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Everything posted by jannycats

  1. I get the exact same problem.. It's really frustrating since other people can make it work but the rest of us have to just sit here and wait for some sort of fix. I know that the problem isn't the web browser, I've checked it in the latest versions of FF, IE and Opera. I really hope someone can help.
  2. No, that's not it... Thanks for trying to help anyways.
  3. *sigh* I'm really sorry for making one of these apparent obnoxious threads, but I've searched the boards and haven't found anything to help me. The thing is that whenever I try to edit anything on the profile/ style/ whatever from myO and hit the Edit My Profile button, I get the usual message that confirms my changes, but as soon as I return to see these changes, everything resets. Nothing I write or change stays changed (yes, I've changed from "off" to "on" almost everywhere). I hope I make sense... Thanks very much in advance.
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