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Everything posted by Suikojin

  1. I got into the office with my fiancee. I think it is a great show and it always makes me laugh or at least make me smile. Steve Carell is such an arse, but so funny at the same time. I don't watch it on tv though, I just wait for the box sets to come out and watch them then. So I have no clue what is going on this sesson.
  2. *Laughs* I had the same feeling toward this band also. I heard them on the radio with one of their singles and nearly drove my fist into my radio deck. I had no idea they wore masks though... seriously? Masks? Ugh... They actually came out to Vegas a few weeks back for some radio concert event. Glad I didn't go.
  3. I want to get this for the PS3 when it comes out. I plan to pre order to get that Ryu headband thing too! I haven't played this in the arcades yet but I am really pumped about the game!
  4. Suikojin

    Persona 4

    [quote name='Animepunk420']This game is pwnage my favorite Persona thus far right now im steadly lvling Yukiko & Kanji also I want my rank up with her but for certain things to say or do I need more courage & diligence, diligence im workin on can some1 tell me whats the best way to get more courage[/QUOTE] Also do that rainy day challenge in town when it is rainy. That levels up a lot of stats including courage. Also a lot of the books you buy in the book store at the will raise your courage.
  5. I am not too into the comedy or romance with anime but I did just finish Ergo Proxy and they have a lot of funny little moments mixed into the series between the two main characters. This anime is pretty awesome though, I love the art style.
  6. I am looking forward to Street Fighter 4 to come out for the PS3. Even though Ryu looks like a big monkey. Resident Evil 5 is also a must have when it arrives. I am not that huge of a RE player to be honest, but my fiancee is and now I am caught up in the story of the thing. Final Fantasy XIII is also on my list of game to want.
  7. Hmmm... right now I am playing [B]Persona 4[/B] for the PS2, which I am having some fun with. For the PS3 I am still going strong with [B]Little Big Planet[/B], but have lowered my playing of [B]Eternal Sonata[/B]. For the Wii I am playing [B]Animal Crossing[/B] and started to play [B]Mario Kart[/B] again. My DS has [B]Final Fantasy Tactics A2[/B] inside and [B]Dragon Quest IV[/B] is waiting for its turn.
  8. Suikojin

    Persona 4

    I got this game and it is really fun! So far I like the battle system and the use of these Personas. The only thing is, as I continue through the game the characters start to get on my nerves. Right now I am at the part where Rise is about to appear on the Midnight Channel. Hopefully Rise is a cool character.
  9. This is the game that got me started on playing RPGs. It is also the first RPG I bought. Every other one up to that point was just rentals. Anyway, the game is great and I am so happy they remade it for the DS. Everyone should get to experiance this gem of a game.
  10. jw that was a kick *** story! i luved it. u had brilliant discriptions and made char u can get into! i hope ppl did read it, if not they missed out big time!
  11. jerry signfeild(cant spell it) and i like the amazing jonathan too! but dana carvy is probally my fav!:laugh:
  12. i like: 1)feris bullers day off(classic) 2)hackers 3)american pie 4)friday the 13th 5)swordfish
  13. that movie was great! im from vegas and i luved it! o and julia roberts plays the wife of the casio owner she is also the ex-wife of george cloony, so it gets kinnda funny how george gets the casino guy back! u have to see this movie, it great!:raspberry
  14. -meanwhile- V!*aka vegeta* and his angel aeris along with there friend DD, were at there new home resting after there mighty battle with the possesed DD! V:hey angel, im going to practice my katana skills!*the very skills tought to him by JW!* aeris: kk!^_^ DD: SPOONKIES! V:ummm.....coo coo! as V, practices his katana skills he wonders about his new friend an ally JW. and if he is alright, and if his quest for the legendary masamune with has caused us all so much grief was nearly over or was it just beginning! V:*V glances back at aeris and DD* good grief! aeris is in a fit of laughter as DD is doing some sort of chicken dance! V just laughs! V: its good to have peace! at last!
  15. -as the war wages on gotei, sits alone on a far off mountain top meditating! wondering if this is how his parents died all those years ago. then in a explosion of pure rage gotei charges up!- gotei- MOTHER, FATHER, I WILL NOT DIE! I WILL LIVE ON IN UR NAME! *crimson light blast through his )V( symbol* -destroys mountain top and goes to meet Li on the battle field- new power level: 5500!
  16. very good point but i think kefka is the best villan!:D *does chickin dance*:laugh:
  17. yeah i agree it was a great anime but it could have spent alot more time giving u some feed back on the char! but it still is coo coo! and kamui is totally flippin coo!:cool:
  18. any body see the anime "X"! i have, and i must say it totally rulz! if u have seen it tell me what u thought if u havnt and want to know what its about just ask me!:whoops:
  19. well i got my info from the official square web site. so i know it will be released earlier than expected! and i dont know about everyone else here but i never belive things unless the official person or persons has says so!:demon:
  20. name: Gotei! age:19 power level:3500 bio: very mysterious! parents were killed in war and never knew who they were! but has great warrior instincts! looks:6'3, hair like vegeta, and wears crimson red saiyan armor! and has a )V( sign on his head!
  21. my fav music is punk, rock! [COLOR=green]GREEN DAY IS THE BEST![/COLOR] incubus is also coo coo! i dislike rap and pop! it doesnt appeal to me!
  22. that is true! i head it from the Playonline web site for FF! but what concerns me is if there rushing the release a little! i know alot of companies rush out certain games and the game suffers! i hope this doesnt happen to FF10! ps. THE WORLD IS SQUARE!:cool:
  23. well i know suikoden 2 came out in america in 1998, im not sure about 1 though! it has 108 diff playable char in both games, there are also the traditional rpg fighting style and a tactical fighting style(like war type games), u have ur own castle that u can build up, both games are based on an old asian legend about 108 warriors, and the game was published by konami! hope this answers any questions about the game u guys have! so whats ur fav char in any of the suikoden game?:cool: :demon: fear the )V(
  24. has anybody here played the suikoden series? i have and it totally kicks arse! its my fav rpg next to the ff series! the story line is great the char art is great, hell the whole game is great! and i cant wait for suikoden 3 comes around on PS2 anyway what do u guys think of it!
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