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Everything posted by Jeremy

  1. [SIZE="1"]all your videos make me laugh, but the pizza one was probably in my top three faves. I was dyyyying laughing haha. Very nice work Gavin [/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE="1"]jigglyness definitely deserves this. the value totally makes you focus on the soldier crying, and that really gets the message across regarding war. I agree, no text is necessary, it's very clear. The images are good quality and the black and white is perfect for it. [/SIZE]
  3. Jeremy

    project GODHEAD

    [SIZE="1"]Zev instinctively pulled the lightweight laser blaster from his back, ready for a fight, "I have no intentions of making this thing sing. It'll be too busy choking on its own blood." DeMeeko was wielding one of his favorite knives, a twelve-inch blade with a lot of teeth, perfect for causing a blood mess and a slow death, "I love it when you talk like --" DeMeeko's words were cut short by a crash of the beast's arm between him and Zev. The blue, scaly arm was so large that it blocked Zev's view of DeMeeko entirely and could be mistaken for an organic wall. As the beast was so gargantuous, it moved quite slow. Before it was able to withdraw its arm, DeMeeko took his chance and jumped on the arm and jammed his blade into the rough flesh while Zev fired blasts at the creature's face. Zev maneuvered all over the place in order to hit every angle possible, "This thing isn't going down too easy. It seems our weapons are only an annoyance to the beast!" As Zev continued firing blasts of intense beams, the creature, which seemed very agitated now, flung its arm around with DeMeeko clinging on for dear life. DeMeeko, with great effort, finally pulled his blade free and tried using it to climb closer to the beast's face. "Ya think? It's barely phasing it!" Just then, the monster lashed its tongue out at Zev and did something neither of the men expected; it wrapped Zev up in its tongue and picked him up into the air. Zev's right arm and gun were pinned to his side under the immense muscle that was a tongue, but thankfully his left arm was free. DeMeeko was slung off of the monster's shoulder and thrown to the ground with a loud thud. The drop caused him to land on his blade, which penetrated three inches into his side, "Fuuuuuck!" He slowly got up and withdrew the blade, and as he held his side with one hand, he used the other to ram the blade into the monster's gigantic foot. Suddenly the monster roared and slung its tongue around, though it still held onto Zev. As Zev was flung upside down in the air, his knife in his boot fell out and he caught it; he then jammed the blade into the tongue of the creature, which then released him, but no, he did not fall to the ground. Zev held onto the creature's tongue and with his other hand fired blasts into its mouth rapidly. The monster screeched and screeched, finally drawing in its tongue with Zev still hanging on, and the mouth closed. Zev could be heard yelling from inside, as well as rapid shots of his laser rifle, but the beast did not open its mouth. DeMeeko, who didn't even notice what had happened, was scurrying around to avoid the monster stepping on him. He was about to stab the monster again when he noticed it had stopped moving. The creature's eyes grew very wide and its stomach expanded, right before exploding guts and slime in every direction; down fell Zev from the creature's now opened mouth. Zev and DeMeeko watched in awe as the monster fell down beside them with a massive crash, its eyes rolled back into its head. It wasn't moving, not at all. The life that was the monster's had been extinguished. DeMeeko looked at Zev with curiosity on his face, "What. the. fuck." Zev grinned and held up a few grenades, "At least we know these things work." DeMeeko smiled and sheathed his knife. Zev strapped his gun to his back and the two of them wiped the slime off their shoulders and continued their trek through the dungeon, "Let's just hope that's the only one of those fuckers."[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE="1"]Here's what I know, and what I believe. Make of it what you will: Evolution simply means change, and it's pretty much been proven that things do change over time, and that survival of the fittest is true, etc. Darwin's theory is the most accepted theory and rightly so. Anyone that believes Curvier, Lamarke, Buffon, etc. is in my opinion, crazy haha. There are some wild theories of evolution, but Darwin's theory makes complete sense and is not an atheist view, so I go with that. As far as humans are concerned, you all probably know that a looong time ago, around Kenya most likely, chimpanzees and humans split off from a line of primates and the humans were neanderthals (powerful but very stupid). After migrating slowly, after a few thousand years, mankind was in Asia, Africa, and Europe. During the ice age, the Middle East became impassable and there were three groups of humans. Once the Middle East was passable, humans killed the neanderthal group, etc., and we are back to one group of humans, and this group of humans had intelligence, art, etc. These humans moved all over the world eventually, and speciation began to occur, but then people started mating with other groups of people, and speciation is even being reversed still, so that eventually people think that most people will be medium-brown, which is what we began as. It's really quite complicated. For a good example, read about the finches on the Galapagos Islands and their example of geographic isolation and speciation. [/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE="1"]Yeah, why thank you. I'll post up more work (mainly digital) in a few weeks probably.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE="1"]thanks for the feedback. I get a lot of people saying I should lighten/darken the eye, but the fact is, the bright light that shone on her face caused her eyes to look like that, so because of the lighting it will remain as is. But I can understand your thinking. Thanks again![/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE="1"]just a prediction, nothing's for certain of course.[/SIZE]
  8. damn, jigglyness entered. if i had time i'd do a new one to step it up. I predict i'm going to lose lol
  9. [SIZE="1"]Seems that it's going to be just me and Cat again, haha. Best of luck cat.[/SIZE]
  10. [IMG]http://i33.tinypic.com/2ugoz85.jpg[/IMG]
  11. Jeremy

    project GODHEAD

    [SIZE="1"]Olwe and Gillenbo led the two supersoldiers down the dim, damp hallway that seemed to last forever. Olwe spoke as he walked, "What you're about to see is the Treasures of Devon. Once you see this you may understand why we are so determined to have a revolution." Olwe stopped and turned to face the two strangers. "This room contains paintings and scriptures from Lord Devon himself, explaining what has happened and what must come to pass. Please, do not touch anything." Olwe unlocked and opened the door and led the men into a very large and spacious room, which was only visible after Gillenbo had lit all of the torches on the walls. DeMeeko and Zev looked around, and DeMeeko expressed his surprise, "Wow. Wow. This is a lot of stuff!" Gillenbo smiled, "Yep, and it's all extremely valuable." Olwe's face grew stern, "It may be very valuable, but we would never dream of selling any of it. It is far too important. But come over here and let me show you the scripture that tells of GodBot." The three men walked over to where Olwe was standing. He was standing in front of an enormous illuminated manuscript with gold leaf on it. In the ancient tongue was it written, and thus Gillenbo was unable to read it, and Zev and DeMeeko couldn't read it without an electronic translator, which they weren't about to pull out. Zev spoke up, "I don't think we can read that." Olwe grinned before replying, "Not to worry, friend. I will narrate this prophecy for you. Listen up. [I]And on that day, Anora will know peace for one century. This time will be known as the Age of the Swan. The swan, which was killed by the tiger, comes to an end. The Age of the Tiger will then come, and it will come in the form of the reign of a terrible man. This man will come from far away, and with him he will carry things most foreign; what he wields will grant him great power. He will use his power aggressively on the people. Many will die, just as the swan died. This time will last for an unforeseeable amount of time. To end this reign of evil, fire must be fought with fire. The evil man is not invincible. Once the tiger's reign is over, a new swan will reign, and peace will be. So it is. -- Devon of Anora[/I]" After the story was told, there was silence. Finally though, Zev spoke, "Fire must be fought with fire. Hmmm..." Olwe answered, "Yes, meaning that the GodBot must be fought with his own power. This is our dilemma, Zev. We must find people that have the power that GodBot wields. You say you are foreign, so we can only imagine that you carry weaponry that this scripture speaks of." DeMeeko and Zev looked at each other uncomfortably. They knew that Olwe was only making an educated guess about their weapons, but he had no clue how powerful they were or what they were capable of. They still didn't really trust these people. DeMeeko spoke, "Look, we would love to help, but we've really got to be on our way." Gillenbo spoke, "I thought you said you had to lay low for a while." Zev brushed his hair out of his face, "Our business is none of yours'. We really do need to head out. Thanks for the hospitality though. Can you show us out?" Olwe smiled. "Do you seriously think we can just let you leave after what we have shared with you? Oh no, my friends. That's not an option."[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE="2"][SIZE="1"]I agree with Dragon Warrior on this. Greed does often get the best of some people, and this guy was making so much money every single day, and that's a temptation that's hard to resist I'm sure. But yea it is good that they're cracking down. I never did like spam : p[/SIZE][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE="1"]There is no story behind this one. I just got bored and made it. Thanks.[/SIZE]
  14. please critique [IMG]http://i36.tinypic.com/33uxu2d.jpg[/IMG]
  15. [SIZE="1"][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbDUa0yMCjo"]The Debate[/URL] I've watched the debate, and my summary is: Sarah Palin equals queef quacker[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE="1"]Understandable; I see what you mean. If only I had put a heart in there lol[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE="1"]Haha, so the only problem with mine is that I have a cliche phrase in it basically, and it's fundamentally incorrect how?[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE="1"]sunfalle, thanks for the critique, though you know sigs don't really have to have borders : p[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE="1"]"Voting will be taking place until Friday October 03, 2008 @ 11:59 PM PDT" It's only the second. But I'm fine with that : p[/SIZE]
  20. [IMG]http://i36.tinypic.com/33nxame.jpg[/img] designed for my digital imaging class.
  21. [IMG]http://i36.tinypic.com/359xudy.jpg[/IMG]
  22. [SIZE="1"]Yeah, I agree that the text sucks in mine lol[/SIZE]
  23. The hair is good, I'm just saying that with copic markers the hair could look so much better, such as making more intense shadows and lighter highlights etc.
  24. [SIZE="1"]These are really nice, only thing I'd work on is the hair and the features in the face such as the eyes and their placement. But that shouldn't take long to improve on. Nice work![/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE="1"]Not too bad for a beginner (brings back memories). You should look up anatomy tutorials, study drawing books and practice drawing from life, and of course draw daily and you'll be sure to improve drastically. Keep up the good work.[/SIZE]
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