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Jax Rhapsody

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Everything posted by Jax Rhapsody

  1. MF Doom: Vaudville Villian, Mmm Food..., and probably OPerationDoomsday I havent bought it yet. Train: Alive at Last Gorillaz: Self tittled and Demon Days Beach boys: dont own any yet but I have Little Duece Coupe on my iPod. Little duece coupe you dont know what I got, well I'm not braggin so dont put me down, i got the fasest set.. sorry sorry got carried away. Ofcourse theres Matisyahu, Lady Sovereign and DMX. Third Eye Blind.
  2. Pop, soda whatever you call it I drink the reds. coke, Dr Pepper, Big Red, Red Flash, Red Creme soda,Root Beer, Mr Pib and the like. Dont like lemon/lime sodas or diet pop. Other than that; kool-Aid, tea normally mixed with milk or apple juice, milk(red top not that 2% or whatever watered down butter crap), fruit juices, energy drinks. Beer is good and other alcohol by products. DRINK SAMUEL L. JACKSON BEER, ITS GOOD!!!!
  3. I go by Jax, Jax "The Laviathan" Rhapsody The web never ask for a middle name but it's Lazzo. You can google me if you really wanna know where I run around at. I've been on MyOtaku for years, I think since 02 or 05 and I had forgotten about it so last year and the year before I had gotten on it once last year I joined this message board after kicking mysewlf in the *** for not joining it when I joined MyOtaku. I could have had 2000+ post by now and have all the Anime info I want. I hail from Louisville,KY the Gateway to the south. You can find me on MyOtaku I think under AnimeSovereign. I joined back when I was using multiple names for different sites most of them were Sovereign monikers. If I could change it I would trust me. MY main thing is the Automotive industry. I often draw and design cars but I'm trying to get back into drawing people, so I can draw anime better. I'm a driver by trade but thats not what I do. I'm a black guy, part time goth, full time bi, doing whatever it takes to stay away from the ghetto thug mentallity. Engaged to one sexy lady. My favorite anime is Trigun, Tenchi series, and ofcourse back in the day was Sailor Moon and Card Captors. DBZ actually I used to like it but constant rerunning kinda played it out for me. Can't forget Lupin The Third, Gundam Wing series, Zoids and Transformers. Outlaw Star and Big O(grew on me) are some good ones. I have many other message boards I'm on so hopefully I won't forget this one. You'll find out about me if you pay close attention, visit my links and etc. Just dont release the Rhapsodic Laviathan
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