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Everything posted by Jeremy

  1. [SIZE="1"]1. Learn principles of design 2. Use better fonts 3. Add effects At least you're making an effort to make banners, that's a step in the right direction. I'd advise you spend a lot of time browsing tutorials for GIMP and also learn about typography and composition, and color theory and whatnot. Good luck to you.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE="1"]I'm excited to see this story come to life in comic form! You have a great style in your drawings that's gonna make this a good read, and yeah, you know I'm stoked. The character sketches look good, and the first sketch page is tellin' me, hey this thing is in the works for real. Good luck on kicking off this first graphic novel of yours and you better let me know when page one is up : p[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE="1"]I've been drawing for as long as I can remember. I've always had a passion for art, and I've never wanted a career in anything but art. But when I was in seventh grade there was a girl in my class that was exceptional at drawing, and better than me (she always drew anime-style drawings). Well I became inspired by her and decided drawing was something I seriously wanted to get real about, and so I started drawing from anime. I drew a good many DragonBall Z portraits and whatnot, and made my own comics that were basically ripoffs of DragonBall, haha. Eventually I realized that drawing was something I was exceptionally good at, and so I embraced it and drew many different things. I began to paint a little, but drawing is what I've done more than anything. Lately I've decided graphic design is the best field for me to pursue with my love of drawing and design, and so I am now a sophomore in college for graphic design and I still continue to practice daily to become a better artist. I use books to study from and take reference from and I draw and use Photoshop on a daily basis, and I don't know if I really believe in mastering an art. I believe that you can't really ever stop becoming better and better, and so I'm going to be drawing and making art until the day I die. [/SIZE]
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