not be put out. This art takes little chalkra and was developed by Draco. Wind Rampage: Wind takes any loose objects and slings it at is anemys. Bio: Draco was born in an uncharted tiny village called the Hidden Village in the Mountains. When Draco was 13 his Village was obliterated by the Village Hidden in the Rock. Draco was spared for he was in the mountains training on his Winds Rampage at the time. When he returned home only to find it destroyed. Draco wondered form village to village, homless, poor, tired, and hungry. Any odd job that can get food and water, Draco does. He continues to wonder around. Looking for a village that would exept him. Wonders to find the village responsible for killing his entire clan and people. (PS: msg me if its good. I havnt been on since Janurary)