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Living Impaired

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Everything posted by Living Impaired

  1. Speaking of Ballerinas and Real [IMG]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b82/xi_heart_deathx/Sailor%20Moon/Sailor_Moon8.jpg[/IMG] Not really a ballerina, but pretty graceful, not to mention hot
  2. speakin of flipping and turning and upside down [URL="http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/allsopgrl/Bishie_Pyramid_by_Go_Devil_Dante.jpg"]Too Big For Ure Forum :click:[/URL]
  3. yeah ive seen khenpoe's. personally its the best bleach abridged i found "Spiritual ***** slap!" kills me everytime, but something about it, idk its a bit slow for my tastes, and the hilarity isnt... swelling to a creshedno... idk...
  4. yesh very good bishie. but not so strong [IMG]http://anime.tedfox.com/wp-content/uploads/bscap04731.jpg[/IMG] true dat
  5. Ha! finally, something besides a serious Red eye [IMG]http://ynm.moonliteshadow.net/gallery/gallery/muraki/002.jpg[/IMG] just as creepy, from a better looking Bishie.
  6. lol. Personally i like Yu-gi-oh better than naruto but only by a little bit. Another one i really liked was Death Note Abridged by TeamDattebayo. Also, i dont think anyone else has said this but Sailor Moon Abridged. and, (i know some people really didnt like this anime) Gantz abridged. So theres my top 5 but actually, (pls dont hurt me) has anyone ever seen a really really good bleach abridged? because i havent... ..."or my name isn't Florence"
  7. well... I have had some very odd anime dreams that cant really recall at this moment, all i remember is somthing about a golden island and half of the cast of digimon on a raft. some of my more recent dreams however are... a but pg-13.... unless you see it from my point of view and then theyre well into the nc-17 category. now dont get me wrong its not like i watch hentai. i just have a very active/hormonal imagination. .... yesh. a couple days ago i had a bleach dream where bleach cosplayers were at my highschool and we were on the lookout for hollows/gangbangers. we kept switching cosplay outfits just to keep our identities hidden.... and then i was dressed up as matsumoto. and the bad guys were on the lookout for hitsugaya so i started making very innapropriate noises (not for a minor to hear) so that people would think that histugaya was busy at the moment and couldnt be disturbed with fighting bad guys. and it worked. and then i went outside through a hidden door and was in the alleyway waiting for kukaku shiba to show up so i could change and ichigo was already changing next to me. and at the sight of him, i popped a chick boner(if i could possibly use such language here). so then she came, ichigo left, and her and i changed and we went off to guard my highschool. in the middle of our school is a random hill and all the captains were standing there in badass gigai guarding. the rest involves gangbanging... so i digress. another dream! (this isnt as long or odd, but probably more ... innapropriate) Basically, i went on an interactive anime tour with really awsome graphics and amazing detail to everything around us. not as bad right? well did i mention it was called Yaoi Land? and i had a very good time *is avid yaoifangirl* (oh an never read yaoi before going to bed)
  8. nice, but i dont think that holds a candle to [IMG]http://ynm.moonliteshadow.net/gallery/gallery/11.jpg[/IMG] Hijirime Minase from Descendants of Darkness, playing the Devils Trill Movement on a violin
  9. Alright now I'm not sure if this should go here but I just HAD to tell someone... Has anyone else noticed that Aki from Sensitive Pornograph and Rei from Neon Genesis Evangelion look exactly the same? (except for the whole gender thing.) Czech this out [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/allsopgrl/aki20.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/allsopgrl/rei022.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/allsopgrl/aki1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b171/allsopgrl/1098375867532.png[/IMG] Aki Pictures courtesy of [url]http://sensitivesono.tripod.com/[/url] Rei pictures courtesy of [url]http://lilith.eu.org/[/url] and [url]http://w2k.fz.se/gallery/index.php[/url] so anyways ITYF Sensitive Pornograph is a short comical(ish) erotic yaoi and EVA is... well, EVA. two completely diffferent things and im just wondering if anyone else has noticed this. because i thought it was completely hilarius. also aki's eyes are red, its just hard to tell in those pics ANNNND if you have any more coincidences please post wiht pix. much appreciative
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