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About pfisland

  • Birthday 05/01/1991

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    I'm a pretty cool kid.
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  1. "No one likes you, Otto. No one likes you. And no one ever will." Please tell me what kind of sick, sadistic middle school teacher would say such a thing to a perfectly normal sixth grade boy? That stupid school dance was the only thing that mattered to me then. All I wanted was for a little girl with brown hair and green eyes to pull me aside and say, "Otto, I really would like to dance with you. Would that be okay?" Sure, I know. I'm not the most attractive person NOW, but at the time, I wasn't fat, I didn't have clubbed feet, or dandruff or anything. And that brown haired green eyed girl was NOT the prettiest girl in the class! I wasn't aiming too high! She was IN MY LEAGUE! Stupid Ms. McFarland. And her stupid glasses that bobbed up and down on her stupid neck. She found me crying in the closest after the rebuff of the brunette girl and I was naive enough to ask her why no one wanted to dance with me. That's when she said the immortal saying. The comment that haunts my dreams and my every waking thought. Maybe that was the day that I became the low-self esteem bum I am today. Maybe Ms. McFarland is the reason I question every step I take, every joke I laugh at, every thought I think. What a hell of a life I lead, where sixth grade was the peak. Middle school is a drag.
  2. I'm going to have to vote for Mr. Blonde. Vicky's was confusing, and wasn't developed enough. Mr. Blonde's was mysterious, and I'm glad he didn't let everything out. Plus, a suicide letter is a creative way to do something that could become cliche.
  3. I'm certainly a fan of pieces that paint a picture for me. DeLarge.
  4. I'm interested. sounds like a good idea.
  5. Though this was refreshing, unexpected and all in all great, I feel like continuity could get a little soap opera-like. You're a first-rate author, be careful is a sequel is in the works.
  6. hey, I'm pretty new here, and I was wondering if someone would be awesome enough to make me an avatar/banner set. I love the anime Case Closed and Yu Yu Hakasho, but music is really my passion. Favorite color is red, but I'm up for anything.
  7. a little off in proportions or not, you have talent. I love the spread awareness one, and the wings being a little small works in it for me...I think that it's really all for aesthetics.
  8. I'm gonna just start off by saying that I love this game, mostly. I played the original when I was a kid, but I didn't do it incredibly often, so I'm not a total expert. I've really just been playing two player with a friend, just having fun, and I haven't really tried for all of the cups and stuff. So today I decided to do that. I was absolutely infuriated. At one point I had to put the game down. When I'm in first place and get hit by a blue shell, I get aggravated. but when I'm in first place, with the finish line in sight, and get hit by a blue shell, a red shell, a pow box and a lightening bolt in succession, and subsequently, finish the race in third, I just get mad. There are serious flaws in this game. Item distribution is insane and sometimes stupid, the courses are too short, and the courses that I remember as a kid are so adapted for the wii that I can't even recognize them anymore. Nintendo really needs to step it up.
  9. alright. this was a productive half hour of my time coming up with these. in general, goodbyes kind of suck. I'm still in love with you. very sick puppy needs good home. child in jail for premeditated murder. depleted energy supplies threaten all life. sleep deprived, now I can't eat. realization of life means pending death. anthrax covered fries served in cafeteria. I embrace what all others fear. years later and she hasn't matured. our mother always loved him more. severed head found in bowling bag. he died seven years ago today.
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