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Everything posted by randomuser83

  1. I usually make big dinners so I can eat it for breakfast but if I dont I usually go to Denny's for breakfast before work. To go Grand Slam :)
  2. Hello Endrance. Im also new and I go by the name randomuser because I like being mysterious. No just kidding its because I like the tag. I love anime and im from California. I hope to see everyone in the forums.
  3. Game play looks really solid. I was a huge fan of the D2 game so this is a welcomed sequel. As long as they stick to their standard of quality I'm sure I'lll like it. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Randomuser, let's try to stick to good grammar and spelling please. It makes it easier for the other members to read. Please read the Rules/FAQ or PM me if you have any questions. Thanks Korey[/COLOR]
  4. Definitely FF series as I like to get 100% on those type of games.
  5. [IMG]http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:eunrhxsozGBHJM:http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh34/Madara_Uchiha_16/itachi-sasuke.jpg[/IMG] Its always about revenge.
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