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Everything posted by Jax Rhapsody
Since Suncoast stores AFAIK are nolonger in this state or existance, ITs a lil harder to find hentai. Porn shops dont carry it and Suncoat and FYE were owned by the same place. Now FYE halfass carries te grunt work of what Suncoast did which was sell movie and movie related stuff. This goes with anime and TV series and Porn. I remember trying to save up for the set of Hack and Slash figures(if you dont know them, shame on you!) that I didnt get when I was a kid. ANyway I went in blind and eventually bought Beast City, got BC2 at FYE after Suncoast dissapeared, I've been wanting some but no money or knowledge of which ones are actually good and have more nudity than Beast City(its like a HBO anime series, just enough). I need 1 to get the rest of beast city and 2 find better porn like the screen shots seen online.
Thts a perfectly good excuse to teach them how to respect privacy. I wouldnt want to see myself on TMZ not because of a movie I made but because I was seen sneezing or changing a tire. Not that I watch that nonsense.
Ways To See If Your Boyfriend Is Not Straight
Jax Rhapsody replied to Raiha's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Magus']That is a lie and a half. I don't think guys should ever watch shoujo. (don't let my opinion stop any of you that do.. I may question you in the back of my mind a bit :)) The only reason I happened to stumble across a shoujo is because comcast didn't put up a description of a series (I think it was Gravitation or something.) and I was bored and curious (deadly combination), so I checked it out, saw two guys kissing, turned it off. (wanted to stab my eyes out) I don't think I've been able to see straight since then. X_X Raiha, sorry, but he's flipped his switch.[/QUOTE] WHats wrong with two guys kissing? SOme people I tell ya... -
Monologing is a great way to destract an opponate while you regain your energy and possibly think of what your gonna do next- Naruto, DBZ, few others. If you have thee know how and the ability you can make your 50cc scooter run at 60mph and fly- FLCL
Find myself scting out driving cars that I draw. Making the noises(really good at it) and shifting. I do this alot when I'm tryiong to picture how my mustang will handle or sound as I write down mods. Sometimes I dont know I'm doing it and if I get caught I get mad when people wont leave me alone about it.
Ways To See If Your Boyfriend Is Not Straight
Jax Rhapsody replied to Raiha's topic in General Discussion
Your probably not gonna be able to safely come out and ask him. Although he may not hav ebeen reading it. Probably just curious by the tittle. I have been known to randomly pick up mana just to see if theres nudity in it. -
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
Jax Rhapsody replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
Sometimes I forget how long I've been watching a show oe how long its been re-aired. I feel old remembering Toonami and when adult swim first started. God I hated those cutscenes of swimming pools and old people. I'm actually surprised they arent sticking DBZ/GT in a slot or Cowboy Bebop. With the aception of ATHF and Robot chicken shoul;d go fully anime. I can remember when Inuyasha first aired on AS a good almopst seven years ago around after they droped those depressing swimming pool scenes. Trigun was ending for a second tiime, Cowboy Bebop was on and they took a hiatus from DBZ for a month or so. Ya know what, I think I caught DBZ on during the daytime sometime between Feburary and now or is that my oldness kicking in? -
HOw could there be a FMA2? IIRC didnt [spoiler]Ed kinda die in the end and it went back to the beginning when they;re mother was alive and Alphonse was a only child[/spoiler] that is if I watched it right.
[quote name='Ryuzaki40']Hey, I was wondering if I could ask a favor. I'm starting a nostalgia critic-like review, which, for those who don't know, would mean I review good anime, and then review bad anime and make jokes about them, criticize them, and point out flaws. I was wondering if anyone here could give me some anime ideas that most otaku or anime fans in general consider bad or controversial. If anyone can help me, I would greatly appreciate it. Here are the requirements: 1. The anime must be dubbed. 2. The anime must be online, like on Youtube, where I could download it free. I prefer to get the anime free over buying it, especially if it's a bad anime. 3. The anime CANNOT be hentai, yaoi, yuri, harem, or overly bloody or pornagraphic. Some examples of what I wouldn't want would be Gantz, Bible Black, Elfin Lied, or anything else that, using common sense, would be considered innapropriate. 4. The anime can be a good or bad anime. 5. For a bad anime, 4 or more of these things would make it bad enough. The more these things on this list are in a certain anime, the better it would be to review. These things are: Lack of consistency Strange or out of place lines Plotholes, the bigger, the better controversial material bad manga to anime or anime to movie adaptations unfunny or akward jokes that leave an akward pause jokes that, when listened to a second time, sound threatening or sound like they're referencing sex.(especially if the anime is for younger kids) For a younger kids anime like yugioh or pokemon, scenes of extremley deppressing dialouge, situations, and especially REALLY depressing music (like death note's sad music or naruto's sad music) For a younger kids anime, lots of violence or implied violence (such as during the pokemon movie, where mewto burns the lab, where you can infer that he left all the scientists to burn alive in a horrible death. A KIDS MOVIE!) For a 4Kids anime, there are three words: CENSORSHIP CENSORSHIP CENSORSHIP! It would also be good if the censored and uncensored version are online. (such as the infamous 4Kids version of one piece) Jokes that seem to be ripping off other anime or other shows or people (especially when ripping off bad anime or people or shows) situations, lines, or characters that seem to be ripping off other anime/shows/people References/jokes about real life, espescially when they aren't funny (like in the pokemon movie, where ash mentions the minnesota vikings) Jokes or happy lines that show up right after something horrible happened. (for example, let's say that naruto was murdered, and then it goes right to a party. Kinda like that) Akward editing that leaves you wondering what happened. A lot of coincidences ( like how in naruto where he always is hit and hit and still has strength to fight, or a very powerful or scary or bad *** monster being beaten easily or quickly) I know I said it before, but I'm saying it again: LACK OF CONSITENCY aka PLOTHOLES! PLOTHOLES! PLOTHOLES! Especially from episode to episode, season to season, or even from one part of the episode to another part of the same episode (like unexplained charecters showing up at the last minute to help in a fight or using powers that you never see them talk about or use before) ONE VERY IMPORTANT THING IS EXPOSITION. IN A MOVIE, SOMETIMES THEY EXPLAIN THE STORY A BIT FOR NOOBS TO CATCH ON, USUALLY USING FLASHBACKS OR EXPOSITING IT THROUGH THEIR THOUGHTS. BUT SOMETIMES, THIS MESSES UP, AND THEY GO AND EXPLAIN AND EXPLAIN AND THEY TALK SO MUCH AND TAKE SO MUCH TIME SETTING UP THE PLOT AND HELPING NOOBS CATCH UP, YOU GET BORED BY THE TIME THE ACTION STARTS, OR YOU DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO ANYTHING ELSE. Fake climaxes, such as in Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, where the trailer builds up this HUGE suspense to who this hidden guy is, and then they show it's Rufus RIGHT AWAY, so there isn't any build up or fun in guessing. Last, but definitely not least, UNAPPEALING VISUALS. This can be bad desgin on the part of the editors ( like movements that seem impossible or stiff) as well as lack of voice talent on the part of voice actors, that don't convey enough or convey too much emotion ( like sounding happy during a horrible situation, or seemingly not caring about someone's death, or caring too much, like having so much emotion in their voice that it sounds like it was completely faked). PLEASE MAKE SURE THE ANIME YOU RECOMEND HAS 4 or more of these things THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP PS. I might not be able to review Akira since it's rated R. Also please don't mention anime that everyone knows will suck, and they don't expect it to be serious ( like Bobobo bo bo bo bo) Please don't mention one certain genre of anime, since you might like what others don't, like don't mention sci fi, western, horror in general. Mention specific anime. THAKN YOU ALL![/QUOTE] If I read this right, should you even be here? EDIT: I can kinda see some peoples age in this thread. I tend to watch certain stuff and when it comes on again I'l go why in the **** did I ever watch this ****? I remember back in the day all the shows where pretty good. You cannot beat 90s TV. The WB and Fox had good lineups, Then WB came out with Fraturdays. IF I woke up at 12pm on a Saturday and/or Sunday I'd be mad as hell. DBZ just got played out for me, I did watch GT and Dragonball and they all where just too boring to watch especially when CN would reair episodes for no reason. It's like Krillan told 18 he loves her what is she gonna say, then Bam the episode where Goku is just beginning to fight Freeza airs or some crap I didnt like the new Sonic, the original and Underground was better Same with Megaman. I remember when CN used to air the original Speed Racer way in the morning had to be like 4am. I usually love watching the Mech anime, but that one Gundam where they where like these tiny chibi like things and led by a cheap looking Wing 0 sucked badly. Then we cant forget TechTV also aired anime, they might not have gotten through asn entire season of anyshow besides RODtv(which they must loved as they aired the movie and whatever other show thats related). I got into Gadgaurd but they didnt air it all or I missed it alot. But back on subject BLue sub 6 was boring even though I had the odacitry to record it on VHS. The movie I did, I think either way it sucked, Witch Hunter Robin sucked. I missed to much of BLood+ and started getting confused. Deathnote got boring although my finacee liked it. Ahh it was the Blue Gender movie I think I recorded, it and the series sucked strangely GITS a much similar like show, I liked. I'm gonna say thid proudly; I want Cubix to reair. And Reboot although its not anime needs to come back 1st to last episode showing every episode in order, gotta make that clear for CN, they dont understand a series has to be aired like that sometimes.
Thank god only 3 areas in KY are stopping.
I've gotten my fiance into certain shows. She liked Death Note and Pokemon better than InuYasha. SHe was all indeath note too bad it was like the last four episodes. Im not sure how she felt about cleach. Before we got cable we watched my Outlaw Star DVD set. I planone getting Trigun and a few others. Like ZOids and Gundam Wing. I had to explain to her how not all anime is kiddy. I think the first thing we watched on TV was FLCL talk about a short anime for all those complaining in the Trigun thread, would you rather have 28 episodes and a fully understandable series or 5 shows of xonfusion? I think FLCL should've atleast had a movie.
There hasnt been a new book in a while. I know I was in I believe the 10th grade when I started buying them and just last year gotten the last one out They arent here so I cant count how many I have. I'm not sure if Avatar is completly finished, Nick and CN often slack on series. Example would be Samurai Jack. I got all 12 chapters and the first two volumes that are like the first six episodes.
I can understand this because only certain chain stores carry it. When Suncost movie stores were closed in the malls here, the sister store FYE took one the role and they dont sell even half of what suncoast did. Some stuff they dont sell Then you have Best Buy and Borders or if it hasnt dropped the name completly AKA Hawley-Cooke(showing age here) book sellers. Online will be the only choice for some stuff. Beg mama and daddy to order it for you. It really does suck. But thats how its getting with the world and thats the only way I got my Daria box set.
[quote name='Ace'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]PFFFT. The concept of sin exists because the concept of God exists. If anything, God is what makes you take responsibility for your actions. I could make just as strong a point about Athiests not having to answer for themselves because they're not looking forward to any eternal consequences.[/FONT][/QUOTE] I'm not necceserially an atiest but I still dont see how such a creature could exist in this diminsional plane or this planet or what have you.
I love Trigun. I have yet to buy the tv series, But I watched it everytime it airred. I think I have alll the Manga books but I'm not sure.
I never was a big candy eater, my holloween candy would last till about close to when holloween came back around. I do love gummi candy and when I was a kid the big thing was those warheads which everyonce in a while I see them. Mist recent was I think at a gas station last year and at Kings Island in 2006.
I couldt find the blog entree. The way I see it is the reliance and belief of such a being was given as a last hope and a way to not take blame for their own actions. FWIW why believe in god and then dissmiss the greeks and romans gods as only mythology, all these religious gods came from the same place a persons mind.
I think I'll link a blog for my response later.
I thought this was about Lord Black Cat from Trigun.
I think some of them depend on age and lifestyle. When I was younger I had a crush on Ryoko and Andriod 18. up untill about probably 3 or 4 months ago my otaku page was unchanged cause I forgot about it.
Ahh anime best cartoons I ever saw. And in no particukar order(well the order I can rember them) what so ever. Trigun: because characters like Vash are dope. I love his coat, attitude and hybrid Me.Te.Ba./Dessert Eagle revolver. I want one just like it. Its just too good and to short of a series. I will eventually own it. Tenchi Series: One of the top shows I'd watch. Ryoko is a hottie hot hottie. Theres just something about this series I love. I have often caught myself daydreaming myself into the cast, usually as Ryokos brother, lol Outlaw Star: theres nothing like space based shows and this is the only oneI've seen with te unique way of fighting ships. Gundam Wing aswell as other series, except the series with the small ones that was more of a kiddy show. Sailor Moon: as ths was one of the first ones I've seen Card Captors: See above. Pok 'e Mon still has a place.(The time I need the accent over the "e" I cant recreate what I accidentally do majority of the time typiing) Big O: CN wont aire the second season so I need to buy it. i just love anime with giant mechs, I have seen a few but can't remember there names, I think another is Gad Gaurd. Megaman: original not the new one Sonic the Hedgehog: Not that new one but the first one and Sonic Underground But back to giant Mechs, Transformers is always a classic. Lupin the Third: Always a good show. I still can't believe how old it is Speed Racer: Car show, I am a gear head, go speed mutha suckin go! Others, I've seen where pretty good: FLCL: I wat5ch it whenever it airs ROD TV: was good and the movie that was from it or the anime its spun off from or whatever. Samourai X: was good I like the series with sords and other extreme weapons Bleach: I watch it. Samourai Champloo: I wish I coulda seen it from start to finish. .Hack//Sign: I want this Then there where some I really didnt like but watched anyway: Blue Sub 6 Witch Hunter Robin Shin Chan(refuse to watch) Cowboy Bebop(not that bad, just CN over did it) Theres also some I kinda enjoyed: Monster Rancher(yeah anothe digimon/pokemon type show) Digimon Zoids Also I recall a giant Mech anime that aired like an hour or so before Kids WB, but didnt last long, in the 90's before the era of "fraturdays".
Atheists Send a Message, on 800 Buses
Jax Rhapsody replied to Rachmaninoff's topic in General Discussion
I see no problem with it, showing you beliefs of disbelief, either way I'm no athiest, dont think religion is the way and would love to have that bus for a sick RV. -
[B]Actually when I first opened this topic I was thinking of gadhatesfag.com. Back in high school the program that censored certain websites either automatically or by how many times it was visited was through a special website(like Muzac for schools) and that url was in a list of examples. Anyway yeah thats real cynical humor at the least. I bet the inside joke has to do about how fun it is to piss people off. I think I may make this my second blog post on blogger.[/B]
[quote name='NinjaGirlSango']Hm, I'm not too fond of soda in general, but I like Mountain Dew and Root Beer the best. I love my tea, grapefruit juice, and pomegranate juice. You are aware that many of the people here are underage, aren't you?[/QUOTE] You are aware that people of all ages love Dave Chappel, aren't you?
Music What genre of music do you listen to?
Jax Rhapsody replied to sweetpeach14's topic in Noosphere
So many people hate rap/hip-hop. tsk tsk I grew up on rap and hip-hop I love the stuff, not all of it but most. Rock I like to listen to usually whats being played on the radio and then I discover stuff that isnt. and just cause its on the radio doesnt mean its the mainstream. I listen to regae top favorite regae artist is Ini Kamoze and Shaggy. Electronica and techno thought not very much, same with house and DJ not that chopped and screwed crap just turntables remixin and refixin. Pop ever since N*SYNC and Backstreet boys. Sometimes I even pop in Vigilante8 2nd offense and play its soundtrack. I would love to get some anime open and ending themes. I do not however listen to any religous crap, R&B, jazz and similar, country or those old songs like the isley bros.-that crap. Another thing I love is car songs wether its 49 mercury blues or top back.