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Everything posted by Mewmewlover55

  1. A project from college.. the assignment was in groups of 4 to create a 3d model about a text. I forgot the text's title, but it was about a guy who turns into a bug and his life is basically destroyed. So we made like a rotting decaying sculpture with bark and leaves and hot glue etc. Then we had to photograph it, choose a photo and draw an individual picture. soooo here's mine done with charcoal :3 [img]http://i48.tinypic.com/2vvja5d.jpg[/img]
  2. [quote name='chibi-master']You ask for critique, but I see no room for it!:o I absolutely ADORE the first realism! To sum this up: You make me feel like crap...:animedepr But in a good way!;)[/QUOTE] Awww lol XD Thank you ;_; *glomps* ehh? I don't wanna make you feel like crap *head desks*, even if it's in a good way XD lolz
  3. The banners look so awesome! Everyone and everything up there is indeed very nifty :3
  4. @Gome- OMG WONDER BALLS *spazzes* Those were amazing. Yummy nestle chocolate with candy shapes inside :D *shot* Anything with chocolate and I'm there. Oh, and Nerds too, those are good :3! lolol Boo so would be the instigator for this thread X'D
  5. Lets see what we have here :animestun 1. Paper 2. Index Cards 3. Shoes 4. extra blanket 5. a calendar 6. A pillow 7. A cat >.> 8. Text books.
  6. [quote name='chibi-master'] One time, my friend tried to get me to flash for beads. I stuffed his head into a nearby trash can instead. [/QUOTE] Hehe I loled :D I actually had no idea that it was a holiday, so I dont have anything planned ^_^''' Hope you and anyone else who plans on doing something that day has fun though :3.
  7. I think out of all of them my favorites would have to be the 6th one down and the last one :3. I really like the colors and all of the patterns. I love everything with massive amounts of color >.> *dies* I also like the numbers you put in there too. I duno if there's a purpose to them or not, but they're a nice touch :D The last one, in my opinion, looks so much better in full view (on ur dA). It's still nice cropped, but I like it so much more with the full background. It's a wonderful style and the patterns and lines you put in are really great :3 All of them are indeed awesome, I just liked those two the most ^^; ~Rachel
  8. Congratulations Sherr!!!!! Your sig was amazing (I voted for you in the thread hehe >D). The vector is gorgeous, you really deserved it ^_^. Jigglyness congrats also! All of the sigs in this hall of fame here are quite awesome indeed. Boo, hurry up and think of the next theme, I wanna enter again :D!
  9. Hiya people :3 I did this for the contest over on theOtaku. It was to create the mascot, Spikey, or the hat on the logo in a valentines day theme :D. I know the hands are a little iffy and everything, but still, please critique! Spikey and the bunnies done with copic sketch markers. The floor was done with prisma colored pencils, and the background was done with photoshop :3. I can't remember the website where I got the fireworks brushes from, but I give credit to the guy who made those brushes XD they're sick. [IMG]http://i40.tinypic.com/2m2jkgg.png[/IMG] Hope you guys like it ^^ ~Rachel
  10. I gotta vote for Sherr. The vector is freaking awesome : D
  11. This might sound odd... but what if you tried to mix the two :O possibly? You can use a more realistic approach in things that you find to be cute. Or You can keep working at both of them and see which one you like more, kinda what like Boo is saying :D. or... You should probably work at what ever you enjoy, but something that also gives you a challenge so you can keep improving :3. [SIZE="1"]wow i fail at advice XD haha[/SIZE] But when you start drawing, post your work here!! I wanna see :D:animesmil
  12. [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I can't really critique banners/sigs that well because I don't really know how to make them... but I'll try and give my input XD. The one that I like the most would have to be the Kos-mos one. Probably because of all the different colors and unique designs, even if they are tiny. I also really like how the character is inverted o,o It probably wouldn't look as cool if it wasn't inverted like that XD. I just think that the red circle behind the words might be a little too bright :animestun maybe lower the opacity a little? But that's just me XD. The other banners are awesome as well :O Just this one caught my eye the most XD.[/FONT]
  13. Usually I go play piano, but if I'm in school I'll just daydream or doodle :D.
  14. Oh XD lol. The big eyes are all throughout my stuff so don't eat my head off :animecry: lol. I'll post more soon! : D [quote name='SaiyanPrincessX'][SIZE="1"]When I said that wasn't my anime style I didn't mean I don't like the anime style as a whole, lol. Just not that one. ;) Post more, now. :p[/SIZE][/QUOTE]
  15. Art forum ftw :D! I'm glad that you like the realism ones!! Aww thats okay. Not everyone is a fan of anime art. Hopefully I can draw some more realistic stuff to post, but as of now I only have anime left ^^''''. [quote name='SaiyanPrincessX'][SIZE="1"]More people need to visit the art forums again! I really like your realistic pieces. And I think I like your second one the best. The shading and highlights are beautiful, and the grapes look very edible. Lol. I don't like the anime one as much, but thats because its not really my 'anime' style, so thats a personal thing.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!! I've never been captivated by still life either O_O''. I think it's just one of those things that are done to practice technical things? (Had to do it for college stuff D'X). Aw dang. I like drawing massive eyes hehe. I wanna try and incorporate more of the realistic coloring in the anime though. Like maybe shrink the eyes down some... but I'm obsessed with the big eyes hehe. We all have our different preferences, indeed. I think the main trick with copics is coloring really quickly and layering. If you color quickly then you won't that much blotting and stuff. Thanks for your critique! :) [quote name='Ezekiel'][SIZE="1"]The realism ones are absolutely stunning! I think I like the one with the little girl the best, for the detail you put into the wicker basket and her hair. The second one is amazing, too, but I've never been as captivated by still life, even though I can appreciate the skill. For the anime one, I'm not as hot on. I think if you can carry off realism to the amazing level you can, it would be nice to see it implemented in a more cartoony style, rather than going pure anime with the big shoujo eyes and the sparkles. Like SPX said, that may just be personal preference, though. I do, however, envy your use of copics. I can never understand how people manage to make them look so soft and well blended. The hair especially is lovely.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]
  16. Heh. I fail at creativity... but I wanted to enter :D! Happy Valentines day! [IMG]http://i41.tinypic.com/6iu3k6.png[/IMG]
  17. I have three worlds ^_^ 1. One world to just update about life. 2. A non-existant contest world... which I should probably delete but I need the info so I dont forget to do the prizes (uber delayed). 3. A featured artist world to show off people's work. I'm obsessed...:animesmil
  18. I don't mind PDA. Unless it goes too far then.. erm.. GET A ROOM KAYTHANX! Now I'm remembering all of the PDA rules they made on our marching band field trip. Oh boy did that fail... But, yea, anyway. If it's just like little cute-sie stuff than it's fine for me ^_^.
  19. Chibi-Master- I really liked your story. I could feel the emotion from the characters you created. I was really surprised at the end. . . I wasn't expecting them to die :animecry:. But anyway, I like how you have the child's spirit still somewhat floating around in the house (I think you meant for it to be like a ghost kinda thing?). I really liked your story overall :D. Anomaly- Your story was so awesome too!!O_O. I really liked the way you wrote it and your descriptions were amazing. I could picture the whole thing from beginning to end. I twas really well written. I'm going to vote for Anomaly. I really liked both stories, but Anomaly's stuck more in my head. ~Rachel
  20. INDI !!! :D Thanks so much for commenting :O! I can't draw kittehs to save my life. I should try and practice them sometime though >D. I will work harder on those hands! I tend to fail at hands X3 *piles 100+ fishes on you* [quote name='Indi'][FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Indigo"]MEW! =P I love the first one with how you added in puppy's. For some reason I was expecting kitteh's from you though. I wonder why? Heh. The second is just nicely done and yes my comment is rather tiny since other than to say the shading looks great... I don't know what else to add. The third looks great too. The only thing that seems off is the proportions for their hands. It's like the fingers are a little too short or something. Anyway, excellent work Mew. [SIZE="1"][I]*piles kittehs on u*[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] I agree with you, the puppies don't really have that much in them. I should probably go back in there and fix that (will bring the picture home from school >D). I don't think the reflections are really working out in the middle bottle, but I kinda like them on the bottle on the left. Reflections are indeed hard D'X. I'm glad you like the flower tho :D Oh yes, those hands XD. I'm definitely working harder now on drawing hands ^^; but I totally see what your saying in the picture. Thanks so much for your critique!!!!!!!!!!!! [quote name='jigglyness'][size=1]I really like the first one. The shading on her dress is really well done. I feel the puppy's need a little more work on compared to the girl. For the second one, I feel the reflections on the glass objects aren't quite convincing enough but all around not too bad. Reflections are really hard, especially for me. I really like the flower though. Nicely done. :] I also feel that the fingers on the anime one can be a little longer to be more proportional to the body. In general, hands are about the same size as our heads. It varies. I hope to see more of your art. :][/size][/QUOTE]
  21. Hi guys, Well I havn't updated any art in this forum in about..... several months ^^'' So I'm gonna put up some now. Please give critique :D This first picture I did in art class at school. She wanted us to make a collage of a bunch of different images. -Reference of the girl: [url]http://missachfoo.deviantart.com/art/Sitting-Waiting-Wishing-60185944[/url] Done with pencil. [IMG]http://i44.tinypic.com/119mgeq.jpg[/IMG] This picture I did a while ago O_O. It took way too long. I was supposed to do a painting of it, but then the art school I went to closed down so I couldn't get access to my materials anymore XD... Done with charcoal. [IMG]http://i40.tinypic.com/rcnbch.jpg[/IMG] And... why not one anime piece? I recently sent this one in on theOtaku. Recently as in several weeks ago? heh. Hope you guys like it ^^' These two characters belong to FUNimation on theOtaku.com. Done with copic sketch markers and white paint. [IMG]http://i43.tinypic.com/ofstts.jpg[/IMG] So yea hope you guys like it! ~Rachel
  22. These are all so good!!! I really like them all so much. They each have qualitites that I enjoy, but I'd have to vote for Kimmehs :)! I really like all of the texture and different fonts. I also like Haku's because of the reflection. It's a nice touch, but i'm a sucker for all the textures XD. I also really like Boo's. The overall idea is really creative and well done :D I wish they all could win :(!!
  23. WTH I didn't know you had an account here :) p.s- i still didnt forget I have to order your prize and draw your request XD... I REMEMBER! You know I love your style and your coloring skills. Just wanted to say something because I saw your name :D
  24. Wow, I really like them all, especially 2 the most because thats an awesome character :D I can't really critique it because I don't really know how to make wallpapers ^^''' but i like the textures you used :D You should check out animepaper.net, thats a great site for submitting wallpapers :)
  25. Freaking awesome, I love your style of drawing as well. I think the proportions look good and everything :3 YOU MUST COLOR IT :) I just think that the background on the left of the girl is a little too busy. Like, do you want the girl to be the main focus of the picture? For me, my eyes keep darting to that sign with all the locations on it, instead of looking at the girl. Like maybe if there weren't words there? But otherwise its awesome, great perspective as well
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