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About randomuser83

  • Birthday 02/02/1984

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  1. I just bought it last night and so far so good. Everything is what I thought it would be and YODA is the ownage.
  2. I learned the best way to travel is by airship and the best way to move on land is a Chocobo.
  3. Yup soul calibur 4 is a terrific game. I just bought it last night and I am loving it.
  4. For me its drama. I really good story is hard to tell and its easier to relate too.
  5. I think whats amazing about it the modern adaptation of the movie. I dont think the action was super amazing but I thought it was apporpriate. It sounds like lunox wanted some crazy fighting scenes and more behind the scenes planning but I thought they did it well. I do agree there were some areas they could have improved the story but overall I thought the movie was fantastic.
  6. Shawshank Redemption= Great movie with great acting.
  7. Im just happy they decided to keep going. Personally I think the people streaming it should just stop. They should go to a subber that doesnt mind and use theres.
  8. Yea I would have to agree. Not only was the animation well done but the story was all there too. I will definitely keep my eye on this.
  9. For me Shura no Toki was awesome. It was really good and full of action.
  10. Naruto [spoiler]When Asuma dies that made me really sad. The way he went out made me almost tear. [/spoiler]
  11. I used to have crazy dreams about participating in a anime type highschools that appeared like a anime. Ive had it a couple of times in the past so thats the only one I can really remember.
  12. While having money is cool that time you have is short lived. Dont over work but that is healthy. I dont think youll get in to much trouble besides being fired.
  13. Well if you grow apart thats okay but you dont have to give up your friends. Friendships like life takes hard work. Growing up you gain more responsiblity but more freedom as well. Dont let life get you down because its actually what you make of it.
  14. Well I dont understand why you cant have both. Beuty is releative and so is intellegence. You dont have to be a braniac to be considered smart as long as your not an idiot.
  15. Your definitely not crazy but willing to admit you dont know everything. I think thats the healthiest approach to this and life.
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