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Everything posted by cletus
A long time ago, from a land whos people are long forgotten, There came a man, who stood alone amongst the flames, who would alter their destiny forever. His name was lium, and he will forever be known as The Knight of Eternal Fire. Join him in his journies through the land and you will eternally be remember and reveared as a hero for all of man kind. :demon:
Lium grumbles and looks at the elf standing behind the table. "I was foolish to come here at all,".Lium rises to his feet and takes a glance about the room, chuckling to himself slightly as he leaves.He continues down the hall and slips past security and out the door. "I don't need this." he twists his head and it cracks a little. "especially from an elf". Lium travels down through the mountains till he reaches the first town he sees, noticing it has lots of people, he slips in and waits for night fall. He thinks to himself "Soon.. I will have fresh blood". After night fall a drunk stumbles out of the bar, and lium starts his hunt. The drunk sings happily to himself, all the while lium silently follows him through the shadows. After a few moments the drunk turns into an alley way and lium smiles "good." he the turns down the alley and closes in on his prey.. his eyes glowing an omnious red,peircing through the darkness at the man, who is now shouting in fear.. "Quiet friend, this will all be over soon". He says as he calmly walks towards the man, cowering on the ground. He reaches out his arm and picks the drunk up by the scruff of his neck, pulling him towards him. He sinks his fangs in and blood pools slowly into his mouth, as he greedily consumes it.
ooc : note to all, I said nothing about any of that thing, I Thought it, read carefully..
A tall man dressed in black slowly enters the room, making no sound as he silent opens the door. He stares at the man sitting behind the desk and grins slightly, bearing sharp points of teeth behind his lips. Lium:.. So .. , this is the fortress of the almighty "resistance".. he laughs again and looks around at the rag tag set of people looking around, spotting the half breed he growls slightly.. "half breed,you should never have been sired". After a moment he calmly takes a seat and looks around the room again, pushing a lock of black hair out of his eye.. He thinks to himself, " how are these people going to stop Janus? I have no quarrel with either of them, I have even sided with Janus on occasion, I have no interest in any of these stupid mortal matters, except the fact that I may soon get to feast on their blood...".. he licks his fangs and bites into his lip softly , allowing blood to pool down into his mouth..
Yeah, when do we start, I've been away for almost a month and this RPG still hasn't started.. and I've been eager to play it, it sounds really good to me.
Marcus:*looks up thoughtfully* I know how destroy the sword. *scratches his head thoughtfully* uhh.. Akira:Think hard retard! Marcus glares at Akira and slaps him on the side of the head. Marcus:I just have to remember.. we have to travel to the Mountain of destiny... there, we must find the cave fof good intentions... and in there there is the lava spring of purification.. its there it can be destroyed, though it is heavily guarded. Akira:Some one was thinking hard when the came up with THAT name.. *Kool shakes her head* Marcus: I want you all to know, I wasn't volutnarily fused with Tenebrion. and what I did when he was part of me was completely agains my control. *Zach Nods*
*looks down at the blood pooling out of his body, he grabs Siren by her neck and throws her aside.. all he can do is gasp.. but to your amazment the wounds start to heal slightly* Tenebrion:*gasp* gah, you think you would kill me that easily?? I am the brood.. *gag* and.. *tenebrion suddenly slumps over as a black aura eminates around his body.* Tenebrion:ARGH!!!!!!!!! *Tenebrions form changes suddenly and two figures appear, one disstinctly human and one distinctly dragon* ???:Stupid Human? why did you seperate, ???: I don't want to fight any more Tenebrion!! Tenebrion(Dragon):Marcus you fool.. has your concience finally caught up with you and all your Evil Way?
OOC:Mitch, I don't think so *tenebrion dodges in a blink of an eye and knocks the sword out of AKiras hand, catching it in the air and pulling it towards his body* Tenebrion: you can not kill me that easily. *tenebrion gives Akira the most cold hearted glare straight in the eyes, they being to change to solid black, then in a flash they return to normal, and a crooked evil grin appears accross his face* Tenebrion: You have stared into the eyes of insanity, .. and you have engorged yourself apon it young Akira Rigfield
*tenebrion picks up the sword and growls Loudly& Tenebrion:THIS IS NOT THE SWORD *tears it in half *Tenebrion flaps his wings and goes off after the group, after a few moments he lands,the dragons growl and he lets out a sinister laugh* Tenebrion(Dragon):Ohh , little dragons.. I didn't want to have to make you do this, but your little akira friend has gotten me mad.. now.. Come to me.. Creed/Kaii/Wind/Sirus:Yes... Yes... we.. will come to you... Tenebrion Chuckles as the ground moves towards him. Tenebrion: now.. attack. *Evil smile* :devil: *The group of dragons move towards Zach,Akira,Sere,and Siren and they are all but helpless to stop.. Tenebrion(Dragon): You will not let them survive at any cost..
*marcus stares at Zach oddly then pushes his bed to one side and rolls out a sleeping bag on the floor* *zach looks odly at marcus* Zach:What, too good for the school beds. Marcus:naw, the floor is more comfortable
Tenebrion: **FLASH** UGH!? whats this power? *tenebrion holds his hand to his healing wound and stands gingerly to his feet.,* Tenebrion: Its Mother!! *tenebrion sets of into the air after the dragon queen*
ooc:sorry, didn't know we couldn't be teachers, I'll come up with a new char.. sorry.. *A young man with Short black hair, set up hastily in spikes walk foreward, He Is dressed in long black shorts that go down past his knees and are torn at the bottom,He wears a pair of black combat boots that go up to his calf on his feet.his evenly proportioned torso is shown off nicely with the black Shirt he wears, the sleeves have been torn off at the shoulder, his hands are heavily covered in bandadges, and he wears black gauntlets.* I guess this home sweet home *sigh*.. *he looks at the number on the door and slips in the key, unlocking it* ???: Uh?! Who are you.. Marcus: The names Marcus, and yourself ???:Zach, the names Zach.. Marcus: pleasure to meet you zach
*dodges zachs Missile* Chietan: excellent you know at least 1 spell *dodges another one of Zachs slashes* Chietan: when you doubt your power zach, you give power to your doubts. Zach: what ever that means *continues to try and hack away at Chietan, finally landing a blow, cutting through his shirt and making a small gash in his arm* Chietan:good, That is enough. *runs his finger accross the wound and looks at the blood on his finger, he greedily licks it away*
Chietan burrows his head in his hands Chietan: ugh, your both pathetic, and since you will not fight, then I guess I am training two warlocks this semester.. Zach + Akira: YAY! Chietan:Zach, since you seem so full of yourself, fight me now, you may keep your weapon , and we will see who wins
As Tenebrions wound gets worse and worse, he is unable to move Tenebrion: Mother! why have you foresaken me so?!
Chietan: well then you have a slight advantage don't you, and we can't have that. Chietan stares at the sword as it glows slightly and is weight increases by 5 pounds Chietan: now , lets see how you do like that. Chietan glances at akira, Chietan: you have no clue how to fight do you boy? Akira(stutters slightly): No, no no, sir.. Zach grins, thinking how easily he can win this fight Chietan glances at Zach: well we can't have him having too much of an advantage. Chietan looks at akira, and a shield beings to form around him.
*glares at akira as his eyes flare an even brighter red* Chietan:Akira, Zach, Spar NOW *throws a sword at Akira's feet* Chietan:winner gets to stay in the class, the other dies *chietan watches carefully as the two begin to spar*
Chietan: Zach! Come a long, WE HAVE LESSONS TO DO *zach follows the vampire up the stairs , once they reach the top Chietan picks up two fairly light wooden moch up swords* Chietan:You will first learn to fight. then you will learn spells. *zach nods obdiently* Chietan: there is no, room, for mistakes, you will learn everything you know to perfection, and then go beyond that. Do you understand.
Cheitan: Zach, I will be your teacher for you first class *Cheitan jerks the cross around his neck slightly seeing smoke rising off* Zach: where did you come from ? Cheitan: Never mind, follow me. cheitan and zach walk up the main set of stairs to a large stone room at the very top, there is no one else in there Cheitan: now, your lessons in the dark arts begin
Name:Lium Race:Vampire Age:256(21 when changed) Weapon:fangs and a quarter staff. Bio:Lium is constantly searching for his next victim, he trusts no one after being turned and was taught nothing of vampire ways, He has the magical ring Of Deamoal which allows him to travel in sunlight with out being damadged Description:6ft 5, Medium build, dresses in black, though occasionally may wear a red t-shirt underneath his trench coat. wheres steel toed blood stained combat boots,Short black hair and an Irish accent
*tenebrion holds a hand to the wound on his hand and lays down on his back in pain*
*from all about the room MUAH HA HA echos around* aerick: so what if he does?!
The drunk then leaves the bar, once he leaves he stops his drunk act and stands errect, he pulls up the sleeve of his shirt and presses on the watch, "Mission complete sir, Akira has been assassinated". watch:Good, you can now return to the future. *The drunk dissapears in a flash of light*
*out of the grotesque assortment of creatures filling the room, a man begins to emerge from the crowd, he is garbed in a coat of the blackest night , and all that can be seen beneath his hood is glowing red eyes. He seems not to walk but to bob along in the air* ???:I think I can help you..