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Jax Rhapsody

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Everything posted by Jax Rhapsody

  1. A fully capable psyhcic meaning Pyrokinesis(including lightning), Telekinesis(talking to people like Mewtwo does is dope), terrakinessis, control of weather, control of other people, Magnetism, psychokinietic energy and shields, meta physical beings and attacks. ANything I'm missing? Control over elements(water, earth ect.) and periodic elements( Titanium, Radon etc.) And my Favorite Control over vehicles.Where they can come to my aid(Johnny 5 style), I can change them(like that guy in that anime with the guy nicknamed Shell Bullet), and able to be apart of it and alter its phsyical properties to be a Mech(transformers/ Power Rangers style). Call me Grease Monkey.
  2. WHy not a regular quick reply where its actually a quick reply? I dont understand why you must activate it. It's not really a quick reply if you cant just click in the type space and type. Plus I can't find the button anymore or i doesnt work.
  3. I remember Thundercats. I want a model that Halftrack they called the thundeertank or whatever
  4. Its been a long time since I was in school. But I hope to return to college and then leave town to go to a better college to imporve on my talents.
  5. Surprised he lasted 5 years. Gasoline is said to be acidic and I really don't know or wanna know what it taste like. I didnt want to know what antifreeze taste like(Mountain Dew) but that comes with the territory. The smell alone should deter drinking it WIll power aint got nothing to do with that.
  6. I hate it when SHows have either a charatcter voice change over or a artist change over. EVen if(speaking of one american cartoon episode) they aren't on their own show and have a cameo on another such as when Mystery Inc. Was one an episode of Jonnny Bravo. Or when I guess the second season of One Piece. Where the hell did they get those voice actors, I'm used to having the same five familiar voice actors that have been doin American Dubs on every imported anime since 1988.
  7. I don't know if Outlaw Star is underrated or not, but it was too short.
  8. Lupin the Third is always watched by me when it airs. PokéMon and Monster Rancher, Ronin Warriors, Gundam Wing. Good shows. Megaman and Sonic were two of the first anime I ever seen I mean the original Megaman not that crappy **** they aired on the WB last year. I used to watch the original Transformers. IT wasnt Anime but I love ReBoot, that and Double Dragon.I am a vehicular enthusiast so Speed Racer is on the list. Aswell as Tenchi, Card Captors Sakura and Sailor Moon. Some of these shows remind me of my youth and others bring back forgotten memories(what is this Big O!?) I have.
  9. After MY first Vehcile a 91 S10 BLazer got broken into I dont keep anything in them. I did keep my detailing stuff in it. In my Mustang I have it's rear louvers, driverside dash pice, replament tail lights, replacement seatsa and halo headrest, big of R/C cars, and a few other things like 4 or 5 jacks. Just cause it isnt streetable. When it is I wont keep anything in it accept for maybe some driving gloves. No food or drink, smoking. I'm gonna get a Head unit with a built in hard drive so no CD's.
  10. Wow they can jump four feet. Only big dogs for this Laviathan.
  11. I was just joking but thats good to know. Sometimes I think about starting a band but I'm just gonna stay with cars.
  12. Jax Rhapsody


    Let me see My number one right now is MF DOOM(aka Madvillian, Viktor Vaugn, Nastradoomus[with Nas], DangerDoom[with DangerMouse], Zev Love X[when with KMD], DOOM) but I also listen to Lady Sovereign, BLack Eyed Peas, 80's Early 90's non-Gangsta rap, like Digital Underground, Arested Development, Refugees, Common, Nas, Papoose, Royce Da 5'9. Check out Stones Throw records. SOmetimes its not all mainstream or underground you need to look for. Most of those Rapp is not music people just dont understand it and are poopheads(for filtration of the profane term) as all rapp is the same as all rock is the same.
  13. Your just trying to find ideas for your band arent you? For my band: a set of turntables and/or a beat machine, a drumset with a ported and solid bass drum, lead and bass guitar, keyboard and dijerido. Music: a multi-genre attack, mainly a rapp/rock combo like Areosmith and Run-DMC did, like lame Wayne and whatever band ha had got to play did. Given a Gorillaz type sound with a bit of House or techno, hint of Lady Sovereign, and MF DOOM.
  14. If I said all rock musicx was the same, I would get flammed. Same for rap. As amatter of fact rap came from hip-hop. HIM, RJA, and Wolfmother are different, TO be really indept with music I can say thats like saying MF DOOM, Lame Wayne and BEP sound the same. I love Rock but I can tell you which ones are beyond my comprehension, I can tell you black as I may be Gangsta rap is nowhere near my favorite. I try to listen to different stuff which ends up in me probably liking atleast one song. Theres atleast one country song out there for me, there are some R&B soungs I like. I just hate it when people lump stuff in as a whole.
  15. I had a dog I basically grew up with, from elementary to sometime after high school when I lost her. She ran away during a T-storm which was not something she has ever done. I dont think I ever want another dog. I do want a ferret though.
  16. Sometimes people dont get what they want so they cheat. Its all about what people want and dont want sometimes. If its sex then its like pretty much give and take like a relationship period. Your partner doesnt do what you want them to do, but its unfair for you than your not getting your sexual rhapsody. It's also unfair if you try and make them do what they dont want, which is pretty much a Catch 22. I want my fiancee to suck and swallow(spit, swap whatever) but she doesnt like it. I'm a real kinky person and she's not. Why should I hafta go back sexually? Why should she do something she's not accustomed to? It gets to a point where I will find it elsewhere. I'm not gonna force someone to do what they dont want to do, I also deserve to reach my peak of kinkiness. You wanna make each other happy but dont want to make yourself unhappy in the process. Give and effing take. This is just in relation to the sex part. I'm starting to get pissed off thinking about it. I'm not saying its right, I'm saying if people wouldnt be so selfish it wouldnt happen as much and that goes both ways too.
  17. GM is about as crappy as any other company. I've seen many imports go to **** just as I've seen many domestics. Besides GM may be having trouble here but albiet Holden and their other companies such as Opel are doin fine.
  18. I already own a Mustang. A 1981, but I'd love to have a 73. I want another 1st gen S-10 Blazer. 98+ Crown Vic, 69 Charger Daytona, 71 Vista Cruiser, 73-85 Suburban K20. To name a few. WHatever it is minus some offroad vehicles, it needs a standard, cause I am tired of automatics.
  19. Afros are the shiznit- Cowboy Bebop, Bo BoBo, DBZ
  20. I usually eat ceriel whoever the hell you spell it. ANyway I may even eat pizza if we have it. I gotta fast metabolism gaining mass more than body fat. I dont believe in the not eat such and such at this time or whatever. And theres nothing like whole milk. To me that 2% crap is glorified water.
  21. [quote name='Sara'][size=1]That seems a little...harsh.[/size][/QUOTE] Naw, they deserve everything they get. They have no respect what so ever.
  22. Anyone read this? I found it in Borders today and it looked interesting. It appears to be the only isue they own and I dont know what issue it is. it said 801 on top the spine, I really hope theres not inexcess of 800+ volumes to get. Thanks for the help guys. [color=darkblue][size=1]Remember to use the Edit button to add on to your posts instead of creating a new one right after. ^^ —Kei[/color][/size] I like how everybody jumped on this one.
  23. Peoples heads grow largely and/or they have these sharp pointy monster teeth when angry and it seems perfectly fine- Tenchi, Bleach and 95 percent of any anime with any level of sillyness People tend to handstand or headstand when they faint.- MOst anime I've seen that wasnt super serious like Blue sub6 or GITS
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