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Everything posted by LoveAnime18

  1. I'm feeling a lack of love for YYH right now. So I will change that by posting here. I can proudly say YYH is my favorite anime. Hence my custom title here. XD YYH is my favorite series since I feel it has the perfect balance of action/ adventure, comedy and romance. Not to mention the characters are well-developed and the fights usually don't last more than an episode or two. The only fights that last longer is when Yuusuke is facing the big cheese. But of all those battles the only one I can think of lasting for more than 2 episodes is when he faced Suzuki, Toguro and Sensui. Not to mention there are some good plot twists. And how many series do you know start off with your protagonist dead? DBZ just kills them and brings them back to life in a few episodes.
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