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About RiaBinx

  • Birthday May 31

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I reject your reality and substitute my own... Hihi I am a true person. Humans are a bit on the 'we're soo smart' side.
  • Occupation
    Student, independent person, random acts!
  • theOtaku User Name

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  1. I know the person in the picture. It's Link off of the Zelda series, but he is changed up alot.
  2. I have lately been crazy about Code Geass. In fact, I finished the first season in two days. R2 won't be showing until next weekend on [Adult Swim]. I will probably change my desktop by next week. [URL="http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n65/angelcat09/MYDesktop10-24-10-25-1.jpg"]Current wallpaper[/URL] I've made these on photoshop, though they're not that good... [URL="http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n65/angelcat09/UnearthlyFlower.jpg"]Glowing Flower[/URL] [URL="http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n65/angelcat09/Notes.jpg"]Notes[/URL] [URL="http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n65/angelcat09/newspaper.jpg"]Newspaper clippings[/URL] [URL="http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n65/angelcat09/FallFaeries.jpg"]Fall Magic[/URL] [URL="http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n65/angelcat09/fairy.jpg"]Honestly, I have no idea why I made this one. I hate it.[/URL] [URL="http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n65/angelcat09/DarknessClaws.jpg"]The first wallpaper I made.[/URL] [URL="http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n65/angelcat09/Dad2.jpg"]Orange vs. Blue[/URL] [URL="http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n65/angelcat09/Alchemy.jpg"]Best if you like Full Metal Alchemist[/URL] All of these are wallpapers. If you want them, you can use them, but don't claim them as your own.
  3. Well... ( I don't have much of a family). I went to the store & got some new soap. I really loved the scent. But when I bathed with it for the first time that night, as I was getting ready for bed, my cat jumped upon the bed and bit me. I got up, thinking she needed something, like water or food and when I got into the bathroom, she attacked my feet. I then sauntered back to bed, she followed me and didn't get on the bed, but slept on the floor all night long.
  4. Hey! I am bored out of my mind and I am in the mood to show off my desktop, which I will probably have changed by tomorrow, or like my password onto it, (that I greatly need to change) It will not change until next summer. Rate everyone's Desktop 1-10. Lately I have been a huge fanatic of Code Geass: This is what becomes of watching one whole season in two days [IMG]http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n65/angelcat09/MYDesktop10-24-10-25.jpg[/IMG]
  5. I really dislike and distaste and whatever word you can come up with for hate: [I]Fruits Basket [anime][/I]: I mean, my god. I think it is a sappy anime. I read the manga and I think it's better than the anime. [I]Inuyasha[/I]: Melodramatic. Over-Exaggerating. All people that I know that either hate or love anime decided it on THAT anime and that anime alone. It pisses me off because I have to literally get people that have seen only that anime and hate it, they automatically hate every anime, I have to show them the other anime that is out there. I think it should've been cut from [Adult Swim] instead of Blood+. [I]Pani Poni Dash[/I] I have no idea where the writers brought that up from. But, I do know one thing: they should've kept it in that place.
  6. I love the series, but the R2 has yet to be aired on [Adult Swim] here in America. I read that is airing after they finish the last episode of the first season. I already finished the first season, but unfortunately I can't find the english or Japanese version of episode 1 on r2.
  7. I am in a cosplay group and my Crew are ALL FMA characters. I am the awesome human Al Elric Brittney is Ed Elric ( i don't like it, 'cause she's 5'4" and ed is only 5'2") Brooke is Roy Mustang (SHE should be Ed 'cause she is 5'2" exactly) I luff Ed, and Al. Mustang is weird. Ed is a Chibi (little person)
  8. [CENTER]I had to watch that movie for band 'cuz we were playing that crazy woman's song, which I [i]think[/i] (not sure) is your answer, [i]Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious[/i] , or however it's spelled. I am thinking of someone who is a complete otaku and she spends most of her time either online, or reading manga. She almost never does her homework, or brings her books home. She only crams before a test. [spoiler]Not here[/spoiler] [spoiler]or here[/spoiler] [spoiler] Cheater![/spoiler] [spoiler]FINE HERE's A CLUE Lucky Star[/spoiler][/CENTER]
  9. My name is Miranda I am May-May( juilia) Binx(larra, alex, sam, ashley, ross, Juila, mason) Murmurrr( larra) Randi (Lee) Manda (sarah) Panda (only by my parent) Monkey (only by my uncle) Buddy( my step- sis megan)
  10. I dress like a guy. T- shirts with sometimes rude meanings. Blue jeans. Worlds or Vans. Sweatshirt all year. But when it is picture day, I wear a pinstripe shirt. Maybe a necklace.:animesigh
  11. Hihi I'm RiaBinx Or Ria Or Binx I enjoy writing stories and eventually it will be the death of me. I hate quiet (I am serious. I have a loud fan in my room and when I go to my only girl friend's house I need to sleep in the boys' room.) I love the paranormal. I love Stephen King books. I like to walk around the block when it gets dark out. I am tainted by alcohol because I asked what it tasted like. I love crime channels. I used to like Inuyasha (anime not him) But then I watched Blood+ and I watched that for 3 weeks then my mom found out it was rated M, so I had to stop. Now I watch Death Note every weekend I can. I am going to take a vacation this sunday. Yes, most of my friends are guys, because guys aren't as vicious as girls are if you don't call [i]every flipping day[/i]. I am a Kingdom Hearts addict I've already beat the first and second one about 17 times each. I won't say no to a dare. I have a fear of guns. ( I personally like swords and knives better)
  12. I had acctually done a report on the wolf- dog hybrid for school and now everyone is terrified that they will move down the coast and reach us, but it is unlikely because it would take a long time to reach us. [QUOTE]I've seen all those before, so none of them scare me. Anymore. I like watching vids like that in the dark when I'm alone. Then when I can't sleep at all the rest of the night. I love that feeling.[/QUOTE] I like watching vids like that alone and in the dark too, but my cat always ruins it.
  13. It depends on my mood, I might want pretzles, though I perfer the original ones, or I might want sunflower seeds or bannanas.. SunSeeds are my favorite.
  14. My sister was making some Pina Colodas (non- alcholic), when she put in some orange juice ( I didn't know), I asked her after my second cup why it was so different tasting, she said that all she put in was the drink mix and orange juice, so I just said, lets not put any orange juice in it anymore. Later my dad says, "oh, I forgot to mention, don't drink the orange juice, it is a drink mix Peggy and I mixed up." I had felt light headed after I had finished with the Pina Colodas ( I had about 4 or 5 cups ), now I guess I know why.
  15. I will most likely die young because of my terrible luck. That is why I am getting my awesome short stories to magazines before that happens. Or I will die in about four years due to my sister constantly spiking my favorite drinks. I would wanna know before it happens, so I can go to Japan... I wouldn't mind being kidnapped as long as they take me to Japan.
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