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About Sekusen

  • Birthday 10/23/1992

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  • Biography
    I am epic. Fear me. Lulz.
  • Occupation
    Epicly being epic.

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  1. Damn you guys for having all these dreams and remembering them! >.<
  2. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]A fair point, although the fact that Naruto's training page-time is going to be split yet again with another fight for Sasuke does lead one to wonder if we could possible get a break from Sharingan-shenanigans for even a few chapters. As for getting action and major plot revelations every week, I don't think anyone is asking for that, what most of us simply want is to be able to come back here and say that yes, the latest chapter actually had decent plot to it and was most importantly worth reading. It doesn't have to be earth-shattering, just well written, hell I'd even take a couple of crap chapters every once in a while if the overall stuff was good. Bleach, for instance as it's the other manga I read regularly does not seem to suffer from this same problem, at least, not nearly as often.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] You said it :O
  3. You went and made it so I can't send you PMs! >>
  4. Weeeeelllll A reason to keep reading this Manga? I don't have a good one. Probably the only reason is the fact I play a Naruto based RP game on the internets. Literally the only reason. Like, there is alot of stuff better than Naruto at this point. Before, I coulda said it was teh best thing out there. But not anymore. I mean.. I dunno. I can't really say anything else yet .-.
  5. Either way, I want to see more. But wait for more comments, either way. Did I say either way too much?
  6. Epics. You get +1 internets. :D Little you could do to make this better, at this point
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