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About Takil
- Birthday 11/24/1989
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I am old enough. I can do stuff. I am very vague in many answers. The length of time it takes me to tell a story, it could be looked up on the internet, a snack could be made, and a nap could be taken, and I'd still be talking.
Assassin. Cuz I rock like that. I pretend to work at McDonalds though. "PRETEND"
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"Sigh... Looks like everyone forgot about me. AGAIN. Mannnn. I could like, leave and they wouldn't even notice I'm sure. AND NOW I'M GETTING ANGSTY! CURSE YOU EMOITIS!!! It's bloody contagious!" Shiro stared down at Charon. "No, I am not overreacting. Can't I have just a little love? There's nothing wrong with that, is there?" "That doesn't matter. Actually, you're right. If I said that to her, she'd probably kick my ass. Not to mention what she'll do to me when she finds out I've disappeared. Again." Huge, fake tears fell down the nin's face as he sobbed. "No one loves meeee. Everyone just wants me gonneeee. So useless in my anonymity. No, like I said, that's not the point." "I-I-I CAN BE USEFUL TOOOO!!! JUST YOU WAIT, NEXT TIME WE FIGHT A BIG BAD ENEMY, I'LL STUN EVERYONE WITH MY AWESOME USEFULNESS!" His face became hard in his determination. "I SHALL BE USEFUL AND MAKE IT SO MIYA-TAN DOESN'T KILL ME!" "This battle is no longer for the muffins, this battle, IS FOR MIYA-TAN!!!!!!" Rizen walked up behind him. "Be quiet and get ready to move." Shiro saluted as he walked away and put his meager belongings (his single pack) together. "For Miya-tan."
Lee came across more of the group as they prepared for his approach.The green-suited nin charged at Jetsu who attempted to throw a variety of rocks and stones in an effort to impede Lee's progress, but the taijutsu specialist just raced on. "Shit!" Jetsu exclaimed as he jumped backwards, barely dodging the punch thrown at his face. Taijutsu was not Jet's specialty, and as so, he wasn't even close to as fast as Lee was. Even though he evaded the first hit, the second, third and fourth connected, throwing the blonde away, only to crash into the ground. He quickly recovered, but Lee was on his tail right away, and moving as fast as he could, while attempting to minimalize the damage was all Jet could do to stay alive. Draco, Shinori and Rizen attempted to help Jetsu, but even the four of them had trouble keeping up with the bowlcut nin. The rest of the group came across the huge dome of fire after being told by the shadow clone, but were unable to get inside. "What about water? Couldn't we... Get rid of the bad fire?" Shiro asked the others. No one gave any inclination of that working. After all, the waterfall was [I]inside[/I] the huge fire dome. "Fine, may as well give it a try, no?" "MIZU BUNSHIN NO JUTSU!" A huge army of water clones that looked like Shiro appeared. "ALRIGHT BOYS, MOVE OUT!" "FOR THE MUFFINS!" The water clones ran into the fire dome and began to explode in large sprays of water. Eventually, a large hole opened in the side of the fire and the surprised nins ran in, leaving the Mizu Bunshin outside to deal with the straggling Naruto clones. They joined with those fighting Lee, but even with all of them, he just moved too damn fast! "So cappy-tan, how we gonna do this?" Rizen looked at his... He really didn't want to call them that, but for now, they were his comrades. "Alright, here's what we're going to do."
"The amount of bad this is going to contain will fill my weekly quota!" The others all looked at Shiro who was staring at the retreating back of Draco. The brown-haired male turned to them and grinned widely. "How much are you all willing to bet that Draco-kun comes across Arimi-chan either naked or sleeping? OR BOTH!?!?" "And why do you say that?" Rizen asked, rather calmly. "It just seems right. With the bad bloodness in between those two, the only possible thing that could happen is definitely that! Oh man, I'd love to see it, but that would just get me baka-beating. Or a pervert-pummel." Rizen just kind of... Glared at him. "Oh come on, Rizen-kun!" The glare intensified. "Don't like that? Okay, Rizen-tan. But honestly, Rizen-pin, a baka-beating and a pervert-pummel are things that hot-blooded women do to males that peek on them or do something 'perverted'! For example, Jiraiya and Tsunade. They make the perfect example of a pervert/basher team!" "You do know the Slug Sennin is dead, correct?" "What do you think is going to happen, Jet-kun?" Shiro ignored Rizen and asked the blonde male. "I think only [I]I[/I] should see ♥ Arimi-chan ♥ like that!" Jet stood with a burning flame in his eyes. "How did you say those hearts? That's so cool!" Shiro gushed, shaking his arms wildly in the air. "I wish I could speak shapes!" "Huh? What are you talking about?" Jet was confused, but the fire in his eyes still hadn't disappeared. "YOUR EYES ARE ON FIRE!! QUICK! SOMEONE GET HIM SOME WATER!!" As when he had gone off about how the Muffins needed saving, and that they were the true Gods, giving visions of the Universe and Everything, everyone just ignored Shiro. "NO ONE LOVES MEEE!!!!!!!!" Just another day for our favourite band of misfits.
Shiro watched the preceedings with a smile. The kid was pretty good, that was for sure. Well, not on the level he was for Kawarimi, but honestly, who was? Smiling brightly at the furious face Draco gave, Shiro mumbled. "I think his sword is a she. No, Charon?" Almost like he heard it, he nodded. 'I wonder if his sword talks too. Mine does... Either than that or I'm insane.?' If he asked someone who knew him, they'd likely say the latter. Shiro looked at Rizen and grinned, but either then the man looking in his direction once, the ANBU paid no more attention to him. 'Easy to see he doesn't like me. Well, that's fine. Whatever floats his boat I guess. Brat should still respect his elder though.' "Come to think of it, I'm fricking old. Yep, age 103. Tomorrow I'll be 17. Go me! 103 going on 17. I'm retroactive~" The nins quickly decided not to really listen to what he said anymore. Shiro grinned brightly and waddled off. He came across Arimi practicing. 'She's good. ' "I think I'm good enough and that's all that matters. Screw what he says. "She gritted her teeth as his comments rang through her mind again. "Damnit!" "You are very good! I wouldn't want to fight you, you'd win! Man oh man! No contest! Easy victory! Well, right now you're too tired, but if you were up to peak! Fweeooh!" He pretended to whistle. Arimi glared at the kook-nin and growled in her throat. "Stop making fun of me!" Shiro smiled, but it wasn't huge. "Who said I was? I mean it. What can I do? Kawarimi, Henge, and clones. Laa dee dah. But you know, it's kept me alive for all these years!" He grinned brightly again. "As long as you fight for what you believe in, as long as you fight for something you want, no matter what it is, and as long as you fight with all your strength!" The nin's voice dropped to a whisper. "Not even the Gods can beat you. No one can. Do you have faith in your abilities?" "Yes! No matter what anyone says!" Shiro grinned again, his voice becoming loud once again. "Then believe in yourself forever, and never let anyone tell you that you're anything but what you are, a great ninja! Good night, sweet muffins!" And with that, he walked off. Arimi stared at his back in confusion before sighing and looking away. "FIGHT ON! FOR THE MUFFINS!" It was going to be one hell of a trip.
"And on the final day, GOD CREATED MAN!!!!!!!!" All sound stopped as everyone looked towards the yell. Standing behind them all was a male, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, a katana somehow staying attached to it. He was actually pretty toned, but that still didn't deter from the fact that he was half naked. Rizen stared for a moment before he realized where he had seen the semi-naked kook before. "Shiro Kurogane?" The male nodded brightly, a large grin splitting his face. "That is me! Shiro Kurogane the GREAT SLAYER OF GODS, MASTER OF KAWARIMI, at your service, cappy-tan." The ANBU leader sighed, remembering how difficult it was to take anything the older male had to say at face value. He had changed his name five times in the entire 'interview', and had changed his age no less than eight. Shiro had finally shrugged and said his, hopefully, real name, and the age he possibly was. While their leader nodded and motioned the nin to join them, the rest of the team stared, completely confused. There was so much confusion in the air, it seemed almost to flow off of the group. But Shiro only grinned brighter. "So where have you been, Shiro." It wasn't said as a question, mostly because Rizen honestly didn't care. "Well, I was watching how everyone fought. I wanted to see what everyone could do, and while its impossible to get that from a pretty short battle, at least I know some about the team. I'm not letting Charon's life go on the line with a team I don't trust." "Charon is a sword." Shiro had been quite proud of that in the interview, yelling at the top of his lungs of the sword's "awesomeness". Arimi broke out of her confusion and approached the newcomer. "Welcome to the team, Shiro." Shiro looked at the only girl on the team before nodding. "Nice to meet you ms. I am Davian Montgomery, age 20, and I am a great singerrrr~" He finished his introduction by singing the last syllable. At her look he smiled. "I'm kidding. That was who I was last week. Had to get into some... Uh... Opera house? Ya, that's what it was. I had to go there, and kill some old dude. So I became a great singerrr~~ And never having sung before, it is safe to say, my dear, that I was not a very good great singer. It was fun though, and he died of a heart attack so I didn't even have to do anything!" Rizen was honestly surprised (though it was well hidden) that the male was able to keep his thoughts coherent for such a long period of time, but mostly attributed that to having nothing to really confuse him. Arimi smiled though, having understood what he was saying. "But... Why do you have almost nothing on?" Shiro looked down and a confused look crossed his face. "Where the hell did my shirt go?" He looked backwards and saw it covering something. He walked over to the red article of clothing and lifted it from a branch. He went a little bit further and picked up his black pants. He came back and put them on. "Why the hell were they off? I don't remember getting laid, and even if I did, where's the girl? There was nothing any further on...." "Did I eat her?" Unnoticed to him, but Arimi stepped back a bit. "Uhh.... Shiro?" The brown-haired male looked at her. "Ye~s? Is there something you need my dear?" "Have you... Really eaten someone?" She looked a little pale... "Not that I can think of. Charon has though. I guess. He does that. She does that. It. He. She. We. They. I. You? What the hell would you call a sword? A boat is called female, so what would a sword be? Does it really even matter?" Everyone shook their head, no. "Fair enough!"
Name: Shiro "Kirakami" Kurogane - "The Kawarimi Master" (Self-Titled) Age: Possibly 23. He lies about it a lot. Appearance: Short brown hair (though he always lists it as "Blue"). He has heterochromia, with one eye being blue and the other being green. The clothes he wears differs with each mission he is on, as Shiro is very good at stealth and the use of Henge. He is 5'7", but increases his height with his shoes to 5'8.5", as he has deemed himself "inadequately tall" compared to his younger brother. It is unknown to most, but he has a scar caused by the katana he now uses on the top of his head when it fell from the sky and nearly cracked his skull open. Personality: Shiro is... For lack of a better word, insane. He uses Henge so much, he sometimes forgets who he is and acts like a different person, even in his home town. It causes a lot of confusion with his peers as he will be acting one way one moment, then completely turn around another. He has always taken being a ninja seriously, and doesn't like how everyone else decides to fight people "face to face". "Kill them before they see the white of your eyes" he likes to say. Blood line trait: The only reason he's still alive is because he's really good at using Kawarimi. Without it, he would have been dead a long time ago. Or, so says nearly everyone who knows him. Shiro doesn't possess a bloodline trait, and doesn't really care much for people who are "so proud their mom married her brother like those damn Hyuugas. Creepy perverts". The closest thing he might have to a blood line trait is his "annoyingly large chakra supply and high endurance". It's almost like he's figured out a way to suck chakra through the air, but when asked he just says: "Charon is the one who does it." Common special techniques: Kawarimi - He replaces himself with damn near anything he can find, even once switching with a used condom. Henge - He's such an oddball that for some reason even the Hyuuga can't see through his Henge. The only one who's seen him turn back said "it must be because he truly believes he's become that person and is that person." (Said Hyuuga was killed soon after, a note writted in his blood saying "creepy a*s perverts".) Mizu/Kage Bunshin no Jutsu - No one is sure where he learned the two clone techniques, but with his large chakra supply, he has been known to make a lot of them, then use them for cannon fodder/distractions/"the first line of defence"/meatshields/etc. He does use them to fight, but when you can just create a few hundred you's "just switch with one of the d*mn meatshields." Bio: Shiro was eight when a katana from a Kumo nin "fell from the heavens" and struck him upon the skull, nearly killing him. Ever since, he's been a little... Off-balanced. He carries the sword he affectionately calls "Charon" with him wherever he goes, even in Henge it can be found transformed into something as small as a button. It is unknown if Shiro is a missing-nin or if he just came along for the ride, killin' the bad guys and gettin' the girls. He wears no headband, but Kumo would love to have him, if for nothing else then to have their sword back. Shiro's brother Kuro Shirogane was killed in action four years before the present date, so Shiro has decided to get revenge for his brother, even though his brother took his killer with him. He lies about his age all the time, and it is guessed that he doesn't even remember it himself. Shiro has not denied or agreed with this statement, though he always has a far away look on his face when he changes his age.