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Everything posted by GSValkanas

  1. So who else has played this game? I've played and beaten it in about eight hours. Quite a short game, if you ask me. The ending was a bit disappointing, but the gameplay more than made up for it.
  2. He tilted his head back, resting it on the interior of the vehicle. His eyes followed the paths of several clusters of wires heading from the front to the back, and many to either side. They ran from machine to machine, light to light, linking everything inside to each other. He gripped a set of needles and looked out the back, checking for any of the others.
  3. This is the place for any questions or comments on the Roleplay.
  4. [i]His boots made an audible clanking as he walked down the hallway. It was long, and brightly lit. There were doors on either side, leading off to other facilities branching off of this one. At the end of the hall was a door. He passed through the door silently, entering the room on the opposite side of the wall. Inside was a motley crew of Night Watch members, awaiting their first mission in several months. "As you may well know, several of our.. [i]informants[/i].. have discovered supernatural activity in a small town not far from here." He tossed a folder onto the table at which they were seated, papers falling out. "They have found a large group of undead taking out the civilians, and at least two Puppet Masters have been spotted. Your mission is to quarantine the area, and eliminate any opposing individuals." Cracking his knuckles, he turned and headed toward the door. He turned back and said, "It's a level 5, so watch yourselves out there." He left the area, his boots echoed through the hall and were heard inside the room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [/i] Needles prepped himself for the upcoming mission, placing his needles in several holsters on his body. He cracked his neck and stepped back from his locker, closing it and turning around. The others were preparing themselves as well, grabbing weapons and armor, whatever they needed. Turning, he left the small room and went to the loading bay, awaiting everyone else.
  5. Well, at least someone responded.. Thanks, I like the demon clown as well. He's my favorite character I've come up with.
  6. I'm not really sure what I'm going to be this year. Probably a random assortment of odd articles of clothing that I have. It might end up being similar to my assassin character, which is based of the Anthro character from Phantom Dust.(if you know what that looks like) If I go as the assassin I'll probably wear it to NoBrand this year, if I'm still going. As for holiday, It'd have to be Halloween. Then I actually have a reason for being weird like I always am.
  7. [B]Name:[/B] Gabriel [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Object binded to:[/B] Puppeteer's Marionette [B]Appearance:[/B] 5' 8", medium build, medium length brown, messy hair. no visible scars. Wears a hoodie covered by a simple suit coat. Jeans are black and not too big. Feet are covered in a pair of black DVS brand shoes. [B]Bio:[/B] Typical day, nothing out of the ordinary. The carnival was in town, and he was there. He planned on bringing his sister, but she was sick, so he went to win her a prize. She was always interested in puppets, both creepy and not. So it wasn't a big surprise for him to be studying one of the puppets when he was binded to it after staring at it when the carnival closed down. [B]Personality:[/B] Absolutely cherishes his little sister. He would do anything for her. She's been sick on and off her whole life, and doctors don't know why, so he's always been there for her. He promised to win her a prize from the carnival and instead was binded to it. [B]Other:[/B] Only wants to get out for the sake of his sister.
  8. Well, this topic was dead before it started..
  9. It's totally my alter-ego, Gabriel Sebastian Valkanas, though other sites it's just Gabriel S Valkanas, but here it's shortened to GSValkanas. Haha, yay me.
  10. [quote name='chibi-master']Eighteen and getting your piercings in school...well, I suppose it sounds a bit better than, "I'm 14 (or any other smaller #.) and get piercings in school!".[/QUOTE] Heh heh I guess.
  11. [quote name='chibi-master']How the heck old are you...:animedepr[/QUOTE] I'm eighteen, why?
  12. [quote name='chibi-master'] Do ear piercings hurt? [/QUOTE] Not really. I've got several and not one of them hurt. They kind throbbed after the fact but never actually hurt. I say get one, and if you absolutely can't stand it then don't get anymore. ((Of course, this is from a guy who's done all his piercing, even the lip, in school.))
  13. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]I'd tell you to just stick with the Joker or do the red text "Why so serious?" [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I never thought of that.. Thanks, I'll keep it in mind. I actually know i guy who gauged his ear with a pen, so I laugh at him. Haha, Phil, haha.
  14. It was dead before it even started. Should I give up on this? Or give my sign-up and wait?
  15. Okay, it seems like no one else is going to sign up, so should we start?
  16. I've got my left ear pierced twice. Gonna do a third one soon. My right ear is healing up after a few botched piercings. After it's done, I'm going to get to rings in the lobe and an industrial through the cartilage up top. As for tatts, I want to get on of Heath Ledger as the Joker, and his Birth- and Death-dates underneath on one shoulder. The other shoulder is going to be some design dealing with the Leo symbol, whether it be in calligraphy or just variated from the original. Anything else I'm not sure about. I want to get my eyebrow pierced and get snakebites, or what my friend wants, which is three across each lip, then have them sewn shut.
  17. I don't really have any real nicknames. People online usually call me Gabe or Gabriel now. Outside, though, people generally refer to me as 'freak' for the dark clothes I wear and my short-temper. I used to be referred to as Outkast or The Jakob(for my previous usernames). My brother still calls me The Jakob, actually. On here I used to be TheRebel_Nikolas, but that doesn't matter anymore. Friends nicknames, we all call my friend Brad Furby. Someone in our group misheard his name when he introduced himself and thought he said "Furby'. I call him Cooper for no special reason. On occasion I call him B-Rad.
  18. Tripps. Which aren't exactly the best pants. They're overly expensive and they rip easily. But they look cool, so I'm okay with it. I wear just about any tee with a slogan or odd saying on it. Black, of course. On occasion I wear blue jeans and a polo, which is totally not me, but it's comfortable.
  19. Hey. I laughed, I was just too busy reading replies to actually post anything up til now. Recent events have lead me to believe that no one would miss me if I were gone. My family doesn't even know when I'm gone as it is.
  20. I like their music. It's okay, I guess. I have their first cd, but I don't really listen to it all that often. I suppose if I actually had something to play it in.. never mind. Anyways, I like that it's different from most music today. And the videos are sweet.
  21. If I were to be drawn in a comic, I'd look similar to [URL="http://inu-pro.deviantart.com/art/Assassin-96247907"]this..[/URL] It'd be a fantasy-type manga in which I stalk the main characters, then they later find out I was related to one of them. Or some other twist like that. Underneath it, I guess I'd have medium length messy hair, be about six foot, and of course, skinny as most manga char. go(that I've seen) I'd wear something really out there, or at least extremely different. And it'd be black, of course.
  22. Name: Unknown Code Name: Needles Occupation: Sniper/Lookout Primary Weapon: Large needles used as projectiles(long range) or knives(close range) Secondary Weapon: None Special Ability: Teleportation Description/Picture: [URL="http://inu-pro.deviantart.com/art/Needles-31029871"]Needles[/URL] History: A paranormal anomaly found on one of the Watched earlier missions. He was raised not really knowing who he was, but that he was different. Extras: None.
  23. Okay, so, If you were to not wake up tomorrow, would you be remembered? What would you want to be remembered for? If I died, I'd want to be remembered for my artistic abilities, and hopefully that I was a good friend.
  24. Okay, so I couldn't come up with a cooler name than this. Haha, laugh at me. Based in the Old West(landscape, citizens) yet you do have some technology(weapons, vehicles, electricity) You are a member in the secret organization known only as "The Night Watch". What exactly does it do, one might ask. Well, it watches the night, for one. But not only that, it governs anything supernatural and out of place. Things that have recently been appearing in the mostly tranquil west. (Vampires, demons, lycans, everything.) It is your job as a member(new or veteran) to work closely with you Watch mates, keeping them out of trouble and making sure they make it through a mission. Terms: Levels: The seriousness of the mission. 1 - lowest, 10 - highest. Quarantine: Take out all hostiles. Puppet Master: Basically, a necromancer, controlling the undead around a mission site. Clean Out: Evacuation of the citizens. Sterilize: Blowing the place to H***. Yeah, I like it too. The Tank: The transporter that will get you too and from the mission site. Decked out with all your weapons stashed inside, plus, machine gun/rocket launcher up top. Skellies: [B]Name:[/B] Cool, but not too out there.. [B]Code Name:[/B] What you're referred to by fellow Watch members [B]Occupation:[/B] Place on the team(bomb technician, lookout, etc.) [B]Primary Weapon:[/B] [B]Secondary Weapon:[/B] [B]Special Ability:[/B] Anything supernatural about your own character.. [B]Description/Picture:[/B] [B]History:[/B] [B]Extras: [/B] Anything I didn't mention(like are you siblings with another character) Oh, and you can be an enemy, if you wish. (Up to three characters, one must be good)
  25. I'll post mine as soon as a few more people sign up.
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